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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

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Babylon 5 Hyperspace
Hyperspace (B5) is an alternate dimension which is used for faster-than-light travel between locations that would otherwise take longer to travel to in normal space. The entire dimension appears as a stormy environment that has a constant red hue. Transit between normal space and hyperspace occurs through the use of a "jump point'. A jump point is a large energised vortex that punches a hole between the dimensions and allows objects to pass from one side to the other. To do this requires a huge amount of energy and so most hyperspace travel is achieved via a Jumpgate, though starships that can meet the energy requirements can generate their own Jump Points with the use of on-board Jump Engines.
Jump points are strictly one way. An outgoing jump point for a ship that is about to enter hyperspace is light orange in colour, and incoming jump points for ships re-entering normal space are blue.
These vortexes release a lot of energy, and disrupt space around them, any ship or object that makes contact with the outer edge of the vortex is either instantly or severely crippled. For this reason, jump points are normally opened only in deep space, away from navigational hazards though with sufficiently accurate targeting information it is possible to open a jump point within, and safely transit into, a planetary atmosphere. Vortexes are on average 10,000 feet wide, 10,000 feet tall, and 10,000 feet long, and although are funnel shape, the space around the funnel is disrupted and can damage anything around the sides. A jumpgate can open larger vortexes when the struts are moved, but typically are positioned to open an average sized vortex.
Jumpgates are activated via a Computer Use check DC 10 with a working communications system and navigation system designed to receive hyperspace beacon signals and navigate hyperspace (PDC 20), and ship must be within 1000 ft of the jumpgate opening and moving at speed of 1000 ft as the gate activates. A vortex forms immediately and will remain open as long as the ship, or ships if part of a group, have transmitted access to the gate and enter. After the last one enters, the vortex closes. Speeds are double that of the Faster-Than-Light (FTL) Engines Table 6-6 page 102 of d20 Future.

To travel within Hyperspace, pilot, or navigator makes a Navigate check based on table below, with DCs ranging from 5 to 20, as appropriate for the type of jump route being travelled though only one check is needed for the entire journey, unless a course change is made. Ships choosing to avoid the designated jump routes will experience unpredictable travel times and must make a check with DCs of 25 to 30, or higher, every day or part of, they remain in hyperspace. If a ship wishes to hold station (remain stationary) can be difficult. Combat in Hyperspace is even more risky due to how easy it can be to lose a lock on a beacon, requiring a check every round of combat.
Every Navigation check failed will result in the craft losing its lock on a beacon, sending it spiraling out of control. If another ship within 5000 ft maintains a lock on a beacon, the Navigate check can be made in subsequent rounds.

Manoeuvre/Jump RouteNavigate DCTime Required
Major Jump Route512 hours to 3 days
Minor Jump Route153 to 7 days
Dangerous Jump Route205 to 10 days
Holding Station20-
Travel Outside Jump Routes25-30Variable

Ships equipped with a jump point generator, must be at least Colossal in size and of Light type. Creating a jump point is a full round action that requires a Navigate and Pilot check DC 10 each to create a stable jump point that will appear 2000 feet away from the ship in the direction the navigator designates. The ship can hold a jump point open for 1 minute allowing any friendly ship it designates to fly through, or until the generating ship flies through the vortex, then it closes. Creating a vortex uses a lot of energy, meaning any ship of mediumweight or smaller that is generating the jump point vortex can't fire energy weapons or use any defensive systems that use a lot of energy (point defense system that uses energy weapons, shields, etc) for the duration the vortex is open and 1d4 rounds afterwards. A ship can not create another jump point for 1 minute (10 rounds), not without causing engine shut down, unless it has a massive energy generator with ample supply of power or highly advanced.
Any ship that is within the space that a vortex opens can attempt a Reflex save DC 30 for half damage, but if they are within 500 ft of the center, or have a maximum speed less than 3500 ft, the Reflex DC is 40, a failed save the ship suffers 40d20 points of nonspecific energy that bypasses all DR and energy resistance per 100 feet length of the ship and for every 500 ft from the outer edge of the vortex the ship is. For example, a 100 ft long ship that is 1000 ft from the outer edge of the vortex when it forms and fails its Reflex save, suffers 120d20 points of damage (40d20 for 100 ft of ship length, plus 80d20 for being 1000 ft from the edge).

Note while in hyperspace, ships can move about as if in normal space, even remain in one spot, however that requires the engines to keep the ship in one spot. If the ship loses power or the engines are disable, a ship can float and become lost. Combat in hyperspace is possible,
but dangerous. Targeting systems are half as effective (half bonus rounding down), weapon ranges are reduced by half, but energy weapons deal double damage, and area effects are also doubled with +2 to Reflex saves. Most won't risk combat in hyperspace as it is very easy to become lost if ships stray too far from a beacon, or engines or navigation system becomes damaged and inoperable for even a short period of time.


