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D&D 5E Buffing Level 11+ Monks


There's a long discussion about monk DPR. Whatever you think about white room theory crafting, some people find it useful. The analysis shows that the monk is in the right ball park at levels 1-10. It's level 11+ where they start to get weak, but this isn't universal. Looking at their features, 11th level is a Tradition feature; like the Ranger, this opens them up to the possibility of getting a weak feature that makes them fall behind other weapon users. Lets look at the existing Monk features and how they apply to damage.

Open Hand, Tranquility: This is a free, very extended casting of a 1st level spell. But, since it ends early when you attack, it will only be beneficial in the first round of combat, and not offensively. This is hardly worth a Warlock Invocation, and needs a damage booster.

Shadow, Cloak of Shadows: This can grant advantage at the start of a fight, but that doesn’t even remotely equate to an extra attack’s worth of damage. Needs a damage booster.

Four Elements, Disciple of the Elements: Since these take an action, and cost ki, they only really get in the way of your other features. Tasha’s “ki-fueled attack” feature helps, but this needs a damage booster.

Long Death, Mastery of Death: This doesn’t increase damage round to round. It will help keep you up, though. This needs a damage booster.

Sun Soul, Searing Sunburst: For 1 ki and your action+bonus, you can make 4 attacks at 1d8+5ish. That’s about 38 damage. For 1 ki, you can throw a 4d6 sunburst, or 14 damage. You’d have to catch 3 enemies in the burst to exceed this damage. Very situational. For 2 ki, I almost think you’re better off using Searing Arc Strike if you’re fighting one major target with multiple allies. This doesn’t feel like an overall damage improvement, just a different option, so the subclass still needs a damage buff.

Drunken Master, Drunkard's Luck: This will increase damage a bit, but not equivalent to a whole attack. This can still use a damage booster.

Kensei, Sharpen the Blade: This is a cheap magic weapon spell, which would normally cost 3, 6, or 9 spell points and have concentration, but it only lasts a minute instead of an hour. It’s just a new “spell” to spend ki on, so not a real damage boost, though it will boost short term damage. The subclass could still use a real damage boost.

Mercy, Flurry of Healing and Harm: Finally a true damage boost! This adds damage nearly equivalent to 1 attack (Martial Arts Die + Wis mod, instead of + Dex and potential unarmed enhancement bonuses) that’s potentially added as a rider once to up to 2 attacks (if you use both attacks with a flurry, your chance of landing this “extra attack” goes up).

Astral Self, Body of the Astral Self: Another damage boost. This extra damage is very similar to Mercy’s, but instead of having Wisdom mod it benefits from unarmed enhancement bonuses and it benefits you even if you aren’t using flurry (and you have up to 4 chances to ‘land’ it).

Now, both Mercy and Astral Self have portions of their 11th level features that aren't just damage. As such, I think we could 'afford' to simply go through and add a damage feature to each of the other Monk Traditions. This damage should be on the order of a single attack, but not quite as universally applicable (the fighter is the only one who gets such universality).

Here's some quick thoughts:

Open Hand, Improved Flurry of Blows: Add 1 extra unarmed attack to martial arts, and flurry is now 3 unarmed attacks. Pure and simple. The miss chances, instead of 1/round bonus damage if one attack hits, lessens it over Mercy. I'd also improve Tranquility to go into affect after a short rest as well, since Warlocks get low level invocations for at-will 1st level spells. (This is an extra attack, but only when they use their bonus action for attacking. It's a limitation over the fighter's extra attack (2).)

Shadow, Shadow Strike: Give them some sneak attack. Once per turn, you can deal extra damage equal to your martial arts die to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. You don't need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll. (2 to 4 chances to deal an extra 1d8 or 1d10 damage is the same as the Astral Self feature. Instead of being limited to unarmed attacks, it can be used with weapons but has advantage/ally requirements instead).

Four Elements, Fist of the Elements: I use a fully rewritten way of four elements monk, but here's a quick fix. When you use flurry of blows, you deal extra cold, electricity, fire, or thunder damage (your choice) on your unarmed attacks equal to your Wisdom modifier. (+3-5 x2, but with a chance to miss for each, should come out statistically similar to +1d8/+1d10 if one of 2 to 4 attacks hit)

Long Death, Death's Touch: When you use flurry of blows, you deal extra necrotic damage on your unarmed attacks equal to your Wisdom modifier. (+3-5 x2, but with a chance to miss for each, should come out statistically similar to +1d8/+1d10 if one of 2 to 4 attacks hit)

Sun Soul, Searing Fist: When you use flurry of blows, you deal extra fire or radiant damage (your choice) on your unarmed attacks equal to your Wisdom modifier. (+3-5 x2, but with a chance to miss for each, should come out statistically similar to +1d8/+1d10 if one of 2 to 4 attacks hit)

Drunken Master, added to Drunkard's Luck: Once per turn, when you miss with an attack, you can make an additional unarmed attack at advantage. (An extra attack, but only when missing. The advantage helps make sure it's a hit; with 65% miss chance, a free attack at advantage after a miss is almost identical to just getting a free attack, just with a lower top end damage)

Kensei: really tempted to just give them extra attack (2), but only when using sharpen the blade. (Kinda boring, but it encourages them to use this feature. I'd adjust the feature to state that it overrides the enhancement bonus the weapon has, so it can be used with magic weapons).

