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Queen of Everything
Astrid MacTier


Astrid's Character Sheet

Astrid's Abilities and Gear

Astrid's Spellbook

Astrid MacTier was born to Jarl Alec and Saria; a powerful family rumored to have the blood of the mighty Silver Dragon running through their lineage. From that frosty blood, though, flowed a warm home life, with Astrid being taught of her history and her god from her father and of the Demiurge message of peace, acceptance, and compassion from her mother. Sadly, such a source of love in her life was lost when Saria passed in childbirth, leaving behind the youngest MacTier, Sylvia. A light had gone out in their longhouse, and though Alec tried hard to replace it himself, it was clear to see that the family knew that something was simply lacking in their life without their loving mother and wife.

For her part, Astrid took her mother's lessons to heart and attempted to be the same light as Saria. Yet, despite her gentleness, she longed to see more of the world, learn more of its stories and people. While Jarl MacTier allowed Astrid her pursuits as she wished, he was also rather insistent that she remain home where she would be safe, protected. In between dedicating herself to the charity and lessons of The Demiurge Church, Astrid balanced raising her younger sister and her lectures, becoming a bright and accomplished individual.

Still, that roguish temperament sent her absconding off into the woods to play, turning fallen sticks into magical swords to replicate her heroic father’s great deeds and tall trees into fell giants for her to triumph over. She would use her sweet voice to sing to the woodland creatures and was continually on the lookout for hidden fairies and tiny dragons of her own to play with.

She always felt safe in those woods; she felt as if something was guarding over her. When she was young she would think of it as her mother but as she grew it was almost as if that feeling had a spirit of its own; she couldn’t explain it to anyone and she didn’t try. She just knew it was something good, something special, watching over her, guiding her, shielding her from harm. It kept her warm and safe in those woods

It was in the flush of youth that Astrid first met Eben, the son of a local merchant who lived at the edge of their little village. His mother, Maren, was as kind-hearted as Astrid remembered her mother being, and a sailing captain to boot. The Jarl's daughter longed for the life of the ostracized Karl woman, that longing becoming a desperate need upon first hearing Eben sing at a gathering in her father's Mead Hall. The boy told a story of a far off land, of ships and magic and adventure; Astrid was hooked.

The very next day, she stole aboard Maren's ship, hiding herself within the cargo until she was discovered by Eben. From this strange meeting, the pair struck up a fast and close friendship. When Astrid ventured into the forests, Eben went with her. When the boy was called a bastard by the local children, it was Astrid who consoled him, just as her mother would have wanted. He treated her as not a Jarl, but as a friend: something she did not receive from anyone else in the village due to her status. As the young girl grew, young feelings of fondness quickly bloomed into love for the boy poet.

While Alec MacTier began to receive many offers for his daughter's hand, Alec himself had not married for political position but for how he felt about Saria. In that regards, he never forced Astrid to accept any suitor that arrived in their halls, leading to the young Jarl being just polite enough to have them leave so that she could spend more time with Eben. They began a hidden relationship, away from the prying eyes of courts and commoners, but the boy eventually grew and became more aware that such a relationship was a danger to them both. Though Astrid begged him not to, one year after Maren passed away from illness, Eben took to sea, promising to reclaim his misbegotten name that he might return and marry her properly.

They continued this illicit affair, Eben returning from his voyages to spend time with her only to abandon her again. Astrid waved off more and more suitors as the years went by, holding out for the day Eben and her would become a family in the eyes of the Church. The Church had other ideas, it seemed, constantly adding more pressure onto Alec and his daughter for a suitable husband to be chosen. Though it made Astrid uncomfortable, she still held out until the day she realized she was pregnant.
In her mind, this was the best outcome possible: With child, she could convince Eben to finally stay, approach her father about the relationship, and finally stop waiting for the life she had come to desire. However, when next she saw Eben, the sailor was insistent that he leave and never return. Despite her pleas, he did not let her get a word in: their fight was brief, but in the end the boy she loved went back to his ship and never returned to their little village, promising that he was protecting her even as he broke her heart.

Disheartened, embarrassed, terrified, and in great pain, Astrid fled to the only place she could think to go for guidance: The Church. The priest took her in as she broke down and confessed to her pregnancy, confessed to her affair, confessed to every harm she could think of. The officiates consoled and cared for her, pledging their assistance if she would stay there for a time while they prepared the necessary arrangements. Feeling as she had nowhere else to turn to, Astrid agreed.

Instead of safety, however, Astrid found herself awakening from a drugged slumber in the midst of the forests she once ventured through as a child. The officiates were no longer caring and kind, but instead weaving strange and dark magics upon Astrid's body even as the priest that she had trusted all her life explained that Astrid had been needed for this day for some time: that Alec MacTier's grandchild would be the key to awakening a great power and while the circumstances were not ideal, they were serviceable. It was the priest that had approached Eben and informed him that their relationship had been discovered, with Eben up for execution and Astrid to be disowned if he did not flee immediately. It was the priest who had covered up their young escapades, all in the hopes of this night.

