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Pathfinder 1E Crowns of Ice - A Tale of Blood and Betrayal - II


[section]~ Eben stayed in the silence with his brother after the small bit of philosophy, staring out at the ocean as the sails finally caught a good breath of wind and kicked the snekkja across the rolling waves. Eben moved with the rock of the ship, having been quite well practiced at keeping his boots to the deck in both calm and rough seas.

It seemed that's what he and his brother were always between. There was either a treasure trove, or they were poor. They either feasted on succulent roasts and barrels of mead, or the brothers divided stale bread amongst the entire crew. They had been through rough and calm seas together, and so Eben could accept that perhaps, just perhaps, his older brother placed far more emphasis on what they did, rather than any prayer or curse. It was their shields that protected them, their spears that won them glory and gold.

There was some wisdom in this, but Eben also thought it rather unwise to openly invite misfortune: The Wyrd was fickle, and poets knew of many stories where The Wyrd was all that was left for a hero to rise or fall on. So it was that when Thorir spoke of his mother's influence, Eben once again was reminded on how alike he was to his brother: Maren, his own parent, had been much the same.

" It seems Einar learned much from father," Eben mumbled, turning his gaze back to Thorir and then past him, to catch the Raveneye. The man was avoided by the other vikingr, thought of as some ill omen, yet he found a place amongst the crew. Talk of gods seemed to have roused him from his normal trance, Eben trying to lift his mouth in a grin but quickly finding his mirth gone. He shuddered and nodded to Thorir.

" There's my reason for at least making an offer to Njörðr before we set sail," The Skald noted, his gaze making it clear whom he spoke of, " I'd imagine Old Raveneye would know much of this Isle of yours as well. His knowledge may serve us in preparing for anything our two heads couldn't conceive of."

[sblock=Eben's Stats]Character Sheet

HP: 30/30
Condition: Normal
Initiative: +1
Perception: +8
[sblock=Combat Stats]AC: 17 Flat: 16 Touch: 11
Fort: 5 Reflex: 2 Will: 5

In Hand: Nothing

Masterwork Longsword: +7, 1d8+3, 19-20/x2
Composite Longbow: +4 1d8+3, 20/x3, 110. ft.
Arrows: 40/40[/sblock]
[sblock=Spells & Powers]Cantrips: Unlimited
Dancing Lights
Know Direction
Mage Hand
Read Magic

Level 1: 4/Day
Horn of Pursuit
Moment of Greatness
Read Weather
Timely Inspiration
Windy Escape

Level 2: 2/Day
Mirror Image

Skald Abilities:
Raging Song: 18/18 Rounds Remaining
Powerful Blow: 1/1 Per Day
Born Free: 1/1 Per Day[/sblock]
[sblock=Adventure Notes]Transactions:
Total Coin: 28.03 GP

Game Info:[/sblock][/sblock]

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Thorir shrugged. "Might not hurt to ask him." says Thorir holding Gunnvor's gaze without remorse or reservation. "And even the gods cannot escape their Wyrd, so why worry?"

"However despite what I just said, you know I have never missed an offering to Njord before we sail. Nor to Thor and Tyr before a battle. And to the All-father at various times. That is my inheritance from my mother."

"And let me tell you we pull this who thing off we will need to offer Baldur a good offering. Plus if things go as planned Loki and Vidar. But again one thing at a time."

Archon Basileus

First Post

As Thorir and Eben mention his name, the sharp attention of Raveneye is immediately struck. Still, instead of weighing in, the odd man simply chews another bite of fruit out of his blade. He makes no mention of speaking at all.

After a long, awkward stare into silence, he smiles a cold, detached smile.

“There is only one thing the three gods will want in the end, Sea Kings... The question is: when the time comes, will you be willing to pay the price?” – he says to both brothers, a mix of mockery and concern in his voice. He looks down and approaches the bird cages, sharing a piece of his food with one of them.

@Fenris @Queenie @tglassy @Jago


"And what is it that the god want Son of Mimir?" asks Thorir "And what would their price be? I have paid in sweat and blood. I have sacrificed to the gods and sacrificed my own birthrights. I have placed my life before Njord and Tyr and held to there tenets. Whether they hear or care doesn't matter so long as one faces their own Wyrd, Fate and the Norns with courage. So speak mystic, what more can the gods wish from me?"

Archon Basileus

First Post

“More blood… What else!?” – Raveneye answers without flinching. “But this time… Kin’s blood.” – he returns slowly to his fruit as he continues to speak.

“I had a dream last night. I closed my eyes and suddenly I rode across the rainbow bridge along with Loki. I heard as he instigated the gods against Baldur, in a jesting game. I’ve seen as he handled the cursed arrow to Hod, the thing that would strike Baldur and kill him. I’ve seen all gods weep for the lost youth, joy of Asgard. And I’ve seen Loki in disguise, denying his tears so the dead god would remain in Hel till the end of days. This story we all know.”
He chews once more, splitting a piece and handling part of it to the birds.