Once known as the Lion of the Galaxy, the Centauri Republic has suffered several setbacks in recent history and now is a fraction of its original size.
Physical Description: Centauri look very similar to humans, with the only outward physical differences are Male Centauri have six short but manipulative tentacles around their abdomens, but are always kept out of sight. Centauri males are noted for their crowns of hair which are grown in accordance to their rank and position each individual holds in society, with the higher their status, the larger his crown of hair. Female Centauri traditionally shave their heads, ostensibly to demonstrate they rise above political differences.

Personality: The life of most Centauri is one of duty - to themselves, their noble houses and the Republic, usually in that order. They delight in scheming and politicking, and Centauri society provides rich opportunities for both. Names, ranks and titles are everything to a Centauri and most belong to one of the great noble houses that have existed since the dawn of the Republic. Those without such standing are often sold as slaves among the nobles though a few find their way to the stars. Tradition features greatly in the life of a Centauri, and they will observe all religious or political forms and functions with reverence, believing that their sense of history is what gives the Republic its great strength.

Relations: The Centauri are a gregarious people, and usually take some delight in meeting any new alien race, particularly if they are believed to have art, literature or artefacts of interest. Relations with other races, however, are often marred by simple Centauri greed. The Centauri's racial trait of attempting to secure the very best position possible for themselves, their house or the Republic as a whole often overcomes any good intentions and many races find them exasperating to negotiate with. The Centauri nurse a deep hatred for the Narns, a race they enslaved and fought with over one hundred years ago.
In Coreline, the Centauri have found a great many new races and opportunities to better themselves and the Republic. However they are finding the many different human factions, and offshoots (mutants, Co-ordinators, super powered, etc) to be of particular interest. They respect humans due to the Earth/Minbari war, however some treat many of the different Human groups the same, at least until proven otherwise.

Racial Traits:
Ability Modifiers: -2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma. As a race, Centauri tend to be self-destructive and rash, but are skilled at politicking and influencing others.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Centauri have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Centauri base land speed is 30 feet.
Racial Skills: Generations of complex politicking and court intrigue have left their mark on all Centauri. At 1st level, a Centauri may choose any of the two following skills which will always be considered class skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (Civics and Current Events) in relation to anything Centauri, or Sense Motive
Centauri gain +2 racial bonus to all Bluff and Diplomacy checks as they are raised to play the political games of their families.
Centauri Excess: Centauri are noted for their personal excesses, especially of food, drink and entertainment. This has given them a greater resistance against over-consumption, and sickness. All Centauri gain a +1 racial bonus to all Fortitude checks made to resist poison, disease and exhaustion.
ECL: +0

Prehensile Tentacles (Centauri)

A few male Centauri take the time and patience to learn how to grasp small objects with their tentacle-like appendages. This takes a great deal of practice to be of any practical use beyond sexual activity but some Centauri find great value in having additional manipulative organs.
Prerequisite: Male Centauri
Benefit: By loosening, or wearing loose clothing, you can extend two primary tentacles from your torso, up to a range of 5 feet. They can be used to grip or stick to small objects of 1 lb or less in weight in order to pick them up. Fine manipulation of the object (such as pulling the trigger of a small weapon) is not possible, but you can, for example, flick switches or pull objects closer to you.


A short blade of Centauri design, with a leaf shaped blade similar to some ancient Roman swords, primarily used in the ritualised duelling art of the Morago. Its use is restricted to nobles of the great houses and Palace Guards but while it is regarded as a symbol of the Republic's glorious past, it functions superbly as a melee combat in battle. Masterwork versions can be centuries old and fashioned by the greatest weaponsmiths of the Centauri Republic.

Coutari (PL 4-5 Exotic Weapon Proficiency)
Damage: 1d6
Critical: 19-20/x2
Damage Type: slashing
Size: medium
Weight: 4 lbs
Purchase DC: 21
Notes: Centauri treat the Coutari as an Archaic Weapon. Any Centauri carrying a coutari gains +1 to Reputation and Charisma checks when dealing with another Centauri.


Wonder if the Coreline version of the Narn will go and embrace a bio punk mentality to compensate for their lack of telepaths?
It's a strong possibility that they would look into any and all bioengineering to get telepaths. Looking at other races for potential sources of DNA for genetic modification. Who knows, maybe there might even be some Force sensitive Narn, which while doesn't produce telepathy, the additional abilities it grants could lead them into trying to breed more Force sensitive members.


