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Against the Shadow V - A Faded Glory Story Hour

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First Post
Back from Makkah

Hi all!!! I've been away for the last two weeks so this post covers the intervening conversation.

Sorry guys, no soap-opera like interactions between Quintus and Drusilla for the immediate future. To avoid any really awkward interactions with Old One (nice legs, shame about the face), Q will remain hung up on the missing Abigail. Personally, I think she is a victim of Ned Gallway, Q’s former boss, rather than our mysterious Necromancer adversary.

During the “Battle Royale” I had a lot of fun throwing Q’s money around. He was unconcerned with the money- his brother and comrades are far more important to him. As for the enemy fighter b***h-slapping Q- I disagree, most reverently and politely O’ RBDM. The lightening bolt toasted Q and he retreated. The fighter never touched him. In fact, I think Q’s magic missile aimed “between the cheeks” dropped the guy.

I whined loudly and frequently to Old One about my lacking funds to get a familiar, but in truth I was okay with it. Whining is just a cheap ploy to get what I want. I truly enjoy working hard for funds and victories, it makes them far more sweet. I never did like the “you walk into an empty room and find a bag full of gold coins” approach. BTW- I would give all those who mock Q’s shape changing talents a rude gesture, but the internet would not properly convey the accompanying emotion.

I agree with all those who like Captain Rook. Given freedom from his responsibilities, I think Q’s ideal future would include finding and marrying Abigail (sans necromancy) then sailing off into the merry sunset as a part of Rook’s crew. Q’s motivation for all his scheming is always to ensure security for his family. His personal desires are something else entirely.

Q’s view on Oar politics is simple. The head of the Greens apparently wants him dead and had a grandson in league with R. The Reds intervened to save Q’s tail, plus Drusilla trusts them. The various economic viewpoints never really had a chance to play into his thinking. However, if he can walk away with good contacts for later he is a happy man.


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Quintus for President

Another post that truely showed why Quintus was repeatedly called a schemer. I like it!

About Drusilla: Hey, where can you get a girl with no voice but a lot of cash that looks that nice? :)

Q's view about the politics match with mine as well as my favorite char alter self would do. Who cares about politics as long as someone wants your tail?

About being dropped by lightning bolts... Know that. My char always happens to stay somewhere hidden or behind cover giving support to the others and suddenly a lightning bolt toasts our tank and hits "accidently" my char. No matter how good the reflex save, without evasion half damage is often too much. I remember a 44 points lightning bolt ... my char has 45 hitpoints and was wounded. Well ... He kept on singing with 0 hp :)

Old One: Holidays were fine, got aching muscles everywhere... Heroes shouldn't have to ski

And I still wanna know about "R"'s connection to Abrigail! Is "R" her mysterious twin? Her mother? An undead forefather?

Waiting patiently


Old One

First Post

Rowan's Journal

The following are excerpts from Rowan's Journal covering the final leg of the trip to Oar, his thoughts on the city and his capture...


On the way to Oar we encountered a farmer. Actually we first thought we were coming upon a fight of some sort. From ahead of us came the sounds of cursing and metal ringing on metal and wood. I scouted ahead along the side of the road and cannot express the joy I took in discovering the fight to be merely a farmer having some trouble with a wagon wheel. I stepped out from the roadside brush and asked him if he needed help. The way he flung that hammer over his shoulder in startled panic it's good I was standing back and to the left or surely I'd have a third eye and have seen no end of stars! It was all I could do not to laugh at how the poor fellow jumped when I spoke up. I'm sure the grin splitting my face had to have my companions wondering what I had found as they were coming up the road. Once he realized I was no bandit I was able to wave the rest of the group

His wagon wheel was a bit out of sorts and not being the mechanical type I felt it best to leave the others to offer what skills they might possess toward solving the fellow's plight. Quintus, ever resourceful, and always looking for advantage in everything, managed to fix the wheel with what seemed little effort. The farmer was delighted, but I'm sure the wainright who told him it was fixed before will hear a thing or two about workmanship.

