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Release AVAILABLE NOW: FIRETEAM - Rules Light Military Science Fiction Roleplaying

Jonathan Hicks

** incoming transmission priority one **


This is an adventure roleplaying game designed for quick one-shots of high action and fast combat. Players will take on the roles of Specialists in a Fireteam of the Interplanetary Combine, a government body in constant conflict with the universe.

Threats to the Combine come in all shapes and sizes; insurrection, terrorism, and strange, alien threats that the Combine struggle to deal with. On top of all this they are fighting an ongoing war with the Gene League Separatists, a huge collection of worlds that see the Combine as a threat to their ‘freedom’ and individuality, as well as seeing the rest of the non-augmented human race as inferior. They feel they are fighting a war for the purity of their genetically superior species and their independence, and worlds and star systems continually change hands with the borders shifting every few months. It’s becoming more than the Combine can handle.​



- Simple character creation and progress, with just a few minutes for a full combat team to get statted and ready, and more than suitable for one-shots and campaigns.

- Fast, easily modded rules that can be used with most science fiction setting, including rules for vehicles and starships; in fact, the character creation and rules are only 8 pages long, so you can get straight into the action in one sitting!

- A single-page setting to get you started, and five adventures that fill out the galaxy and cover everything from tactical strikes, secret missions and assaults, to starship battles, boarding actions and all-out war!

- Can be used as 'Theatre of the Mind' or on a grid battlemat, so you can use your favourite minis.

- Easily adaptable to your favourite military science fiction setting, with lots of room for new rules, stats and expansion.

If there’s a problem, and if every other route to a resolution has tried and failed, then it’s time to call a Fireteam.

Assault specialist
Heavy weapons specialist
Med specialist


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Jonathan Hicks


Horror at Harris Station - a mission for FIRETEAM

SITREP – Harris Research Station on the moon Prague Six has sent out an emergency distress call. It is a standard beacon with no other information. Harris Research Base is a medical facility specialising in battlefield medicine. The aim is for soldiers to be able to inject a compound into their body where the organ or limb is damaged beyond repair, and have it grow back in a matter of hours. Other than that we have no information as its a closed secure facility.

MISSION – Enter the research station, ascertain the situation and report. A fully equipped follow-up vessel will arrive within 24 hours of your arrival.

'Horror at Harris Station' is a complete adventure for FIRETEAM - Rules Light Military Science Fiction Roleplaying. The rulebook is required for play.​


NOTICE – This game contains scenes of body horror and violence. Use whatever safety tools you wish to make sure that the session is fun and exciting for everyone.


Jonathan Hicks


INVASION - 2 Combat Missions for FIRETEAM

SITREP – Over the last week, forces of the Gene League Separatists have crossed the border and landed an occupation force. Local forces and orbital defences were overwhelmed in a matter of hours and the GLS have quickly overrun all locations and burned the capital city to the ground, forcing refugees into the mountains. How they managed to cross the border undetected by several listening posts and get past the defences of a heavily guarded world is still under investigation.

At this time, the Second and Fourth Fleets are moving to engage the enemy and land a liberation force. They will be joined by the full might of the Combine Navy in this sector in six days, once the fleets are mobilised.

Why the GLS have chosen now to to attack Newgrave is of great concern; they are either desperate for resources – which seems the most likely, considering that the worlds of the GLS are not rich – or this is the first move in a much larger operation.

Two Operations for 'FIRETEAM - Rules Light Military Science Fiction Roleplaying Game', includes:

- New weapons; Combat shotgun, Explosives, Rocket launcher, Mortar, Smoke grenade and Sniper rifle.

- New equipment; The LOIS (Low Orbit Insertion Suit), TORTOISE armour, Silencer and Jumping Jacks!

- 5 new specialist roles; Sniper, Covert, Sapper, Fire Support and Observer.

- Optional High4 rules for faster action!

- Rules for War-mechs, inclduing two example war machines to get you started!

We have a one-way ticket to sh*tsville and you’re in first class. Suit up and get to briefing stat. Don’t stand there staring at me, move move move!


Guide of Modos
- Simple character creation and progress, with just a few minutes for a full combat team to get statted and ready, and more than suitable for one-shots and campaigns.

- Fast, easily modded rules that can be used with most science fiction setting, including rules for vehicles and starships; in fact, the character creation and rules are only 8 pages long, so you can get straight into the action in one sitting!
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Sender: forum user, rank 3
Timestamp: AC 2238784.45j
Content: this sounds like fun. Is there a rules/game-play sample you can post here?

A single-page setting to get you started, and five adventures that fill out the galaxy and cover everything from tactical strikes, secret missions and assaults, to starship battles, boarding actions and all-out war!
I hope the galaxy-filling parts are sizable! I still haven't figured out how Starfield has filled out planets...

Voidrunner's Codex

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