Mario Bros Fiction NPCs/Monsters

Giant Goomba
Giant Goombas are large Goombas that use their size to boss smaller Goombas and lead groups of them as they attack an opponent. Giant Goombas tend to forego strategy for brute force. Goombas are ruthless fighters in melee, and fight without care for wounds or pain. Combat with giant goombas always starts with a charge against the nearest character, and quickly progresses to a flank to cut off retreat, with the giant goombas leading the charge, making the smaller ones cut off escape routes and flank their target.

Giant Goomba
Large Humanoid (Fungus, plant)
Hit Dice: 6d8+24 (52 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 20 ft
Defense: 10 , touch 10, flatfooted 10, (-1 size, -1 Dex)
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+9
Attack: bite +4 melee (2d6+4 bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing)
Full Attack: bite +4 melee (2d6+4 bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Jump Attack
Special Qualities: darkvision 60 ft, goomba racial traits
Saves: Fort +4, Ref -1, Will +0
Abilities: Str 18 Dex 8 Con 18 Int 10 Wis 11 Cha 10
Skills: Jump +9, Survival +4
Feats: Jump Attack
Environment: any underground or any temperate
Organization: individual, squad (1 plus 1d6+1 goombas), or troop (1-2 plus 3d6 goombas)
Challenge Rating: 4
Advancement: By class
Level Adjustment: +0

Goomba Racial Traits (Ex): Goombas have a +4 racial bonus to saves to resist poison and a +2 racial bonus to Survival or Knowledge (Nature) checks made to identify mushrooms.

Jump Attack
When jumping as part of a charge, deals 3d6 + 4 Str modifier bludgeoning damage on a successful hit. Can make a Jump check DC 10 and for every 5 points beats the DC add +3 damage

Dark Goomba
Dark Goombas are similar to regular Goombas, except they come in much darker colours that blends well in shadows and allows them to hide in low-light conditions much better. Their skin doesn't reflect light very well, so while in shadows and darkness, even if a light is shined on them, they do not appear clearly, slightly blurred. This doesn't happen when standing fully in a large light source.
Dark Goombas are ambush attackers, they prefer to hide and strike with the element of surprise, and attacking at night. If they can't use stealth, then they fight like normal goombas, move straight to a target and attack until it or them are defeated.

Dark Goomba
Small Humanoid (Fungus, plant)
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (4 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20 ft
Defence: 12 , touch 11, flatfooted 10, (+1 size, +1 Dex)
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-3
Attack: bite +3 melee (1d4+1 bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing)
Full Attack: bite +3 melee (1d4+1 bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Jump Attack
Special Qualities: darkvision 90 ft, goomba racial traits (see Races chapter), One With Shadows, Strike From Shadows, Silent Movement
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0
Abilities: Str 13 Dex 12 Con 11 Int 10 Wis 11 Cha 10
Skills: Jump +5, Hide +6*, Move Silently +6*, Survival +4
Feats: Jump Attack
Environment: any underground or any temperate
Organization: pair, squad (1d6+1), or troop (3d6)
Challenge Rating: 1
Advancement: By class
Level Adjustment: +0

Goomba Racial Traits (Ex): Goombas have a +4 racial bonus to saves to resist poison and a +2 racial bonus to Survival or Knowledge (Nature) checks made to identify mushrooms.

Jump Attack
When jumping as part of a charge, deals 1d6 + Str modifier bludgeoning damage on a successful hit. Can make a Jump check DC 10 and for every 5 points beats the DC add +1 damage

One With Shadows
If the Dark Goomba is in shadows or any form of darkness, gains +10 to Hide and blends in with the shadows and darkness. While in shadows and darkness, has concealment, with a 10% miss chance.

Strike From Shadows
If the Dark Goomba isn't detected by an enemy while in shadows or darkness, its first attack deals triple damage. Any attack while in shadows or darkness gain +2 to attack rolls and damage.

Silent Movement
While in darkness or shadows, a Dark Goomba can attempt to move silently at full normal speed without normal penalties for moving at normal speed while attempting to move silently.

Koopas are a race of humanoid turtle-like creatures, typically with yellowish skin and green shells on their back, although some koopas come in different colours that fill specific roles. Koopas are typically found in the service of Bowser, their leader, however some are found outside of Bowser's kingdom. Typical koopas stand between 4 foot 8 inches and 5 foot 5 inches, although some breeds may be smaller or larger.

