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[Closed]: Warband - Mordheimel, The Damned City


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There are no heroes in Mordheimel, the damned city.

In the city, warbands rule. The city tries to struggle along, but things are falling apart. Fear and violence grip the city, even as the remaining nobles indulge in plots and politics amongst themselves.

Gateway to chaos open in the catacombs and the cursed beings of dark gods pour out, searching for souls and victims for their foul experiments. The spells of high priests fail completely, and a vision of an enervated God has sent shivers into the remaining human population who are leaving in droves.

You have served on other warbands, now it is the time to form your own. Barely a day since the four of you decided to come together, you have a job. In the Tavern of the Burning Talon, where everybody minds their own business, the four of you sit around a table talking business to a bearded, cloaked human who smells faintly of chrysanthemum. He tells you the job he wants.

"300 gold crowns," he says. A low price, but life is cheap in the city. "He's a Nekromancer; Angal, and he is fond of a visit to a house of ill-repute. Apparently he fancies one of the houris there. He should be going tonight. Normally he brings two of his zombs with him. And his dog Petrus, of course."

He puts out a map. "The best place to ambush him is here, the street of Copper. He is fond of using this alley as a short cut which leads to the back of the 'house'; Saladar's favours."

The alley is 30' long and 10' wide. Quite suitable for an ambush.

"I will give you 100 crowns now. 200 later. And I assure you, if you desert with the money, you will be hunted down."

"And one last thing, Angal carries a pistol."

"Good day, gentleman," he says, and he takes his leave. You catch sign of his belt buckle. It bears the sign of dividers; the guild of mathematicians. Why would they want a Nekromancer dead? But it is not your duty to ask; your duty is to carry out your task.

Welcome to the cursed city of Mordheimel, where warbands rule. I'm recruiting for 4 players, 2nd level, 28 point buy. No alignment or alignment focused spells. Priests may still cast spontaneous casting. Start with 800 gp.

The world is based on Mordheim, but with some variations. (We're using 3E of course.) It's going to be combat heavy, as your group go from 'job' to 'job'. You might want to give your company a name.

House rules:
Skaven are allowed, and are detailed here. Other races are allowed thogh shouldn't have more than ECL+2 of course. We're using Monte's alt.ranger, not the 3E ranger.

Gunpowder weapons are allowed but require the use of an Exotic Weapon Proficiency.

Healing potions heal at the rate of 1 hp per round for CLW, 2 hp for CMW, and 3 hp per round for CSW.

To prepare for a job you might want to hire other mercenaries. Of course, you'll have to pay them, and the more you hire, the more likely they might be 'spotted' in situation by opposing warbands/enemies/victims. I'll put up a post shortly of the men you can hire at such short notice.

As you can tell, you're going to start with a fight. We'll be using maps, but I don't want clinical descriptions (I move to b4 and hit at Ratman2 with my long sword.) You have be descriptive.

Prefered posting rate: 1/2 days at least.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
OK I'll bite. I'll work up a character in a few.
Probably a tiefling druid level 1. She will be chaotic neutral.
Can we use weapons and spells from the Savage species book?
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First Post
Argent said:
OK I'll bite. I'll work up a character in a few.
Probably a tiefling druid level 1. She will be chaotic neutral.
Can we use weapons and spells from the Savage species book?

Weapons possibly but not spells I'm afraid. Need to let me know what weapon though and I'll try to take a look. Might rule 0 it though if I find it unsuited.

Of course, need to explain your tiefling's background and what a druid's doing in a city like Mordheimel. ;)


I'm very interested. I always wanted to play Mordheim, but never bought it. Never thought of a D&D game before, but the setting's perfect. If there's a spot, I'll join.

It sounds like

Rino's playing a Half-Orc Rogue
Argent's playing a Tiefling Druid

so it looks like their is a spot. I'll make a character soon, but I have a few questions before I make him:

What Monte Cook ranger are we using, the one found in The Stuff or the one in the Book of Hallowed Might?

Second, will there be any non-Core books allowed, such as BoEM, Mindscapes, or WotC splatbooks?

Argent Silvermage

First Post

Tiefling Druid
Level: 1
Chaotic Neutral
Str: 10, Dex: 14, Con: 10, Int: 12, Wis: 18, Cha: 8
BAB: +1, Fort: +4, Ref: +6, Will: +8
Hit Points:
AC: 15 (+2 Dex, +2 armor, +1 shield)
Languages: Common, Abysal, Sylvan & Druidic.
She speaks in Lime!

Wilderness Lore: 4/+8
Knowledge Nature: 4/+6
Animal Empathy: 4/+3
Handle Animal: 4/+3
Concentration: 4/+4
Bluff: 0/+1
Hide: 0/+4

Feats and abilities
1) Darkness 1x/day
2) Fire, cold, and electricity resistance 5
3) Scribe Scrolls.
4) Nature sense
5) Animal Companion: still thinking about it.

Spells per day: 0 level = 3, 1st level = 2

Spells memorized:
0) Detect Poison, Flare, Virtue
1) Entangle, Shillelagh, Faerie Fire.

Leather Armor [10g]
Small wooden shield [3g].
Backpack [2g]
Water skin [1g]
2 days rations [1g]
Silk rope [10g]
Spell component pouch [5g]
Bedroll [1s]
2 alchemist’s fire [40g]
2 thunderstones [60g]
4 CLW scrolls [100g]
4 Summon Nature’s Ally 1 scrolls [100g]
2 Barkskin scrolls [300g]
2 Obscuring Mist scrolls [100g] Leaving 48g 9 s.

