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[Adventure] Rage of the Savage Lands (DM: Dekana, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)


Rage of the Savage Lands


[sblock=PBP rules, stolen from Someone]We'll be using the Malenkirk conventions for combat, which in short means that all the enemies will be acting in the same initiative count. Player initiative is only important for knowing who goes before the monsters; otherwise, whoever posts first goes first in a given round, with the caveat that you can only benefit from a condition inflicted by a another party member once, no matter how the acting order is shuffled.

Additionally I encourage you to speed up combat by making the neccesary rolls that may result from your actions, even if someone else or the DM is supposed to make them. For example, you may move an enemy over the edge of a cliff - this normally requires the DM to save for it to determine if the monster falls down or just prone, but in this case you should make the save yourself.[/sblock]


You arrive at the Daunton docks shortly before sunrise. There isn't too much activity this early in the morning; most of the piers are empty of people, save for one. A very large merchant vessel is crawling with sailors making ready for departure. It is marked as the Bloated Whale, and true to its name, it is a behemoth of a ship, towering over the schooners on either side.

Toeto, the lizardfolk shaman who recruited you for the job, sits next to the gangplank on the pier's side, letting her tail dangle to the water. She yawns tiredly as she waits for everyone to arrive.
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
From the early morning fog emerges the well-dressed figure of the drow Damen. His high-colared coat shelters him from the sea breeze. He nods at the lizard woman and then leans up against a post, waiting.[sblock=Damen]Damen Bane—Male Drow Outlaw Thief 9
Initiative: +18, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 14
AC: 24, Fort: 17, Reflex: 24 Will: 20 — Speed: 6
HP: 64/64, Bloodied: 32, Surge: 17, Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones: 0
Powers -
Ambush Trick
Feinting Trick
Sneak's Trick
Tactical Trick
Fleeting Ghost

Backstab x2
Surprise Strike
Cloud of Darkness
Cunning Escape
Slip Aside

Shadowdance Armor +2 (daily)
Boltshard Hand Crossbow +2 (daily)
3 Healing Potions
Potion of Eladrin Shape
Lesser Elixir of Invisiblity

Damen Bane - PC:Damen Bane (stonegod) - L4W Wiki[/sblock]


First Post
Damen Bane hears footstep behind him. "You were defending well yourself in... that other dimension? Or where ever it was. Good thing to have you around."

Jarel-karn look at the ship. "I've taken only once the ship, and it is to travel from the crescent island to here. That was not so long ago, but so much has happen that I feels like it was years ago. I hope the seasickness will not strike me too much. Last time it took me three days before the dizziness left me."


First Post
Hello dearie! Beatrice says waving to the lizard women. Nice to see you all ready to go! Young people today can procrastinate so much...Anywho lets set sail, she says jumping onto the boat.

I have not been on a boat since I sailed to Souragne, got there right after a adventuring party killed a zombie lord. They had a lizard person with them, relative of yours dear?

[sblock=Beatrice at level 7]
Beatrice Human Blackguard|Warlord 7
Initiative: +3 | Passive perception: 15 | Passive Insight: 13
AC: 25(+2 against OA) | For: 20 | Ref: 18 | Will: 20
HP: 54/54 | Bloodied: 27 | Surge value: 13 | Surges: 9/9
Speed: 5 | Languages: Allarian, Primordial
AP: 1| Second Wind:
Melee Basic Attack: +12 vs AC, 1d12+7 damage (+2 AC item bonus against the target EONT.) +1d6 (horned helm) & +1d8 damage (vanguard weapon) on charge.
Ranged Basic Attack: N/A (have to use daggers)
Powers: Ardent Strike, Ferocious Strike, Direct the Assault, Body of the Wolf
Inspiring Word, Dread Smite, Vengeance is Mine, No Gambit Wasted, Encouraging Boost, Swift Recovery, Battlefront Shift
Majestic Halo, Stand the Fallen, Wraith of the Gods

[sblock=When spending an action point(please read)]
Bravura Presence: When an ally who can see Beatrice spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, the ally can choose to use this feature before the attack roll. If the attack hits he/she can either make an extra basic attack or a move action as a free action, is he misses the ally instead the ally grants CA EONT.