Medium Humanoid (Reptilian)
Hit Dice: 1d10 (9 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 20 ft
Defense: 10, touch 9, flat-footed 11 (-1 Dex +1 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/+1
Attack: slam +1 melee (1d4 bludgeoning)
Full Attack: slam +1 melee (1d4 bludgeoning)
Space/Reach: 5 ft /5 ft
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: tuck, koopa racial traits, acid resistance 5, light fortification
Saves: Fort +2, Ref -1, Will +0
Abilities: Str 11 Dex 8 Con 13 Int 10 Wis 11 Cha 10
Skills: Climb +6, Jump +6, Listen +4, Spot +4
Feats: Toughness
Environment: any temperate
Organization: pair, squad (1d6+1), or troop (3d6)
Challenge Rating: ½
Advancement: By class
Level Adjustment: +0

Koopa Racial Traits (Ex): Koopas do not suffer any reduction in speed for carrying a medium or heavy load. Koopas have a +2 racial bonus to Climb and Jump checks.
Tuck (Ex): A Koopa may tuck his head, arms, and legs into his shell as a move action without provoking an attack of opportunity. However, this causes the Koopa to fall prone (unless he already was prone). This grants total concealment (50% miss chance) and cover (+4 cover bonus to Defense and Reflex saves). A Koopa can remain tucked indefinitely. While tucked, a Koopa can take no actions involving movement other than rising from prone. A Koopa retains his Tuck bonuses while standing up (specifically against attacks of opportunity incurred), but not after.
Though the average Koopa mentality is to avoid fighting at all costs, Koopas who defend themselves trust their natural defenses. They prefer to fight defensively, and try to avoid blows and strike when their opponents are tired out.

Light Fortification
Any critical attack against a koopa has a 25% chance of dealing normal damage instead.

Koopa Troopa
Koopa Troopa are the basic soldiers or militia used by Koopas. They are slightly stronger and their shells are a little more resilient than basic koopas. Typically use their fists to slam enemies, although some might have spears.

Koopa Troopa
Medium Humanoid (Reptilian)
Hit Dice: 2d10+3+3 (21 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 20 ft
Defense: 11, touch 9, flat-footed 12 (-1 Dex +2 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+3
Attack: slam +3 melee (1d4+2 bludgeoning) optional spear +3 melee (1d8+2 piercing, thrown 30 ft)
Full Attack: slam +3 melee (1d4+2 bludgeoning)
Space/Reach: 5 ft /5 ft
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: tuck, koopa racial traits, acid resistance 5, light fortification
Saves: Fort +2, Ref -1, Will +0
Abilities: Str 14 Dex 8 Con 17 Int 12 Wis 13 Cha 10
Skills: Climb +6, Jump +6, Listen +4, Spot +4
Feats: Toughness
Environment: any temperate
Organization: pair, squad (1d6+1), or troop (3d6), group (20+ 1d8)
Challenge Rating: 1

Koopa Racial Traits (Ex): Koopas do not suffer any reduction in speed for carrying a medium or heavy load. Koopas have a +2 racial bonus to Climb and Jump checks.
Tuck (Ex): A Koopa may tuck his head, arms, and legs into his shell as a move action without provoking an attack of opportunity. However, this causes the Koopa to fall prone (unless he already was prone). This grants total concealment (50% miss chance) and cover (+4 cover bonus to Defense and Reflex saves). A Koopa can remain tucked indefinitely. While tucked, a Koopa can take no actions involving movement other than rising from prone. A Koopa retains his Tuck bonuses while standing up (specifically against attacks of opportunity incurred), but not after.
Though the average Koopa mentality is to avoid fighting at all costs, Koopas who defend themselves trust their natural defenses. They prefer to fight defensively, and try to avoid blows and strike when their opponents are tired out.

Light Fortification
Any critical attack against a koopa has a 25% chance of dealing normal damage instead.

Hammer Bro
Hammer Bros, or Brothers, are Koopa Troopas with training as soldiers, wielding hammers they use in both melee and ranged by throwing them. Physically they are like other koopas, except with larger shells and they wear shell-like helmets. These usually found in service to Bowser or other military groups that hire them.

