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Assault on Dire Wood


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Ydadoras and Rikka

Rikka looks at the ghostly tree’s that encircled her former home, after several hours of walking she realised it covered a large area. Beyond the white trunks of the oaks the forest was dark, overgrown and had an air of menace. “What had happened?” she thinks to herself.

Lost in her reverie she almost didn’t notice a shape detach from one of the trees, but her training allowed her to react quickly to the threat.

The other elf looked at her with rapier in hand his shield held loosely by his side. For some reason he looked familiar. A puzzled expression crosses his face. “Rikka?” he asks in a voice barely above a whisper.

Recognition comes to her, this elf was a hunter from her village, she had known of him growing up.
“Ydadoras?” she queries.

He nods guardedly. “Your parents will be pleased to see you. Follow me.” Without waiting to see if she followed the hunter silently crept into the forest becoming one with it almost instantly. Rikka follows, her own training making her just as quiet in the forest as it did in the city.

For six hours they travel north in silence, Ydadoras pausing frequently to examine a trail or sign of some spoor. Finally, he breaks into a loping run that Rikka finds easy to match and the pair came into view of an encampment.

Tents dotted the glade, dozens of them. People moved about and children played happily. Several elves turned to look at the pair, bows at the ready. It was then that Rikka noticed how heavily armed everyone was.

“Most of our people got out,” Ydadoras states. “Come.”

He leads Rikka to a tent where a small toddler struggled to walk to an elven woman. The child saw Rikka and grinned, causing the woman to turn. Seeing the mirror image of herself, Rikka felt something give way inside her, a sense of belonging bloomed.

“Meet me by the fire later,” Ydadroras states before moving away.

“Rikka?” the woman whispers and a slow smile creeps across her face. She picks up the child and swings it onto her hip. “Jorra!” she calls out.

From behind the tent Rikka sees her father step out, sword belted at the waist. He stops and stares, after a moment he wipes a tear from his eye. “Well, I guess we had best introduce you to your little sister.”
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Dorn and Bumble

For most people the docks of Yartar were a chaotic stream of people moving about haphazardly with no purpose, for Dorn it was a sea of opportunity. The Halfling Cleric Bumble was weaving her way through the crowd, her natural nimbleness and small size allowed her to avoid being barged over.

Dorn watched her move out of sight and decided to spend a few hours making some new friends and seeing what he could learn. Casually liberating enough “friend” money along the way, he finds the local dockside tavern.

Emerging several hours later with a host of new friends, information and a still bulging pouch he grins to himself. The rumour mill had it that the elves of the forest to the south were having some difficulties and that they were seeking help to help rid them of some foe. Sounded like an opportunity to make money. Dorn smiles to himself.

The workers had mentioned the name of an elven trader heading that way in the morning, a Kelonmaz Whitebow. There was still an opportunity to hire on as a guard and make the journey a little more comfortably.

With what he hoped was a friendly smile Dorn approached the trader and managed to haggle for his fee. They would be leaving in the morning heading to a spot south of a place called Mhiilamniir.

The next morning, feeling much refreshed, he takes his place on one of the wagons, kicking back and enjoying the morning sun he hears a familiar high pitched voice.

“Well hello again.”


Bumble wove her way through the crowd of tall people. By her reckoning the Temple of the Morning Lord should be less than several minutes walk from the docks. The boat ride had been pleasant but the young cleric didn’t enjoy the prospects of the boat sinking, there were some very big fish in these waters.

The temple came into view its pale yellow stonework a pale imitation of the Sun’s glory, the gates were open and she quickly found her way through the familiar corridors to the Dawnlord’s offices.

“Sister Bumble,” he greats her with genuine joy. “Finished your travelling have you?”

Bumble smiles and sits down. “No, just finished with the undead threat to Colberg and need a new task.”
He pours her a drink and sits behind his desk, shuffling through some papers. “Well, the elves of High Forest have asked for assistance. One of the elders a….. Kelonmaz Whitebow petitioned us to send clerical aid to help combat some unknown threat in their forest. I was going to send Kieran……”

Bumble smiled, “Kieran is a good priest but ill suited to the rigours of adventuring. I’ll go if you would have me.”

The older man nods. “Rest here tonight, Master Whitebow leaves in the morning.”

The next day Bumble head out to meet the elven elder’s convoy. She sees a familiar cloaked figure lounging on one of the wagons. ‘Well at least it wont be boring,’ she thinks to herself. Making sure her purse was safely secured she approached Dorn.
“Well hello again.”


First Post
Kesem Raz and Yannok

The duo made a strange looking pair as they staggered into Everlund. One a slight young man and the other a veritable giant wielding a strange wooden weapon. The townsfolk scattered out of their way, clothes were covered in dust, dirt and blood.

“Let us find a tavern and clean up,” Kesem suggested. The larger man nodded and followed the wizard.

For three days now they had been walking, their caravan had been attacked several days ago and up until the gnoll attack had been quite peaceful. The pair hadn’t had much to do with each other before the attack but now the two had fought side by side and were the only survivors of the trip.

Kesem handed over some money to the barkeep, after the battle the duo had acquired dozens of gold pieces and gems from the remnants of the gnolls and the wizard has little guilt about ordering the most expensive bottle of brandy.

Yannok cleaned himself up in his room, he had washed the dust of the road from his skin but his insides still felt dusty. The wizard had agreed to meet him downstairs in an hour for a meal and some drink.

