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D&D 5E [Closed] 5e PbP game [OOC/Character sheets]


Welcome to my first ever play by post game, it will be known as "The Swamp" The game will be in 5th edition dungeons and dragons. Characters start at level 8.

The adventure will begin in the town of Barovia, an travelers outpost in the middle of a menacing swamp. A melancholy air hangs about the village in the wake of the mayor's daughter's disappearance.

Once recruiting is closed this thread will be reserved for purely out of character discussions. On the in character thread use blue text for dialogue and black text for stats and the like. No rude or inappropriate behavior.

The only optional rule I will be using is an alternative initiative method. A round will consist of three phases, 1. PC's act 2. I will resolve the PC's actions 3. Monsters act.

The players are @ccs @River Song @VLAD the Destroyer @Shayuri @Charwoman Gene

Bree Burrfoot - Halfling Warlock 8
Kelemavs Tailian - Wood elf Ranger 5/ Rogue 3
Kaiden Quinn - Human Druid 8
Eilessa - Human Cleric 8
Bethany the Bold - Human Fighter 8
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Still in and working on my character. Can't remember how you are doing stats. Think it was the standard array but wanted to verify that that was correct. Are you allowing Variant human? Are there any other restrictions on races?
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Steve Gorak

I'm also interested, but don't want to take on too many games. Chances are that a few will die because of the server crash, so I'll be preparing a character just in case. I'm thinking of a caster, likely land druid, but perhaps warlock.



41st lv DM
Good thing I'd saved a copy of Bree off-line!
I was about to post her background when En-World went down.

BREE BURRFOOT, awesome adventurer. (And SCALES, her pseudo-dragon familiar):
Screenshot (1).png

[sblock=]BREE BURRFOOT, awesome adventurer. And SCALES, her pseudo-dragon familiar (MM, p.254)
Class/lv: Warlock (8) Total xp: 34,000+
1/2ling (lightfoot) Female Age:12(?) Height:3'2 Weight: 47lb AL:CG
Complexion: Caucasian. A bit sunburnt turning to tanned.
Hair: Brown, bleached to light brown from time recently spent out in the Mulhorandi desert sun
Eyes: Brown
Size: Small
Attitude: Friendly, eternally cheerful, hyperactive, & curious. And hungry.

AC:17 (dex+mage armor)
Initiative:+3 Prof.Bonus: +3
Saves: str (-1), dex (+4), con (+2), int (+0), WIS (+4), CHA (+6)
Passive Perception: +3

Speed: 25ft/round 50ft if dashing up to 100ft/round if dashing via Exp.Retreat (50' action + 50' bonus action)

Lucky 1/2ling: May reroll 1s on attack rolls/ability checks or saving throws. Must use the new roll.
Brave: Advantage on Saves vs being frightened
1/2ling nimbleness: May move through the space of any creature who's size is larger than mine.
Naturally Stealthy: May attempt to hide even when obscured only by a creature 1 size larger than I am.
Fey Presence (from Warlock):
1/long rest, 1 action, I can cause each creature in a 10' cube, originating on me,
to make a DC.14 Wisdom Save. Those who fail are all charmed or frightened (my choice) by me until the end of my next turn.
Misty Escape (from Warlock):
1/rest, my REACTION, When I take damage I can vanish in a puff of smoke, teleport up to 60' away (within my line-of-site), and remain invisible until A) the start of my next turn, B) I attack/cast a spell.

Most common attacks/mods:
Magic Stone (via sling): +6 to hit, Dam= 1d6+3 Range=30/120 (60' if thrown) magical Bludgeoning
Quarterstaff: +2 to hit, Dam=1d6-1 or 1d8-1 (used versatile) Bludgeoning
{Quarterstaff via Shilleliegh: +6 to hit, Dam=1d8+3 or 1d10+3 (used versatile) magical Bludgeoning}
Witch Bolt: targets = 1, +6 to hit, initial Dam=4d12*(because it's cast via a 4th lv slot), additional damage = 1d12/round (concentration, uses my ACTION to maintain, max duration 1 minute{10 rounds})

Despite being willing to plink foes with magic rocks, or whack them with her staff if she must, Bree is not a killer. So I've not included her daggers in the above combat block. Knifing someone.... would be way out of character.
Witch Bolt is only used in the most dire of circumstances. And to date has only been used on a Shambling Mound, a Night Hag, & a Vampire of some sort.