Hammer Bro
Medium Humanoid (Reptilian)
Hit Dice: 3d10+9+3 (29 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 20 ft
Defense: 13, touch 10, flat-footed 13 (+3 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+4
Attack: slam +4 melee (1d4+2 bludgeoning) or +5 melee hammer (1d6+2 bludgeoning) or +3 ranged hammer (1d6 bludgeoning, 40 ft 5 increments)
Full Attack: +5 melee hammer (1d6+2 bludgeoning), or +3 ranged (1d6 bludgeoning)
Space/Reach: 5 ft /5 ft
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: tuck, koopa racial traits, acid resistance 5, light fortification, rapid pickup
Saves: Fort +2, Ref -1, Will +0
Abilities: Str 14 Dex 10 Con 17 Int 12 Wis 13 Cha 10
Skills: Climb +6, Jump +7, Listen +4, Search +3, Spot +4
Feats: Toughness, weapon focus (hammer), quick draw
Environment: any temperate
Organization: pair, squad (1d6+1), or troop (3d6), group (20+ 1d8)
Possessions: 20 hammers
Challenge Rating: 2

In combat, Hammer Bros will use their hammers to strike at foes as they close into melee. They are quite adept at picking up hammers that had struck foes or missed and are laying or the ground so they can keep throwing hammers. They always keep one that they never throw for improved melee damage over their fists.

Koopa Racial Traits (Ex): Koopas do not suffer any reduction in speed for carrying a medium or heavy load. Koopas have a +2 racial bonus to Climb and Jump checks.
Tuck (Ex): A Koopa may tuck his head, arms, and legs into his shell as a move action without provoking an attack of opportunity. However, this causes the Koopa to fall prone (unless he already was prone). This grants total concealment (50% miss chance) and cover (+4 cover bonus to Defense and Reflex saves). A Koopa can remain tucked indefinitely. While tucked, a Koopa can take no actions involving movement other than rising from prone. A Koopa retains his Tuck bonuses while standing up (specifically against attacks of opportunity incurred), but not after.
Though the average Koopa mentality is to avoid fighting at all costs, Koopas who defend themselves trust their natural defenses. They prefer to fight defensively, and try to avoid blows and strike when their opponents are tired out.

Rapid Pickup
Hammer Bros are trained so that they can quickly pickup thrown hammers, or hammers on fallen allies, able to pick up a hammer in each free hand as a free action that doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity, even if within melee range of an opponent. Most do this as they are moving, quickly scooping up a fallen hammer before either throwing it, or quickly storing it to grab another nearby hammer. This ability can be used to pick up other medium sized objects with an easily identifiable handle, like other hand tools, knives, or similar items.

Light Fortification
Any critical attack against a koopa has a 25% chance of dealing normal damage instead.

Was thinking of working on a Feat that replicates the “Active Reload” mechanic of “Gears of War”. Name it either “Active Reload” (why waste such a cool name?) or “Reload Rage”.

Once per encounter, the player pays… let us say, 2 Action Points to activate the Feat. Once the Feat is active, reloading whatever weapon the Player Character is using at the moment (and only that weapon - if the character switches weapons, the Feat needs to be re-activated with more Action Points. Game Master has final say about specifics), the player can do a Dexterity roll DC 15 (depending on how stressful the situation is the GM can declare it to be higher) and, if the roll is successful, the following attacks (equal to character's Dexterity modifier or the weapon's ammo count, whichever is lower) have a +4 damage bonus (stackable with any other bonuses).

The weapon must be reloadable - single-shot devices such as LAW rocket launchers do not apply.

Ok, then… yeah, it needs to be refined.


I don't remember if I posted these..

Stellar Hazards
Travel through the vast void of space isn't all smooth sailing between the point A and point B. Besides the most well known dangers of asteroids and black holes. The beautiful nebulas can even be incredibly dangerous to travel through.

A nebula is an interstellar cloud of matter, usually gases (such as hydrogen) and dust. Originally nebula was a general name for any extended astronomical object. A nebula is formed when very diffuse molecular clouds begin to collapse under their own gravity, often due to the influence of a nearby supernova explosion. The cloud collapses and fragments, forming sometimes hundreds of new stars. The newly formed stars ionize the surrounding gas to produce an emission nebula. Other nebulae are formed by the death of stars. A star that undergoes the transition to a white dwarf blows off its outer layer to form a planetary nebula. Novae and supernovae can also create nebulae known as nova remnants and supernova remnants respectively. Nebular can be hundreds of miles to span distances of light years.
In gaming terms, nebulas effect sensor and scanning device when they are being searched or examined.
Class I Sensor Array is negated and completely useless inside of a nebula. All other sensor arrays will suffer an additional increase of +10 DC to all their Computer Use checks when using any other visual and electronic sensors. Another side effect of nebulas is they affect shields, rendering them inoperable. All nebulae cause defensive shielding and fields to shut down while the starship is inside the nebula, although radiation shielding is still effective, although some nebula might emit intense amounts of radiation that will over time overcome the radiation shielding of standard starships.
The following is a list of several specific types of nebula:
Dark-matter nebulae: Dark-matter nebulae are clouds of interstellar gas or dust which emit or reflect very little light or energy. Dark-matter nebulae are also hard to detect using visual or electromagnetic sensors, such as radar, lidar and similar sensors (-5 to detect), although graviton based sensors will easily detect them (+5 to detect).
o Condition Zone (Dark-matter nebulae)*: Sensor checks made against a ship or object with in a Dark-matter nebula take a -5 penalty.
• Emission nebula: An emission nebula is a type of nebula that emits its own light due to the presence of ultraviolet radiation from very hot young stars inside.
o Condition Zone (Emission nebula)*: Cloaking devices including stealth screens or cloaking screen are useless inside emission nebulae.
Planetary nebula: A planetary nebula is formed when an extremely hot star, such as a red giant or supergiant, ejects a shell of gas, exposing the star's inner core. Planetary nebulae have nothing to do with planets - they are only so called because of their resemblance to a planet.
o Condition Zone (Planetary nebula)*: All starships and objects traveling within this type of nebula must make a Pilot check (DC 15) every round or the starship or object can only
move at maximum of 50% of their top speed.
Protostellar nebula: A protostellar nebula is a type of nebula containing high levels of radioactive particle emissions inside it.
o Condition Zone (Protostellar nebula)*: These emission are deadly and prevents starships from staying inside for more than 24 hours, but it also acts like a cloaking screen
rendering the starship or object invisible to visual and electronic sensors while inside of it.