[sblock=Battlefront Shift (please read)]
Battlefront Shift (Encounter No Action Burst 3 ✦ Martial)
You or 1 ally in burst.

You roll initiative.

The target shifts half their speed.

Please mention in
if you are using the power.

[sblock=No Gambit Wasted (please read)]
No gambit wasted. (Encounter Immediate Reaction Melee weapon ✦ Martial, weapon)
One creature target by an ally's attack.
Trigger: An ally misses every creature with an encounter of daily attack power.
Attack: +12 vs. AC
2d12+7 damage (+2 AC item bonus against the target EONT) and the triggering ally's attack is not expended.

Please mention in
if you are using the power.

[sblock=Vengeance is mine reaction]
Vengeance is mine (Encounter Immediate Reaction Melee weapon ✦ Martial)
Target: Personal
An enemy hits Beatrice.

Effect: Beatrice makes an MBA against the triggering enemy and one ally within 5 squares can move his or her speed and make a MBA against the triggering enemy as a free action.
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First Post
OOC: [MENTION=57009]Dekana[/MENTION]: Please note that Jarel-karn have many Immediate Interrupt. To make your life as easy as possible, I'll always include in my combat post a SBLOCK containing all the immediate interrupt I have, the condition on which Jarel-karn will trigger them and their effect.

[SBLOCK=Immediat Interrupt]Jarel-karn have many immediate action. Take the first trigger that happens during the round. If many trigger happen at once, take the first in the list.

1) Trigger: A marked enemy hit any ally within 10 squares Power: Aegis of Shielding Effect: Close Burst 10; -10 damage to triggering attack.

2) Trigger: A marked enemy with your Aegis of Shielding target Jarel-karn and at least one ally with an attack. Power: Leather Armor of Aegis Expansion +2 Effect: The damage of the triggering attack is reduced by 7.

3) Trigger: An enemy hit in melee any ally within 5 squares and is within 5 squares of another enemy. Power: Dimensional Vortex Effect: Ranged 5; +13 vs. Will against triggering enemy. If hit, you teleport the target 5 squares next to an enemy. The target make his melee attack against the most damaged enemy and do an extra 5 damages if it is marked by Jarel-karn. If there is no target valid, he expend the attack.

4) Trigger: An enemy hit any bloodied non-pure-defender ally within 10 squares or a bloodied Jarel-karn or anyone with less then 20 hp. Power: Channeling Shield Effect: Close Burst 10; You reduce the damage by 10 from the triggering attack. You next successful attack you make before the end of your next turn will do 5 more damage.

5) Trigger: An enemy hit in melee any non-pure-defender ally within 2 squares Power: Guardian's Counter Effect: You and your ally shift up to 2 squares as a free action, swapping position. You become the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, you can make a basic attack against the attacker. (+16 vs AC 1d8+7 damage) [/SBLOCK]

Genasi Swordmage 10
Initiative +5
Passive Insight 16; Passive Perception 16; Normal Vision
HP 89/89; THP 0; Bloodied 44; Surge-Value 23; Surges Per-Day 13/13
AC 28; Fortitude 23; Reflex 22; Will 20
Speed 6
Action Points: 1

Current Effects: None

Basic Attack: Runic Longsword +16 vs AC 1d8+7 damage

Skills: Arcana +15, Athletic +10, Endurence +19, Intimidate +11, Insight +6, Nature +6, Perception +6
Languages: Common, Tsugo

[ ]Aegis of Shielding
[ ]Booming Blade
[ ]Ligthning Lure

[ ]Promise Storm
[ ]Guardian Counter
[ ]Ligthning Clash
[ ]Dimensional Vortex
[ ]Echoes of Sword Magic
[ ]Channeling Shield
[ ]Armathor's Step

[ ]Dimensional Thunder
[ ]Lingering Ligthning
[ ]Blade Bolt
[ ]Impenetrable Warding

[ ]Leather Armor of Aegis Expansion +2 [E]
[ ]Periapt of Cascading Health [E]
[ ]Warded Vambraces [E]
[ ]Boots of Fencing Master [E]
[ ]Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might [Sword Burst] [E]
[]Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might [Dual Lightning Strike] [D]
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First Post
Scarmiglione arrives in a bustle, carrying several packages as well as his absurdly glowing walking stick, as though he has been on a little shopping spree. "Ah, there you are, my dear," he says cheerfully to Toeto, sitting down beside her to sort through his purchases.