The officiates were never truly members of The Demiurge Church at all: they served some far darker power, drawing upon its disturbing energies to hasten Astrid's pregnancy six months and induce labor, nearly killing the poor girl in the process. Once Astrid's daughter was painfully delivered, the black ritual was interrupted by an Other: a creature of the light, of life and the forest. This otherworldly being had watched the young Jarl grow as she traipsed through the forests and returned to these trees later in life with her secret lover, the very place the baby was conceived. Having felt a connection to Astrid, this Other appeared now to defend and protect her and her child.
The Other called to her father Alec, who somehow was drawn to the forest clearing where he arrived just in time to find the grisly scene of his daughter, bloodied, barely alive and tied to an alter surrounded by evil cultists who were about to sacrifice a newborn baby.

Alec began fiercely fighting the robed cultists; some fought, some ran, and in the end he captured a couple for questioning. While this happened Astrid witnessed a light, it looked strangely like her mother, who cradled and comforted her baby. It came towards her and showed her the child, who bared a small birthmark in the shape of a star. Astrid smiled at that, and reached out for the baby when suddenly the light vanished, the child with it. She screamed and cried, weakly pulling against her bonds until she passed out. Her child was gone.

Astrid would later find the Patron granted her a portion of her power, enhancing the dragon blood inside her with pacts of Life and Light to protect herself and others until such time as the child could be retrieved.

Alec carried Astrid home, returning her to her bed for a long recovery. Later she would confess all to her father of what happened.

Not long afterward, while Alec was accompanying Astrid to her favorite spot in the forest to rest (and she hoped as always to find her child there), a small light colored wolf pup came to her. It acted more like a puppy than a wolf, and Alec agreed it seemed safe enough to keep. They brought it home and oddly it never had to be trained. It also never, ever left Astrid's side and was quite protective of her. She knew in her heart it was a gift from her Patron and she'd need that wolf, Ruby, if she wanted to continue to cast her spells and magics.

Both Astrid and Alec took it upon themselves to root out the cultists within their home and village that still remained, always finding some way to pin villainy upon them that they would be exiled or executed for their crimes. While Astrid remained compassionate to those around her and even used her new gifts to work a few miracles of her own, the daughter of Alec pursued the cult that stole her life without mercy.

Years more passed, with the pressure for Astrid to marry growing greater with each passing week. Eventually, it came to a head: the healer knew she could not be a grown woman living in her father's house, and had sadly given up hope of ever finding her Eben again. Likewise, she needed allies: spies to suss out the Cult, and warriors to help capture them. Agents to help her sole agenda of finding her child. So it was that when Einar Volundson asked for her hand the fifth time, Astrid finally relented and gave it.
She set sail away from her ancestral home to finally be wed and join her new husband, completely unawares that this man, too, had his own designs for Astrid, for Einar Volundson was a man hungry for power.

Power that The Cult could provide.
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Alec MacTier
Male Human Fighter 1 / Sorcerer 3
Lawful Good
Representing Tglassy

Strength 16 (+3)
Dexterity 10 (+0)
Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 12 (+1)
Wisdom 12 (+1)
Charisma 17 (+3)
Size: Medium
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 230 lb
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond Straight; Average Beard
Skin: Pale
Total Hit Points: 27

Speed: 20 feet

Armor Class: 20 = 10 + 8 [full plate] + 1 [light steel] + 1 [draconic bloodline]

Touch AC: 11
Flat-footed: 20
Initiative modifier: + 0 = + 0 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: + 4 = 3 [base] + 1 [constitution]
Reflex save: + 1 = 1 [base]
Will save: + 4 = 3 [base] + 1 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld): + 5 = 2 [base] + 3 [strength]
Attack (missile): + 2 = 2 [base]
Combat Maneuver Bonus: + 5 = 2 [base] + 3 [strength]
Combat Maneuver Defense: + 15 = 10 + 2 [base] + 3 [strength]

Light load: 76 lb. or less
Medium load: 77-153 lb.
Heavy load: 154-230 lb.
Lift over head: 230 lb.
Lift off ground:460 lb.
Push or drag:1150 lb.

Languages: Common Draconic

Bastard Sword [1d10, crit 19-20/x2, 6 lb, One-handed (exotic), slashing]

Full plate armor [heavy; + 8 AC; max dex + 1; check penalty -6 50 lb.; arcane spell failure 35%] ; arcane spell failure 5%

Light Steel Shield [ + 1 AC; check penalty -1; hardness 10; hp 10; 6 lb.]


