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Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 2


Aletia: Turning Tides

Calls in the distance!

The yell of voices both new yet familiar. Through the unending rain and darkness Aletia watched as newfound friends poured in. Time almost stood still in those moments, drenched in both rain and emotion. Fear, surprise, shock and finally relief flooded her heart. They had come for her, and not a moment too soon.

The half-man half-rodent stood still as though carved from ice. Bodies and shields clashed upon each other. The half-elf sorceress took a hand to her brow and wiped rain from her eyes. Yes, this was really happening. It was time to take the upper hand, disarm these treacherous streetside criminals and hopefully, if all went well, extract some answers from them.

~It won't be me leaving here bound in leather twine.~

She was ready. Somewhere lurking nearby, she sensed the viper was ready too.

[Aletia Initiative = 20. Crez initiative = 9.]

[sblock=Aletia Stats]

ALETIA - Shining in the darkness

5 Sorceress Init 3, HP Max: 28 Current: 28, Speed 30ft
AC 14, Touch 13, Flat-footed 11, Fort 3, Ref 4, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Longbow +5 to hit / D8 damage (+1 point blank +1 with magic arrows)
Longsword +2 to hit / D8 damage

Familiar Crez (Tiny silver viper) Init 3, HP Max: 14 Current: 14, Speed 15ft
AC 19, Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Poisonous Bite +2 to hit / D1 damage (+poison)
Abilities: Deliver touch spells, Alertness, Improved evasion, Spare spells, Empathic link

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Ersun watched the dwarf charge past him as he cast his wand, and smirked: glad that Burrai followed up on his actions. On the other hand he was not really sure what he meant by pushing them back, probably to get them off the poor girl he figured. He figured if they seem threatening enough to trigger their survival insticts, they would not care much about stabbing much at a small urchin boy. At least he would surely not with a boulder of a dwarf coming at him. Soo the dwarfs tactic for the situation is solid anyway, he will follow up right after him as well. Just between lowering his left arm and going forward with his sword, maybe he pondered a moment too long on that.

[Initiative: 4]


Rats in the Streets of Cabarda Round 3


<Round 3>

Bleeding Damage ( * )
Fire Damage ( # )
Cold Damage ( @ )
Spell Damage ( ^ )
Spell Healing ( ^ )
Poison Damage ( ! )

The order of initiative is:

(23) Stranger (-3! Con)
(20) Aletia
(18) Ren
(17) Rhats
- Rhat 1(Prone)
- Rhat 2
(9) Crez
(5) Burrai (-1)
(4) Ersun
(2) Jabbar

Stranger: (New Saving Throw vs. Wand of Hold Person, DC 16: = 23, Saves!; Full-Round Action) The wererat's willpower is apparently very strong as he almost immediately shirks the wands magic. "Rhats! Flee! Bring reinforcements!" He gasps.

[Aletia: It is your turn, What do you do?]



Aletia: Finger Pointing

The young street boy grinned, before assuming a firmer look upon his face and gritting his teeth. The half-animal scoundrel was back in action, but it was more his words that caused the reaction. At first the order for the rhats to flee, that was wonderful news! At least they knew their superiority in numbers was dwindling. But then he said...

~Reinforcements? They will take this from an attempted abduction to a horrid urban war? No. This is on me. I wont have my friends endangered further because of my poor luck this eve.~

Aletia stepped back. No Rhats would be scurrying off to betray her comrades. Not if she could stop it.

Almost point-blank. She lifted a finger to one of the rhats and called upon her goddess.

"Silver orb within the night,
cold, far and high.
Bring me light dissect the dark,
white and hot with heat to fry!"

[Casting scorching ray on a nearby Rhat. Ranged touch attack = 13. Damage = 19.]

[sblock=Aletia Stats]

ALETIA - Shining in the darkness

5 Sorceress Init 3, HP Max: 28 Current: 28, Speed 30ft
AC 14, Touch 13, Flat-footed 11, Fort 3, Ref 4, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Longbow +5 to hit / D8 damage (+1 point blank +1 with magic arrows)
Longsword +2 to hit / D8 damage

Familiar Crez (Tiny silver viper) Init 3, HP Max: 14 Current: 14, Speed 15ft
AC 19, Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Poisonous Bite +2 to hit / D1 damage (+poison)
Abilities: Deliver touch spells, Alertness, Improved evasion, Spare spells, Empathic link


Rats in the Streets of Cabarda Round 3

Aletia said:
The young street boy grinned, before assuming a firmer look upon his face and gritting his teeth. The half-animal scoundrel was back in action, but it was more his words that caused the reaction. At first the order for the rhats to flee, that was wonderful news! At least they knew their superiority in numbers was dwindling. But then he said...

~Reinforcements? They will take this from an attempted abduction to a horrid urban war? No. This is on me. I wont have my friends endangered further because of my poor luck this eve.~

Aletia stepped back. No Rhats would be scurrying off to betray her comrades. Not if she could stop it.

Almost point-blank. She lifted a finger to one of the rhats and called upon her goddess.

"Silver orb within the night,
cold, far and high.
Bring me light dissect the dark,
white and hot with heat to fry!"

[Casting scorching ray on a nearby Rhat. Ranged touch attack = 13. Damage = 19.]

Your Scorching Ray targets the standing Rhat (Rhat 2) and hits him squarely, burning a hole through his fur and cloak scorching flesh beneath. The Rhat squeals in horrible agony, collapsing where it stands, likely dead.

Meanwhile, Ren the Rhat reacts to the sight of the wererat much like a common rodent would before a predator. Every muscle in his small form tenses, standing the whiskers and fur around his face on end. His eyes widen, staring through the rain with fear & hate, caught at the impasse between fight & flight.