Str: 8 (-1) Dex: 18 (+4) Con: 14 (+2) Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 12 (+1) Cha: 17 (+3)

** Shares senses and can communicate telepathically with Scales while on the same plane as each other.
Can also speak in her own voice though Scales while on the same plane.
** Has Advantage on Saves vs spells & other magical effects when within 10ft of Scales

Proficient Skills:
Arcana: +3 Insight: +3 Investigation: +3 Perception: +3 Tools: +3 (chess like gaming set)
Languages: Common, 1/2ling, Draconic

Background: Far Traveler, wanderer (SCAG p.148 - grants Insight, Perception, Tools, & +1 language)
Homeland: The Grand Duchy of Karameikos
Personality: Confidant Ideals: Adventure! "I'm far from home & everything is strange and wonderful
Bonds: Family - "I do hope I see them again, I've got sooo many stories to tell them!"
Flaws: "What's that saying about curiosity & cats? Does it apply to 1/2lings?"

4th lv ASI/Feat: Magic Initiate (sorc.) Cantrip: Light, Cantrip: Mage Hand, 1st lv spell: Expeditious Retreat
8th lv ASI/Feat: Healer (PHB, P.167 - Bree has discovered, the hard way, that she's quite adept at healing.

Spell slots:2 Slot lv: 4th Spell save DC:14 Spell attack mod: +6
Spells: Sleep (11d8), Witch Bolt, Spider Climb, Hold Person, Fly, Counter-spell, Remove Curse, Blink, Banishment
Cantrips: Magic Stone (EEPG, p.19), Prestidigitation, Shilleliegh
Invocations: Armor of Shadows, Beast Speech, Eldritch Sight, Voice of the Chain Master

Text for Magic Stone:
Cantrip from Warlock list, Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action, Range: Touch, Components: V,S, Duration:1 minute
You touch one to three pebbles and imbue them with magic. You or someone else can make a ranged spell attack with one of the pebbles by throwing or hurling it with a sling. If thrown it has a range of 60 feet. If someone else attacks with the pebble, that attacker adds your spellcasting ability modifier, not the attacker's, to the attack roll.
On a hit, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6+your spellcasting ability modifier.
Hit or miss, the spell then ends on the stone.
If you cast this spell again, the spell ends early on any pebbles still affected by it.

Bag of Holding! (* = items in Bag)
Horn of ValHalla - Brass
Travelers Clothes, Gaming set*, Poorly wrought maps*, Jewlery (v.10 gp), 47.5gp left,
1/4 staff, Sling, wand, pouch, 2 daggers*, scholars pack*, leather armor (not worn)*, lots of other stuff*

! = Bree's Bag of Holding works somewhat like a Bag of Devouring. But it ONLY eats valuables (precious metals, gems, jewelry, & other magic items).
But not all of them (or at least not all at once), just a 10% cut (rounded up) of whatever's in the bag at the end of the day.
It's how Bree pays Scales, her pseudo-dragon patron back home. He gives her power, she tithes him loot.
It absolutely will not eat people/monsters - living or dead/un-dead/construct/inactive. It cannot be "weaponized". (Scales doesn't want Bree sending bodies, or worse, other living things {especially monsters!} home.)
! = Regardless of wether you allow the bag to actually function this way, I'm just going to erase 10% of any "loose" wealth in the bag at the end of each day. And by "loose" I mean any $/gems/jewlery/magic-items placed directly into the bag. Ex; I just toss 10gp in. 1 of them will be eaten.... But if I put those same 10gp in a purse 1st, & put the purse in, they'll be fine. So I CAN carry party loot/important items, I just have to be careful.:)[/sblock]

What's in Bree's bag?
[sblock=] coming soon [/sblock]

[sblock=] Long
Part 1: Origin
Believe it or not, Bree Burrfoot started her adventuring career at age 9! While helping her older sister Rose clean up the great hall of their fathers' Inn the morning after an annual end-of-summer party (that the girls aren't ever allowed to attend - Mom takes them to visit friends in town that night), Bree found a small bag containing what looked like jelly beans. Thinking nothing of it, (and being a 1/2ling) Bree ate a few.
And promptly shank down to the size of a mouse!

She'd found a MAGIC ITEM!

