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Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 2


Rats in the Streets of Cabarda Round 4

After Ersun produces a greatsword (rather strangely from a sheath much too small for it) and casts spells upon it before he moves up Jabbar also moves forward (double-move while also drawing a weapon as a free action) to stand one step behind Burrai (sword in hand) as he speaks a warning.

Jabbar: "Be mindful of spells Vulkyrie can see!" He says tensely before he glances up and around towards the rooftops warily. (Aletia's scorching ray spell was quite easy to spot in the darkness, though thankfully less so during these stormy conditions)

<End of Round 3>


<Round 4>

Bleeding Damage ( * )
Fire Damage ( # )
Cold Damage ( @ )
Spell Damage ( ^ )
Spell Healing ( ^ )
Poison Damage ( ! )

The order of initiative is:

(23) Stranger (-3! Con)(-14)
(20) Aletia & Crez
(18) Ren
(17) Rhats
- Rhat 1(Prone)(-1)
- Rhat 2 (-19^)

(5) Burrai (-1)
(4) Ersun
(2) Jabbar

As Ersun moves behind the wererat to flank it, the hideous lycanthrope reachies up to his neck clutching for something (Standard Action- Provokes AOO) as he speaks in the rough squeaks and snarls of his hybrid form.

Stranger:"Vermithrax will destroy you! WE ARE LEGION!"

Ren: Gasps realizing immediately what the Wererat must be grabbing for!

[Ersun, Burrai: Each of you have an attack of opportunity vs. the Wererat since you are both within 5 ft. of it with a readied melee weapon]

[Aletia: After the attacks of opportunities are resolved it is your turn. But you may speak as a free action in the meantime if you wish.]
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First Post
As the thing grabbed for whatever hung from his neck, Burrai saw the opening immediately. With a quick flouish of his shield his heavy axe looped beneath the rim so he could pivot, and put all his weight into a backhand blow that connected meatily with the Wererat's other arm.

(Attack Roll = 25, Location = Left Arm, Damage = 14)


Rats in the Streets of Cabarda Round 4

Burrai said:
As the thing grabbed for whatever hung from his neck, Burrai saw the opening immediately. With a quick flouish of his shield his heavy axe looped beneath the rim so he could pivot, and put all his weight into a backhand blow that connected meatily with the Wererat's other arm.

(Attack Roll = 25, Location = Left Arm, Damage = 14)

Your blow to the wererat injures it further and most assuredly interferes with its attempt to grab at whatever's around his neck. The creature howls most painfully, its reddened rodents eyes more animal now than man; its whole physique, twisted and monstrous, obviously evil incarnate!

Jabbar: Spots the wererats move just as Ren does, and though he is quite obviously relieved to see Burrai's axe prevent its effort. he still finds it necessary to speak a warning so long as it's still standing. "Don't let it grab its talisman! It's the same type that cursed Aust! Who knows what else its evil magic can do?!"

[Aletia It is your turn, what do you do?]
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Aletia: More Finger Pointing

Crez the tiny viper kept a low profile, squeezing between some cracks in the rough roadside, perhaps a little shelter from the rain supplied by an adjoining wall. From the snake's point of view, the present world was filled with treacherous lakes and ravines. He slithered upon what would once have been an arid landscape of man-shaped stone, sprinkled now with muddy dirt and debris, the scene much like a floodland.

Thankfully, Crez was from the forest lands, so rain was nothing new. You found your spot and held on for dear life. Master would be returning soon. He flicked out his tongue and could almost taste it, the aroma of burnt fur. A good sign.

Aletia had been lucky, and she knew as much. Her friends had arrived en-force just in time. They were gaining the upper hand. These, she realized were honorable folk. Willing to risk their very lives to assist a young woman, who for all intents and purposes was still very much a stranger.

There would be some debts to pay after this.

Her sword still lay on the road by her feet. She was out of her element. Close quarters combat in an urban setting was not her style. Nor was such fighting prominent in her training. Yes, she'd need to work on that.

Reaching for the sword would cost her. The conditions weren't favorable for bow-shooting either. There was only one option left in her limited arsenal...

"Again!" She declared, moving her finger towards the man-beast.

[Ranged touch attack at Stranger to cast another scorching ray = 18. Damage = 16.]


At Jabbars Trade Shop

As Jabbar, Burrai, Ersun and Ren step out into the storm Avar bolts the door behind them with a cheerless expression. The young sundered dwarf was clearly not a fan of guard duty.

