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Dark Days in Sion - Act 2: Scene 2


Bax, Garrisan, Kryslogious, Ordechai, Wrenwil

Alic and Malic share a look of disbelief while they stare at you.

Malic: "Your desire to purge our lands of evil is commendable Kryslogious, but in all fairness we hardly know you. We have a duty to our clan, and our alliance with Barossa. We are not adventurers, we are not free to share information with whomever we please or pursue whatever leads we please. We have orders, and we have superiors to answer too if we stray from those orders..."

Alic: Groans and interrupts. "I hate it when you talk like this father... this goes right along with that speech about deferred judgement doesn't it?"

Malic: Glares. "Don't interrupt! What do you think will happen if we stray from our mission?"

Alic: "We might accomplish worthy deeds and enjoy a bit of adventure."

Malic: "The kings wrath on our superiors will be severe if he believes their faith in us was misplaced."

Alic: "Why should we worry about them? Stands to reason if they cared as much as we did about this cause, they'd be out here instead of us!"

Malic leans over with surprising speed and backhands his son. Alic topples unto his back, spitting blood from his mouth.

Malic: "Never disrespect your elders like that!" He scolds.

Alic: Throws up his hands with exasperation. "I hoped your attitude would change once we got away from the mountain for a while but it hasn't. Your still talking like..." He pauses and bites his tongue.

Malic: "Like what?!"

Alic: "Like pleasing our superiors is our top priority."

Malic: "It's taken me many years to get back in their favor Alic. You think it was easy getting this assignment? I had to use every bit of persuasiveness I had!"

Alic: "I know how much this assignment means to you, but I also know what they say about you behind your back..."

Malic: Sighs "I won't be around forever son. Let them decry me while they can, if they must... but Moradin help me, they'll never have cause to speak ill of you!"

Alic: Retorts. "You are a hero father! They should be taking orders from you, not the other way around! How can you tolerate it?"

Malic: "Duty to the clan matters more than pride. We must all serve and respect the hierarchy. To do otherwise would compromise the security of the clan and invite chaos."

Alic: "That's the old way of thinking, but there will be a new king soon father, one closer to my age perhaps? Someone who bases judgments on merit, not the status quo. I intend to have merits aplenty and make a name for myself before that day comes."

[Kryslogious: What do you do?]

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Kryslogious of Anasteria

He watches quietly as the father son feud played out. It grew quiet for a moment after Alic's last words, the tension in the air so tangible you could cut it with a blade. Kryslogious could feel Alic staring at him as if to back up his input. Kryslogious shifts closer to Alic placing an armored hand on his shoulder.

"Respect your father, despite his harsh and self depreciation attitude he is giving up what is left of his time here for your sake." He said quietly but audible enough for Malic to hear as well. He looked to Malic "My desire to purge the world of evil is my own. I do not ask for anyone to step beyond their duty to assist me, only that they don't stand against me. I believe in law and due process, I respect hierarchy and order. I don't ask you tell me anything that would put you in a troubled situation. I respect you won't hide evil from under me. My place in this world is simple. When I appear I make legends. Depending on my master they can be tales of great deeds or terrible tragedies, right now I just want to save this world."


[Initiative: 10]

He gently draws his sword from the mini scabbard, seemingly drawing the huge sword out of thin air, and rests it in a comfortable position. Considering the sword is also of quite respectable craftsmanship, he hopes it helps to make an impression. [Early Move Action]
“Gentlemen, that was a warning. It is unseemly to draw weapons hastily. My advice would be to keep your wits and mouths, especially since we work for the same person.” he speaks to the thugs with what tact he can gather. It is an honest advice from him, not a threat of trick: passing through without further conflicts would be fine, but if it comes down to it he would not budge from a confrontation either, although the later would not gain either of them anything, even though the thugs would deserve it...


Alic, Bax, Kryslogious, Malic, Ordechai, Wrenwil

"A hooka? Indeed I recall the name from some old novel, but are yet to taste of one. Perhaps one day soon eh? I once met a girl with a similar name though."

Wrenwil winked at his friend and paused a moment, wondering if his mischievous joke might have made its way through.

Unfortunately the DM doesn't get the joke?

"Don't fret good man, I have a feeling... that these two dwarves are likely to bend when they hear whatever truths you wish to impart. I expect that there are many folks, much much worse who might have caught you. These men seem fair and open to honest debate. Let us see, and know that I will do all in my power to see you alive and well. Death does not suit you Ordechai, which reminds me."

As the dwarf enjoyed his Chivalran puff, the old cleric knelt before Bax, and took his hand.

"They say bravery comes in the strangest of places. You fought well today and did your master proud. I also have a promise to keep."