Plasma Storm
A plasma storm is a type of spatial disturbance that involves energetic particles in a state called plasma.
There are certain sections in space that are well known for their intense plasma storms and gravitational anomalies. For that reason, it is commonly avoided by most interstellar traffic. The Plasma storm effect on small starships and objects is deadly while on large sized starships and objects is quite devastating. Plasma storms are typically a minimum of 100 miles, although some stretch millions, or can cover a whole star system.
• Condition Zone (Plasma Storm)*: Base attack +8. Every round the starship or object is inside of a plasma storm they could be directly affected by streams of plasma. Dependent on the size of the starship or object; ultralight, light, mediumweight, heavy, or superheavy; will determine the amount of damage done. Plasma storms do 15d20 (165) points of fire damage to ultralight starship or object; Plasma storms do 25d20 (275) points of fire damage to light starship or object; Plasma storms do 40d20 (440) points of fire damage to
mediumweight starship or object; Plasma storms do 55d20 (605) points of fire damage to heavy starship or object; Plasma storms do 70d20 (770) points of fire damage to superheavy starship or object.


Tiberium Cassowary
After the discovery of the Tiberium Razorbacks, other Tiberium mutated creatures were being discovered in the Tiberium fields of Australia. To the horror of many, Tiberium mutated cassowaries were the next discovery. Cassowaries are large flightless birds, like an emu, except they have large crests on the top of their head, three-toed feet that are thick and powerful, with a large dagger-like claw about half a foot in length, with an average height of up to six feet, and are known to be highly aggressive creatures. So far, two types of Tiberium cassowary have been discovered, the large, incredibly dangerous Crystal Claw and the Shard Tail.

Crystal Claw Cassowary
The Crystal Claw Cassowary is larger than most cassowaries, standing at 7.5 to 8 feet, covered in dark green feathers that are embedded with tiberium crystal shards. It's legs are incredibly powerful, allowing it to jump high and long distances. Instead of one large claw, Crystal Claws have a large claw on each toe that looks like it was carved from a tiberium crystal and is sharp enough to cleave through armour plating.

Crystal Claw Cassowary
Type: Animal, Aberration
Size: Large
CR: 5
Hit Points: 6d8+24, 59
Mas: 20
Init: +1
Speed: 50 ft
Defense: 16, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+6 natural, +1 Dex, -1 size)
BAB/Grp: +5 / +9
FS/Reach: 10 ft by 10 ft/ 5 ft
Attacks: +9 melee claw (4d4+4, 19-20x3, slashing) and +4 melee beak (1d6+4 piercing)
Special Attacks: Leap Attack
Special Qualities: low-light vision, scent, tiberium affinity, tiberium gas rage.
Saves: Fort +6, Reflex +3, Will +6
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 3, Wis 13, Cha 4
Skills: Jump +10, Listen +5, Spot +6, Search +4, Survival +5
Feats: Augment Critical
Advancement: 7-9 (HD Medium)

Crystal Claws are incredibly aggressive and territorial. They use the claws on their feet to rend targets, and will use their beaks as well. They charge into combat with a leaping attack, allowing them to use both feet at once and can knock down animals larger than themselves. If they get any distance between them an a target, they will use their leap attack as often as possible, darting into and out of melee reach.