Elloral, meanwhile, stands by the hearth holding her robes tightly about her shoulders. Evidently feeling a chill while also looking worried and vulnerable. She stares into the flames, her eyes unfocused, yet still wide open. "Strange day..." She says out loud almost to herself as the smoke from Burrai's and Jabbar's pipes still linger in the air.

Avar: -snorts- "You could say that..." He acknowledges, stepping past her into the kitchen opening cupboards.

Elloral: "I hope Jabbar keeps something strong to drink in there."

Avar: -Grunts- "My thoughts exactly..." he states as he rummages through cabinets, ignoring the sweeter offerings of elven wine and Tejj seeking something a little stouter. "I suppose this will do..." He states pulling out a cask of Barossan rum, carrying it over to one of the seats beside the hearth.

Elloral: Glances over appreciatively. "I hear Barossa is a fine kingdom, as much a home to dwarves as humans."

Avar: "Though not without its troubles." He answers while pouring two mugs. "Smugglers like Jabbar, Aust and myself, see many things most don't."

Elloral: -Nods- "Few lands enjoy true peace anymore..." She states, accepting a mug with gratitude before taking a seat herself.

Avar: Drinks deeply before remarking sourly. "Peace is simply the lull between battles. I have never truly known the feeling the way others speak of it."

Elloral: "Given the history of your clan that doesn't surprise me."

Avar: Nods bitterly, quickly downing his mug and pouring another. "Only a dwarf can comprehend the loss of a clans lands and hearth. It leaves a hole within us that can never truly be filled."

Elloral: "I do understand, not only as a dwarf, but as someone who has lost their sense of belonging." She says with a similar edge of bitterness.

Avar: "Oh? Forgive me but you bear the markings of a respected clan and the robes of an even more respectable faith. You look like you've already lived a long and full life, complete with honors, opportunities and education I could only dream of!" -Takes a breath- "Meaning no disrespect..." He hurriedly adds "...but when I saw you sitting beside Burrai at Putyuks of all places, you looked decidedly out of place."

Elloral: -Smirks- "I know I don't fit with Burrai's rough-and-gritty persona. Clerics of Vaulkana don't typically travel far from the homestead. We oversee funerals, births and other ceremonies honoring our ancestors. I served that role dutifully and happily for most of my life..." Elloral Swallows "...but things change..." She states as she fixates on the flames once more "...Once you've glimpsed into the shadows, you start to see them everywhere. Even the Dwarfholds do not feel safe anymore."

Avar: "The goddess Vaulkana is highly respected among my clan. Though we were robbed of our ancestral burial sites and temples long ago, we still gather together to hear our clerics recount the lives and deeds of our founders as often as we can manage. Yet our clerics hold no doubts about the evils you speak of. Perhaps there's much you can learn from us?"

Elloral: "I do not doubt it. I would like to meet more of your kin and hear what they have to say."

Avar: -Nods- "I will see what I can do. We do not gather often, lest our enemies have an easier time tracking us."

Elloral: "I was serious about what I said when we met. Dwarves should stand together."

Avar: "And I also meant what I said. I'll believe it when I see it." He says clearing his throat to change the subject. "Speaking of standing together, what is your connection with Burrai? Is there some relation? All the rumors I ever heard say he has no living kin."

Elloral: -Takes a deep drink- "That is true. I am no kin of his, not by blood." She swallows. "But I've known him a long time, and he wasn't always without kin. I was there for both funerals when he burred them..." She says with obvious pain cracking into her voice.

Avar: -Looks to Elloral thoughtfully- "I see... so this is about vengeance?"

Elloral: "I left the dwarfholds because I uncovered an evil that brought great risk to everyone around me. An evil responsible for many deaths, including those of Burrai's kin. Vaulkana herself is angered, I feel it in my soul. She has tasked me with this quest to destroy whoever, or whatever, is responsible. Anything less would be the same as inviting those shadows to spread and fester further!"

Elloral pauses to drink her mug down hastily, her emotions prompting a deep thirst. Avar waits patiently and keeps listening, refilling her mug as soon as she empties it.

Elloral: -Sighs- "I regret how long it took me to recognize the evil for what it was decades prior. I am haunted by the guilt that perhaps I could have done something more for Burrai if I had. I feel I have already failed him as his priestess. I do not even know if I have the strength or years enough left in me now to aid him as much as might be necessary to see this through? In any case, I do not expect I will see home again until the quest is over."

