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Dark Days in Sion - Act 3: Scene 2

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In the lair of Kumbakarna

Ordechai: (Initiative: = 8)

Elder Tribesman: (Initiative: =14)

As Ordechai struggles and the spell takes effect, the elder tribesman seems to enter a trance with a strange look of altered perception. No harm seems to come to Ordechai however, so whatever purpose the spell serves is apparently not harmful.

Ordechai: (Strength Check: =16)

Elder Tribesman: (Strength Check: =11)

Ordechai: -Speaking common- "RELEASE ME!" He growls as he yanks his hand free.

The elder tribesman abruptly awakens from the trance, blinking and taking deep breaths as he regains his composure.

Ordechai takes a hasty step back, the skull full of turkey meat dropped and discarded at his feet.

[To Be continued...]
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On the streets of Cabarda

Aletia said:
[Move action - draw a weapon - does not provoke A.O.O]

Aletia bit her lip, trying in her fright to keep pure anger at bay. Oh, how she wanted to lash out at the ankles of the furry lowlife Rhat now threatening her. Yes, that would bring gratification, but the pleasure would be short term. She chose differently. It might hurt, but this was no longer about pain. This was about freedom!

[Standard Action - Sunder an object (attack). May provoke A.O.O depending on interpretation of rules on p141 of PHB.]

Dagger in hand, the young elf reached out to cut the leather binding. Without agility, without her fine legs and soft step released, the Rhat’s sack could still be a threat.

[/COLOR]~Four working limbs first. Revenge later.~

[Attack Leather Cord = 15. Assuming this is a hit against the cord’s AC. Damage = 3]

Your dagger successfully cuts the cord around your ankles, you are free!

Stranger: (Fortitude Save vs. Poison: = 9, FAIL)(Constitution damage: = 3) In the meantime, the stranger recoils from the painful fangs of your familiar, clutching at his wrist in agony as the poison rushes through his veins with debilitating efficiency. "POISON!" He screeches through clenched teeth.

OOC: Burrai: Listen = 3, Spot = 6

Listen check: 24 (natural 20)
Spot check: 14

[Aletia: Because of the stranger's wound, his minions are distracted and you have a chance to seize the initiative. Roll a new initiative check for round 2.]

[Ersun: You hear the stranger's outcry and the sounds of a struggle. How do you react? If you intend to investigate and inform the others roll initiative and declare your actions.]

[Burrai: Assuming Ersun does inform you of what's occurring down the street, how do you react? (Note: You cannot technically have a higher initiative than Ersun because you cannot react first to what he heard until he reacts and tells you himself. Thus, consider your actions to occur one initiative number over Ersun's, assuming you do react to what he tells you.)]

<End of round 1>
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Ersun, to investigation

As Ersun steps outside he picks up a distinct sound from the rest of the night: a cry and sounds of struggle. Maybe he noticed due to his race being accustomed to relying on their ears, maybe he is especially aware to everything due to the new and exotic environment, or maybe it was just the way things aligned right now, but it did raise his head at once.

"A cry, fighting, that way!" He quietly informs the others, and goes to investigate. He does not run, but dares not to be too slow either in fear of being late to the site, instead he tries to smoothly approach the source of the noises while modestly watching his steps. It is not his strong suit, but it does not hurt to try. He does nod ahead for Ren, he is much sneakier, so maybe he could go ahead unnoticed faster than they can.

As he gets going he glances back at Burrai, thinking that at least he is not wearing the clankiest attire.

(Initiative: 4)
(Investigation, hid: 17)
(Investigation, move silently: 0)


Aletia: Out of Bounds

[Aletia: Because of the stranger's wound, his minions are distracted and you have a chance to seize the initiative. Roll a new initiative check for round 2.]

~Yes! Yes!~

Time moves swiftly when you're struggling for your freedom, even moreso in the darkness of night. Although outnumbered, even though this was far from over, Aletia knew that the next few moments were make or break. The young elf and her familiar's future sat on a knife's edge. Heart pumping and with a glaze of fear-coated pride in her eyes, she might finally have a chance to get the upper hand. As much a part of her "self" as one's own mortal flesh, Crez the tiny viper wasn't out of the woods either. One way or another, they both had to get a move on!

[Initiative Round 2 Aletia = 14]
[Initiative Round 2 Crez = 25 - same as round 1]

~Weave, slide, slip away!~

The need to exit with haste, the primal instinct to flee, was unloaded into Crez's tiny scaly head.

[Crez will flee with a full round move action. This might provoke an attack of opportunity from the Stranger. After this he would seek immediate cover. If the nearest safety is to climb somewhere I made a pre-emptive Climb check. Roll = Natural 1 (+11) = Total 12.]

[sblock=Aletia Stats]

ALETIA - Shining in the darkness

4 Sorceress Init 3, HP Max: 22 Current: 22, Speed 30ft
AC 14, Touch 13, Flat-footed 11, Fort 3, Ref 4, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Longbow +5 to hit / D8 damage (+1 point blank +1 with magic arrows)
Longsword +2 to hit / D8 damage

Familiar Crez (Tiny silver viper) Init 3, HP Max: 11 Current: 11, Speed 15ft
AC 19, Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 2
Poisonous Bite +2 to hit / D1 damage (+poison)
Abilities: Deliver touch spells, Alertness, Improved evasion, Spare spells, Empathic link
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First Post
Burrai Steelborn

With the world rendered in flattened shades of grey by Burrai’s darkvision, the rain caused it to flicker and shift as though they were caught in a snowstorm at dusk. The rain pinged lightly of his plate mail and added a familiar weight to his beard; it reminded him of times spent standing in trenches on battlelines, waiting for the rain to pass so the cavalry could charge, watching for assassins and sappers. Those days were simple, but fulfilling: the camaraderie of soldiers; the shared purpose and shared fears of death and disfigurement. A simple exchange of flesh for coin.

