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Ashin's Commission: Buried Alive


Michael raises an eyebrow.
"Yes, somewhere a devout follower of Mishtuli has no weapons or armor. His companion, a cleric of Amphousa, has no vestments or holy symbol."

Michael holds up one hand and rubs his finger and thumb together.
"This is a very small fiddle playing a sad song for them."

He looks at the cleric dourly. "You begin to see the problem I have here. How do I know you're not the cleric of Amphousa, trying to get their things back?"

I think it's time I pushed back on these people.

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Rystil Arden

First Post

"What are you talking about? The chaplain is a cleric of Azwan."

"Yes, the Lord of Righteous Battle demands that I look after those who are injured by the war and bring them back to health. Many of these soldiers are inexperienced young men who were recruited and taken away from their families. Azwan wants to see them all reunited, with as few apologetic visits from a superior officer as possible."

"Amphousa? Isn't she the goddess of Lust?"

"Lust? That's a weird thing to find. Say there, how do we know you're not the cleric of Amphousa covering for the fact that you're carrying your holy symbol and vestments by accusing others? Let's see what's in the bag."


"How do you know? In many ways.
First, by the symbol on the shield you took from me -- which you have still not returned.
Second, by the prayers you interrupted three days ago, which were to Sela.
Third, by the healing I performed on your men, which invoked Sela, not Amphousa.
Fourth, by the fact that if I had a goddess who permitted me my own desires, I would have brushed your dust from my feet and been a hundred miles away by now. Your hospitality leaves much to be desired.
I have kept my word, Captain. You keep yours, and return my shield and armor. After that, we may discuss the situation here, what may be known, and what may be done."
Michael fixes the Captain with an angry glare.
"I would not ask for further proof if I were you."

(OOC: I don't believe Michael has had a chance to use his Feat of Strength yet. Of course, after he demonstrates that, he may have to use his Community domain power :))

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Well, I believe you, actually, but it's true that all the things you presented as evidence could have possibly been acts."

*The soldier with Michael's shield and armour drops them off, salutes, and leaves.*

"There you are--we took good care of them for you," the lieutenant gestures that Michael can take them.


Michael is only slightly mollified, but he hands the pack to the cleric.
"Satisfy yourself. I've been too busy covering ground today to examine them."

He starts to put on his own armor, feeling the weight of it.
It's true, he admits, the chain shirt was more comfortable physically, but it feels better not to wear armor honoring dark gods.

"Captain, what are your goals here?"

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Our original goal was to investigate the strange occurences in Duvik and the sudden halt in shipping from this village, but ever since we discovered this infestation, we've set up a quarantine in order to prevent it from spreading. The victims are dangerous enough when it's just a small village--can you imagine what would happen if entire cities were afflicted with this ailment?"

*The chaplain looks over the items.*

"All of this is magic except the holy symbol and vestments of Amphousa. By the way, if he came out of the quarantine, I need to check this man also, just like for all the soldiers who go in there. You know we've lost a few..."

"Go ahead."

*The chaplain casts another spell.*

"Oh dear, I don't see any bite marks, but he seems to have been infected, though it seems his body has been fighting off this Plague much better than the random peasants. I don't think he has any of the symptoms yet...it will be some time before he Turns."

"Still, if we let him go and he Turns outside the quarantine, it could start a new epidemic," he turns to Michael, "While I'd like to let you go, I'm sure you see the situation I'm in right now?"


Michael sighs wearily.

"It seems I'm to be beaten back to my duty with rods."
He looks at the elderly cleric.
"Have you ever wished Azwan would stop building your character?"

And he turns back to the captain.
"At least I can die well and usefully. Captain, with more luck and divine assistance than I'm comfortable admitting, I fought through the center of the Afflicted.
They are not mad: they are organized enough to have built the equivalent of a small city under the mountain. They are organized enough to capture people from the village and infect them by exposing them to a black crystal.
Their numbers are growing. In addition, the Afflicted themselves are getting bigger: some of them are the size of ogres. I was able to collapse one of their passages in and partially block another: I can probably show you that on a map, though I may have to go back and walk the ground.
They may have other passages as well: I've not had time to look much."

He looks around to see how people are taking this.

"I think it will take an army to burn these things out of the mountain. Captain, you've got the only army I know of in these parts. Shall we try it, Captain, or sit on our heels until the sun goes out?"

(Let me need to know if I should start attempting Diplomacy checks.)

Rystil Arden

First Post
"My duty to Azwan is a privilege, but it is a heavy burden."

*The lieutenant and the chaplain seem a bit confused and concerned by this, but they're not sure how to take it.*

(OOC: Yep, Diplomacy works)

Rystil Arden

First Post
"No, we'll continue to do as ordered and maintain the quarantine until further notice. I'm afraid that means we can't let you past either. You understand, I'm sure."

Voidrunner's Codex

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