Augment Critical: The crystal claw scores a critical on a role of 19 and 20 with its gore attack, dealing triple damage.

Tiberium Crystal Claws (Ex): The claws on the feet are made of hardened and incredibly sharp tiberium crystal, ignoring 5 points of hardness, and 2 points of Defense from armour (equipment and natural). Each attack that successfully damages a living creature exposes it to Tiberium poisoning.

Leap Attack (Ex): As a full round attack, the crystal claw moves 10 feet forward and leaps another 10 feet at the target, which can be up to 10 feet above it, with both a successful Jump check DC 15 and attack roll, dealing 1d4x10 points of damage, critical on a 19-20, triple damage, and the target must make a Reflex save DC equal to the crystal claw's Jump check or be knocked prone and trapped under its weight. If the crystal claw fails the check by less than 5, it still hits the target, but is staggered, if fails by more than 5, it hits the target but is knocked prone. For every 5 points the crystal claw beats the Jump check, it gains an additional 1d4 points of damage and increases the Reflex save the target must make by +1.

Scent (Ex): This ability allows the creature to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. See Special Qualities in Chapter Eight: Friends and Foes in d20 modern Book for details.

Tiberium Affinity (Ex): The creature has an affinity with Tiberium. Tiberium fields do not hinder their movement, they can see in Tiberium gas clouds as if they were not there. When surrounded by Tiberium, such as in a field or gas, they gain Fast Heal 1, and gain +10 feet to their speed while inside the field or gas, and for 1 round afterwards. The creature is immune to all negative affects of Tiberium.

Tiberium Gas Rage (Ex): If the creature is exposed to Tiberium gas, it will enter a berserk-like rage, which it can attempt to resist with a Will save DC 18. While in the rage, the creature gains +10 ft to speed, +4 to Strength (+2 to melee damage and attack rolls), and suffers -2 to Defense. The rage lasts for as long as it is in a Tiberium gas area plus 2+1d4 rounds outside of the Tiberium gas, then it is exhausted. If exposed to gas before the rage ends, extend the rage by however long it is in the Tiberium gas plus the normal 2+1d4 rounds after leaving the Tiberium gas. While in the rage, it will attack any non-Tiberium mutated creature first and within 100 feet, if none are in range or still alive, then it will attack anything else.

Shard Tail
Shard Tails are smaller than normal cassowaries, standing at only 4 feet, with feathers with lighter shads of green tiberium crystals embedded in them. Their tails are made up of a half dozen large tiberium crystals, with several smaller ones around and spaced between the larger ones. The crystal tail has some, although limited movement, able to lift up, lay down, with some sideways movement. From these tail crystals, the Shard Tail can release a blast of energy similar to a laser.

Shard Tail Cassowary
Type: Animal, Aberration
Size: Medium
CR: 5
Hit Points: 5d8+25, 40
Mas: 20
Init: +5
Speed: 40 ft
Defense: 22, touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+7 natural, +5 Dex)
BAB/Grp: +4 / +6
FS/Reach: 10 ft by 10 ft/ 5 ft
Attacks: +6 melee claw (1d6+2 slashing), or +9 ranged tail beam (4d8 fire/electricity)
Special Attacks: scatter tail beam
Special Qualities: low-light vision, scent, tiberium affinity, damage reduction, energy resistance
Saves: Fort +6, Reflex +7, Will +5
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 13, Cha 4
Skills: Jump +5, Listen +5, Spot +6, Search +4, Survival +5
Feats: Augment Critical
Advancement: 6-8 (HD Medium)

Shard Tails are aggressive like other cassowaries, however they use their tail beams as their primary attack method, and if they have to, will use their claws for defense in melee combat.

Augment Critical: The Shard Tail scores a critical on a role of 19 and 20 with its tail beam, dealing triple damage.

Tail Beam (Ex): The Shard Tail can release an energy beam from the crystals that make up its tail, dealing half fire (laser) and half electricity damage, dealing 4d8 points of damage, with a range increment of 50 feet.

Damage Reduction (Ex): The impeded tiberium crystal shards in its feathers grant it some resistance to physical damage (piercing, slashing, bludgeoning, ballistic, explosives, concussion), with a Damage Reduction 5.

Scatter Beam (Ex): The Shard Tail can release a large number of short energy pulses all around it, dealing 2d8 fire/electricity in a 30 foot area sphere around it, enemies within this area can make a Reflex save DC 18 for half damage. Usable once every 1d6+2 rounds.

Energy Resistance (Ex): The Shard Tail has resistance 5 against lasers (fire damage, but weapon has laser in the name or description of how it works) and 5 against electricity.