Skill Focus (Know Arcana)
Eldritch Heritage [Arcane Heritage: Has a Familiar, as per the 1st level Arcane Bond power of the Arcane Bloodline.]
Exotic Weapon Proficiency
Arcane Armor Training Reduce chance of arcane spell failure by 10%

Skill Name/Key Ability/Skill Modifier/Ability Modifier/Ranks/Misc. Modifier
Acrobatics Dex* -7 = +0 -6 [armor] -1 [shield]
Appraise Int 1 = +1
Bluff Cha 10 = +3 + 4 + 3 [class skill]
Climb Str* -4 = +3 -6 [armor] -1 [shield]
Craft_1 Int 1 = +1
Craft_2 Int 1 = +1
Craft_3 Int 1 = +1
Diplomacy Cha 3 = +3
Disguise Cha 3 = +3
Escape Artist Dex* -7 = +0 -6 [armor] -1 [shield]
Fly Dex* -7 = +0 -6 [armor] -1 [shield]
Heal Wis 1 = +1
Intimidate Cha 10 = +3 + 4 + 3 [class skill]
Know(arcana) Int 11 = +1 + 4 + 3 [class skill] + 3 [skill focus]
Perception Wis 1 = +1
Perform_1 Cha 3 = +3
Perform_2 Cha 3 = +3
Perform_3 Cha 3 = +3
Perform_4 Cha 3 = +3
Perform_5 Cha 3 = +3
Ride Dex* -7 = +0 -6 [armor] -1 [shield]
Sense Motive Wis 1 = +1
Stealth Dex* -7 = +0 -6 [armor] -1 [shield]
Survival Wis 1 = +1
Swim Str** -4 =+3 -6 [armor] -1 [shield]
UseMagicDevice Cha 10 = +3 + 4 + 3 [class skill]

* = check penalty for armor/shield
** = some groups double armor/shield penalties for swimmers

Zero-level Sorcerer spells: Cantrips can be used at will

First-level Sorcerer spells: 6 (5 + 1) per day


Level 0
Arcane Mark (It's how he puts his seal on official items)
Detect Magic
Mage Hand
Prestidigitation (His food is always spiced the way he likes, and he's always squeaky clean)
Message (To talk privately when in large crowds.)

Endure Elements
Icicle Dagger
Discern Next of Kin

Favored class points: Hit points +3; Skill points +0

Adjust weapon attack rolls and armor penalties as required for masterwork / magic equipment.


This human chose +2 to charisma (already included)
Extra feat at first level (already included)
Four extra skill points at first level (already included)
One extra skill point at each additional level (already included)

Bonus Feats (already included)

Bravery -- +1 on saves vs fear (level 2), increases by one at level 6, 10, 14, 18

Can know only limited numbers of spells

Sorcerer spells no longer require cheap material components.

High charisma gains bonus spells daily

Concentration check: d20 + sorcerer level + charisma modifier vs. DC

Pathfinder sorcerers each choose a bloodline, which provides a class skill, extra spells, powers, and feats.

Silver Dragon Type

Claws (Su
): Starting at 1st level, you can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. Each of these attacks deals 1d4 points of damage plus your Strength modifier (1d3 if you are Small). At 5th level, these claws are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming DR. At 7th level, the damage increases by one step to 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if you are Small). At 11th level, these claws deal an additional 1d6 points of damage of your energy type on a successful hit. You can use your claws for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Dragon Resistances (Ex
): At 3rd level, you gain resist 5 against your energy type and a +1 natural armor bonus. At 9th level, your energy resistance increases to 10 and natural armor bonus increases to +2. At 15th level, your natural armor bonus increases to +4.

Draconic bloodline sorcerers choose a dragon type, get +1 per point of damage rolled on its energy type, grow claws, beta bonus on armor, get a breath weapon, get wings, and become immune to paralysis, sleep, damage of your energy type, and get blindsense to 60 feet.

Class HP rolled
Level 1: Sorcerer 6
Level 2: Fighter 6
Level 3: Sorcerer 4
Level 4: Sorcerer 4 + 1 to strength

Alec MacTier's Equipment:

Bastard Sword
Full Plate Armor
Light Metal Shield
Flasks x1
Flint and steel
Rations (1 day) x10
Sealing wax
Signet ring
Waterskins x1
Spell component pouch

Gold: 1,250


More about Alec MacTier:
Has a Hawk Familiar from the Eldritch Heritage Feat.

Alec lives in a smaller hold near the mountains, where it's colder more of the year than not. He comes from a long line of Jarls, or at the very least, his family is always very important in his hold. He is the current Jarl, and has been for a number of years.

His family has always had magic, as far back as anyone can remember. There is a rumor that the MacTier family has Silver Dragon's blood in their veins, though this is unsubstantiated. Alec believes it, though, and a Silver Dragon is on his crest.

Alec is in his mid thirties, and has two daughters: Astrid and Sylvia. His wife, Saria, was a foreigner, from the south, with red hair, and she died giving birth to Sylvia ten years ago. Saria was his world, and therefore that status passed on to his daughters when she died. He doted on them, let them do whatever they wanted (within reason), though always kept an eye on them.