I'm really liking these ideas and am really excited by them. What do you think?

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I feel like we can just make changes to the core class, instead of having to customize each and every subclass. the KISS method.

With that in mind, there are a few easy ways to do this, you have already covered a number of them. Just depends on what the math says could be needed.

1) Increase the Martial Arts die to a d10 instead of a d8.
2) Give martial arts and flurry of blows an additional attack.
3) A bit more complex (and probably more complicated than we need to go, i think other methods are probably effective and simplier): Some damage bonus that applies at certain times. Example:
Perfected Form: For each Ki the Monk spends, they gain a +2 bonus to damage on attacks until the start of their next turn.

4) Instead of damage, we could go for accuracy instead.
Perfected Form: The monk gains a +2 attack bonus.

5) Since the monk is already good against single targets with stun, could go for a more "mook killing" attack.
Finishing Move: Whenever the monk brings an opponent below 0 hp, they may use their reaction to make a melee attack on an enemy in range.


Now beyond damage, if you wanted to add some more interesting things to the monk at higher levels, here are some ideas:

Flowing Form: When using Patient Defense, you also gain the benefits of Freedom of Movement. (a nice defensive boost that also ensures the monk can always move where they want to move, no matter the obstacles).

Walk in the Heavens: When you use Step of the Wind, you gain a fly speed equal to your speed until the start of your next turn. (Flight is the natural evolution of the class focused on mobility)

Tongue of the Sun and Moon: You can communicate with any creature that knows a language. If you spend 1 KI, for 1 minute when the creature talks to you, it is under the effects of a Zone of Truth (no save). (compared to magic which has been doing this since 3rd level its not that impressive later on, except that without a save it gives it a fun niche)

Timeless Body: You no longer need food, water or air. Your body does not die of old age. If you die, and receive healing within 1 minute of your death, you can return to life as if given the Revivify spell. (added in the lack of air need, which does come up on some planar travels, and the revivify can be useful in high levels, though certainly not a major boost considering the plethora of raise options).

Perfect Self: The monk gains a second bonus action each round. (more damage or more flexibility, but always cool and useful and something that no one else gets, which I feel is what really makes a capstone).

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Kensei: really tempted to just give them extra attack (2), but only when using sharpen the blade. (Kinda boring, but it encourages them to use this feature. I'd adjust the feature to state that it overrides the enhancement bonus the weapon has, so it can be used with magic weapons).

Maybe let them flurry with their weapon?

Four Elements, Fist of the Elements: I use a fully rewritten way of four elements monk, but here's a quick fix. When you use flurry of blows, you deal extra cold, electricity, fire, or thunder damage (your choice) on your unarmed attacks equal to your Wisdom modifier. (+3-5 x2, but with a chance to miss for each, should come out statistically similar to +1d8/+1d10 if one of 2 to 4 attacks hit)

Not bad. But I think making the attack action even better for the 4E-Monk means that their ''spells'' are even worst in terms of action economy than they already are. Maybe something like this?
'' At 11th level, when you use Flurry of Blow, you can replace one of the attack with one use of an Elemental Discipline you know without spending the Ki points for the discipline. You cant spend more ki point than the base cost to increase the discipline's level''.


I feel like we can just make changes to the core class, instead of having to customize each and every subclass. the KISS method.

The reason I went with the subclass mode is because the new subclasses don't have the damage problem that the old subclasses do. If you rebalance the base class, you may overpower Mercy and Astral Self.


Maybe let them flurry with their weapon?

Not bad. But I think making the attack action even better for the 4E-Monk means that their ''spells'' are even worst in terms of action economy than they already are. Maybe something like this?
'' At 11th level, when you use Flurry of Blow, you can replace one of the attack with one use of an Elemental Discipline you know without spending the Ki points for the discipline. You cant spend more ki point than the base cost to increase the discipline's level''.
Which disciplines would this work with?

My 4 elements rewrite is big. I don't put much value on "additional spells known", which is all the subclass is. Many subclasses give extra spells known as a tiny feature and still get fun stuff ontop of it. The only reason the sun soul's extra spells known aren't bad is because their burning hands is a bonus action and their fireball has a weak at will, but even then they could use some more.


Maybe let them flurry with their weapon?

Without a magic weapon, this doesn't do a whole lot, does it? They already want to make at least one unarmed attack for the AC boost, yes? At 11th, their martial arts die is d8, so a Longsword is only +1 better. Works with sharpen the blade, though. Still doesn't add up to a whole attacks worth.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Which disciplines would this work with?
All the attack ones.
Like, you do an attack + flurry? You can replace one of the attack with Gong on the Summit without spending the cost of the Discipline, just the 1 ki for the flurry. Maybe restrict it to Disciplines that cost 1-3 ki at most, and you cant pump more ki into the discipline to increase the spell level.


All the attack ones.
Like, you do an attack + flurry? You can replace one of the attack with Gong on the Summit without spending the cost of the Discipline, just the 1 ki for the flurry. Maybe restrict it to Disciplines that cost 1-3 ki at most, and you cant pump more ki into the discipline to increase the spell level.
Ooooh ... I'd rather just make the disciplines a bonus action at that point.

Voidrunner's Codex

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