He was more than agreeable to the idea of allowing Drusilla to ride along with him on the wagon as we accompanied him the rest of the way to Oar. As nightfall hit we still had a half day's travel ahead of us and no real idea what to expect. A grove of trees to the roadside served as our camp and we were told about some strange disappearances of some of the families in the area. Thinking back on that tale, I feel in my gut that this is the work of Ashai cultists and allies of "R". The talkative fellow chewed our ears off with chatter on all sorts of topics between first meeting and arrival at Oar.

In the morning as we were breaking camp, our new traveling companion seemed to be having trouble with his back. He asked if we had anyone among us in the service of the Light and Sextus pointed out Lew. Poor Lew, he did the right thing, but he must be cursed because it came back to haunt him later. With a little pushing and prodding he managed to straighten out the man's back. "Miracle Worker" he called Lew. Lew the “Miracle Worker” was now in Oar and it wasn't even a day before what must have been every cripple in town was in the Cathedral crying out, begging for Lew to heal them too. Sometimes all it takes to have things start going wrong are a couple of good deeds, like fixing a wheel, or straightening a farmer's back.

We reached the gates to the city and discovered that not only were lodgings affordable only by the rich, but that the city makes its cut of everything and everyone by charging money just to enter. Makes me wonder why anyone would go there, especially now that I know that 1 denarii bought my way into a den of trouble.

Adding a third good deed into the pot of trouble stew, Sextus
inquired with a gate guard as to how much it would cost the good farmer and his wagonload of radishes and corn to get into the city. Three denarii. Sextus slipped the farmer the coins to cover his costs and apparently that was the thrice damned charm needed to set things in motion.

Lew was able to get us lodging on the grounds of the Cathedral of Osirian. The place is big enough to hold most of Glynden within the sanctified walls. Well, at least it seemed that way, since the smaller of the two rectory buildings is as big as the entire abbey in Glynden. We dined with the abbot and several holy figures that night. There was talk of the goings on around Glynden, and discussions of other matters related to the church. I pay only a little mind to these things. I'm a believer, and follower of the Light, but give me my bow and a good day along the paths Corelian walks and I'm happy.

The next morning as we were waking and making ready for breakfast one of the aspirants came calling a commotion, asking for Lew to come quickly to the chapel nave. Most of us thought maybe he'd been running late to some minor observance, but it turned out to be a small horde of cripples seeking him out for healing miracles. It wasn't long before the aspirant came running back, pale and frightened looking, begging our help, saying something about Lew being in dire trouble. The sight I was about to witness brought me near to tears with laughter. We arrived in the temple nave, weapons in hand only to see Lew swarmed under by the miracle seekers and passing out for lack of breath under the crush. Once we managed to free him from his admirers and get them calmed and on their way, that's when we saw the humor in Lew's sudden rise to near sainthood. That humor faded quickly when we found that Drusilla slipped away
during the commotion. There has been nothing funny about our stay in this city since. Seems his mending of a back caused quite a stir in the Cathedral.

The next few days are a blur.

With church help we managed to locate someone that could determine the value of the items and "blessings" Lathan had bestowed upon us in that brief meeting. We sold a couple of the items for a great sum of money, a sum soon to dwindle rapidly. I found out the sword the Old Man gave me is infused with magic. Apparently it is what is called a "bonded" weapon. I have to perform some small ritual to awaken the powers it grants for my use alone. I'll find out more of what this means. We also managed to buy horses and tack with our newfound wealth and I'll be happy when we find our way clear of Oar to ride them home. Let's hope the church can help us get free of the city as well.

There's something to be said for the big city. It stinks, and it's
full of filth. Not just garbage and fish guts, but human filth. At
first I was amazed and awed by the huge buildings, the many sites and sounds, and all of the different things one could involve oneself with in Oar. Now all I want to do is get some payback and go home. I'm out of place here. The city is large, chaotic, and dangerous.

We've been in town for less than a week and already people are trying to have us killed, and based on how easily we were captured by some of them, unless we leave soon, they likely will succeed. I'm sure this has everything to do with the cult of Ashai and surely that means the cult has a greater hold here in Oar than even around Glynden. We have to find those involved and kill them, or at least expose their darkness to the light of Osirian and the view of what few good souls might exist in this wretched place.

