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Break of Dawn [Manzanita judging] COMPLETED


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B4cchus said:
ooc: you metagamer you ;)

When you all enter the mansion Dunbar closes the door behind you and locks it again.
Inside, you find yourself in a large hallway. The walls are decorated with paintings and the woodwork is richly carved. A large chandelier hangs from the cieling with lit candles in it.
Two flights of stairs start left and right and join eachother on the next floor. Between the stairs is another set of double doors. In the left and right wall a smaller door leads to another room.
Dunbar gestures to the door at the left "Please wait in the study for His Lordship. I will notice him of you arrival. After that dinner will be served." He waits a few moments for you to enter the study after which he leaves through the opposite door.
Food from a host not yet introduced nor trusted... Mordik's stomach rumbles after a day on a beast of burden... perhaps I'll just eat lightly...

Mordik responds to the request with a curt grunt and a nod. Once Dunbar is gone from the room he will look around at any items/books that catch his eye in the study. ...let's just see how much old-money we're dealin with here...

While looking at any items of interest he asks, So what d'ya guys think we're on route to find? That Dunbar feller sure don't like tellin nothin about nothin. Maybe after we eat the big guy can tell us real details..."Go find somethin from somewhere" ain't gettin us outta the front door.

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Rystil Arden

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*Aletheia heads onward with the others to meet the lord. As he seems about to enter, she takes out her mirror and fiddles with her hair a bit, as if to look her best for the lord. She angles it so that it will give a reflection of the lord entering the room. If it does and he doesn't show up in it...well at the very least she won't meet his gaze!*

Rae ArdGaoth

Quarion Holimion, Elven Druid

Quarion sighs at the mention of dinner. "I never enjoy these 'gourmet' human dinners. The humans never catch the prey themselves, and much of the animal is wasted. I would prefer to hunt for my own dinner, but I fear I may offend our employer..."

Quarion left Garma outside to hunt.

Rystil Arden

First Post
"True, but maybe our host is different and likes to catch his prey himself," Aletheia posits, "It's said that in hunting, the lure is often the most effective way to catch your prey in a trap."


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Eanos, human monk

Rystil Arden said:
"True, but maybe our host is different and likes to catch his prey himself," Aletheia posits, "It's said that in hunting, the lure is often the most effective way to catch your prey in a trap."

Eanos looks askance at the cleric. "I rather hope I'm misreading your implication, lady," the monk says, glancing about and cracking his knuckles as he waits for their host to arrive.


"If I'm conceiving correctly what you're implying, allow me to point that there are much easier and less costly prey than self proclaimed warriors and skilled relic hunters" says Odno. "Considering the circumstances, I think there are numerous valid alternatives to that conjecture, I mean other than our host being an anthropophagous monster. Even if he is, I've had notice of people dealing good business with him, so if he after all craves from human flesh it may not come that it's neccesarily ours and we may after all be the receivers of a substantial reward."


After waiting for a while (maybe a minute or ten) the door of the study opens and a tall man, dressed in a fine red colored outfit, enters the room. He seems a capable man who looks as if he could manage himself in any company. He adresses you both polite and self-assured. He nods at everybody and intoduces himself "Greetings brave adventurers. I am Lord Graven, your host and employer. I bid you welcome in my house. First of all I wish to thank you for taking on this daring mission. Second i would like to invite you at my dinner table. I am sure you are a full of questions as your stomachs are empty after a day of travel. Please, follow me." After that he gestures you to follow and leaves the room.
ooc: i assume you follow so i'll continue rigth away.
He enter the other double door in the hallway which leads to, what appears, the diner. Here a large table that could easily fit a dozen guests, is set with a luxurious banquet.Lord Graven seats himself at the head of the table. As you seat yourselves at the table a servant (not dunbar) pours you a glass of wine (or water as you desire) and starts serving food on your plates. "Now, enjoy your dinner and ask as many questions as you wish" Lord Graven states.
ooc: Lord Graven apears normally in any mirror you would try to reflect his image.

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Aletheia bows slightly and follows Lord Graven, moving over to shake his hand:*

"A pleasure to meet you sir. My name is Aletheia. My companions and I would like to hear more about this item you wish us to retrieve," as she does this, she hasn't quite put away her mirror yet--in fact, she presents it as a standard action to see if he recoils and is unable to get within five feet of her. If he doesn't, her mind is finally set at ease.


Odno isn't experienced enough to become paranoid yet. He accepts Graven's invitation and enjoys the food and wine heartily, leaving the questions for his more seasoned companions. At least that's his intention, but he can't healp but ask: "Lord Graven, I'm a bit of historian myself. Word is that you have a quite complete collection of rare ancient items. I could not forgive myself if I don't ask you if it'd be possible to see them, perhaps before we leave"

Voidrunner's Codex

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