Ten years have passed since his wife's passing, and he is being pressured to remarry. He doesn't want to, he only had one love, but the pressure is there nonetheless. As for the next King, he is a devout Demiurgist, and wants to make sure whoever is King is a Demiurgist. He is not one to force others to convert, but he feels that if a pagan becomes King, it could be bad for Demiurgists, and that is not something he will tolerate. He does not want to be King himself, but if he feels that he is the best choice to make sure his religious freedom is secure.
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Eben Marenson, Bastard Son of Volund


Character Sheet

Feats, Traits, Abilities, and Magic Items

Full Spellbook

[sblock=The Saga of The Bastard Poet]Eben was born to Maren Hrabandottir, a merchant karl from the lands of Jarl Alec MacTier. During his mother's travels, she had met and had a tryst with the powerful Jarl Volund, eventually leading to pregnancy and the birth of her son. Already with children of his own, Maren chose to leave and keep the child far from Volund for both of their sakes, all compounded by the fact that a Demiurgist woman had borne the bastard son of a Pantheonist Jarl.

Her home life became complicated after this, with many from their village quick to rebuke and treat her with hostility for having shamed their people and their religion so. Regardless, she raised Eben in as loving an environment as she could, knowing that as the boy grew he would suffer the same mistreatment. To spare him from this, she often took him upon her merchant journeys, sailing the cold waters of their home and teaching him the craft. To make up for the lack of a father, Maren would tell Eben stories of the places they would visit, of their Demiurge God and the Pantheonist Aesir and Valar of his people, hoping that these tales would help him grow in ways she could not teach.

Eben would accompany his mother when she approached Jarl MacTier each week to deliver goods and sort out paperwork and payment. It was here for the first time that he would meet the Jarl's daughter, Astrid, and not long afterwards that he would find the young girl trying to stow away in his mother's langskip after they had already set out to sea. The two quickly became fascinated with one another: she longed for the adventure that he found upon the oceans of the world, and in her Eben finally had someone who treated him as he was, not as a bastard or a heathen.

The two would continuously meet and play together throughout their childhood, despite the differences in status between them. It was for her that Eben first learned how to play the lyre, singing songs of her bravery as she stood against those that would attack him. When Astrid's mother passed, it was Eben that consoled her. When his own mother fell to sickness, Maren finally confessed to her son where he came from: that he was Volundson in all but name, and that he should seek his people to find and be with them. Instead of leaving, Eben stayed behind until she succumbed to sickness. Heartbroken, Eben prepared to leave his mother's house for the last time only to be stopped by Astrid. The two argued over this decision until both finally broke down and admitted that childhood friendship had turned to love for both of them. This realization caused Eben to stay and begin a secret relationship with Astrid while still making small journeys on his mother's ship. In this period, Astrid began to teach Eben minor bits of arcane knowledge, eventually helping the teen find his voice to replicate these spells with song and word.

Eventually, the strain of this relationship on Eben began to grow: he became frustrated in thinking that he and Astrid could never truly be together: he doubted Alec would allow a heathen bastard to marry his daughter, especially with such lofty suitors asking for her hand, and the need to keep their love hidden began to upset Eben. While Astrid swore up and down that nothing about him would ever separate them, Eben knew how poorly he had been treated due to his name and status, how poorly his mother had been treated, and feared that Astrid would suffer the same fate despite their affection for one another.

It took almost a year, but eventually Eben resolved to find his father: he assumed that if Volund would take him in, he could rightly be called Volundson and therefore return and ask for Astrid's hand as a proper man. While it hurt Astrid to leave, Eben assured her he was doing it for them. He sailed, making money where he could to pay for the long voyage, returning home frequently to spend time with Astrid until finally he made the journey to the halls of Volund.

Here he met his eldest brother, Einar Volundson, and unwisely trusted him with his story and asked to see their father. Einar delayed Eben time and time again, not wanting yet another contender for his father's throne. Eben pressured his brother day after day until eventually Einar sent men after the Poet, beating him within almost an inch of his life. Into this fray leapt Thorir Volundson, the middle brother, to rescue Eben. With their backs together, they fended off the attackers and Einar knew that to move against Eben, he would need to move against Thorir as well: a move he was not yet prepared to take.

Eben and Thorir set to talking, Eben explaining where he was from and what he intended. With Einar blocking the way, however, it did not look as though Eben could be legitimized. Their home was no longer safe, their Eldest Brother consolidating more power day by day. Instead, Thorir proposed that Eben come with him aboard a ship: Thorir intended to raid and adventure to gain gold, fame, and respect that he might one day challenge Einar. If Thorir succeeded Volund, Eben reasoned, then Eben could be legitimized by his brother instead. Finding this deal acceptable, the two set out on Thorir's quest to become a Sea King, gathering a close-knit crew of vikingr and sailing the seas in a series of pillaging.