Scent (Ex): This ability allows the creature to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. See Special Qualities in Chapter Eight: Friends and Foes in d20 modern Book for details.

Tiberium Affinity (Ex): The creature has an affinity with Tiberium. Tiberium fields do not hinder their movement, they can see in Tiberium gas clouds as if they were not there. When surrounded by Tiberium, such as in a field or gas, they gain Fast Heal 1, and gain +10 feet to their speed while inside the field or gas, and for 1 round afterwards. The creature is immune to all negative affects of Tiberium.
If the Shard Tail is in a cloud of Tiberium gas, it's tail beam deals an extra 1d8 points of damage and gains +10 to range increment.


Tiberium Refinery
Tiberium refineries are heavily shielded structures that are able to process Tiberium and turn it into its component elements which can be used in various ways. Some refineries, particularly early ones, are only able to refine Tiberium crystals, while later models can process liquid and gas forms of Tiberium. Some can even process other forms of Tiberium, such as those fround in Tiberium converted plants. Refineries are mostly automated with a small crew, have a docking station for a single harvester, and several silos that store Tiberium and the refined components.

Tiberium Refinery Gen 1
These early refineries are large, with heavy shielding, a large arch structure at the front with the docking station for a harvester, a smoke stack to the right. Behind the arch is the main refinery that is a large rounded structure which contains the main centrifuge system to separate the components of Tiberium, with two silos attached to the left side of the structure. These refineries could hold 100 tons of raw Tiberium and 200 tons of refined components ready for transport to be sold for profit. Takes 5 minutes to unload 1 ton of Tiberium from a harvester, and refining at a rate of 1 ton per 5 hours, yielding 1000 lbs of materials (equates to roughly a PDC equivalent of 30).
Refinery is roughly 300 ft by 300 ft, 75 ft tall, with 200 hit points, hardness 40. Requires a crew of 30, has full NBC protection for occupants. If destroyed, deals 5d6 points of fire and energy damage to a 500 ft radius area, Reflex save DC 21 only for those in the outer 50 ft for half, that is heavily radioactive, plus 3d6 per ton of raw Tiberium in the silos. Can only process crystal type Tiberium.
PDC 40, Res +2

Tiberium Refinery Gen 2
Second generation refineries developed shortly before the Second Tiberium War have a flat topped wide cone shaped structure, and were the first to be able to process Tiberium from Tiberium converted plants and liquid. Unlike the first generation, these refineries melt Tiberium in order to process it. They still have the centrifuge system, but with the melting process can refine different types of Tiberium. These refineries have three silos instead of two, with a large smoke stack at the 'rear' and two smaller ones atop the flat roof. Can store 150 tons of Tiberium and 250 tons of refined components ready to be sold. It can also store up to 10 tons of processed Tiberium crystals and 10 tons of processed Tiberium liquid for research, or other purposes. Takes 5 minutes to unload 2 tons of Tiberium from a harvester, refining at a rate of 1 ton per five hours, yielding 1500 lbs of materials (equates to roughly a PDC of 35).
Refinery is roughly 400 ft diameter, 65 ft tall, not counting the stacks, with 250 hit points, hardness 42. Requires a crew of 20 with full NBC protection for occupants. If destroyed, deals 5d6 points of fire and energy damage to a 500 ft radius area, Reflex save DC 22 only for those in the outer 50 ft for half damage, that is heavily radioactive, plus 2d6 damage per ton of raw Tiberium. Can process any type of crystal, plant and liquid Tiberium.
PDC 41, Res +2

Tiberium Refinery Gen 3
The third generation of Tiberium refineries have an open air central processing pit, and can process any type of Tiberium. Four main silos ring the sides of the structure, and have improved automation. Can store 250 tons of Tiberium and 350 tons of refined components ready to be sold. It can also store up to 50 tons of processed Tiberium crystals and 50 tons of processed Tiberium liquid, plus 20 tons of refined Tiberium gas for research, or other purposes. Takes 1 minute to unload 1 ton of Tiberium from a harvester, refining at a rate of 1 ton per two hours, yielding 1700 lbs of materials (equates to roughly a PDC of 36).
Refinery is roughly 400 ft by 450 ft, 75 ft tall, not counting the stacks, with 300 hit points, hardness 45. Requires a crew of 15 with full NBC protection for occupants. If destroyed, deals 6d6 points of fire and energy damage to a 500 ft radius area, Reflex save DC 22 only for those in the outer 50 ft for half damage, that is heavily radioactive, plus 2d6 damage per ton of raw Tiberium. Can process any type of crystal, plant and liquid Tiberium.
PDC 42, Res +2

Voidrunner's Codex

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