And then his son was gone and those memories seemed so mundane, so…..wasted. No one remember a soldier who held a pike in the face of charging horses; history did not record men who did what was asked of them and took their coin. He sighed. He was freer then, tied to his duty by contract and the fear of the cowards brand, than he was now seeking fame and renown.

Turning his thoughts to what was still required for the last few hours of the night, he stomped through the rain testing his plans, running through chains of events he hadn’t thought of yet should everything go wrong. Then the Rhat suddenly stopped, head cocked.

"I thought I heard someone yelling the name of my master Rasul..."
Ren whispered straining to hear something over the constant patter of rain. Burrai had heard nothing save the tumbling thoughts in his mind clattering together like rocks. Ersun looked away to the left, peering as though he could see the phantom noise.

“A cry. Fighting, that way!” the underfolk hissed. ~Maybe he could~, Burrai thought. Ersun gestured to Ren and scuttled off. Burrai glanced at Jabbar briefly and in their shared gaze realisation grew. Rasul’s name, invoked mere minutes after they’d left the shop. The sound of a fight. A small urchin boy replacing the elf, Aletia, moments before she ducked out into the night.

"Noro!" barked. Hot blood flooded him and he turned the charge after Ersun.

It seemed Burrai Steelborn’s axe was going to bury itself in someone after all tonight.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Bill Is Back!

This is a bump to re-activate the post. Last response was January 17th. Wow, it's been awhile.

Meanwhile, at Jabbar's place, downstairs in the cellar, Bill sits quietly, deep within the Elven version of sleep, which to Humans, looks more like meditation. But the trance is deep, and far more restful than mere meditation. And when he awakens, Bill's mind will be fresh, and ready to accept new spells.

[sblock=Billanverthorne's Stats]
BILLANVERTHORNE - a daring and sometimes reckless mercenary,
with a strong sense of duty.

Click here for Bill's Mythweaver sheet

Male Mixed-Blood Elf; Wiz 1 / Fighter 5
Ht: 6'2" Wt: 168 Lbs. Eyes: Icey Blue Hair: Raven Black Spells: 0-Lvl: 3/Day,
1st Lvl: 2/Day Spells in Memory: Read Magic x 1, Detect Magic x 2,
Magic Missile x 1, Shield x 1
Attacks / Damage: Greatsword: +8 / 2d6+2 [Crit: 19-20 x2: 4d6+4]
Composite Longbow: +10 (+11 PB) / 1d8+4 (+5 PB) [Crit:20 x3: 3d8+12 (+15 PB)]
Rapid Shot: +8 / +8 (+9 / +9 PB)
Saving Throws: Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +5
AC: 19, Shielded AC (+4): 23, Flat-Footed AC: 15 (S:19), Touch AC: 13 (S:17)
HP: 47/50 Init: 1d20+4

[sblock=Bill's Dreams] Click here [/sblock]


Rats In the Streets of Cabarda


<Round 2>

Bleeding Damage ( * )
Fire Damage ( # )
Cold Damage ( @ )
Spell Damage ( ^ )
Spell Healing ( ^ )
Poison Damage ( ! )

The order of initiative is:

(25) Crez
(22) Stranger (-3! Con)
(21) Rhats
- Rhat 1
- Rhat 2

(14) Aletia
(4) Ersun
(3) Burrai

As the street urchin (Aletia) squirms prone in the muddy street, brandishing the dagger he used to cut free the leather cord binding his ankles, the stranger's eyes are crazed with fright and concern, whirling about stomping his feet in fear of Crez as the storm continues to thunder around you.

Stranger: "Which type of viper was that?!" He gasps as the venom (and his own fear) trigger an involuntary reaction within him. Suddenly the stubble around his face and his long wiry black hair thicken into a fur while his face lengthens and forms into a snout replete with a a rodents deadly-sharp incisors. His eyes and ears enlarge and redden as well while a long rats tail grows behind him. (Involuntary Change: Standard Action)

This shift in form enhances the strangers strength and constitution considerably, restoring both health and confidence as his tone hardens once more into mocking threats. "Not so easy to poison ME, BOY!" He hisses. "Drop your blade before we gut you!" He threatens drawing his own long dagger. (Move Action)

Emboldened by the sight of their masters shift in form and murderous intent, both Rhats draw daggers and step towards you, hesitating to strike at the last instant in the hopes you come to your senses and surrender out of fear.

Rhat 1: (Move Action: Draw dagger)(Hold Attack action)

Rhat 2: (Move Action: Draw dagger)(Hold Attack action)

[Aletia: What do you do? You have freed yourself from the cord around your ankles, but you are still Prone. Any attempt to attack or flee will provoke attacks from both the Rhats.]

[sblock=Prone]The character is on the ground. An attacker who is prone has a -4 penalty on melee attack rolls and cannot use a ranged weapon (except for a crossbow). A defender who is prone gains a +4 bonus to Armor Class against ranged attacks, but takes a -4 penalty to AC against melee attacks.Standing up is a move-equivalent action that provokes an attack of opportunity.[/sblock]

[Ersun & Burrai: You will both be in range to see and hear Aletia's next action (after she declares it) and may act on your turn(s) at the end of this round. (presumably at a distance of 30 ft.) You may both pre-emptively make Knowledge: Lycanthropy checks if you have not already learned anything about Wererats.]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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