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Adventure: The stolen staff (DM: Someone. Judge: Luinnar)

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Now that you're sure everything has been examined, your next urge is to leave the corpse-filled cavern and return to the surface. Now that you're familiar with the caverns' layout and how to navigate it, it's easy to retrace your steps and you have little trouble except for an ecounter with a handful of orcs you caught patrolling.

In no time you're back outside the pestilent hole you used to enter the caverns. The sun shines and the air is refreshing, so you must have spent the entire night underground and a good part of the day too. As the manor was a good day's march from here through uneven ground, the thought of such a trek after a nightless sleep is too much. For most of you, the idea of sleeping now and contiuing at night isn't strange, so that's wht the party does, after finsing a fairly safe and defensible spot far from the stronhold's gates.

Eventually you arrive at the Suha manor, just half an hour after sunrise. Looks like you've benn spotted from the palisade, as the gate open and Charles comes out to gret you. A smile forms on his old face as he notices the Staff.

Although one might think that the cocky Vyrna would be the first to gloat to Lord Charles about their exploits underground, now that her secret has been revealed to her party members, she wasn't too keen on being the center of attention, lest they let something slip. Instead, she slows down until she is at the back of the group, and she simply observes from the shadows, accepting her share of the rewards nonchalantly and wanting more than anything to be back in the comforts of Daunton where she could once again attempt to pick up the trail of the Night Serpent and Captain Blood Lung.


"Not feeling very talkative, are you? says Charles. "Nevermind, I can understand, you look like you dragged yourselves through a field of brambles."

"Anyway, you brought back the Staff and were true to your word, so it's my turn to be so. Would you prefer some rest first, or do you have energies to tell your story now? I'd like to know what happened and who was responsible for the attack."

Vyrna waits to see if anyone else speaks up first, but if no-one else replies, the vampress steps forward slowly.

"I don't really need more rest. But I do want to get back to Daunton, and I know the road is long. Could you please have us taken back to Daunton?"

While they wait for their ride back to town, Vyrna recounts the harrowing tale of the group's underground battles with the trash monsters, fiery hounds of hell, and the last battle with the horde of orcs and their leader, who wielded the staff that was recovered.

Although not really wanting to talk, she can't help but giggle as she recounts the details of how she pinned the ugly orc leader to the wall and bled him like a stuck pig.

Of course, she left out in speech, her thoughts on what a waste it was to let all of his blood hit the floor, as that would be more information that Lord Charles needed to know.


"You leave me astonished. I thought it was a mere group of bandits, but it look like they were more of a menace than I thought at first. since you prefer to return immediately, I won't delay you more than neccesary."

"This is the reward I promised. And these are an extra. I think you deserve them - they have been in the family for a long time, but I think you deserve to have them."

He gives you a quite heavy bad tingling with coins and some items of quite old manufacture that you eargerly take.

GM: To make sure there's no misunderstanding, these are included in the rewards I listed previously. Consider the things you'll buy with time money, etc as Charles' gifts


In your return to Daunton you have some time to examine the parchment you found. After many tries, you find that the strange cypher may mean two things. the first is "the red rabbit radishes greenly. Suck the disk knot at noon". The other is "Deliver the cargo to Feather at usual point near Daunton." It's a shame the message isn't clear, but for the looks of it, the orcs were working with someone else.

Vyrna wasn't wholly sure... but something about the second interpretation of the message (and the fact that it had a first interpretation that was waaaay off) rang of familiarity to the vampress. Something about working with Blood Lung that she couldn't quite put a finger on. Sighing with irritation, she knew she wouldn't be in Daunton too long. She didn't have any kind of proof whatsoever... but with the way that this message sounded, she was going to have to check it out... just in case it involved her last "employer"...


First Post
"This is the reward I promised. And these are an extra. I think you deserve them - they have been in the family for a long time, but I think you deserve to have them."

"Thank-you, Lord Charles. This will be a great boon to funding my studies, both scholary and magical. Do feel free to contact myself again, should you wish any help in this area. I can be found around or contacted through The Hanged Man tavern or The Institute of Arcane Cyphers."

Voidrunner's Codex

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