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D20 Modern/Dark Matter

Would a Dark Matter Sourcebook get you to buy D20 Modern?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 67.5%
  • No

    Votes: 13 32.5%


I was thinking about D20 Modern today and what could possibly boost sales when it hit me, a solid conversion of the Dark Matter setting! Those of you who don't have the Alternity version of D20 Modern, would a D*M sourcebook sell you on the D20 Modern game?

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First Post
The problem is that they made the space craft rules over simple and have destoryed that style of gaming.

They would need to release it as a seperate system to d20 future.


First Post
teitan said:
Those of you who don't have the Alternity version of D20 Modern, would a D*M sourcebook sell you on the D20 Modern game?
No. A Dark Matter setting would not sell me on d20 Modern since I don't know (but vaguely) what Dark Matter is. Plus I don't need to be sold on d20 Modern since I already have it. Nonetheless, if a Dark Matter sourcebook was published, I would probably get a look into it.

Ranger REG

Turanil said:
No. A Dark Matter setting would not sell me on d20 Modern since I don't know (but vaguely) what Dark Matter is.
That's good. At least you have a clean slate. For Alternity fans however, they can't help but to compare, and they will with what they already [intimately] know: Alternity/Dark*Matter.

Turanil said:
Plus I don't need to be sold on d20 Modern since I already have it.
While I'm glad you have one, WotC still need to convince other customers to buy d20 Modern.


First Post
Well, it kind of depends what kind of book we're talking about. A hardcover for somewhere around $30.00 - nope! I'd rather just buy the Alternity/Dark Matter ESD from RPGNow, and adapt the interesting parts to d20 Modern. However, if it was made available as a PDF (non-DRM mind you!) for a reasonable price, - yes, most definitely.


Dark*Matter was a creamy campaign setting, so there's little to convert - mainly NPCs and monsters.

And a few new spells/psionic powers. I might have run one if I could get a balanced FX system in D20 Modern.


(Psi)SeveredHead said:
I might have run one if I could get a balanced FX system in D20 Modern.

I thought the action point -fueled spellcasting in Polyhedron's Dark Matter adaptation looked reasonably close to the feel of the original. A feat-based system might work, too.

I think the Dark Matter campaign book is one of the best RPG products ever...but I wonder if the whole X-Files aliens-occult-conspiracy thing is a little played out right now. I mean, the genre will always be around in some form, but it was at the peak of its popularity several years ago, and I can't see WotC devoting its resources to a somewhat passe project.

On the other hand...I wouldn't be surprised to see a d20 Modern espionage book called Top Secret sometime soon, with a "toolkit" approach [a la d20 Future], and Dark Matter might just get a shout-out in a book like that...

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