Avar: -Raises his mug- "We have a saying in my clan... Vengeance is the only motivation a dwarf ever needed to battle the whole damned world! It is as you say, so long as the shadows spread and fester, I expect there will be many dark days in Sion yet to come."

Elloral: -Raises her mug- "Then let us drink to vengeance and the coming dawn! ...and pray the new day brings light enough to burn the shadows back!"

The sound of their mugs clank together loudly in the common room as the fire crackles in the hearth before them.

Elloral: -Lowers her voice a bit- "What is your opinion of the elves?"

Avar: -Chuckles- "The elves? Well, they're both resting when neither of them technically need sleep leaving us awake to deal with whatever comes next. That's what I know for sure right at this moment." He says somewhat unkindly.

Elloral: "Sounds like that makes them the smart ones. We should all be resting whenever we get the chance... because we never know if we'll get another chance will we?"

Avar: "Well by all means get some rest. I am technically the only one asked to be on guard duty."

Elloral: -Sighs- "If I close my eyes... all I think about is how awful I'll feel if I wake to hear something awful has happened to Burrai and the others. We are so close now to actually making significant moves against our enemy... which just makes any other risks seem so much greater and unnecessary!"

Avar: "Burrai can handle himself. Jabbar put him in charge for a reason after all."

Elloral: "And how much trust has Jabbar put in you and Aust?"

Avar: "Aust has lived here as Jabbar's partner for a while so he is trusted very highly. But he and I haven't usually gotten along."

Elloral: "And why is that?"

Avar: "He is careless and foolhardy!" Avar says raising his voice. "The fool got himself cursed by a Talisman of Vermithrax and stuck full of poisoned crossbow bolts from a dark elf in less than the spread of an hour!"

Elloral: "Perhaps you judge too harshly? You don't exactly come across as the careful type either Avar. Besides, Aust put himself at risk to keep Noro's thugs from burning this place to the ground!"

Avar: -Grumbles- "I'll give him credit and thanks for that. All I mean is that we each take risks differently Aust is not ready to take charge of this place."

Elloral: "Aust is a drinker, that's not so common among elves. I'd bet he does it because he's unhappy with his past the same as anyone else who drinks too much. Sometimes angst makes people like that prone to rash decisions. He might be hiding something compromising."

Avar: -Raises a brow- "Interesting notion. I admit I know very little about him. It did always seem odd to see a gray elf living so far from home. Usually they never leave their great walled cities for long."

Elloral: "Well none of you will be able to keep this shop going for much longer either. You realize that right?" She asks pointedly.

Avar: "I do, but I've got no problem picking up and moving on if needs be. Never have."

Elloral: "What made you want to work with Jabbar in the first place?"

Avar: "He's one of the best smugglers around. His services have been quite valuable to my clan. Besides that, they heard enough rumors to believe he could be an ally against the Black Network. They tasked me to confirm those rumors. If they were true I was told to join him in the hopes of sharing information and possibly forming an alliance."

Elloral: "And Jabbar was ok with this?"

Avar: "He was skeptical at first, but I proved my worth to him out there beyond the wall..." He says with a jut of his chin.

Elloral: "While Aust on the other hand has proven his worth within the walls?"

Avar: -Nods- "Yes I suppose he has, for the most part. Gray Elves are naturally used to cities after all, with all the commerce and negotiations common to business within them. We sundered dwarves on the other hand have never really been comfortable indoors. My clan perhaps least of all..." He states rubbing the tattoo of chains around his neck.

Elloral: "Well we'll all have the luxury of choosing our allies later after the evils of the Black Network are dealt with. For now I think we need to be practical, and grateful, to have as much help as we can get. Which brings me to the other elf in question, Billanverthorne?"

Avar: "He's in this for vengeance the same as us. You heard his theory about Jarahdrin and the death of his father. Besides that, he spoke at length with myself and Jabbar outside the walls earlier. His initial plans and ideas had some flaws, but he's got a lot of fire in his heart that one. I think he's the most capable warrior among us besides Burrai, and just as committed as any of us to stand against Black Network." -Smirks- "Odd to hear myself give such high praises to an elf."

Elloral: "Seemed that way to me also, but there's a lot left to question about him as well isn't there? You saw that tattoo on his forearm. He's something of an elite archer among the elves. How committed is he to our cause on top of theirs?"

Avar: "Well, the same can be said about any of us. My first duty is to my clan, as I imagine yours is. Perhaps Billanverthorne is no different? Yet so long as we are all fighting the same mutual enemy... we are each serving our respective kin and kith the best we know how, whether by their direct mandate and support or not."