[Wrenwil intends to cure 1HP damage on his broken knuckles.]

As you cast your healing spell on Bax Ordechai gets a fire started and starts frying sausages on a griddle with cloves of garlic and chili peppers, expertly stirring them with the bent iron fork attached to a cup fitted over the stump of his left forearm He also slices up two loaves of bread and three different types of cheese. Bax starts to very literally salivate as he catches scent of the food.

Ordechai: Chuckles and probably smiles, which still appears grotesque given how ruinously burned half his face is. "I suppose you expect to eat like I do now that you are free eh Bax? So be it, I might as well be generous if my days are numbered." He hands some bread and cheese to Bax as the sausages cook and addresses you again Wrenwil. "You are a good man Wrenwil, but if it comes to a trial I want you to stay out of it. Bad things are known to happen to witnesses and informants who speak against Barossan officials. I expect Alic and Malic will be safe enough because the Barossan alliance with the Stonebones Clan is important to them. However, half dwarves like me and outsiders like yourself will afford no special treatment... By the way, if you don't mind me asking, you never told me what brought you here all the way from Chival?"

[Wrenwil: What do you do?]
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As Bill notices the fourth hound, he turns his bow to the flat-footed hound, and attacks. As he does so, he yells, as loud as he can: "Alarm! Alarm! Guards at the ready! We're under attack!"

(Using rapid shot: 1st attack is a natural 1, miss.

Actually the hound would not be flat footed. As per my house rules...

DM said:
You are no longer considered flat footed until your turn in initiative arises. You are only considered flat footed in circumstances where you are denied your Dex to AC (usually because you can’t see your attacker) or if you are wholly surprised and your attacker gets a surprise attack against you.

Also your first attack is a possible fumble because you rolled a natural 1, please roll another attack roll and confirm it.

(Fumble Confirmation Roll: = 17, Not a fumble!) 2nd attack = 10+4 = hit AC14, not sure if that hits the hound while flat-footed.)(Damage: = 10)

First you have to roll location before you can determine if its a hit or not.

(Location Roll: = 1, Right Foreleg)

That is a hit because the hounds hide armor only protects the belly, torso, neck and skull. Your arrow thuds deeply into the hounds right foreleg, causing it it to howl loudly and begin to limp (-5 move). Even so, the animal is undeterred in its attack and has enough movement left to reach you despite that injury and your 5' step back.

Fiendish Hound #4: (Bite Attack: = 5, Miss!)

__________________________________________________ ________

<End of Round 1>

[Billanverthorne: Your shouting alerts the rest of the hounds to your presence, so you will have to roll another initiative check for round 2.]

__________________________________________________ ________

<Start of Round 2>

Bleeding Damage ( * )
Fire Damage ( # )
Cold Damage ( @ )
Spell Damage ( ^ )
Poison Damage ( ! )

The order of initiative is:

(?) Billanverthorne
(22) Fiendish Hound #4 (-10)
(18) Fiendish Hound #3
(17) Fiendish Hound #1
(15) Fiendish Hound #2

__________________________________________________ ________
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Ordechai: "You are a good man Wrenwil, but if it comes to a trial I want you to stay out of it. Bad things are known to happen to witnesses and informants who speak against Barossan officials. I expect Alic and Malic will be safe enough because the Barossan alliance with the Stonebones Clan is important to them. However, half dwarves like me and outsiders like yourself will afford no special treatment... By the way, if you don't mind me asking, you never told me what brought you here all the way from Chival?"

For a man under guard, awaiting questioning, and with a crazed Barossan hunter out there... somewhere, Wrenwil couldn't help but feel sorry for his friend. It was admirable how the little man and his goblin seemed to accept things, take the fate in their stride. It hadn't taken long to feel a sense of trust with this man, despite his failings, and Wrenwil deeply wondered if to say more.

~How much can I afford to divulge? Surely there is little harm, yet then again, Jarahdrin explicitly said to be quiet, and given this man is likely to undergo interrogation... I must keep my wits about me.~

The old cleric crouched besides his colleague and took a moment to look around. The hill dwarves and the knight were talking, getting on swimmingly in fact. He'd missed out on some of the conversation but trusted Kryslogious to sensitively build their allegiance and respect. After all, the big guy with the sword wasn't someone to openly disagree with.

Wren reached forwards, "may I?" carefully selecting a small slice of cheese and delicately placing it atop a thin crust of bread. For a brief moment he imagined being at home, his cosy favorite chair, the fireplace crackling, a dirty novel, and a snack much like this.

Once the crunching of his jaw was complete and the snack sent down, Wrenwil nodded.

