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(Adventure) The Monestary of Saint Feragon <Judge:Macbeth>


Living EN World Judge
OoC:I don't know what nimisgod;s excuse is, but I work.am up at nights :p
Off to sleep, but I'd like to get a bit of this out of the way...

Neither Ishmael's Detect Evil nor Kirin's Detect Magic turn up any traces of foulness (though Kirin's spell does show residual Alchemical traces on the Salve, as she would expect).

The Monks greet you all quickly, though they seem eager to have at these monsters that have slaughtered their brethren and sisters.

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Guilt Puppy

First Post
Sturm watches Aranel and Rurik for a moment, sure another discussion is brewing. "Hold, both o' ye. 'ere's somethin' I'd like'n have talked up 'fore we get back at anythin' toothy. 'ere's need fer privateness first, tho, 'n 'at's fer no camp 'n fer no barricadin'... 's just so 'ese good folk," he nods at the surviving monks, "don't 'ave'n witness 'ny ugly. Ye ken?"

He gestures to move away -- back to the other room, or even back into a corner for a whisper if the others don't want to leave this room.

"Corrupting my forest, corrupting your Monestary," Telerin said quietly to the monks. He looked to Aranel and Whitefang a moment, then to the others, "Shall we still hold to the plan of resting? Or shall we continue on with these brave people...?"


Rurik nods at Sturm, "Yeah, I ken, but jes' a minute, I'm want'n ta listen ta the monks fer a while. Sounds like 'ere ready ta go, an' I dun wanna lose 'em. We c'n take 'is up again later."

Guilt Puppy

First Post
Sturm leans forward, holding a hand up to Rurik to wait just a moment, and tries to get the group into something resembling a huddle. He then leans in toward Telerin. "'ere's one question what'll 'elp solve yers 'n more what follow..." He glances sidelong toward the monks, almost embarrassed. "Now, ye'll find no quarrel from me o'er settlin' By Platoon, but fer us it don' seem'n workin' fer much effect. So, an' me gut's foul'n say it, but we c'ld stand'n have s'm sort o' vexin' leader here, jes' fer the trip, jes' to settle what By Platoon ain' settlin' flash as what's needin', an' not more'n that."

He glances back and forth, looking for any sign of agreement.

"So, what wag'll step up?"

Though he says nothing more, his gaze settles on Sir Ishmael, and his brow flares with just a hint of suggestion...


Living EN World Judge
OoC: Sorry that I haven't been online the last few days. Blackouts here in SF last night. Just waiting for nimisgod and/or kirin/aranel to chime in as to what they want to do. In other words, I just want a clear ooC direction, although it is fun to muddle through Dwarf Jargon :D


LEW Judge
It took Sir Ishmael a few seconds to realize what Sturm meant. When he did, he almost blushed at the suggestion.

"I am honored by thine choice, Sturm. Especially since my people has some knowledge of dwarven sensibilities and honors, I am doubly so. Should the group place some vote upon this matter, I wouldst humbly accept the task.

For now, since we've no leader, I wouldst suggest that the majority's decision would rule whether the entirety of the party would either rest or follow these holy folk. I am loathe to leave behind any party member though I wouldst not fault any who would seek the alternative to a leap into the fray. The fact that our condition is critical has not escaped mine eyes.

As for my choice on the issue, I wouldst like to follow these monks to battle. though mine limbs are slightly wont for rest, I feel that my mission is to safeguard these men and women of St. Feragon.

Furthermore, to strike now would be, how the dwarves call it, 'to strike while the iron glows hot'. If this be a great ritual as this cacophany would indicate, then with these allies we could rout our enemies in one fell swoop."

The halfling looked at Aranel "Perhaps a bolt alone would not fell a hardy orc, but a grievious injury wouldst would bring it to incompetence and thus death. Thine skills in the arts of shadow notwithstanding, thou art an ally sorely missed if absent in battle"

He turned his gaze toward Kirin. "Though thine magicks divine may be spent, a well-placed sling stone and thine own abilities innate would lend some needed aid in the difficult combat ahead should thou choose to lend thine hand."

"My friends of the wild, fang, weapon and spell does thine strength bring to this fellowship. This fight will be hard fought, and would be greater so without thine skills in war" he said to Whitefang and Telerin.

And to the dwarves he spoke simply yet calmly. "Thine prowess with steel is mighty, though moreso is thine hearts in battle. I know that thou needst no prod toward a hearty fight, but I harken thee nonetheless in a war against the fell corruption that taketh this place like a dark miasma.

What say thee all to this? Shall we join battle with these fair and wronged monks?"

[OOC: bolding not for emphasis but more on clarity on my choice amongst the blather above]
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Guilt Puppy

First Post
nimisgod said:
"Thine prowess with steel is mighty, though moreso is thine hearts in battle. I know that thou needst no prod toward a hearty fight, but I harken thee nonetheless in a war against the fell corruption that taketh this place like a dark miasma.

Sturm listens to Ishmael's speech relatively politely, yawning and glancing back toward the monks frequently, but certainly not interrupting. Once it is over, and once the halfling's gaze is elsewhere, he leans over to Rurik:

"'sit jes' me ears, or did Ish' jes' try'n harken us in our miasmas?"

Meanwhile, he votes with his feet, taking a few gestural steps to follow the monks into battle.


First Post
"Do not think you can bind me to a leader sir Ishmael" Aranel replied playfully. "I follow of my own choosing, I do not take kindly to orders either, I will however follow suggestions or polite askings..." She hinted with a smile.
"And my choosing has changed, I have already said the idea of facing those beasts now there are more of us to do so..."

Aranel overheard Sturm's comment and bit back a faint grin. Walking over she patted the Dwarf on the shoulder then lowered her voice. "Those axes I found came from the monestary...perhaps keeping them from sight for now may be wise?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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