Elloral: "Fair enough. Which brings me to the most recent stranger, Aletia."

Avar: "Ah yes, the snake-keeper..."

Elloral: "I imagine its a familiar."

Avar: "It's strange is what it is, but admittedly I've never been one to comprehend the ways of magic users."

Elloral: "She certainly seems bright with a lot of heart and genuine desire to help the cause. She spoke of loosing a mentor and life's love... I wonder who that was and what, if anything, the Black Network had to do with it? Jabbar certainly took easily to trusting her because his friend Kayote Burlock apparently already has. But she is also clearly naive and the one we know the least about."

Avar: -Hmmphs- "Well maybe you should have a talk with her and settle some of these doubts?"

Elloral: -Sips her rum again- "Oh I intend to."

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Rats in the Streets of Cabarda Round 4

As Aletia's Scorching Rays fires off point-blank, the wererat's expression of agony is illuminated by the very spell that mortally wounds it as it falls to one knee clutching at the horrible burn on the verge of collapse.

Jabbar: -Groans- "NO MORE SPELLS! Finish it oUGGHHH!"

Jabbar is interrupted by a javelin which impales him through the right shoulder with such force it knocks him off his feet! In the same instant another javelin aimed at the Wererat misses and deflects off Burrais shield embedding itself into the muddy earth just as another javelin hits Aletia in the back, gouging her flesh, wounding her but not nearly as badly as the one that hits Jabbar.

Javelin Attack 1: (Targets Wererat: = 16, Miss)(Roll for who the Javelin may hit instead: = Burrai Steelborn, Javelin still Misses)

Javelin Attack 2: (Targets Aletia: = 22, Hit!)(Location: = 16, Back)(Damage: = 7+2 for location = 9 total)

Javelin Attack 3: (Targets Jabbar: = 23, Hit, Possible Critical)(Critical Confirmation = Hits AC 20, Critical)(Location: = Right Arm)(Damage = 22, Serious Damage!)

Ren: "VULKYRIE!" The rhat squeaks, staring up at the winged humanoid just barely visible hovering 20 ft. above you, its furiously beating wings seemingly making no sound within the storm."SCATTER!" Ren says in a panic, abandoning his assault on the prone rhat, disappearing into the rain as fast as possible. (Full Round Withdraw Action)

Rhat 1: (Attempts to Rise again from Prone. Provokes AOO from Burrai)

[Burrai: It is your turn, what do you do? Rhat 1 is attempting to rise again from Prone, you may first make an Attack of Opportunity against it if you wish which does not count against any other actions.]
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First Post
Burrai Steelborn

With two solid thuds everything changed. Jabbar fell, clutching at the pole jammed into his shoulder, and Aletia squawked in shock and pain behind him - and in his head all the pieces and priorities slid and shifted in a moment. No longer was it simply a case of driving a wedge between Aletia and the wererats long enough to bring them down, oh nothing so simple as that anymore. Ren bolting away didn’t make things any easier. In one swoop, the Vulkyrie had added more problems, goals and conflicting priorities into the mix.

And almost certainly a time limit; the guards would be coming. And none of them right now should be there when that happens.

Inaction wasn’t an option either. He quickly hissed over his shoulder. “Aletia. Get Jabbar out of here. Now! Kayote’s. Somewhere. Anywhere.” A Rhat tried to get up and bolt past him, and he swung instinctively, backhanded, at its face. “Ersun, grab Ren! Quickly!” He bawled at the underfolk, raising his shield again and sidling a little to one side to keep both the were rat and the Vulkyre in view.

“And you!” He shouted up to the flying creature. “I need help with this monster! It’s trying to tear up the city, murder and maim and spit in the eye of the law. We need to stop it!” Not that Burrai was appealing to the Vulkyre’s better nature or civil duty. Right now, he needed to divert the Vulkyre’s attention onto the thing that might prove to be the best, most thrilling prey. And that was the Wererat.

Or possibly Burrai Steelborn himself…..

Either served his purpose though. He set his feet, hunkered down a little more to make less of a target of himself, and prepared to see what this roll of the dice would bring. And the first part of that was keeping the wererat pinned down so the Vulkyre didn’t leave - but he couldn’t afford to kill it. So he focused on defence and jabbed experimentally at it.

“Hurry! It’s dangerous!”