“But here’s the curious part” – he looks Thorir in the eyes. “All throughout the competition, all throughout the mourning, lamenting and crying, I noticed, surprised, our father Odin. And he was different. Young, perfect gaze, with two intact eyes, seeing everything perfectly well, too. Better than the others, in fact. For he had knowledge of Loki’s tricks. And yet, he said nothing. Nothing. He wouldn’t try to stop Loki, he wouldn’t try to save his son. He saw Baldur die. And only when everyone cried for Baldur, Odin’s visage returned to its true state. As he cried for his son, he grew older, his lost eye crying itself into tears of blood. The transmutation ended, he looked down and muttered to himself, ‘No sacrifice is too great’.”

“Kin’s blood for one’s wishes. No coincidence to hear you talking of Baldur’s blessings just now.” – he approaches a bit, tossing the knife upon a crate and cleaning his hands with his clothes. “The dream was for you.”

“We never know we’ve been taken for fools until tragedy makes us wise.” – his cryptic gaze turns into a sympathetic expression. He touches both brothers’ shoulders in solidarity, and this time around Thorir and Eben can almost feel some semblance of humanity pulsating within the man. The moment is brief, though. He turns his back and walks away, seeking for tasks in the deck.

@Fenris @Queenie @tglassy @Jago


"Well I could just stick Eben with a knife and be done with in then" jests Thorir. "But thank you, Ravenseye for sharing your vision. How often have we seen kin fight kin over power, glory or riches? I left and found my own path to glory and riches. That leaves the power for Einar. I have no desire to spill his blood, it is the same as mine. And more over I declare to all here, it is the same as Eben's, if only in my eyes and the eyes of the Gods."

Thorir paused to clasp his brother on the shoulder and smile. Thorir could claim this right, for had not this man stood by him for the last few years? Does that not make a man a brother?

"Now should Einar abrogate his responsibilities, should he turn to the tricks of Loki, should be dishonor the halls of my father, then his blood is tainted and impure. No longer mine, no longer my fathers, or his father. Then his blood and his rights are forfeit. Then shall the gods be appeased. Then shall they have Kinsblood, a wereguild of the Wyrd. But not before. Not by my hand."


[section]~ The younger brother had to hide a sudden flicker of surprise that struck across his eyes as Thorir laid his hand upon his shoulder. Eben had not expected such a sudden affirmation of his kinship, and while Thorir had never even insinuated that the Poet was anything other than his blood before, it was still astonishing to hear the Son of Volund declare the bastard his brother in front of the crew and The Gods themselves.

However, Old Raveneye's words had left the Skald unsettled. Eben knew of which part of the Edda was referenced: the Mistletoe and how it struck down beautiful Baldur, arranged by Loki the Treacherous. However, no saga that Eben recalled spoke of Odin knowing of the tragedy that would occur. After Raveneye had left the brothers back to their own, Eben narrowed his eyebrows and addressed the Sea King.

" 'No Sacrifice Is Too Great'," he repeated slowly, stroking a hand through his dark beard, " Something seems ... wrong, about this. Brother. Call me Superstitious, but this does not bode well."

He turned back to the salt seas, the spray kicking up against the bow as the vessel cut through the dark waters. Eben searched his memory and thoughts, trying to put to words what he felt.

" Even Odin The Wise did not know of what awaited Baldur that day. But if he did, and let Ragnarok come without a word to stop it?"

In many ways, Eben believed strongly in The Wyrd, but also knew that men had their own destinies to make. Did those of Asgard not feel the same? He knew Thor and Bragi would try to fight their Fate, assuredly! But what if this was not about Odin and gods and mistletoe?

" Too Great. Too great for what, brother?" Eben asked of Thorir, " The Death of Baldur precedes the end of all things. The days of The Serpent and The Wolf! While the world may be remade from the ashes of Yggdrasil ... It makes no sense to me, Thorir. No sense at all."

Eben cocked his head to the side, as if suddenly catching an idea within the waves and wanting to track it.

" Unless."

He chewed on the inside of his cheek. Opened his mouth once, twice, closed it and considered yet again. After a slow moment, he spoke.

" If betrayal is a necessary sacrifice. If the Father must let a son die for the sake of something greater, for the world to be reborn from what it has become."

Eben lifted his brows to his kin, as if his own realization surprised him just as much.

" What if Raveneye was speaking of Volund? That a son's blood must be shed to right the lands of Grandael? And then, which of we brothers is Loki, and which is Baldur?"

Eben shook his head, not even sure if his leap in logic was true. But, who could say that dreams had singular, simple answers?