She promptly went off to explore the world (well, at least the world immediately around the inn) from a completely new PoV. It was awesome!
Eventually towards evening the magic wore off & she came in for dinner - all covered in mud from playing down at the stream. She got in a lot of trouble for shirking her chores & not helping with the clean up. Worse, she was sent to her room with no dinner!
As much trouble as she was in though? She realized that if her Dad found out that she was playing with a magic item she'd be in a whole lot more.... So she kept it a secret.

The next several days were great fun as Bree explored the barn, the attic, etc in tiny size. After her chores were done of course.
Then it occurred to her that if she was the size of a mouse, that she could explore that rat hole in the basement wall!
That this was an incredibly dangerous thing to do, especially since she didn't tell anyone, never once crossed her mind.
And so a mouse sized 1/2ling, armed only with a lantern & a ham sandwich set off to explore a rat hole.
She soon discovered that the rat hole connected to an entire network of tunnels! Over time she found the rat nest & the baby rats, was chased by "giant" ants, fought off a "giant" spider, encountered a purple worm (it was just a night-crawler - but it WAS purple), climbed cliffs, managed to cross an underground river (part of the stream outback) & was almost eaten by a giant trout while doing it.

Then one day she found it. The DRAGON! Wandering down a tunnel branch she came to a steep drop off. And there below (about 3') was a red dragon sleeping on a pile of treasure. Just like in the stories! :)
And it turned out that it was a friendly dragon!
This was Scales (real name unpronounceable by a 1/2ling child who knew no Draconic), an ancient & very powerful pseudo-dragon.
Over the next few weeks the two formed a friendship and eventually Scales offered to teach Bree some magic - in exchange for her bringing him loot recovered from the annual parties, especially magic items. "OK!"
Thus a 9 year old 1/2ling became a chain pact warlock with a Fey patron.
{Scales is both Fey patron & uses some of his power to manifest as Brees' familiar}

Over the next three years Scales taught Bree invocations & spells that would keep her interested, safe, & that would be useful in aiding her bringing him treasure. And just enough offensive magic in the form of Magic Stone/Shilleliegh to ward off hostile tunnel vermin. (that's why Bree doesn't know Eldritch Blast. That degree of firepower isn't appropriate....)

Part 2: Bree's adventures really begin.
Flash forward 3 years to another of the annual summer parties.
This year there is no trip into town as Mom died back in the winter, Evan - a local ranger & close family friend - hasn't been around for several weeks, & Dad has too much work to do to prepping for the party. Additionally Vistani have passed through town & supposedly cursed it.
Bree & her sister Rose are instructed that after the dinner shift they are to go up to their room, lock the door, & stay put until morning.
Because the party being hosted in the great hall involves a band of satyrs(M)/fauns(FM) that migrates through the region this time of year. Mr. Burrfoot provides them (cheap) ale & food and gets to collect a fee from any attendees, and then makes quite a profit off of whatever valuables get lost throughout the night.
There is no end to the debauchery & even occasional violence that occurs at this party. NOT something you want your 12 & 18 year old daughters participating in.... But this year the best Mr. Burrfoot can do is lock his girls in their room.

For a change it's Bree who listens to Dad & Rose who disobeys.
Once Bree's asleep Rose, smitten by a handsome adventurer, climbs out the window & sneaks into the party....
Come morning, as Bree begins the cleanup she finds her sisters skirt in the mess! And determines that Rose isn't anywhere to be found!!
Contacting Scales Bree learns that the satyrs have stolen her sister & several others. And gotten a surprising distance away too.

Bree first tries to enlist the aid of the party of adventurers who are nursing hangovers & eating breakfast in the common room. Even offers them 100 GP! But they blow her off saying something about being on an important mission to see the Druids across the mountain ridge to the East & reversing a Gypsy curse.

So she then tries her luck with an odd group of barbarians - 2 1/2orcs, a dwarf, & a winged elf - who all claim to be brothers. They clearly aren't recovered from the party (and the dwarf might be brain damaged or something), but they certainly look like they could handle some satyrs.
They accept.
So Bree, Scales as a familiar, and 4 barbarians set off through the woods on a rescue mission!
It goes kinda according to plan.... Except for the part where they fail to escape & get surrounded by ALOT of angry satyrs. And then the winged elf pulls out a glowing cube, presses one side, and a swirling portal opens up - and sucks everyone her, barbarians, Rose, other prisoners, & satyrs in!

