• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Release Create More Dynamic City Encounters with Encounter Builder: City Scenes


Ever have your PCs wandering about town on various errands and not have a random encounter idea ready? Or maybe you'd like some ideas for planning out random encounters to use as the PCs visit a town. This deck would also be great for open-ended Solo games where you're looking to craft a random encounter based on a source of inspiration.

With this deck, just shuffle and throw out a handful of cards and see what ideas come to mind. The 50 card deck has a full color image on each side of each card for 100 sources of ideas. The images are broken down into events, locations, and people. So a card of an explosion, a rough looking person, an alleyway and a death might tell you that the PCs spot an explosion down an alleyway where one person lies dead and another was seen running away.

With 100 images the possibilities are already nearly endless. But because all the inspiration comes from art cards, every time you look at the images you might key in on a different aspect of the image.

Get the PDF & printed deck for under $10.
Or get the PDF for just $0.99 with this special discount code link! (One week only.)

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