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D&D 5E [D&D 5E] Ruins of Adventure (OOC)


The new Phlan City Council is leading the fight to free their captive
city. Heroes are retaking the city block by block from the evil hordes.


The council is looking for soldiers and rogues, mages and clerics,
heroes of all kinds, to come to New Phlan. The wealth and land
of an ancient city await those willing to reach out and take it.


Legends will be written about the heroic struggle to free New Phlan!
Ships to New Phlan depart twice monthly. When you arrive, see the
New Phlan City Council for the latest news and information.


Ruins of Adventure takes place in the year 1340 DR. It is the pen and paper remake of the classic gold box Pool of Radiance computer game, so those who are unfamiliar or haven’t played it in a long time will be given preference. Those who are familiar with the game, please try to keep player knowledge out of the narrative so that others can enjoy the story.

About me: I’ve been playing D&D since 1981, and I’ve been DMing for close to 30 years now. However, this is my first PbP game, so I will try to incorporate feedback from all of you on how to improve. I’m reading through some of the other PbP forums to get pointers and figure out how to do the various tricks.

My Expectations: I will describe the scene and wait for all players to reply. I will then incorporate player actions into my follow-up post. I ask that each player respond at least once a week, and if I don’t hear from you in that time, I will bump the thread to see if there is going to be a response. If I still receive no response, I will assume your character is off doing something else and move on. No response in 3 weeks will open your slot for another player. If you anticipate that you will be unable to respond for a while, please let me know and I’ll work with you. We’re all here to have fun, after all :)

Character Creation: All 5e races and classes in the Players Handbook are available to play (though, if you play a drow, you do so at your own risk (the DM does not like drow)). I also frown on evil alignments, but will allow them if you are not disruptive and can work well with your team (even those who are evil can have goals and can form bonds with a team).

You will begin at 1st level. The optional training rules in the DM’s Guide will be applied. Other optional rules that you think would benefit the game, suggest them and we will vote to see if everyone agrees. I’m looking for 4 to 6 characters.

For the sake of simplicity, we will be using the standard attribute array of 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8.
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Posting interest. :D

Initial idea is a halfling or half-elf scoundrel type, probably rogue, based loosely on the Han Solo archetype - she thinks she's in it for the money and fame, but finds herself doing the right thing despite herself.

Excellent! Welcome aboard. Get together a character and post it.

Once I get a couple more responses, I'll open up a rogues gallery thread.


First Post
I've got some new openings in my schedule it seems.

I have a couple of somewhat nutty ideas I'm curious to try.

One; a barbarian/sorceror multiclass. Probably focused on buffs/protection more than firepower.

Two; a shadow monk Neeeeeeeeeeeenja. Possibly using some wacky race like dragonborn or tiefling or somesuch. Hm. Or Aasimar? Shadowy aasimar? Food for thought.

Or perhaps a genasi of some stripe. Are the Unearthed Arcana releases fair game?

You can see I haven't really sunk a LOT of thought into these ideas yet. Hehe.

Aasimar from the DMG are allowed. So are races from the Elemental Evil Companion. Unearthed Arcana, however, needs some work to balance, which I don't have time for right now.

Welcome aboard...let me know what you want to play.

Speaking from experience, Druids are a *blast* to play. Particularly the shapeshifter druid.

Welcome aboard...I'll post the Rogue's Gallery entry in a little while.

Ibn Khaldun

Interested! Been itching to try out 5E. No idea what I'd play yet but it would probably be something vanilla-- maybe an MU of some sort. Got a spot open?

Voidrunner's Codex

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