Thorir taught Eben how to wield a blade, how to hold a shield, and Eben in turn inspired the crew with songs of battle and sagas of their gods. He found it hard to reconcile his Demiurge upbringing with his Pantheonist Blood, often blending their stories together into a rather heretical mixture of glory and peace. This eventually lead to receiving a ritualized tattoo of the Demiurge symbol flanked by Odin's mighty ravens upon his back, trying to reconcile his past and future into one.

Throughout their raiding, Eben would still take leave and return to Astrid from time to time, their few days together spent in hopeless romance before he would set to sea once more. However, as the years went by, Eben came to see that Thorir was no closer to securing their father's throne. What's worse, Volund had passed and Einar had ascended, making it all the less likely that they would ever achieve their goals. The last time Eben returned to Astrid, this was compounded by being confronted by someone who informed him that they knew of his affair with the Jarl's daughter.

This nightmare went on to say that Alec MacTier would most certainly execute the bastard for daring to touch the daughter of a Jarl in such a way, let alone behind his back, and that Astrid would be thrown out of her home, disgraced into ruin and an early grave as there would be none who would offer respite to a harlot that had laid with a heathen. By the time he saw Astrid that night, he barely let her speak as he told her that he needed to leave and not come back. He couldn't secure his name, he couldn't marry her, and they should not see one another anymore.

Much as it broke his heart, Eben did not want harm to come to Astrid: she still had a loving father and a future ahead of her - staying with him robbed her of everything, for Eben knew she had been turning down suitors just for the sake of their relationship. Dour from the experience, Eben returned to Thorir's ship, committing himself entirely to the saga of The Brothers Volundson, even though Eben did not share that name. For his own, he took Marenson, to honor the mother who had sacrificed so much for him.[/sblock]
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Thorir "Wolfgrin" Volundson

Thorir “Wolfgrin” Volundson

Thorir Wolfgrin.jpg

Height 6’ 3”; Weight 220# ; Hair: Black, beard: red ; Eyes: Blue; Age 21; Patron Deity: Thor
Sex: Male Race: Human Class: Fighter (Tactician) Level:4
Alignment: Chaotic Good Size: Medium Type: Humanoid
Init +5; Senses Perception +0
Languages : Norse

AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 17
HP XX (HD: 10 +3d10 + 8 Con +4 Favored Class )
Fort +6 , Ref +3 , Will+3
Speed 30ft.
Melee +7
Ranged +6
Base Atk +4 ; CMB +7 ; CMD 19
Special Actions
Combat gear: None

Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14 , Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14
Combat Stats:
Longsword: +9 (+4 BAB +3 Str +1 WF +1 MW)/ 1d8+5 19-20x2
Longspear: +7 (+4 BAB +3 Str) 1d8+4 x3
Throwing axe: +6 (+4 BAB +2 Dex) 1d6+3 x2
Longbow: +6 ( +4 BAB +2 Dex) 1d8+3 x3 range 110
Racial Traits: [sblock]
Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
• Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
• Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
• Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
• Skills: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Class Abilities: [sblock]
Proficiencies: All Simple and martial weapons. Light and Medium Armor and shields (except Tower)
Strategic Training: A tactician gains 4 skill ranks + a number of skill ranks equal to his Intelligence modifier at each level, instead of the normal 2 skill ranks + Intelligence modifier at each level. Furthermore, Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Linguistics(Int), and Sense Motive (Wis) are all class skills for the tactician.
Bonus Feats: A tactician may choose Skill Focus or any teamwork feat, in addition to Combat Feats, as bonus feats.
Tactical Awareness: At 2nd level, a tactician gains a +1 bonus on initiative checks. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels after 2nd level (to a maximum of +5 at 18th level).
Armor Training: Starting at 3rd level, a fighter learns to be more maneuverable while wearing armor. Whenever he is wearing armor, he reduces the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by his armor by 1. Every four levels thereafter (7th, 11th, and 15th), these bonuses increase by +1 each time, to a maximum –4 reduction of the armor check penalty and a +4 increase of the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed.
In addition, a fighter can also move at his normal speed while wearing medium armor. At 7th level, a fighter can move at his normal speed while wearing heavy armor.
Feats : Power Attack (-2 to hit, +4 damage)(Human), Weapon Focus (Longsword) (Lvl 1), Iron Will (Class 2), Rugged Northerner (Lvl 3) Weapon Specialization (Longsword) (class 4),
Rugged Northerner [sblock] You treat extreme cold conditions as severe cold, and severe cold as cold weather conditions. You are not impacted at all by normal cold weather conditions. In addition, you do not become fatigued by frostbite or hypothermia.[/sblock]
Traits: Navigator [sblock] You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) checks, and a +1 trait bonus on Profession (sailor) checks. One of these skills becomes a class skill for you..[/sblock]
Reactionary [sblock] You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks. [/sblock]

