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Building a complete list of AL legal FR gods


I have not even heard of some of these, even going back to the 2e supplements Faiths and Avatars and such. I see most are elf and halfling gods though.

I would find a map with areas of worship handy if you are putting together a supplement. This way my players would less 'shop' for a god and pick one from their background and nation. In 2e some of my players would pick a god depending on the powers it gave the PC, more powergamer and less themed. Not a big deal but it became hard to describe how a worshipper from the other side of the world was in Phandelvar.

Only 1 Halfling God did not appear in Deities and Demigods, Charmalaine, who was introduced into Greyhawk at some point. This is her first intro to the realms.

Most of the new to the Realms Gods are Elf and Dwarf, with sprinkling of Gnomish and Dark Seldarine Gods.

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Thanks for typing this all out. On suggestion, if I may - It would really help if you divided this list into the appropriate pantheons; it's just wall of un-ordered text otherwise. Even something simple like:

Aerdrie Faenya CG Air, Rain, Fertility, Birth
Angharradh CG Wisdom, Growth, Protection

Abbathor NE Greed
Berronar Truesilver LG Hearth, Home, Truth

and so on.

Also, out of curiosity, where are you taking this list of deities and domains from? Just as an off-hand example, Dugmaren Brightmantle in the dwarven pantheon is noted here with the domain of "discovery". I've usually seen it as scholarship, invention, knowledge, things like that, but never just discovery. I'm always looking for new info though, what's the source on this?


How come Vukoor is available in the FR now? Do they now not only pull adventure sites (ToEE), Signature Mobs (Takishis aka Tiamat), Major NPCs (Mordenkainen) (ok Timat and Mordenkainen that may be justified since one is a Major Archdevil and the other has visisted a lot of different planes but still)
but also Setting specific deities into official (aka AL) FR?
If so why didn't you include Greyhawk and Dragonlance and more Eberron deities? Maybe the one (?Ezra or so?) from Ravenloft?

I am a bit confused and tbh. i do not see the added value of this. Also if you put in hobgoblin deities, that does not make sense to me kind off, unless hobgoblin is a playable race now in FR?

For me personally they can add what they want since i do not Play aL but still i am interested in how the official canon develops.


How come Vukoor is available in the FR now? Do they now not only pull adventure sites (ToEE), Signature Mobs (Takishis aka Tiamat), Major NPCs (Mordenkainen) (ok Timat and Mordenkainen that may be justified since one is a Major Archdevil and the other has visisted a lot of different planes but still)
but also Setting specific deities into official (aka AL) FR?
If so why didn't you include Greyhawk and Dragonlance and more Eberron deities? Maybe the one (?Ezra or so?) from Ravenloft?

I am a bit confused and tbh. i do not see the added value of this. Also if you put in hobgoblin deities, that does not make sense to me kind off, unless hobgoblin is a playable race now in FR?

For me personally they can add what they want since i do not Play aL but still i am interested in how the official canon develops.

hobgoblins have been a playable race in 5e FR since volo's guide to monsters as have goblins and bugbears.

and Vulkoor sort of got added to the Dark Seldarine, but he's not well known outside Eberron although he's not completely unknown outside Eberron either. by the few who know of him outside of Eberron, Vulkoor is seen as either a male aspect of Lolth or the weakest member of the Dark Seldarine.

they MTOFs did add some Gods that were previously only linked to Greyhawk to the FR Pantheon as well, but only in the demihuman pantheons, which I`m fine with.

VGTM also promoted the Cat Lord to full deity, worshipped the Tabaxi, which makes you wonder if the other beast lords of the Beastlands are now Gods as well. Dendar the Night Serpent is also a God now weirdly thanks to VGTM, and that one by far was the weirdest one for me.

Tiamat has been in FR since 1st or 2nd edition. Complex history in FR both as a Goddess of Dragons and as a Untherite Incarnated God.


Thanks for typing this all out. On suggestion, if I may - It would really help if you divided this list into the appropriate pantheons; it's just wall of un-ordered text otherwise. Even something simple like:

Aerdrie Faenya CG Air, Rain, Fertility, Birth
Angharradh CG Wisdom, Growth, Protection

Abbathor NE Greed
Berronar Truesilver LG Hearth, Home, Truth

and so on.

Also, out of curiosity, where are you taking this list of deities and domains from? Just as an off-hand example, Dugmaren Brightmantle in the dwarven pantheon is noted here with the domain of "discovery". I've usually seen it as scholarship, invention, knowledge, things like that, but never just discovery. I'm always looking for new info though, what's the source on this?

good idea, I will continue work on it tonight after work sometime. I my sources are PHB Monster and FR Deity Lists, VGTM, MTOFs, and the AL rules on deity selection which are in the ALPG v7 and the just release rules for using MTOFS.


Thanks for typing this all out. On suggestion, if I may - It would really help if you divided this list into the appropriate pantheons; it's just wall of un-ordered text otherwise. Even something simple like:

Aerdrie Faenya CG Air, Rain, Fertility, Birth
Angharradh CG Wisdom, Growth, Protection

Abbathor NE Greed
Berronar Truesilver LG Hearth, Home, Truth

and so on.

Also, out of curiosity, where are you taking this list of deities and domains from? Just as an off-hand example, Dugmaren Brightmantle in the dwarven pantheon is noted here with the domain of "discovery". I've usually seen it as scholarship, invention, knowledge, things like that, but never just discovery. I'm always looking for new info though, what's the source on this?

I think `province` given is just a brief look at their areas that each god deals with not a complete list, because the tables weirdly don`t list the moon for Moonbow in MTOFs and no listing for cats for Zandilar.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
I had Kord listed in the deity spot of my AL character sheet and referenced Kord during the game. No one said boo about it.
I played one AL adventure with a Cleric of Trickery who worshipped Loki. His choice of deity only became important when we were trying to track footprints in the mud, it began to rain, and he cursed Thor for interfering with our plans. No Loki is not an AL-legal deity, but it would be easy to put some other name on the sheet, plus his ad-lib was both funny and inspired.


I think realistically speaking, if the deities in question don't have the associated domains listed, they won't be considered AL legal.

The rule that AL has for acceptable deities that aren't given domains is that they only get access to the life domain (any cleric can choose the left domain even if its not a domain for the God as it also functions as the default cleric).

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