We were ambushed and rapidly taken down when we went to what was supposed to be a meeting in the dock quarter with Drusilla. Quintus is the only one of us that managed to slip away from harm and in the end it was he who brought help to get the other four of us out of the hole we were being held prisoner in by someone unknown. I know I've heard the sound of that person's footsteps before, but where. I cannot yet place where I heard the footsteps of our captor. I will though, you can bet on it, and when I do. Well, if I'm to have payback that person will know my blade. As sure as his people ambushed us, so will I surprise him and the persons responsible for putting a reward on our heads.

~ Rowan

Old One

First Post
Session 14 (Part One)

Our intrepid band is holed up in a “safe house” provided by the “Reds” following their capture by the Shadowblades and subsequent rescue by Quintus, Captain Rook and the Crew of the Sea Eagle. Lady Andrimia and Captain Rook have proposed that they hit one of two known Shadowblade hideouts to obtain information linking Antoinine Sestius and the “Greens” to Maythrax and the Shadowblades. The debate rages…

The Commission

They had reached an impasse. In Quintus’ mind, it was simple…Antoinine Sestius and the “Greens” where out to get him, the “Reds” helped save his brother and his friends and now their hosts were asking for a service which could significantly affect the political landscape of Oar.

Brother Lew, on the other hand, argued for caution and prudence. “There is no proof that Antoinine Sestius was behind our abduction,” the cleric reasoned. “We have the word of Drusilla, Lady Andrimia and Captain Rook – but they have their own agenda. Besides, what the ‘Greens’ espouse could be very good for Oar. Law and order and well-regulated trade, what is wrong with that?”

Rowan shook his head. “Look, we have the information we came for. Drusilla is safe and we have no interest in either the “Reds” or the “Greens”. I say we leave them to their own devices and head back to Glynden. Besides, I don’t like it hear…it is smelly, dirty and dangerous!”

Rosë grunted his agreement. The walls and narrow streets of the city were too confining and he longed to return to the open road. “Let them all rot, I am with Rowan.”

Quintus sighed heavily, exasperated with his friends and desperately searching for a counter-point. Severus, sensing his master’s unease, swept the assembled group with a fierce gaze and flapped his strong wings. “Well, Rook and Andrimia aren’t asking us to do anything to Antoinine Sestius and the “Greens”…they are asking us to hit a Shadowblade hideout and we know that they are evil. Right?”

The sorcerer paused and looked around the table. Lew’s eyebrows knotted together as he tried to recall what the Abbot and other church leaders had said about Oar’s underground element. The barbarian’s face remained impassive as he started on the third carafe of wine. Rowan sat back in his chair, stroking his stubbled chin deliberately. Sextus caught his brother’s eye and nodded.

The diminutive bard stood and began to slowly pace around the room. “Word on the street is that the Shadowblades are thugs, extortionists and murders. Merchants that fail to pay protection money often find themselves with broken fingers…or worse. The ‘worse’ usually seems to happen to those associated with the ‘Reds’, however.”

Rowan straightened in his chair and Quintus felt the scales tipping in his favor.

“Let’s put it to a vote. I say we accept this commission from Lady Andrimia and Captain Rook to hit one of the hideouts whilst they hit the other. If nothing else, we will be thinning the ranks of a scourge to the honest citizens of Oar and perhaps unraveling the mystery of Antoinine and Acrius Sestius.” Quintus finished and looked around.

Sextus stopped pacing behind his brother’s chair and boomed, “Agreed! Death and confusion to the Shadowblades.”

Lew looked at his friend for several grains and slowly shook his head. “Your reasoning is persuasive, Quintus, but I fear that we will expose our selves even more by doing this. For all we know, we may actually be fighting for the wrong side in all of this. There is still too much we don’t know!”

Rosë downed the remnants of the wine and shook his head. “Leave!”