Skills 24 Skill Points (4x4 lvl=16 +4 Int +1 Race)
+7 Climb (1 rank +3 Str +3 CS)
+ 9 Diplomacy (4 rank +2 Cha +3 CS)
+7 Intimidate (2 rank +2 Cha + 3 CS)
+6 Kn (Geography) (1 rank +1 Int + 3 CS +1 Trait)
+7 Kn (Nobility) (3 rank +1 Int + 3 CS)
+5 Kn (Engineering) (1 ranks +1 Int +3 CS)
+5 Linguistics (1 rank +1 Int +3 CS)
+8 Profession (Sailor) (4 rank +0 Wis +3 CS +1 Trait)
+6 Ride (1 rank +2 Dex +3 CS)
+7 Sense Motive (4 rank +0 Wis +3 CS)
+4 Survival (1 rank + 0 Wis +3 CS)
+7 Swim (1 rank +3 Str + 3 CS)

Equipment: 3,000 gp
Large Wooden Shield MW (157 gp)
Chainmail +1 (1,300 gp)
Longsword MW (315 gp)
Throwing Axe (8 gp)
Longspear (5 gp)
Composite Longbow (Str +3) (400 gp)
20 Arrow in quiver (1 gp)
Money: 714 gp

Background: [sblock] Jarl Volund Father
Einar Volunson Older brother 24
Thorir Volundson: (Wolf Grin) Me Age 21
Eben : Bastard son 20
Volund is a powerful Jarl, ruling over the Gandrael territory, a western, coastal land, of forest covered mountains with sheltered valleys, and numerous fjords rich with fish. Volund ruled well and was respected by the other Jarls. He had two sons, both strapping men like him. His eldest son, Einar was his father’s spitting image, dark of hair, eye and demeanor. Einar was a valiant warrior, and would be a solid, if stern Jarl when he succeeds his father. His mind is attuned to wealth and power, and those who spend time with him quickly decide he would be a Jarl who would be ambitious.
Volund’s younger son has his father’s dark hair, but more of his mother’s joy of life. Thorir grew in his brother’s shadow to some degree. Though he rivaled his brother in strength of arms, and sharpness of mind, he was never seen as a threat to his brother. Perhaps that was an underestimation by the family. It may have been Thorir joyous nature, his love of laughing and stories, that gave them a false sense of Thorir’s complicity.
As they grew though Thorir became more and more worried about his older brother. He became more secretive, gathered a group of loyal men about him who would do his bidding, and began treating people in the household poorly. Now to those who would visit, especially those in power, Einar was the consummate hersir, a warrior and statesman who would be a strong Jarl. But Thorir saw another side to him, a cruel, power-hungry man.
Still Thorir was at heart a happy man, and had confidence in his father to reign in Einar. Thorir as the younger son, wasn’t planning on being a land owner. He knew he would need to make his fortune another way. At 16 he set out with his father’s long ship, raiding out to the western nations. He proved himself a good sailor and a clever warrior.
That next summer, before the raiding season started, a surprise arrived. A dark family secret returned from across the sea. Volund had had a fling not long after Thorir was born with a beautiful trader from the southern nations. A son was born from that brief affair. But no one knew until they returned 5 years later when the trader re-appeared with the son. They were trying to escape the judgments at home and live in Gandrael. Of course the Jarl refused, sending them back south. But 10 or so years later he returned, alone. His mother had died, and Eben was seeking a home, a belonging. Whether Volund knew he had returned or not, Einar would not admit him to the Hall. It wasn’t long after that that Thorir, who only found out about Eben through a servant, went looking for this new found half-brother. It was then that Thorir noticed several men following Eben. These were men he had seen around the hall of late in the company of Einar. These men did not have very honorable reputations as warriors. They cornered Eben and forced him behind a tavern where the began to beat him savagely. Though Eben fought back well, he was not yet fully grown as a man and out numbered badly. That was when Thorir, who had been watching to see what was going on, stepped into the small courtyard. The thugs turned on him too, but once they saw it was the jarling, they quickly backed off. Thorir sent them away, knowing they would report to Einar as soon as their sniveling legs could carry them. Thorir picked up his younger brother and half carried him to the ship. There he stayed for several days until he could recover. But rather than return to the Hall, Thorir set sail with Eben. Obviously Einar had decided to begin his rule early and was not afraid to enforce it by treachery. How long before he viewed Thorir as a threat as well? So Thorir quietly found men who also had seen Einar’s change and who were loyal to Thorir or had been treated poorly by Einar’s temper. From these men, a crew was formed and Thorir set off with Eben.
For the next few years, Thorir and Eben sailed, traded and raided together, becoming true brothers in arms. Eben’s bent was to collect stories though he stood in the shield wall when the time came. Thorir grew into an accomplished warrior, one whom other men would willingly follow.
The tidings of the death of Eirik in Avar reached the brothers, who hurried back to their homeland. Eben wanted to be there to see how the new leader was chosen, all stories have a beginning he was wont to say. Thorir was driven back by something else, something he could not put his finger on. But he shrugged it off, and let the Norns weave his fate as they would.
Thorir and Eben returned to find that Einar ruled his father’s hall in all but name. Volund had aged in the five years they were gone. It was not excepted that Volund would last another winter. Once they returned to port, it wasn’t long before they heard that Einar was bethrothed to a young noble woman, looking to assure his position. Now how would Einar receive his brother? Much less his half-brother. Thorir had much tradition and law to protect him, more than Eben. Of course Eben was no longer the under-grown youth than thugs would drag into an alley. It would take a much more open and obvious threat to remove him. Whatever it might be, it would have been hard for Einar to have concealed his hand in it.
To complicate matters, Thorir came back from raiding very wealthy, with a loyal crew of men who had also become wealthy. The traditional moniker of “Sea King” had been in use by the crew for well over a year before they came home. And the crew used it liberally in port. The title would anger Einar, but also make it that much harder to move against Thorir.