" I have a bad feeling about this." ~[/section]

[sblock=Eben's Stats]Character Sheet

HP: 30/30
Condition: Normal
Initiative: +1
Perception: +8
[sblock=Combat Stats]AC: 17 Flat: 16 Touch: 11
Fort: 5 Reflex: 2 Will: 5

In Hand: Nothing

Masterwork Longsword: +7, 1d8+3, 19-20/x2
Composite Longbow: +4 1d8+3, 20/x3, 110. ft.
Arrows: 40/40[/sblock]
[sblock=Spells & Powers]Cantrips: Unlimited
Dancing Lights
Know Direction
Mage Hand
Read Magic

Level 1: 4/Day
Horn of Pursuit
Moment of Greatness
Read Weather
Timely Inspiration
Windy Escape

Level 2: 2/Day
Mirror Image

Skald Abilities:
Raging Song: 18/18 Rounds Remaining
Powerful Blow: 1/1 Per Day
Born Free: 1/1 Per Day[/sblock]
[sblock=Adventure Notes]Transactions:
Total Coin: 28.03 GP

Game Info:[/sblock][/sblock]


Thorir laughed "If that gives you pause Eben then remember that it was Hoder, Balder's brother, who cast the fated mistletoe. Odin knew all from the begining. He it was who went to Hel.

The mead has been brewed for Baldur.
The hope of the high gods has gone

Odin knew the entire time. Did he know a sacrifice was needed? The Eddas do not say."

"However it depends on which skald you listen to. Now Loki was no Aesir, so he was not a brother to Balder. So for this analogy to be complete I know of no way to make filial comparisons. Now does that make you Loki? You still have Volund blood, if less. Hoder was blind, but that could mean lacking vision of the world as much as literal blindness, and so could easily mean Einar. And of course Balder being the most beautiful must mean me." he laughs.

"However" he adds in a conspiratorial whisper "what I think it really means is that Raveneye has been hotting the mead too hard before bed" says Thorir roaring with laughter again.

Thorir jumping onto a railing Called out to the entire crew "And why worry? Odin knew and could not stop it. What profit did knowing the future bring? None! It never does. Prophecies are warnings aye! But no one can change them. Only the Norns know and so let them know and worry. It does you no good to worry. Your skein is set, the length is cut. Shall blood be spilt for one's wishes? Nearly always! Have we men not split blood to achieve what we have?" he calls out and is answered by a raurcous cheer. "So we fight, against whomever the gods put before us. And lo have we not bested everyone yet?" a ringing Yes! is shouted back. "And so we carry on until we do fall, and in doing so go to Valhalla having lived a life of courage and honor. Where in this is there room or need to worry Eden? Where?" ask Thorir standing over Eben

Archon Basileus

First Post

Where in this is there room or need to worry Eden? Where?"

“I tell you where…” – Lavrans walks around, busy with his duties. “In a warlock’s cursed head, that’s where!” – he grimaces towards Raveneye. “All was well till that vulture opened his mouth. Now look at Eben, worrying over nothing! Should have thrown him to Njörd long ago… And the god would spit him back, if he’s clever enough.” – he does not measure his tone or his words, his hateful glance stabbing at Raveneye. His speech is accompanied by three or four similar expressions, as well as some moans.

“Don’t worry, Sea King, dreams cannot frighten us… Treachery, on the other hand, deserves our attention…” – Lavrans sits with his brother and begins to help him prepare some arrows. Asmund thanks him with a nod, but his disapproving expression shows compassion for Raveneye.

“Thorir…” – Asger is the one to offer an easy way out of the situation. Young and clueless as he is, the lad has a way with words. Gods wish it was the same with a sword. “How long till we reach the route?” – his expression also shows some pain. Thorir and Eben cannot say if he feels for Raveneye, for the fated brothers, or what.

[MENTION=2820]Fenris[/MENTION] [MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION] [MENTION=6855204]tglassy[/MENTION] [MENTION=6855130]Jago[/MENTION]


"Oi, Lavran" calls out Thorir. "I believe that Raveneye has served as your shieldmate quite often yes? Did he let a single spear penetrate your flank? No. There will be no dissension on this ship. You have an issue you can settle it by glima, not by speaking ill of a man who has fought by your side. Am I clear?" asks Thorir. He gets grunts of assent from Lavran.

Thorir's face softens and he adds "Besides you know Aegir's wife Ran brews the best mead. You want Old Raveneye getting better brew than you?" Lavran half smiles in spite of himself. We wanted to keep his sour mood.

Having settled the dispute, or least put it to bed for the time, Thorir turns to Asger. "Well Lad. I don't know if you are eager or worried, either way your mind will be set at ease. we should over take the ship within the hour. I expect we will spy their sail within half that. They will be coming from the west as we head straight north to intercept them. We have the wind, they will have to tack. It will appear that we too are headed to port, or it will until it is too late." smiles Thorir. "Now all of you see to your weapons." orders Thorir.

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