[SBLOCK="Combat Details"]Burrai has used combat Expertise to increase his AC by 4, but decrease attack rolls by 4 (Hence the miss Roll)

.....Let's see if this works then!

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Elloral said:
"...Seemed that way to me also, but there's a lot left to question about him as well isn't there? You saw that tattoo on his forearm. He's something of an elite archer among the elves. How committed is he to our cause on top of theirs?"

Just as Elloral is confirming her intention to learn more about Aletia, the door opens, and Billanverthorne walks in from below, fully dressed and armored. He nods first at Avar, then at Elloral.

Bill: "These walls are thin, and I was in meditation, not actually sleeping, so I couldn't help but overhear. It's true that I was in the Archer Corps. But I have been discharged from service, and my time and intentions are my own. The reason I'm here is because of my father. He was murdered by the Black Network, as was his father before him. And I fear that both times, the Black Network had both Dwarven and Elven help. And because I know this, they're already after me, as well. These are DARK DAYS, my friends. Put not your trust in any government nor in any established organization or authority structure; trust your own eyes, your own ears, and your own gut, because they are YOURS. Trust the friend who is next to you, keeping blades off your back, because that person has EARNED your trust. But any schmuck on the street can wear a uniform or get a tattoo. Symbols are meaningless. Trust is earned with BLOOD and SACRIFICE."
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Rats in the streets of Cabarda Round 4

Burrai's backhanded blow blinds the other rhat in his other eye, knocking it back down into the mud squeaking loudly clutching at its bloodied head and snout.

Vulkyrie: "STAAAY WHEERE YOU AREEE!" The Vulkyrie shrieks in warning to everyone, yet only has one javelin left to throw. (It also has a Halberd and its natural weapons to contend with of course)

[Ersun: It is your turn. What do you do? Going after Ren as Burrai ordered will require a successful Spot Check, DC 15, with a -5 modifier; given his head start and current conditions. Assuming the Spot check is successful you will also need to make a Run action (triple move) to catch up to Ren.]

Ersun was just about to strike down the wererat as the javelins struck and Ren ran off, with Burrai calling out their names in an attempt to reorganise them. He has to process and make decisions in the blinks of a few raindrops. In retrospect calling their names in the presence of the vulkyrie did not seem like a smart idea. Neither chasing after Ren to be honest, he did not trust his senses enough to actually find him, nor was very keen to get lost in the city by himself in case he loses him. Nor was shooting flames a good one... probably... quite visible and an overkill considering how he was about to finish it anyway, his body sprung up with the momentum gathered as he chooses between heeding Burrai or finishing the move.

In what little time he has, he glances at Burrai, catching his eye, with a blink, a faint smile and a slight shake of head. He was not going to chase Ren. He understood what Burrai was up to, again, not the best course of action in his opinion, the armored Dwarf is hardly one that can easily get away once the others are safe. Nor was he keen on allowing the possibility of the wererat and the rhats getting away, or allowing the beast to use its talisman. He did not want to find out what it does in such conditions. So for him, the best course of action seemed to be himself also staying, to finishing it as soon as they can, before more of guards or vulkyrie arrive, and then legging it.

He agrees with Ren's opinion of scattering, but does not voice it yet because of the vulkyrie. He wipes his palm on the palm of his blade and softly sings to it. He winces a little, not the spell he wanted to use, but would rather not make even more flashy lights, so he makes do to overcome that pesky toughness of the monster. Blood starts to circulate in the ridges of the sword, animated by something baleful. [Swift action: casts Blade of Blood, he takes 5 damage, and has 3d6 bonus damage on his next hit.]

He releases his built-up momentum and strikes down the wererat, the blade's enchantment unleashing deep into its flesh as it hit. [attack roll: 36, damage roll: 16, that is below average for this, but I hope it is enough]
"He still had the talisman..." He comments to Burrai, somewhat apologetically as he did foil his plan it seems. Then skips behind the remaining rhat as it gets up, to put it between him and Burrai. [Standard Action: Melee Attack followed by Move Action]

He figures that was enough to gather the vulkyrie's attention, he ponders if it can be reasoned with to confuse it a little, although the fact it attacked Them first instead of a beast like that is somewhat telling... But it does not hurt to try.
"There's more of them down the alley!" He calls to the birdman as if they are fighting for their life against a group of these, and desperately in need of its gracious help. Which, in a sense, probably has some truth to it. Probably not his best act, but hopes it is plausible enough to make it wonder. [That is straight up deception I guess, so bluff roll: 10]

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