Appearance: [sblock] Thorir Wolfgrin is a tall, fair man. He has broad shoulders and is well muscled. His should length hair, falls freely around his face, dark like his father’s but with a red beard. He received his moniker of Wolfgrin during his raiding days. Thorir always has a smile and is quick with a jest or a laugh. But he has this unnerving tendency to grin all the time, even as he enters battle. And it is the same grin. One of his shipmates remarked that he grinned like a wolf and that you didn’t know if he was going to laugh or bite.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Arvid Gunnar Ingvarson / Garmmörk - literaly Garms dark (shadow)
Vigilante 4 (Lawful Neutral / Chaotic Good)

STR: 12 (+1)
DEX: 18 (+4)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 10 (+0)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHA: 14 (+2)

Racial +2 DEX
4th level +1 CHA

HP: 8+ Hit points: 3D8 = [3, 7, 8] = 18
+8 (CON) = 34
AC: 13 (studded leather) +4 (dex) = 17
Touch: 14; Flat: 13

Attack: +3 (BAB) +4(DEX) = +7 (+1 (Weapon Focus Saex))
MW Cane: +8/1d6+3 (20/x2)
MW Saex: +9/1d4+3 (18-20/x2)
CMB: 3 (BAB) +1 (Str) = 4 (+2 w/ kukri)
CMD: 10 + 3 (BAB) + 1 (Str) +4 (Dex) = 18

Fort: 1 +2 Con +1 (enh)= 4
Ref: 4 +4 Dex +1 (enh)= 9
Will: 4 +0 Wis +1 (enh) +1 (trait) = 6

[sblock=Racial Features]
Dimdweller (replaces skilled)
Bonus feat
+2 to one attribute (DEX)

Fashionable: if you're clean and wearing the clothes worth at least 150gp you get +1 trait bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate
Carefully hiden: +1 Will, +2 saves vs divination

[sblock=Vigilante Class Features]
Vigilante Talents: Lethal Grace, Rooftop Infiltrator, Close and personal
Social: Social Grace (Diplomacy), Renown

Bonus: Weapon Finesse <-- this is from Lethal Grace
Human: Weapon Focus (Kukri)
1st: Dazzling Display
3rd: Defiant Luck


Skills (24pts)

BluffCha*22+1 if well dressed+7
ClimbStr*1+1+8 racial+13
DiplomacyCha*3+2+1 if well dressed, +4 in renown area, +2 MW nobles clothes+8
Disable DeviceDex*3+4+10
DisguiseCha*3+2+2 disguise kit+10
Escape ArtistDex*0+4+4
IntimidateCha*2+2+1 if well dressed, +4 in renown area, +2 if concealed in the dark, +2 MW armor+7
Sense MotiveWis*2+0+5
StealthDex*3+4+2 if concealed in darkness+10
User Magic DeviceCha*4+2+9

Bacground skills (8):
Handle AnimalCha*0+2+2
Knowledge (nobility)Int*3+0+6
Knowledge (history)Int1+0+4
Knowledge (engineering)Int*1+0+4
Knowledge (geography)Int*0+0+0
Sleight of HandDex*3+4+10

MW Cane (light mace) 305
MW Kukri 302gp
Silver Kukri 22gp
Cold Iron Kukri 4gp
Cloak of resistance 1000gp

MW nobles clothes 125gp
Sharkskin gloves 5gp
Battle mask (wolf-like) 50gp

MW Thieves tools 100gp
Skeleton key 85gp
Disguise kit 50gp

Black Dragonhide 350 gp

Healing potion x2 100gp
Potion of Enlarge 50gp
Oil of Bless Weapon 50gp
Deodorizing Agent 30gp

Total: 2628gp

[sblock=Background story]
GATABERG - mountainous region whose Jarl is selected through strenght of arms rather than vote and who employ less than reputable methods to gain advantage

Arvid Gunnar Ingvarson, son of Jarl Ingvar who, along with the rest of the family was killed by Jarl Knuts family (currently unknown to Arvid, though suspected). Arvid was lucky that faithful day, he left to train with his fathers teacher, an old diplomat/spy/assassin on his own, without telling anyone about it. Hired killers tried to get whole family and they almost succeeded. Jarl Ingvar, Avids brother and sister-in-law, his own mother and younger sister were all killed that fateful night.