Jabbar: Reaches out to place a hand on the diminutive rhats shoulder with concern. - Whispers - "Ren?!"

Ren: Stiffens his backbone. "We must kill it!" He squeaks, pulling a dagger (Quickdraw) with a particularly silver-like sheen to the blade as his stare stabs towards the other rhats with pure loathing. "...along with the traitorous sycophants of Vermithrax!"

Jabbar: Tightens his grip on Rens shoulder. "The wererat should die for certain, but the other rhat should be captured if possible!" He exclaims pointing towards the prone rhat (Rhat 1).

Ren: "Leave it to me!" He says, bolting past the knees of Burrai Steelborne to stand over Rhat 1 (Double-Move Action) prepared to make any attack of opportunity if it dares to rise.

Rhat 1: Appears quite terrified after being bowled over by the likes of Burrai Steelborn, but regains some of its courage at the sight of Ren, brandishing his own poisoned dagger attempting to regain its footing. (Move Action: Provokes Attack of Opportunity)

Ren: (Attacks Rhat 1 with Attack of Opportunity with Silver Dagger: = 16, Hits!)(Location: 20 = Eye)(Damage: = 2) Ren cuts Rhat 1 across the face without hesitation, temporarily half-blinding the other rhat who falls once again prone!

[Aletia: It would normally be Crez's turn to act, but for the sake of simplicity, we should say that familiars and animal companions act on the turn of their masters. If you wish to have Crez make an action at this point, go ahead and declare it, but next round it will act on your turn.]

[Burrai: It is your turn, what do you do?]

Note: Forgive me for not coloring-in the speech, I will go back and edit that, for now... bedtime...


First Post
Burrai Steelborn

Burrai shielded his eyes as the thick bar of fire bore it’s way into the other Rhat. It fell, eyes smoking for a moment like some awful demon, then collapsed. A moment later Ren scuttled between his knees brandishing a tiny blade, slashing maniacally at the Rhat he’d flattened. To many this sudden chaos might’ve been disorientating, but Burrai had been in most dwarves fair shares of skirmishes, enough so that Jabbar’s order cut through the noise and the hiss of the rain.

~Kill the wererat, capture the Rhat. Seems prudent considering.~
Burrai thought, adjusting his feet to compensate for the two wrestling Rhat’s. After all, he’d been itching to lash out at something tonight, and blessedly, it aligned with the best course of action.

The wererat was shaking of the effects of Ersun’s spell, and Burrai darted forward low, axe carving a like of sparks from the cobbles as he came in swinging, low to high.

OK, I think I've got this right. Now Burrai is level 4 fighter, vanguard 2, his BAB is 6/1 which gives him 2 attacks, and I think he can make a 5ft step to get adjacent to the Wererat so he can attack twice. If a 16 hits, he lands a blow to the chest which adds (+2) to damage, so 12 damage, and then the second is an 18 and yields 15 damage as there's no bonus from the location hit.

I also believe badmouthing the wererat is a free-action, right?

Apologies if I got any of this wrong, my 3.5e is sooooooooooooo rusty!!
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Rats in the Streets of Cabarda Round 3

Burrai Steelborn said:
Burrai shielded his eyes as the thick bar of fire bore it’s way into the other Rhat. It fell, eyes smoking for a moment like some awful demon, then collapsed. A moment later Ren scuttled between his knees brandishing a tiny blade, slashing maniacally at the Rhat he’d flattened. To many this sudden chaos might’ve been disorientating, but Burrai had been in most dwarves fair shares of skirmishes, enough so that Jabbar’s order cut through the noise and the hiss of the rain.
~Kill the wererat, capture the Rhat. Seems prudent considering.~ Burrai thought, adjusting his feet to compensate for the two wrestling Rhat’s. After all, he’d been itching to lash out at something tonight, and blessedly, it aligned with the best course of action.

The wererat was shaking of the effects of Ersun’s spell, and Burrai darted forward low, axe carving a like of sparks from the cobbles as he came in swinging, low to high.

Burrai: (1st Axe Attack: = 16, Miss!)

Even after just shaking off Ersuns spell of paralysis, the wererat is no easy target. Indeed the lycanthrope is super-human in its reflexes as it sways back on the balls of his feet avoiding your upward swing! Yet with a surprisingly elegant and fluid motion, Burrai flips the axe into a reverse grip and smashes it thickly into the wererat. Only it’s flinch meant the thunderous blow thudded collided with a shoulder rather than carving it’s head from it’s shoulders.

Burrai: (2nd Axe Attack: = 18, Hit!)(Location: Shoulder)(Damage: = 15)

Burrai: “Hurry up and die." He hissed.“I’ve got plenty to do tonight”

Your blow to the wererat doesn't appear to wound it too seriously. You estimate it would take a few more such hits to actually drop it. By reputation lycanthropes are very tough to kill! In fact its wound immediately begins to heal and stop bleeding!

[Ersun: It is your turn, What do you do?]
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Ersun quickly assets the situation: one rhat gets burned, Ren rushes ahead and seems to handle the other so far, which is good, but the wererat, that seems to be a tough one... He makes a swift tally of his options and decides to bring some more of his arcane skills against it. He drops the wand in his left, can always pick it up when the fight is finished, and chants a short spell onto his blade, faint runes aglowing for a second along the metal as it sets in, just as he skips forward to get as behind the wererat as well he can, poised to deal a certain blow.

[Standard Action: cast True Strike followed by Move Action: 60 feet. By the looks of the map that is enough to get him roughly behind the wererat, even if not right at his back. To avoid wasting his magic he will not react should the wererat trigger an attack of opportunity]

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