As they sat at the table eating and drinking the duo talked about the different ways each of them used the arcane arts. It had surprised the wizard to see the warrior using magic during battle and the eldritch knight was in awe of the mastery of arcana that Kesem displayed.

The patrons of the tavern clapped politely as a half-elf bard took the stage and began to sing. After several songs and thunderous applause from the crowd he recited a mournful dirge about a magical curse that had affected an area of the high forest and was causing the elves there some concern. After the final song the bard bowed and moved over to the bar to get himself a drink.

Kesem looked over at the big warrior and raised an eyebrow. Yannok smiled and nodded. Rising together the two approached the bard.
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Kesem Raz and Yannok

Loud Yann slapped his beefy hand on the carved wood of the bar and slid it toward the barkeep: "Three foaming ones, my friend, the first one for our new friend here!" He raised up and three small rubies glittered there on the bar. "And keep them coming!"

The fat man grinned down at the smaller bard, sideburns curling even wilder than usual after the bath and smelling of pine soap.
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First Post
At first Ydadoras would have noticed just how hard it was to keep track of- even to incredibly tuned senses, the shadows seemed to cling to her. He would also have seen her right hand move in a brief but elaborate gesture before she spoke- and her "voice" was a strange raspy hiss; even simply saying his name seemed to be a strain...

Once they arrived at the village, Rikka bowed to the other elf- a respectful gesture from one warrior to another.

At the sight of her family, she hesitated for a moment or two. Once again, before she spoke, she waved her hand through the same gesture- and her voice sounded just as strange, just as artificial. "I'm sorry," was all she managed, at first, as she sank to her knees beside her family, her head bowed.

Time went away for a bit, as she listened to her parents, and heard what had happened- at least, as much as they knew. The rumors she had heard had been unsettling- the truth seemed to be far worse. At last, though, the words dried up for a while- she was hardly the same daughter who had left, and her parents had changed as well- partially due to the events that had happened, but also because she was seeing them now with very different eyes. Slowly she rose to her feet again, bowed to her parents, and then to her new sister. "Maybe I was meant to return now. Maybe I can help. I'm going to go and ask around a bit- I'll talk to the scouts too. If we are to call upon help from outsiders, I would be part of it all. I've seen more than enough of the world these last few years." And with that, she went in search of Ydadoras...

OOC: Fast-forwarding a bit through the off-stage conversation- but I'll stop here in case the GM wants to add anything. Otherwise, it is off to my fellow elf...

OOC: Also, in case it is relevant, Rikka is using her Minor Illusion cantrip to "speak"- it is mostly going to be that, or words written with her slate and chalk

Steve Gorak

Dorn and Bumble

Well hello again.” said the cloaked Dorn, donning his illusory beard and older appearance. The greeting was genuine, and the smile was friendly.

As he said these word, Dorn wondered why he had paid attention to the halfling the day before. This is a good sign he thought to himself. Perhaps this is an omen from one of the many gods watching over us mortals; I should be so lucky! he mused to himself lightheartedly. Pondering over this, Dorn's mind wandered back to the reasons that made him interested in the Elve's plight. Yes, money is always useful and a good tool, but more importantly, there was the opportunity to find purpose, belonging and honor. He missed the companionship and camaraderie of his former ship crew-mates may the gods watch over their souls he silently prayed. Also, the elves he had met on his travels tended to be good folks, and the elf-ladies were absolute foxes! Besides, the elf-folk each spent several human lifetimes perfecting their skill with bows, so perhaps he could learn a thing or two.

Resting his back on the planks of the wagon, he thought about the orphanage he gave the pouch of money he "liberated" the day before. my friends at the tavern would have pissed it away, and probably don't even know they lost it; it has been put to a better use. I just hope it does end up buying bread for the kids, and not in the priest's fat belly...
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Bumble climbs up onto the wagon and unlimbers her crossbow. She pats it affectionately.

"Have faith in the gods," she smiles. "But keep your crossbow loaded."

Looking at Dorn she asks, "How far are you heading?"

River Song

Ydadoras and Rikka

Ydadoras knelt by the fire and fed another branch into it, stoking it till the fresh fuel caught. He watched as Rikka approached, like in the forest, shadow seemed to cling to her. Very odd, he thinks to himself. She has been gone for several years and obviously changed from the child-woman he remembered. Much must have happened to her but he found that he really was interested in one thing only.

"Are you staying to help?" he asks quietly.

Steve Gorak

Bumble climbs up onto the wagon and unlimbers her crossbow. She pats it affectionately.

"Have faith in the gods," she smiles. "But keep your crossbow loaded."

Looking at Dorn she asks, "How far are you heading?"

"Probably to the same place you are, at least I'm hoping" Dorn says in a friendly way. Looking at Bumble's crossbow, and patting his own bow resting on his knees, he adds "It seems bandits won't stand a chance with the two of us as artillery!". Somewhat more seriously, and after letting the halfling settle in the wagon, he says looking at the horizon "It seems mighty strange things are happening over there, and who knows, perhaps I can help. How about you, what brings you here?"


First Post
Loud Yann slapped his beefy hand on the carved wood of the bar and slid it toward the barkeep: "Three foaming ones, my friend, the first one for our new friend here!" He raised up and three small rubies glittered there on the bar. "And keep them coming!"

The slender half-elf smiles in appreciation and Yann can now see he is a fair bit older than he appears.

"My heartfelt thanks, friend! Singing can cause a man a powerful thirst." he says with a wink. "How may I be of service?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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