This is where it gets weird. Bree loses her grip on the one 1/2orcs as they're falling(?) through a smokey grey tunnel(?).
And now she has oddly overlapping memories of
A) Landing on a jungle island, being chased by cannibals, & escaping on a ship,
B) Being on a ship - with Rose - & it getting boarded by pirates and Rose fiddling with something called an amulet of the planes that triggers sucking pirates, good guys, & boats into a portal,
C) Washing up on the beach outside some awesome all white Arabic style city in some desert land called Mulhorand, traveling several days down a river through the desert to some tomb city (it's what they do there, they build Egyptian style tombs), getting placed under house arrest for being an outsider & then fighting mummies in a pyramid with some really cool adventurers who were also arrested.
D) Landing on a cobblestone road in some creepy place called Barovia - with one of the pirates that attacked her boat, burning a windmill down around some children eating hags, fighting a werewolf clan, & ????
E) Now she's with these other adventurers - whom she seems to know - entering a town called Barovia.....

Bree doesn't really know what's going on anymore. She's just going with the flow & trying to figure out how to get back home to the inn before her Dad realizes she's missing....

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If everyone who has replied so far is going to do this then recruiting is closed. As soon as everyone has their characters ready we can start!


Sorry forgot, 2 common uncommon or rare magic items, plus starting equipment. The following set 16, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8 for abilities. Not including racial, feat or level up bonuses. Also you get 200gp to spend as you wish on non magic equipment form the PHB. Character backstory is optional, but encouraged if you have the time.
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River Song

I am still in :)

Name: Kelemvas Talian
Sex: Male
Race: Elf (Wood)
Class/Level: Ranger 5 (Hunter)/Rogue 3 (Assassin)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Size: Medium
Init: +4
Senses: Darkvision 60ft
Passive Perception: 25
Speed : 35

AC: 18 (studded leather, shield, dex )
HP: 65 (3d8/5d10)
Saves: Strength & Dexterity

Attacks: 2
Weapons         Attack Damage  Type  Range      Property
Rapier +2        +9    1d8 +8      P           -          Finese
Longbow         +7    1d8+4       P    150/600     Ranged


Str 10
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 18
Cha 8

SKILLS Proficiencies with *

* +7 (dex) Acrobatics
+4 (wis) Animal Handling
+1 (int) Arcana
+3 (str) Athletics
-1 (cha) Deception
+1 (int) History
+4 (wis) Insight
*+2 (cha) Intimidation
*+4 (int) Investigation
+4 (wis) Medicine
+1 (int) Nature
*+10 (wis) Perception
-1 (cha) Performance
-1 (cha) Persuasion
+1 (int) Religion
+4 (dex) Sleight of Hand
*+10 (dex) Stealth
*+7 (wis) Survival

TOOL PROFICIENCIES: Disguise Kit, Dice Set, Poisoner’s Kit, Thieves Tools, Vehicles (land)
LANGUAGES:Common, elvish, Thieves’ Cant, Draconic

Fey Ancestry
Mask of the Wild

Feature: Military Rank

Favoured Enemy: Lizardfolk, Bullywug
Favoured Terrain: Swamp
Fighting Style: Dueling
Primeval Awareness
Archetype: Hunter (Colossus Slayer)

Sneak Attack: 2d6
Cunning Action:
Archetype: Assassin (Assassinate)

Spells known:
Slots: 4 x 1st, 2 x 2nd
Level 1: Hunters Mark, Goodberry
Level 2: Pass without trace, Spike Growth

Magic Items: Rapier +2, Ring of Freedom of Movement
Studded Leather
20 Arrows
Explorers Pack
Money: =TBD gp[/sblock]

Personality Trait: I face problems head-on. A simple direct solution is the best path to success
Ideal: Greater Good. Our lot is to lay down our lives in defence of others
Bond: I would still lay down my life for the people I served with
Flaw: I made a terrible mistake in battle that cost many lives.

Physical Appearance:
A lean elf, with coppery skin, green eyes and black hair. Kel stands 5’8” tall and weighs 145lbs. He is 115 years old and worships Lathander.



First Post
Hmm. A monk perhaps. HMMM.

I will consider.


Or maybe a paladin. Or fighter. Something tanky would be good as I look over the list again.

Voidrunner's Codex

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