Autumn is an embodyment of Chaos. She has hopped from one plane to another (as a stowaway most often) looking for some action. She landed here in Mordheimel purely by chance (and the outsider she was traveling with hated her that much.) She has been looking for a way off this depressing piece of rock ever since.
Autumn is more of an Urban druid than a forest dweller, she is equily at home in both environs. Her chaotic and admittedly sometimes evil nature make her a wild card and she knows it. she has hooked up with the rest of the players for safety.

Let me know what you think.
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T'kran Grimclaw

Rogue 2
Lawful Evil
Str: 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
BAB +1, Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +3
Hit Points: 12
AC: 16 (+3 Dex

Skills: 36 + 9
Balance: 2/+5
Bluff 3/+2
Climb: 2/+2
Disable Device: 4/+7
Escape Artist: 1/+4
Gather Information 3/+2
Hide: 4/+9
Jump: 2/+2
Listen: 2/+5
Move Silently: 4/+9
Open Lock: 4/+9
Pick Pocket: 4/+7
Search: 4/+5
Sense Motive: 2/+5
Spot: 2/+5
Tumble: 2/+5

Feats: Scent

Languages: Human, Skaven, Abyssal, Infernal, Draconic

+1 Saves vs. Disease and Poison
Low-Light Vision
Base Speed 40 feet
Natural Weapons, Bite or Claw, 1d4
Sneak Attack +1d6

Masterwork Morningstar [308 gp]
Masterwork Studded Leather Armor [175 gp]
Light Crossbow [35 gp]
Masterwork Crossbow Bolts (20) [20 gp]
Dagger [2 gp]
Masterwork Thieve's Tools [100 gp]
Backpack [2 gp]
-Bedroll [1 sp]
-Blanket, Winter [5 sp]
-Grappling Hook [1 gp]
-Rations (3) [15 sp]
-Rope, Silk 50' [10 gp]
-Waterskin [1 gp]
-Alchemist's Fire (2) [40 gp]
-Potion of Cure Light Wounds, 1st level (2) [100 gp]
3 gold pieces, 9 silver pieces

T'kran resembles a humanoid rat just under five feet in height, with dark, rust-colored fur and all-black eyes. His long teeth are stained yellow, and he wears black leather armor studded with metal, as well as a weapon harness from which hangs a morningstar and a crossbow.

T'Kran is very bitter, especially towards humans. His race lost their empire to human-kind's treachery, and he lost his friends to attacks as well. As such, he never trusts humans more than he has to, not even his friends. He is very disciplined, and rarely shows anger, instead preferring to channel such rage into productive purposes, such as revenge. T'Kran has a mortal fear of wolves and other canines, and is also severely afraid of deep water, due to his inability to swim.

T'kran came to Mordheimel with a warband of other young Skaven seeking wealth and power. It was not long before they were set upon by another warband of large, muscled men wearing the pelts of wolves. So great was the strength and rage of the humans they slaughtered the Skaven completely, leaving only the mortally wounded T'Kran alive. He was found and healed by another warband, and swore his services to them until he had repaid his debt.

Is T'Kran okay? I plan on multi-classing to Monk after 3 levels of Rogue, by the way. T'kran will speak in red.


I'll post this in hopes it helps.

Verrazzio Cavelli, Male Human Ftr 2
Hit Points: 15
Initiative: +3 Speed: Walk 20' AC: 16
Attacks: *Draco +4; *Serpens +1; *
Serpens (Thrown) +2;
Dart +5;
Damage: *Draco 1d6; *Serpens 1d4;
*Serpens (Thrown) 1d4;
Dart 1d4;
Saves: Fortitude: +4, Reflex: +3, Will: +0
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 12
Skills: Climb 2; Craft (Bookbinding) 3; Craft (Calligraphy) 3; Hide 1; Jump 2; Listen 0; Move Silently 1; Search 1; Spot 0;
Languages: Common, Draconic
Feats: Ambidexterity,Armor Proficiency (Heavy) (1x),Armor Proficiency (Light) (1x),Armor Proficiency (Medium) (1x),Expertise,Martial Weapon Proficiency,Shield Proficiency,Simple Weapon Proficiency,Two-Weapon Fighting,Weapon Finesse (Rapier)
Alignment: Neutral
Possessions: Draco (MW Rapier); Serpens(MW Dagger); Studded Leather; Outfit (Courtier's); Outfit (Traveler's); Backpack; Candle; Pouch (Belt); Flint and Steel; Mirror (Small/Steel); Signet Ring; Whetstone; Bedroll; Crowbar; Torch; Waterskin; Wine (Fine); Grappling Hook; Rope (Hemp/50 Ft.) Sap, 2 Daggers;

The city of Wyrmsburg is known for its fine craftsmen who grow wealthy from their trade.
Sadly, the sumptuary laws of the city keep those wealthy craftsmen from expanding their trade or passing it on to their children. These children find the only way to improve their status is to gather enough supporters to be elected into the nobility (usually by gathering treasure and performing feats of arms).
Verrazzio Caravelli is one such child, the child of a scribe and bookmaker who has set out to seek fame and fortune.
Well, at least here he will find one of them.
Verazzio is a dark complected five foot-six fidgeting motion, always twisting his mustache, tapping his fingers, or shifting his feet. Sitting idle is very difficult for him.
He has a reputation of being a solid combatant and scientific swordsman, using his mastercraft dueling set with surgical precision to bring his opponents down.
Outside of combat, he has a reputation for drama, flash, and a fierce devotion to his bottom line.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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