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[CoC] Nocturnum -- Recruitement

One of our players wasn't comping with our posting rate, one I demand from my players and lately he hasn't posted at all.

I hate being stuck with NPC's for a long long time let alone play a player's PC...

So we voted him off sadly enough. He had a great characted a he played him very well. He just didn't have enough time.

Logical result, we need a replacement player. At the moment the old character is open to be played by a new person. He hasn't devellopped really as yet so the person playing him can still play him the way he/she likes.

The other way is to start a character at the start of chapter two which should be comming on within the next month. I have an NPC there which I'd like to see turn into a PC if someone wanted to start at chapter two. But in that case I'll repost this recruitement thread again when the time comes.

The real remaining question is of someone would be willing to take over the current character. If someone wants to fall it. It's manditory to read up with the story line as it is at the moment and everything that has happened until now. It's alot but I demand quality and dedication for my games.

Anyone interested in the job?
This is the character as statted at the moment, in other words, the character to be taken over.

Dr. John Maguire, PhD- 5th Level Defensive Character
Profession: Professor

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 215 lbs
Age: 61

Hit Points: 18 Sanity: 70
AC: 11

Saves: Fort +4 (+4 base), Reflex +2 (+1 base, +1 DEX), Will +8 (+4 base, +2 WIS, +2 Iron Will).

Attack Bonus: +2 base, Melee +2, Ranged +3 (+1 DEX)

STR 10 0
DEX 12 +1
CON 11 0
INT 17 +3
WIS 14 +2
CHA 16 +3 (4th level bonus applied to CHA)

Bluff (+3 CHA, +6 ranks) +9
Computer Use (+3 INT, +1 rank cross-class) +4
Concentration (+0 CON, +6 ranks) +6
Diplomacy (+3 CHA, +6 ranks) +8
Drive (+1 DEX, +2 ranks cross-class) +3
Gather Information (+3 CHA, +5 ranks) +8
Heal (+2 WIS, +1 rank cross-class) +3
Intimidate (+3 CHA, +1 rank cross-class) +3
Knowledge (Geography- +3 INT, +1 rank cross-class) +4
Knowledge (History- +3 INT, +6 ranks) +9
Knowledge (Philosophy- +3 INT, +8 ranks) +11
Knowledge (Religion- +3 INT, +8 ranks, +3 Emphasis) +14
Knowledge (Mathematics- +3 INT, +1 rank cross-class) +4
Knowledge (Physics- +3 INT, +1 rank cross-class) +4
Read Lips (+3 INT, +4 ranks) +7
Research (+3 INT, +8 ranks) +11
Sense Motive (+2 WIS, +5 ranks) +7
Spot (+2 WIS, +5 ranks) +7

Languages: English, German, Latin, Greek, Gaelic, French.

Feats: Iron Will, Skill Emphasis (Knowledge: Religion)

Dr. Maguire was born August 2nd, 1941 in Glasgow, Scotland. Born to a well educated couple, he was raised to be accepting of the cultures of others, and had many opportunities to test this when the Maguire family moved to Massachusetts in 1950. His higher education took place at Harvard University, where he attained first his Bachelors degree (Sociology) then a Masters in Divinity, graduating in 1966 just in time to be bombarded out of graduate school with the rising of the anti-war movement, which caught him in a storm of drug induced revelation. Dr. Maguire managed to "outgrow" those days, and returned to school life in 1973 after his first marriage fell apart. Completing the last chapter of his school learning, he earned a PhD in Theology. He then went to work for Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, for some years, until he went on sabbatical following the death of his second wife Mary to cancer, hoping to eventually write a book detailing his experiences in the merging of his Christian upbringing and thought with so called "drug culture" of the 60's and 70's.

From 1990 until 2002, he has unsuccessfully worked on his book, travelled North America giving guest lectures, and generally continued learning, this time by visiting churches, help groups, and hospitals, trying to find out more about the basic human decency inherent in all peoples the "old fashioned way". His travels currently bring him to a ski lodge in the Rockies, of all places, with some younger friends he has met in his travels.


Dr. Maguire is a gruff, older man. He does not suffer fools, but to any with the merest spark of intelligence, he will be a fine friend and can talk for hours. Dr. Maguire is knowledgeable in a variety of subjects, especially languages and their role in the formation of thought patterns. Dr. Maguire (who is often called Doc, John, or Mac, any of which he answers to as readily as Dr. Maguire) takes pains to try not to talk "over the heads" of any in his social circle, though when he is excited, he will often spout very technical jargon, leaving whomever he is speaking with completely lost. Lastly, Dr. Maguire has a bad habit of drifting off into a story at the most inopportune moments, such as smack dab in the middle of a lecture. Dr. Maguire in general is a quintessential older fellow, full of stories but sort of rough in the telling.

Physical Appearance:

Dr. Maguire is gray haired and heavily bearded, though he keeps his hair neatly trimmed. He wears thick glasses mainly to correct nearsightedness. He has a paunch, the result of a lifetime of beer drinking, and walks with a slight limp from a long ago driving accident. At times, he walks with the aid of a cane, but that is generally only on really bad days, and he relishes the fact that his health has not deteriorated much over the course of a relatively rough life.

"Equipment": 5 pairs clean blue work pants, 5 sets underclothes (assorted colors), 3 long sleeve plaid flannel shirts, 3 long sleeve dress shirts (assorted colors). 2 suit cases, besides clothes, in one is a copy of the King James Bible and a copy of Nietzsche's Man and Superman. In the other is a brass cigar case. Dr. Maguire carries a swiss army knife most places. Dr. Maguire also has a PDA and cell phone, though he sometimes forgets exactly how to work one or the other. Finally, Dr. Maguire no doubt has at least six pack of beer stowed away in his room, and carries a cigarette lighter and pack of Lucky Strikes in his shirt pocket at all times.

Dr. Maguire wears no jewelry or holy imagery, but carries a small, polished stone he picked up from the shrine at Lourdes, France, as a souvenir in his front pocket. Dr. Maguire carries a pocket watch- he thinks it makes him look more distinguished.

As for ski equipment, he no doubt rented.
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That's the dedication I'm dying for. Thanks, the char concept is yours to devellop from now on. Thanks and you know you are currently out of the action but you could go and post IC and have a little chat with Jason who is recovering and who you are looking after.

Glad to have you in the game!

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