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Come to me, masked



**A young paige posts this to the thorn tree for his employer**

Perhaps it is a fool's dream that their love will be found behind a masquerade mask, and admitedly, I am a fool.
But this hope I leave for all to read; may love find me and may it be true from behind a mask, I'm hoping it's you. May Luck make it so that you are one I may court.

**this message is left unsigned and is written in a scratchy, messy and indestinguishable hand**

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Knight Life

*After deciphering the script, another page is scrawled and placed just to the left of the original*

Were I a man of honor and prestige I would approach you, dear paige
But this life of mine has driven me to depths I would never have approached willingly
A sauntering gait to match my dismal conditioning
The regimen of Hell itself, seemingly

I, too, stand here, in this grande ballroom, and glare at the masks of the masses
You seem as disinterested in the affair as I am
‘Tis folly to follow the fools whose façades damn the naïve
Yet they draw you in, to feast on the flesh of man

My king sends me around the world as a herald
These travels wear away at my very soul
A lowly knight to follow orders
-and attend the soirées of the cheery nobles

Another night in this wretched place, filled with drinking and dancing and merriment
Another night to loathe those who lavish in their comfort
Another night for drowning my sorrows
Another night to watch those who, as I, cannot find a suitable consort

It truly is one thing to live in war, and another to live in peace
I find I cannot do either
So I try to be blissfully content in my solitude
-and do those things to please my sire

What brings you to this miserable party?
Who are these people that have jaded your heart?
Where are these places that you hide your hurt?
How is it that life has taken your spirit apart?

My apologies, I don’t want to intrude
I just hate to see a crushed perspective like mine own
The eyes behind the mask compelled me to ask
The words of your parchment are as a bleeding wound

If nothing else, remember that you aren’t alone
This world is filled with both joy and sorrow
And as I ride off to another assignment
-don’t forget that there’s always a new tomorrow.

~Drasche Borgannah


First Post
*The usually carefree bard seems to lose her smile when she reads the latest reply, considering a moment, she pens a short message*

Would that all had one to care such as you've shown in word.
Perhaps one might hope to met thee behind the mask?



Intimacy and the Masque

*Another letter is impaled on the Tree*

I cannot say I've opened myself to many people
People are hard to trust my heart with
With such an untrustworthy world as this
This land of mediocrity and fear
Fear of being rejected
Rejected for all the wrong reasons
Reasons too many to number
Number me one of the many who hides behind façades
Façades of cynicism, sardonic humor, and anger
Anger directed at the innocent
Innocent children of cursed parentage
Parentage that carries its own separate curses
Curses that travel through generations
Generations pass, but the patterns remain
Remain for a time and perhaps I can open to you
You shouldn't expect much from me, because I too am afraid
Afraid to allow anyone into my soul, that dark rose of the light
Light that blinds me when I stare into it
It casts the shadow of my life across space and time
Time that I now know is borrowed
Borrowed from another life of mine that I foolishly ruined
Ruined to the point of despair
Despair nearly destroyed me back then
Then I came to my senses and repented of such atrocities
Atrocities that hurt so many people
People who were innocent, yet tainted by my wrath
Wrath misplaced
Misplaced by a rabid temper and a tongue too sharp
Sharp enough to rend the souls of my one beloved
Beloved to the point of separation and beyond
Beyond the hatred, beyond the rage, beyond the fear
Fear inevitably tore us in two
Two hurt people to travel different ways
Ways that would lead to polar destinations
Destinations that, when I gaze at the contrast, crush my spirit again
Again I wish I could go back and change the past
Past the division, past the physicality, past the surface emotions
Emotions that were painted painstakingly on my mask

If I could show you who I truly was without fear I wouldn't be able to write as I do.

~Drasche Borgannah

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