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[Adventure] Race to the Fallen Star (Judge: THB or stonegod)


First Post
Adventure: Race to the Fallen Star, DM renau1g, Judge tbd

1) Braddock - level 7 warlock - striker
2) Tryn - KD - level 9 Hybrid Paladin Warlock - defender-y striker (or striker-y defender)
3) Ghourra Gravedigger, half-dwarf (Mul) cleric|warlord level 8
4) Mythra - level 8 Wizard 8 - controller
5) Orsik The Small Goliath Runepriest 8

[sblock=Recognition and Thanks]
I've stolen this from FourMonos, thank you for saving my poor wrist from having to re-type this all out.

Last: As always, I'll try not to kill anyone except through the bad luck of dice. Ok, this part though is patently untrue. I enjoy a good challenge and as we have far less encounters per adventure than a typical RL game (and much more time in between rounds to think of your actions) I will err on the side of significant challenge vs party steamrolling. If by poor tactics, bad player decisions, smart enemy tactics, etc you are unsuccessful well... c'est la vie. Good luck! [/sblock]


Keep your Player Info Up to Date: Include mini stat blocks in your posts. Mini-stat blocks allow you to keep track of your own healing surges, power usages, acquired items, etc... without having to ask the DM all the time. It's not the end of the world if you forget, but please be sure to include it when you are posting an action block. It also make it easier for me to check basic stats.

Example mini-stats:
Triggers: Fox's Cunning Trigger - Immediate Reaction to the First Enemy that attacks me in melee
Status: Bloodied
Init: +5 Speed: 5 Perception:22 Insight: 20
AC: 21 F/R/W:17/18/22
HP: 30/61 Surges: 4/8 Surge Value: 15 AP: 1
Languages: Allarian, Imperia, Draconic
Str:8 Dex:14 Wis:14 Con:14 Int:10 Cha:22

At Will - Jinx Shot, Cutting Words
Encounter - Second Wind, Fox's Cunning, Twin Strike, Grappling Spirits, Hunter's Quarry, Majestic Word (0/2), Words of Friendship, Chord of Dissonance, Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade, Virtue of Prescience
Daily - Arrow of Ill Omen, Arrow of Warning, Bracers of Archery, Inevitable Shot, Songbow of Vanishment, Warding Arrow

Full Character Sheet

Passive checks: I will use Perception and Insight and put information in private sblocks for certain players. If you are not one of the intended characters, please do not read these spoilers. The character, however, is welcome to, in character, reveal the contents of the spoiler to the others in game, remember that talking is a free action (but keep in short)


Players roll initiative individually, bad guys roll one initiative roll
Players with higher init than bad guys go first then all the bad guys go
Then all the players go. From this point, we alternate players vs bad guys
Good guy turns happen in first post - first acted order.
Illegal post-overs will be resolved in that round
Legal post-overs stand even if each didn't know the other was posting (Please use Go Advanced or Preview Post to avoid this)

*I like KD's idea that players knocked unconscious will have some impact on their turn. Anyone knocked unconscious effectively goes first in the round (meaning rolling death saves, ect). Which means even if healed, you will be missing a round of action.

DM Posts during combat will include:

1. Status of all players, monsters, NPCs etc... indicating Name, Location, HP/MaxHP, State, Healing Surges Left, Action Points left (i.e.:: Arkavas I6 -1/41 Dying HS 0 AP 1).

2. Map in the form of a grid with coordinates
**I'll be using Google Maps, so if you don't have an account, get one. They are free**
Google maps allows everyone to adjust their location on their turn and the power effects. If you have a power that moves, shifts of pushes, make sure you document all those effects in your post. I do not want to have people or monsters magically change without explanations.

3. Enemy Mini Stat Blocks including: Damage taken, bloodied status, aura, effects, status effects and MBA. I like the format where monster defenses are revealed after you target/hit them, so we'll try that first. If you provoke an AoO or a listed power during your turn you can roll the result (it will make less work for the DM and give you a rapid response)

Time: I will try to give players 48 hours to post, at the end of which time I reserve the right to RP the player's character on his behalf. I will use the most appropriate actions and At-Will powers only. I understand life happens and gaming shouldn't be anyone's only priority. Just understand that in the interest of everyone's enjoyment, your character will be moved forward to be in everyone's best interest if time lags too much.

Out of Turn Actions: This is the biggest bane of PbP games, so I ask that each of you complete a trigger sblock along with your regular combat block. stonegod has one of the best examples of it in the below post so please follow it as it will significantly improve the speed and quality of the game if I don't have to retcon half a round of actions - http://www.enworld.org/forum/6008962-post370.html

Exceptions: If you will be out for a long time and unable to post, please let the party know and assign responsibility to either myself or another, willing player for RPing your character, or I can write in a scenario that takes you out of the picture until your return (The former is preferred).

Treasure: Keep a wish list on your character sheet up to date with what you would like, and I’ll try to accommodate within reason. Items will be given relative to player level. Parcel Gold/Items will be evenly divided at the end.

I will ask stupid questions about parcel distribution. It doesn't make sense at times, so I will have to get some clarification...

Die Rolling: Roll your dice on Invisible Castle. If invisible castle is down, you can also use the Enworld Dice roller (but please select the SMALLER results in your profile) In IC, highlight the die roll in your post and use the 'Insert Link' button to post a link to your die rolls.