Faithful retainer managed to warn Arvid and young man tried immediately to ride to avenge their deaths. His teacher, Ulm Dwergul put him to sleep and sailed that same night back to his own family. After some time spent consoling young man, he started preparing him for life of patient data gathering and restoration of his family wealth and influence. But for the time being, he is Jarl without land, hersir without land. Still, a man with faithful following in his land, even chaotic as it is. Because Jarl Ingvar held his position via diplomacy rather than force, he managed to form several alliances in other lands and even among his own unruly hersirs. His stern, but fair rule won him a trust that things could be different in time. But his early death returned most of the allies into The Game. Some of them might be open to return of son of Ingvar, leader who would unite Gataberg and bring it under single rule.

Arvid and his instructor planned the steps. One of the first had to be place to live among those with power. His mothers sister, last wife to lord Volund provided both. As an accomplished warrior and trained in the arts of Gataberg diplomacy, most convoluted set of relations anywhere in gunnar lands, he was ideal protector and teacher to young Einar and Thorir. He taught the boys how to fight, both physically and through guile and diplomacy. While Einar took to b[oth, younger son enjoyed fighting. Although the lessons stuck and he studied the art of war, field tactics rather than dancehall and Jarldom intrigue.

His own teacher went back to try and find out what happened to the family, who was responsible. And came back with couple of news. One, his younger sister wasn't killed. Too young to marry, she was taken into the night. She lives with Thorgvardsil family considering them her saviours. And two: the killers were actually a dark cult whose influence was spreading through Gataberg as each family looked for more and more power. The girl might be a sacrifice in waiting, future wife to someone Jarl wanted to reward...or worse, a recruit to convert.

Over the years, as the gulf between the brothers grew, Arvid had to decide. In the years since he left his lands, he became the adviser to Jarl and now to Einar, probable future Jarl. But something was off and his young pupil became distant and in time had ever more confidantes outside of Arvids control. Once Arvid decided to investigate he found out about the cult in Einars land and even reaching for power hungry nobleman. Fearing to be seen as potential pretender, he prepared a hunting accident in which he was to be killed. But it went awry and he found himself in snow, surrounded by wolves. He was, strangely enough, challenged by The Alpha rather than killed outright for food. He prevailed, badly wounded, carrying deep bite marks on his right biceps and upper legs. But he survived. From that day, he carries a cane, limping along Jarls stronghold, still advising old Jarl and knowing this is loosing battle.

He and Ulm agreed that something is up and that rigged ambush was spoiled by real ambushers who tried to kill Arvid. Why and by whom, unknown. But given his opposition to some moves Einar was doing, he has his suspicions. Therefore, Ulm advised Arvid to keep submissive for the moment and feign injury for his public persona. This and increasing evidence of cult activity decided him and he now secretly supports Thorirs exploits. He delays news of raids if he can do it unnoticed, as Garmmörk he slows down retaliation when possible and discourages Einar from sending too many ships after his pirate brother in both his guises.

At night however, Arvid dons the mask, leaves the cane behind and prowls the night, looking for cult kindappings in progress, hideouts, safe houses...and trying to rally the people for the younger brothers return and prepare to help whatever coup they plan if Einar becomes Jarl. He also feels the time slipping away from him, his sister growing up, her fate unknown, the tentative allies he maintains in Gataberg loosing fate in his return and his teacher getting to old for the night and settling in a simple house in Einars city.

When he found out about Einars bride being on the way he used what little influence he had to persuade the lord to send an envoy ship to greet the lady at the sea and provide escort, luxury and safety to bride-to-be. It got even better when he heard about the kindapping.

Arvid is a traditonalists. He firmly believes in the tradition of his people, way of life to be cherished and protected, where people of worth could advance regardless of birth if they could prove themselves (he ofcourse considers only hersirs as people of worth, others are warriors, craftsmen etc...important to the clan, but not leaders). He would never go against traditions in his everyday adviser persona. On the other hand, his nighttime self is trying to make the world a better place.

He is still young, one would say in his prime, but with a lame leg, without lands he hasn't any good prospects to marry or raise armies. His renown as fair and open minded diplomat gives him some influence in the town and Garmmörk strikes fear into the hearts of the cultist and evil doers for miles around.

Arvid Gunnar Ingvarson.jpgGrammork mask.jpg
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Voidrunner's Codex

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