All eyes turned to Rowan. The ranger squirmed uncomfortably as he realized his was the deciding vote. He yearned to be gone from the city, to feel the fresh North wind in his face and hear the chatter of the forest birds. Still, they would be marching against a known evil – perhaps to learn more of the other, more shadowy evils they faced. Casting an apologetic glance towards Lew, the ranger said softly, “I have to agree with Quintus. The Shadowblades are certainly a threat to the town, regardless of anything else, and we may yet discover more information.”

Lew’s shoulders sagged in defeat. He wished he could discuss the situation with Abbot Patroclian and get some guidance, but time was short. “Very well. If we are to do this, let us strike now. The earlier we are quit with this, the better!”

Quintus looked at the Brigante and Rosë, a sour look on his face, nodded his assent. The sorcerer suppressed a smile as he stood and moved towards the door. “Very well, since we are all agreed, let’s call our hosts back in and discuss specifics!”

If Lew was less-than-thrilled at the prospect of accepting the commission, his irritation doubled when their idea to strike early was vetoed. “Please understand,” Captain Rook said sympathetically, “we have ‘people’ on the inside, but it will take a day or two to get word to them. In addition, we have to strike at low tide, otherwise the sewer tunnels may be impassible. Therefore, we plan to strike at the fourth bell after midnight two days hence. Is that agreeable?”

The sea captain’s revelations left little room for argument and Lew reluctantly agreed.

The next two days passed quickly as the party sharpened their blades, practiced their skills and discussed their tactics. They agreed to hit the hideout, search for the requested information and depart as rapidly as possible. “Let’s not get bogged down in a slugging match,” Rowan urged to general agreement, “Quickness and stealth are our friends!”

Lew slept little before their departure, despite bedding down at an early hour. He was wide-awake when one of Andrimia’s men came to wake them, doubt still gnawing at him, ‘What if we are wrong?’

The two raiding parties gathered in the under cellar and heartfelt whispers of ‘Good Luck’ passed around the room. Captain Rook urged them to be cautious, yet speedy and bade them return by the eighth bell. Lady Andrimia and Drusilla did not join the gathering and the party trooped down the iron-rung ladder into the sewers without getting a chance to bid them farewell. They found two heavily cloaked men with shuttered lanterns waiting for them. Once every one was assembled, the cloaked men nodded and set off through the ankle-deep muck.

They made several quick turns, but before they had gone 100 paces, Rowan’s sharp ears picked up the sound of faint splashing behind them. He hissed for everyone to halt and hold in place. The noise came again, clearer and drawing closer to their position. Someone…or something…was following them!

To Be Continued…

Next: Session 14 (Part Two) – Den of Thieves

~ Old One


Liquid Awesome
Re: Session 14 (Part One)

Old One said:
‘What if we are wrong?’

If you're wrong? No big deal. You only need worry that the people who may be double crossing you know exactly when you will be in a location where you can be ambushed with ease and it is almost impossible to escape from. That and they've had a "couple days" to prepare for the ambush based on the fact that they've seen you in a fight before and have a good idea of your capabilities and tactics.

Other than that, nothing to worry about.



First Post
Lew and the Shadowblades (and I own page 12)

I'm surprised that Lew didn't spend the night in prayer. It seems something he would do. I even think that he has done so in the past (though I may be completely wrong on that).

What's this about the abbot and Lew fighting evil? This must be part of the secret conversations that the two of them have been having. Did Old One let something slip? If he did, I'll need to write it in my journal. Course I don't have a journal. I'll have to start one! Just for the occasion!

Now, have I mentioned that I don't trust this abbot? Especially now that I hear that he's been hanging out with Lew's brother (whom I've never trusted--no offense Lew).

Assuming my suspicions aren't warranted--and I hope they aren't--I'm guessing that this involves some type of Paladin PrC. Most likely the one that they met with the halfling traders (yes--the ones who screwed Rowen) WAY back. Didn't Old One mention that he wanted to reveal them in the city? If so, awesome way of revealing one to the players (and us) Old One. I think I’ll steal that as well. I’ll have to ask the players what they want their characters to become at one of the beginning sessions (maybe the third, after they start to get a feel for the character) and then decide if it is good for the game or not.