"Not bad my friend. I like a man who knows how to cook, and travels prepared with memories of home. This is a long way from Chival, further than a man could dream. I am here for many reasons, some I may speak of and others... it is not safe for me. An old friend convinced me to do something unprecedented with my life, uproot myself, and travel seas and land to visit him. More importantly than actually arriving, I believe he knew, knew that I was aging, becoming a typical, grumpy, unsatisfied, homely wretch. It's been far from enjoyable, but I must say it has given me a taste of life and adventure that might see me do something constructive with my time yet. You see, back home, I was a different man. Taverns, cards, dice, women... the kind you need to pay... prayer for forgiveness for it all, it was a daily rut, a grind I am glad to be rid of. It seems the temptations of flesh and coin are a little harder to come by out here."

He finished off with a knowing wink, and moved his gaze around the perimeter of camp, all the way round.

[Not sure if this is appropriate, but Wren is doing a spot check to very carefully look for potential threats while the team appears to be busy eating and chatting. Spot = 17]
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Ania, Ersun

[Initiative: 10]

He gently draws his sword from the mini scabbard, seemingly drawing the huge sword out of thin air, and rests it in a comfortable position. Considering the sword is also of quite respectable craftsmanship, he hopes it helps to make an impression. [Early Move Action]
“Gentlemen, that was a warning. It is unseemly to draw weapons hastily. My advice would be to keep your wits and mouths, especially since we work for the same person.” he speaks to the thugs with what tact he can gather. It is an honest advice from him, not a threat of trick: passing through without further conflicts would be fine, but if it comes down to it he would not budge from a confrontation either, although the later would not gain either of them anything, even though the thugs would deserve it...

__________________________________________________ ________

<Start of Round 2>

Bleeding Damage ( * )
Fire Damage ( # )
Cold Damage ( @ )
Spell Damage ( ^ )
Poison Damage ( ! )

The order of initiative is:

(22) Underfolk Thug #2
(16) Ania
(16) Half Orog
(13) Worgo

(10) Ersun
(5) Underfolk Thug #1
__________________________________________________ ________

Underfolk Thug #2: Is first to act. He picks up a heavy pick and rushes beside Worgo in a defensive posture. He wears a chainmail shirt and a buckler shield over his forearm. -Speaking Undercommon- "Are you ok Worgo?" He asks with concern. (Holds attack action)

Ania: Adopts a defensive posture herself, raising her arms within her armored robes to deflect blows with her sleeves if need be. (Holds attack action) "He's just stunned he'll be fine. It was a mistake to cast that spell, I apologize Worgo."

Half Orog: Moves away from the table to Worgo's other side, hefting a great axe. The half orog is huge compared to the rest of you standing 6' tall and approximately 250 lbs of muscle with patchwork hide armor. Tusks jut out from his lower jaw which he licks as he stares down at Ania with huge pale eyes. (Holds Attack ACcion)

Worgo: Blinks and clutches his head, wobbly on his legs -Speaking Undercommon- "Teach them a lesson but let them live since she apologized." He mutters.

Underfolk Thug #2: (Melee attack vs. Ersun: 21-4 for subdual damage = 17, Hit)(Location: Skull)(Damage: = 4, Bludgeoning) The thug springs forward and uses the backside of his pick to clobber you.

[Ersun: Make a Fortitude Save, DC 4 or become stunned][Note: You can still fail the save on a natural 1 even if your base save would make it seem like you succeed automatically]
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Alic, Bax, Kryslogious, Malic, Ordechai, Wrenwil

He watches quietly as the father son feud played out. It grew quiet for a moment after Alic's last words, the tension in the air so tangible you could cut it with a blade. Kryslogious could feel Alic staring at him as if to back up his input. Kryslogious shifts closer to Alic placing an armored hand on his shoulder.

"Respect your father, despite his harsh and self depreciation attitude he is giving up what is left of his time here for your sake." He said quietly but audible enough for Malic to hear as well.

Alic: Shrugs away your hand with some obvious resentment. No one likes to be told how to treat their own parents.

He looked to Malic "My desire to purge the world of evil is my own. I do not ask for anyone to step beyond their duty to assist me, only that they don't stand against me. I believe in law and due process, I respect hierarchy and order. I don't ask you tell me anything that would put you in a troubled situation. I respect you won't hide evil from under me. My place in this world is simple. When I appear I make legends. Depending on my master they can be tales of great deeds or terrible tragedies, right now I just want to save this world."

