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Amazing Tales from Centropolis


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Seeing Esper rocked by the attack of Princess, Kitsune pounces on her chance! A crummy psychic like that will see right through her illusions and tricks...but that's not ALL she has. Her eyes scan quickly around the room and find plenty of loose objects and debris for her purposes.

Suddenly Esper is being pelted by paperweights and staplers and #1 Dad mugs and all kinds of random office bits and pieces that come from seemingly every direction! None of them hit hard enough to HURT, exactly, but the assault is distracting, disorienting, forcing her to try to take cover lest the rolls of paper towels and the empty water bottles awaiting recycling overcome her!

With a cackle at the ensuing maelstrom of chaos, Kitsune ducks behind a wall. "Keep the pressure on her!"

And once Esper was down, the others would have no defense against her powers...muahahaha.

(Kitsune uses her TK affliction power; a ranged Affliction that causes Impaired/Vulnerable or Defenseless/Stunned; only two degrees of success are possible. The save is DC 15 Fortitude.)

Tk affliction: 1D20+5 = [20]+5 = 25

(So with the crit, that's actually DC 20, I think? Is a crit +5 effect?)

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Hearing Kitsune's yell, Silver Streak unleashes his Taser Blast at Esper (the one that the others hit).
Effect: DC 17 Fortitude [Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated] (Cumulative)


First Post
Silver Streak is hurt but still conscious enough to zap Snakeroot as he is grabbed but the criminal laughed at him “Was that supposed to hurt squirt?” Felix was not as luck as the giant’s fist connected solidly with his face! Or at least his armored suit’s head, but it was enough to cause the cat-man to see stars dancing in his vision.

Felix return punch actually rocked the mammoth man back a step and he grunt something like a respectful sound. Silver Streak blasted the woman psychic but she shrugged off his taser with a laugh and then cried out in pain as Kitsune painful-laser-blasting hit her square in the chest and almost knocked her over. While the woman was trying to recover Princess Starlight blasted her and injured her again!

Upstairs the Shadow struck Electrocutioner but the villain remained on his feet and again unleashed a wide electrical storm of bolts within the room to try and catch the out of sight hero!

Herculan shot a bolt of energy from his gauntlet at Princess Starlight but missed her. He cursed in his alien tongue at her. Then one of the woman flew around the corner and mind blasted Kitsune! The Mammoth punched Felix with a blow that shattered nearby windows with its power but this time Felix’s armor held up and he was only forced back a step. Snakeroot squeezed Silver Stream and again laughed as he was shocked by the hero “That tickles little man but when I turn you into paste let see how sparkly you are then!”

GM: [sblock=Rolls & Results]Rolls from Round 3
Snakeroot vs. Silver Streak’s reaction attack (DC 18) Toughness save: 1D20+10 = [12]+10 = 22, made it.
Felix vs. Mammoth’s attack (DC 26) Toughness save: 1D20+12 = [1]+12 = 13, a natural 1. You really don’t want me rolling for you ;). OK as he is sort of NPCing right now I am not using a Hero Point. He failed by 3 degrees so he is Staggered and -1 Injury.

Round 4
Felix attacks Mammoth; Close attack, Damage +9: 1D20+6 = [17]+6 = 23, Mammoth Toughness save: 1D20+11 = [5]+11 = 16, failed by 2 degrees, he is Dazed this round and -1 Injury.
Silver Streak hits Esper #2 Fortitude save: 1D20+2 = [19]+2 = 21, wow she made that one.
The Shadow would normally have missed Electrocutioner, but as he is blinded by the darkness he is Vulnerable so ½ defenses and his Toughness save: 1D20+7 = [12]+7 = 19, failed by 1 degree he is now Injured -4.
Kitsune hits Esper #2 Fortitude save: 1D20+2 = [3]+2 = 5, wow failed by 3 degrees. So she is Defenseless/Stunned
Princess Starlight shots at Esper #2, normally you would have missed (as she did not fall for your Trick as her Minimum Perception is an 11 or Insight 13), but as I was counting Kitsune before you, you hit! You were doing your laser beam right? That is a Toughness save of a 23 not a 18, so Toughness save: 1D20+9 = [3]+9 = 12, failed by 3 degrees, she is Staggered and injury -2.

Bad Guys
Electrocutioner makes his area attack again vs. the Shadow, who needs a Dodge save vs. DC 18. If he makes it he needs a Toughness save vs. DC 19, if he fails he needs a Toughness save vs. DC23. You also forgot to make your Toughness save vs. DC 18 last round. So two Toughness saves please.
Herculan shots at Princess Starlight; Range, Damage +9: 1D20+9 = [8]+9 = 17, missed!!!
Esper #1 flies 60ft to get line of sight vs. Kitsune and as she see invisible and through illusion she makes a Psychic Assault: Perception Damage 9, Subtle. Kitsune needs to make a Toughness save vs. DC 24.
Esper #2 gets a save at the end of her round, Fortitude save: 1D20+2 = [16]+2 = 18 so making it partly she is now Impaired/Vulnerable
Mammoth attacks Felix; Close attack, Damage +11: 1D20+8 = [20]+8 = 28, critical hit. Felix’s save vs. DC 31 (yikes) Toughness save: 1D20+11 = [17]+11 = 28, pretty good. Failed by 1 degree he now has Injury -2.
Snakeroot attacks Silver Streak. As he is grabbed he is Vulnerable vs. the villain so only has a Parry of 16; Close attack, Damage +10: 1D20+8 = [11]+8 = 19, hit. Silver Streak needs a Toughness save vs. DC 25. Snakeroot vs. reaction damage; Toughness save: 1D20+10 = [12]+10 = 22, made it again.[/sblock]Heroes Actions and Saves?!?!?

the Shadow and Electrocutioner are on the 145th floor.
The rest of the heroes and villains are on the 140th floor…
Princess Starlight, Kitsune (but around a corner), and Silver Streak are somewhat close to each other in the main room (Princess Starlight is near a window and within sunlight)
Felix and Mammoth are in Melee with each other 40ft away
Herculan is just within the building 60ft back
Esper #1 is within 20ft of Kitsune and most of the rest of the heroes
Esper #2 is about 50ft back from most of the group.
Snakeroot is 60ft away and grappling Silver Streak.



The Shadow
Saturday, February 11, 2017/12:08 PM
Round 6

OOC: Shadow went shadowform at the end of his turn last round, so he’s immune to Electrocutioner’s attack this round. But he’ll be solid for the next attack. And I did make a Toughness save last round. It was 24 Dodge and 29 Toughness. I had them in the same roll; the Toughness just went to a different line of text when posting.

Shadow waited out Electrocutioner’s anticipated storm of lightning before dropping shadowform to attack him again, lashing out with another solid kick, gritting his teeth in anticipation of the electrical backlash that was likely to greet their violent contact.

Saves: None; immune this round
Action: Unarmed attack: 1D20+9 = [12]+9 = 21
DC 24 Toughness
Move: Drop shadowform
Regeneration: 5/5r
Hero Points: 0


First Post
My last Hero point to reroll that
[roll0] = 16

GM: Note that a 15 would have been two degrees of failure, so you would have been Dazed and -2 Injury. With the hero point you got +10 because you rolled less then 10 so a 26 so no injury. Just giving you the option of being Dazed or not if you want to save the Hero Point.

GM: Note that a 15 would have been two degrees of failure, so you would have been Dazed and -2 Injury. With the hero point you got +10 because you rolled less then 10 so a 26 so no injury. Just giving you the option of being Dazed or not if you want to save the Hero Point.

My reroll was 6, the +10 makes it 16 as my final total. Is that still two degrees of failure?

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