[sblock=ooc]I'm leveling Scarm to 8. I'll get his statblock up when I can. ENWorld is still very treacly for me.[/sblock]


OOC: Velmont: Wow, that's a lot of interrupts. Definitely remind me if I forget to use one of them for you.

Luinnar: Will you be wanting to use Vengeance is Mine at the first opportunity in each fight? Or do you want to save it and let me know when you want to use it?

Everyone: I'll use your character portraits on the wiki if any combat happens (mwahaha). If you don't have one on the wiki or you'd like me to use a different portrait, please post it.

Toeto stands up as the others begin to arrive. She nods back at Damen and is apparently content to remain as silent as he is. At least, until Beatrice walks right past her with such enthusiasm. Toeto hurries to follow her aboard the ship.

I have not been on a boat since I sailed to Souragne, got there right after a adventuring party killed a zombie lord. They had a lizard person with them, relative of yours dear?
"I, uh, don't suppose many of kin leave the swamp. Maybe it was one of the young warriors? I don't s-speak with them often." The young lizardfolk suddenly looks away shyly.

Most of the sailors take little notice of the well armed people boarding the ship. They continue to make the rigging ready and load a few remaining crates to the below decks. On the quarterdeck, a man with a fine blue overcoat and an impeccable hat leans over the railing and looks down at Toeto and Beatrice for a few moments, but he then turns around out of sight.
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First Post
Luinnar: Will you be wanting to use Vengeance is Mine at the first opportunity in each fight? Or do you want to save it and let me know when you want to use it?

OOC: I'll use it first chance I get, as long as somebody with a good MBA can get there without drawing OA. :)

And you can you Radaga's picture for Beatrice if you want.

"I, uh, don't suppose many of kin leave the swamp. Maybe it was one of the young warriors? I don't s-speak with them often." The young lizardfolk suddenly looks away shyly.

Most of the sailors take little notice of the well armed people boarding the ship. They continue to make the rigging ready and load a few remaining crates to the below decks. On the quarterdeck, a man with a fine blue overcoat and an impeccable hat leans over the railing and looks down at Toeto and Beatrice for a few moments, but he then turns around out of sight.
Thought his name was Jaz or something.... Anyway nevermind dear, who is that man in the blue overcoat by the way? Beatrice asks.

[sblock=Dekana Only]
I was going to kill Kaz off actually, since if I was ever to remake him it would be as a half elf (resurrected with half a soul) or Revenant with twin-strike crit axe spamming cheese ;)

Anyway feel free to use him in your adventure if you want , if not that is fine :)
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First Post
Velmont: Wow, that's a lot of interrupts. Definitely remind me if I forget to use one of them for you.

My favorite build have no encounter power that is not a free action or an immediat interupt. All my swordmage does is At-Will attack, which I boost with White Lotus Feat. That make a great swordmage in table-top, where I handle the interrupt during the monsters action, but in PbP, it would be a nightmare for my DM, so I have limited it as much as possible.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Damen nods at the genasi's complement, but does not say anything until everyone is gathered. As they board, he looks to the motley crew's banter. Seems most of you know each other from somewhere, but I can safely say I do not know any of you from Brunt. He does give the kenku a piercing look briefly. Though I swear you bear a striking resemblance to a performer from the Operahouse. Named Scarygermaine or something, I believe it was. He shrugs.

So, I'll get things started. Damendral Erthschilde Reginal Talenbaneran, scoundrel extraordinaire. He makes a bow, half in jest. Damen, if you please.[sblock=Streetwise 15]The Talenbaneran are a reclusive House of Daunton nobility, of mostly drow stock.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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