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[Adventure] Rage of the Savage Lands (DM: Dekana, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)


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OOC: Jarel-karn would have kicked the sword out of reach if I would have posted before Mewness. But my long week-end have prevented that.

"Throw it in the corner of the room! NOW!" orders Jarel-karn at Scarm. Once Scarm have thrown the sword, Jarel-karn turn toward the dwarf. " My name is Jarel-karn. We are on your jurisdiction. We probably owe our life to you and your men too, the Avatar of Raven was just too string for the five of us and your arrival have tip the tide of the battle to our side. Thank you. We regret what happened to your commander, but the sword is still a danger. I will try to find a way to get rid of it, but I might need some help. One member of our group is at the temple, looking over a lizardmen. If you could bring them both here, and any arcane savant your city have, we might find a way to get rid of it for good and remove any curse done by it."

If the dwarf agree to his request, Jarel-karn will go into meditation near the sword and inspect the aura and try to formulate a way to destroy the artifact and remove any curse laid by it.

OOC: Arcane (1d20+15=16) Bad starting... Jarel-karn must be too exhausted.

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[sblock=Scarm]While you briefly hold the sword, you can't help but wonder if you really need to destroy something so useful: a weapon that can turn anyone in a wide area into a bird (but alas, not a kenku).

(You are not compelled to do anything; this is simply a voice at the back of your mind. You may think better of it in a moment.)[/sblock]
The sword clatters harmlessly to the corner of the room.

The dwarf answers Jarel-karn. "Ach, I knew somethin' was right off when I heard yer' swords clashing. Truth told, I figured I'd be tipping the balances in favor of me' Commandant." He glances to Vahl's body. "It's a damn shame, too. I dunno what we'll do without her. I suppose the Imperium will send some green officer to fill in fer her, but no one will be a better leader. Are ye' saying it's the sword that did turned her into that thing?"

The dwarf looks to the battlemage guards. "Bain, Dan, get a few more men and see to the temple. Bring back this company's friends, and don't let the crazy priest stop ya'."

[sblock=Jarel-karn]The sword is only weakly radiating magic. It's likely that most of its power was used to fuel the Commandant's transformation. You could probably destroy it as you would any other sword.[/sblock]


First Post
Scarmiglione cocks his head and looks at the sword for a few moments. Then he shudders a little, feathers puffing out, before crossing to the other side of the room to retrieve the gold statuette that he earlier tossed at the avatar as a distraction. "What a fool you were," he murmurs to the statuette, holding it up for a moment as if hoping it might respond. Unsurprisingly, it says nothing, and the kenku shakes his head sadly and puts the little golden doodad back in his pocket.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Damen, in what appeared to be an office and while no one was certainly paying attention, decides to take a peek. What could it hurt?
OOC: The thief is alone, unseen, in an office of an important person. Search time! Perception +10 base, Theivery +16 base).


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Jarel-karn cuts down a tapestry from the wall. He then roll the sword in the tapestry, never touching the sword directly, and tie it down.

"Yes, this sword was holding an ancient magic. An avatar who spoke in the name of the Council of Ravens, whatever it is, had taken possession of your commander will. Vahl had, under the influence of the sword, had cursed the lizardmen first, and then the poor quarter. When we confronted her, we had to fight. As we had subdued her, the Avatar took over Vahl body, knowing we were aware of the nature of the sword. The avatar couldn't accept the defeat. She raised into undead Vahl's personal guards and try to finish us. That's when you arrived.

I am well aware that attacking Vahl and her guards was a crime, and I am ready to answer to it. But I will defend myself and will need to reveal what act Commander Vahl have done under the power of the sword, and darken her reputation.

I suggest what happen here stay here and that Vahl felt into combat against the old god to save the city and the lizardmen. That her sacrifice will become the stone on which a new lasting peace will be build between your city and the lizardfolk. A symbol your poor would be proud as she had defended them against a power greater than anyone in this city.

And for the sword, it's magic is weak. I think we could put it into a powerful fire, like one in a forge, and melt the sword down, releasing harmlessly the remaining magic within it. I woudl like a second opinion on that matter, by my friend Yishim will be able to give it. If you have any arcane expert, a third opinion would just be welcome. We donèt want the avatar to come back."


Damen finds that the side room is an armory. He sees several shelves that are packed with weapons, mostly bows and arrows, but also an assortment of blades and maces.

The dwarf listens patiently as Jarel-karn recounts what happened.

"It's no crime to defend yerself from a... bird... whatever that was. If ye' say the Commandant was behind the plague, then I'm not about to spread that all over town. We'll do it yer way for now."

He looks sadly to Vahl's body. "Peace with the lizards, eh? I can't imagine her ever sayin' something like that. But we've suffered so much in these past few weeks - both us and the lizards - so maybe a truce is in order."

"Have ye' never had a sword break on ye' in battle? I've not tried to smash a cursed sword before, but that sounds faster than takin' it to the smithy."


First Post
"It's no crime to defend yerself from a... bird... whatever that was."

"The Avatar of Ravens," says Scarmiglione, with a hint of annoyance. "And if you know what's good for you, you will make peace with those lizards, especially for the sake of our friend Toeto, if she yet lives. The Avatar is surely not yet entirely gone from this world; for at the same time as the sickness was spreading here, another was growing close to Daunton." And, assuming there is time before the others arrive, Scarmiglione tells this story, both for the benefit of the guards and for those of his companions who had never fought the Avatar before.


First Post
"The Avatar of Ravens," says Scarmiglione, with a hint of annoyance. "And if you know what's good for you, you will make peace with those lizards, especially for the sake of our friend Toeto, if she yet lives. The Avatar is surely not yet entirely gone from this world; for at the same time as the sickness was spreading here, another was growing close to Daunton." And, assuming there is time before the others arrive, Scarmiglione tells this story, both for the benefit of the guards and for those of his companions who had never fought the Avatar before.
So that is what happened... Beatrice says looking thoughtful. Well I hope it is gone for good this time! Sometimes things are stubborn and don't know when to give up! she says.

Voidrunner's Codex

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