Malic: "I hardly think its as simple as you say Kryslogious? You appeared from thin air, your essence is trapped in a magic tome, whoever holds said tome can use you talents for good or ill as your master? Sounds similar to legends of genies the Akhenatens tell, which raises a lot of questions... However as I must prioritize duty to my clan and the interrogation of my prisoner I don't have the time at present to ask more about you. No offense Kryslogious, but would you please excuse us while we eat our stew? I need to clear my head." He asks respectfully

For a man under guard, awaiting questioning, and with a crazed Barossan hunter out there... somewhere, Wrenwil couldn't help but feel sorry for his friend. It was admirable how the little man and his goblin seemed to accept things, take the fate in their stride. It hadn't taken long to feel a sense of trust with this man, despite his failings, and Wrenwil deeply wondered if to say more.

~How much can I afford to divulge? Surely there is little harm, yet then again, Jarahdrin explicitly said to be quiet, and given this man is likely to undergo interrogation... I must keep my wits about me.~

The old cleric crouched besides his colleague and took a moment to look around. The hill dwarves and the knight were talking, getting on swimmingly in fact. He'd missed out on some of the conversation but trusted Kryslogious to sensitively build their allegiance and respect. After all, the big guy with the sword wasn't someone to openly disagree with.

Wren reached forwards, "may I?" carefully selecting a small slice of cheese and delicately placing it atop a thin crust of bread. For a brief moment he imagined being at home, his cosy favorite chair, the fireplace crackling, a dirty novel, and a snack much like this.

Once the crunching of his jaw was complete and the snack sent down, Wrenwil nodded.

"Not bad my friend. I like a man who knows how to cook, and travels prepared with memories of home. This is a long way from Chival, further than a man could dream. I am here for many reasons, some I may speak of and others... it is not safe for me. An old friend convinced me to do something unprecedented with my life, uproot myself, and travel seas and land to visit him. More importantly than actually arriving, I believe he knew, knew that I was aging, becoming a typical, grumpy, unsatisfied, homely wretch. It's been far from enjoyable, but I must say it has given me a taste of life and adventure that might see me do something constructive with my time yet. You see, back home, I was a different man. Taverns, cards, dice, women... the kind you need to pay... prayer for forgiveness for it all, it was a daily rut, a grind I am glad to be rid of. It seems the temptations of flesh and coin are a little harder to come by out here."

Ordechai: snorts with amusement. "Hard to come by? Not at all you just need to know where to look! Most Akhenatens are less flamboyant about their sins than other cultures it is true, but I assure you they sin like everyone else. Sadly I have never been one to pray for forgiveness, but since prayer itself is predicated on a belief that the gods care about us I didn't see the point?"

"The headmaster of the orphanage I grew up in was a follower of Pentos. He invited priests to preach and bless us for a better future. However those priests always avoided touching my forehead with holy water like the other children. When I asked the headmaster why he explained that mules were not truly sons of Pentos because my father was a dwarf. By the same token, clerics of Moradin I met later in life wouldn't offer me aid unless I paid for it"

"The Maharathans speak of something called 'karma', a sort of tally of deeds kept by the gods. They say the quality of your next life depends on the balance of those deeds, which makes me wonder if our present miseries are the result of past misdeeds from a former life? If so I must have surely been a great sinner, which reinforces the futility for me to start praying now. No offense of course to you Wrenwil, or your god. You can bet I would gladly pray my heart out if I knew it'd get me out of this pickle!" He chuckles, rolling a keg of ale over to the fire. "Now if you excuse me friend, I intend to get as drunk as possible before those dwarves harass me further." He says with all earnestness.

[Not sure if this is appropriate, but Wren is doing a spot check to very carefully look for potential threats while the team appears to be busy eating and chatting. Spot = 17]

As the light of dusk begins to fade you notice something fall from the sky nearby... about halfway between your camp and the larger one with the rest of the caravan. That makes it about 20 yards from you and them both. It is unclear what it is exactly but it had wings like a large bird perhaps? Kryslogious notices it too, and you see four figures form the other camp notice and start to walk towards it.

[Kryslogious, Wrenwil: What do you do?]
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Kryslogious of Anasteria

From the corner of his eye the object fell, with deft precision he rose to his feet and flicked his visor down.

"Something just fell next to the camp. If you wish to help me investigate I suggest you gear up quickly" he directed quickly to the dwarves.

Drawing his shield off his back he marched towards the object at a quick pace as to arrive there as soon as possible.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Bill, about to be ganged up on :)

(Billanverthorne intends to switch weapons. His initiative roll is 8, so he will go last in the round.)
Bill drops the bow, and draws his two-hander from its back rig. (Free action to drop, move action to draw, correct?)
Bill will then bring the sword down up his original opponent, Hound #4.
(Attack roll: 15, hit location: left leg, if I hit, my damage roll is: 5 points damage.)

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