As for Q, (as we seem to be calling him) I recommend Drusila. She seems to be a wonderful girl. She's attractive and wealthy. She has a strong mind as well. If that no talking thing is a problem, it can always be fixed. Besides, she seems to have expressed an interest in you. And face it, Abrigal probably wants to kill you. And (I know I've started two sentences in a row with a conjunction--I don't care) even if she doesn't, who wants a woman who hangs out with dead people all the time? I mean, they might make a good butler, but the smell! And (ha! I'm doing it again) every time you saw her you would think of "R." It's just not good for the relationship. :D
Last edited:

Old One

First Post
Re: Back from Makkah

Corey said:

During the “Battle Royale” I had a lot of fun throwing Q’s money around. He was unconcerned with the money- his brother and comrades are far more important to him. As for the enemy fighter b***h-slapping Q- I disagree, most reverently and politely O’ RBDM. The lightening bolt toasted Q and he retreated. The fighter never touched him. In fact, I think Q’s magic missile aimed “between the cheeks” dropped the guy.


Corey -

Good to see you back on the boards! That's what I get for writing things too long after they happen. My soon-to-be middle-aged brain just isn't as spry as it used to be;)!

Anyway, I could have sworn that the LB crisped you, you dropped back and quaffed a healing drought, got back into the fray and we smacked again pretty quickly, bringing you to the edge, so to speak...

Anyway, everyone got out OK (darn it all)!

~ Old One

PS - Corey does do a superb job of whining. It is very professional and heart-wrenching, especially when he waves the mug with his daughter's picture on it at the DM. Fortunately, I don't have any kids yet, so the effect is largely lost on me:D!

Old One

First Post
Re: Lew and the Shadowblades (and I own page 12)

Lela said:
I'm surprised that Lew didn't spend the night in prayer. It seems something he would do. I even think that he has done so in the past (though I may be completely wrong on that).

What's this about the abbot and Lew fighting evil? This must be part of the secret conversations that the two of them have been having. Did Old One let something slip? If he did, I'll need to write it in my journal. Course I don't have a journal. I'll have to start one! Just for the occasion!

Now, have I mentioned that I don't trust this abbot? Especially now that I hear that he's been hanging out with Lew's brother (whom I've never trusted--no offense Lew).

Assuming my suspicions aren't warranted--and I hope they aren't--I'm guessing that this involves some type of Paladin PrC. Most likely the one that they met with the halfling traders (yes--the ones who screwed Rowen) WAY back. Didn't Old One mention that he wanted to reveal them in the city? If so, awesome way of revealing one to the players (and us) Old One. I think I’ll steal that as well. I’ll have to ask the players what they want their characters to become at one of the beginning sessions (maybe the third, after they start to get a feel for the character) and then decide if it is good for the game or not.

As for Q, (as we seem to be calling him) I recommend Drusila. She seems to be a wonderful girl. She's attractive and wealthy. She has a strong mind as well. If that no talking thing is a problem, it can always be fixed. Besides, she seems to have expressed an interest in you. And face it, Abrigal probably wants to kill you. And (I know I've started two sentences in a row with a conjunction--I don't care) even if she doesn't, who wants a woman who hangs out with dead people all the time? I mean, they might make a good butler, but the smell! And (ha! I'm doing it again) every time you saw her you would think of "R." It's just not good for the relationship. :D

Lela -

Thanks for droppin' in!

Lew actually does spend the night in prayer often, I just don't always put it in! He has been having secret communications with the Abbot...I haven't posted too much on it because he hasn't really dicussed with the other party members. He is interested in becoming a Church Knight (yes, Sergeant-Brother Petrosian from the caravan is one). I will post the requirements for it as soon as he has the sit-down with the Abbot.

I can't believe you don't trust Abbot Patroclian;)!

We'll just have to see what, if anything, develops between Drusilla and our lovelorn sorcerer...so many women, so little time!

~ Old One


Registered User
Re: Re: Back from Makkah

Old One said:

PS - Corey does do a superb job of whining. It is very professional and heart-wrenching, especially when he waves the mug with his daughter's picture on it at the DM. Fortunately, I don't have any kids yet, so the effect is largely lost on me:D!


Oh my gosh (climbing back on the chair)

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