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(Adventure) Rivenblight's Castaway [Creamsteak judging]

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
The noises come closer; eventually, there's a brief exchange between the man Troi was talking to and another voice.

"Hey," says the first voice.

"Hoi," returns the other. Then, more conversationally: "Did you miss us?"

"Why would I miss your ugly mug, Duncan?" Shifting of feet.

"Has he stirred?" A quiet, toneless female voice.

"No, not a peep," returned the other voice casually. "You find the goods?"

"There were no troubles," the female voice replies, still in the same emotionless voice. "We need only to recover the last cache."

"Right, then we get out of here, eh?" says the man Troi was speaking to, in a tone of somewhat forced joviality. There is no response, and the camp lapses into silence, with only shifting feet breaking the quiet.

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Thomas Hobbes

First Post
The next morning dawns. Jaan and Garret, although still sore, are relatively rested and ready to march. The air hangs heavy with mist that the newly-risen sun has yet to burn away. Depending on the person, the fog could be seen as ominous, stifling, comforting, or promising- but however one feels about the weather, there is work to be done.

ooc: I'm gonna head over to the general thread and ask about WizWrm; figure we give him one more small stretch and then I'll puppet him without qualm (okay, I will have qualms, but I'll be quiet about them...).


Jaan stretches out his creaky muscles and gets a some water from a nearby stream to go with their trail rations. He would love to light a small fire, but doesn't have the woodcraft to build one that isn't going to send up a pillar of smoke announcing their presense to everyone within a couple of dozen miles.

"Come on people," he says, gently nudging those attempting to wriggle further down into their blanket. "We have to get moving."

Once their hasty and rather unsatisfying breakfast is done, he takes up his usual position alongside Garret. Another day or two of this and I'm going to be able to tell a brown deer's track from a bushpig's. For although they havn't been tracking any brown deer, or any other animal for that matter, Garret and Jaan have been keeping themselves occupied by spotting and, in Jaan's case, trying to learn, other tracks they come cross.

ooc:A Heads Up.

It looks like I'm going to be away from the keyboard for about a week. At this point looks like it will be from the 9th to the 14th of December. During this time I suspect that my internet access will be minimal.

As usual, feel free to ghost Jaan during this time as needed.

the head of the dog.


Feeling as he had woked up after running a marathon, Garret stretches his sore muscles and takes a big breath before joining the rest of the group for breakfast.

"Right, we should move as fast as possible if we want to gain ground again. Let's hope we have better luck today.". After everyone is ready, Garret will start tracking once again, his energy restored by the night's sleep.

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
OK, just zapped an e-mail to WizWrm, but he hasn't been on in a month, so I'm going to assume that I'm ghosting him on this one.

The group starts off, their soreness matched only by their determination to find their lost comrade. They get off to a good start, keeping on the trail for the first several hours with little difficulty.


Troi falls into an uneasy sleep, waking again when light streams through the canopy above to splash on his eyelids. His eyes reflexively open as he greets the day, and he finds himself looking at the back of one of the bandits, but not the one he spoke to last night. The man kneels by the fire, Troi's view of the man's actions blocked by his body.


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Ioleta groans and rolls over at Jaan's prodding, pulling the blanket over her head. She sits quietly for a moment, eyes closed, trying to ease into consciousness without falling back to sleep. She sighs and sits up, chafing the chill from stiff muscles and smiling weakly at the others as she goes through her morning's grooming routine.

"Must look my best when we find Troi and the bandits," she chirps. Her eyes weary and frightened giving the lie to her brittle cheer.

She gives a reproachful look at her pack, muscles twinging in anticipation of hoisting it once again. She grunts as she swings it onto her back and staggers a step before giving a rueful grin and salute to Garrett and Jaan. She falls in beside Velbrik. Don't want to be too far from that wand of saving-my-life. She coils and uncoils the sling around her hand as she watches the underbrush and trees, keeping an eye on things ahead and around as the trackers study the trail.

Thomas Hobbes

First Post

Some hours pass uneventfully, and it is about noon when Troi hears footsteps approaching, and then conversation. Troi can't make it out in its entirity, but he gets the gist of it- there's been some miscommunication or forgetfulness about which caches have been recovered, the elf is annoyed, and the bandit who went with her (the same one Troi talked to) is taking the brunt of it. Footsteps head away, and then there's a brief conversation between the two bandits.

"Crazy b-tch." The bandit Troi spoke to.

"Hush, she'll here you," the other replies, mostly joking.

"We best get some food for tonight. I think I spotted a deer track on our way back- I'll see if I can't pick it up again."

"All right. I'll watch the condemend."

"Aye, good luck with that," says the other. The last exchange was falsely jovial, and footsteps move away again.

Voidrunner's Codex

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