Out of Character Content: Post out of character content (i.e.: complaints, tactics, mechanics, etc...) in a spoiler with the letters 'OOC' in the title or the OOC tag. I prefer as much discussion and conversation to occur in character with possible questions to the DM in ooc format. Note: I hate, hate, hate Out of Character tactic discussions. It ruins the flow of the game. Please stay in character when at all possible.

The game begins...

Zirial moves the party to one of the facet's of the Shard, one of the private rooms available for rent for someone looking for a bit of discretion

GM: Moved to a private room, feel free to ask any questions you may have.

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Son of Meepo

First Post
Ghourra stoops to enter through the doorway. As she emerges into the private room, it suddenly feels much smaller.

She looks at the half-elf but doesn't say much, waiting for the others to arrive.

[sblock=Triggered Actions]The first time Ghourra is not bloodied and a non-defender is hit by an attack, she will use Guardian's Counter, but only if she is able to swap positions with the ally and within range to make a melee basic attack against the enemy.

The first time Ghourra takes damage while already bloodied, she will use Resilience of Stone as an immediate interrupt to spend her Second Wind spending two healing surges instead of one due to her Cloak of the Walking Wounded. (Remember the bonus to healing surge value from her Strongheart Tattoo.) If Ghourra is unable to take an immediate action or has already used her Second Wind, she will instead use her Dwarven Armor, if available.[/sblock]

[sblock=Ghourra's Stats]Ghourra Gravedigger - Mul Cleric-Warlord 8
Status: Normal
Passive Perception 27, Passive Insight 24
AC 26, Fort 23, Reflex 17, Will 22
HP 62/62, Bloodied 30, Surge Value 15+, Surges 10/10
Speed 5, Initiative +4
Action Points: 1, Second Wind []
At-Will Powers: Brand of the Sun,
Paint the Bulls-Eye
Encounter Powers: Healing Strike [],
Martial Doom [],
Strengthen the Faithful [],
Guardian's Counter [],
Incredible Toughness [],
Inspiring Word [],
Healing Word [],
Rousing Words [],
Healer's Mercy []
Daily Powers: Inspiring Shot [],
Weapon of Astral Flame [],
Resurgent Strength [],
Dwarven Thrower Weapon [],
Dwarven Armor[]


"So Zirial, what's the scoop? Say, this is a pretty fancy room. Are you paying for this? I might need to go get a barstool. These chairs look pretty comfy, but they're pretty short. Are we leaving Sharn? Or do we have to go buy one of those feather fall thingies? What's that big bird by the Eladrin? It's kinda dumb looking. Say, can you really reach the ceiling in here? I can't. Hey, you're both dwarves, aren't you? Tryn's prattling never seems to end.


First Post
It is an owlbear bound to my service. Mythra snaps at Tryn. If you have studied as much as you talk, you would have known that.

Now why have you gathered us here? Mythra says to the half-elf. Surely it is to tell us something and not to hear this halfling prattle insistently.

Mythra Stelwart
Male Eladrin Wizard 6

Medium natural humanoid (Fey)
Initiative +8; Senses Passive Insight 21, Passive Perception 21
HP 55/55hp, Bloodied 27, Surge Value 13, Surges 9/9
AC 22; Fortitude 20, Reflex 22, Will 22
Saving Throws +5 vs Charm Effects
Speed 6
Action Points:1

At will:
Chilling Cloud
Summon Owlbear
Ghost Sound
Mage Hand

Fey Step
Illusory Obstacles
Fire Shroud

Phantom Foes
Tome of Binding
Second Wind
Alluring Veil

Summon Dretch
Summon Magma Beast
Summon Iron Cohort

Summoning Tome
Cloak of Translocation
Alluring Veil

[sblock=Shield Immediate Interrupt]
Shield (Immediate Interrupt; encounter) ✦ Arcane, Force

Trigger: You are hit by an attack Effect: You gain a +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex defense until the end of your next turn.

[sblock=Young Owlbear]
Hp: 27/27 AC:21 Fort: 23 Ref:19 Will:23
Medium Fey Beast
Perception=+13 Dark Vision
Speed 6

Aura 1:Allies gain a +2 power bonus to damage rolls against enemies in Aura. Mythra gains CA against any enemy in aura.

MBA Claw:
+13 vs AC, 1d12+4.

Str:20 Dex:12 Wis:14 Con:17 Int:2 Cha:6

"So many words. You could cite whole history of Eberron in the time I hold one lecture on The War."

OOC: stats when I get some sleep


"An Ow Bear. Does that mean he's hurt? Maybe he just doesn't like being with a grumpy guy. Bears have an excellent sense of smell. Maybe you just don't smell good. That could cause him to scrunch up his nose like that. I wonder what kind of growl an Ow Bear makes. Maybe it's a Grrr Ouch. Grouch. Is that why he follows you? Cause you sound just like him? We can call him Boo Boo. I heard that bears like that name and an Ow Bear would really like that name. Does Boo Boo get hurt a lot? Or does he just give Boo Boos to icky monsters and stuff?"


First Post
Braddock strides confidently into the room and drops his craghammer on the table. He seems to have sobered up at the idea of adventure.

"Thank ye, Zuriel. The title stems from my interest in antiquities. My old mates coined it, and it stuck."

He looks around the room, winks unabashedly at Ghoura, and has a seat.

[sblock=ministats] Braddock the Historian, level 7 Warlock
Active Vestige:
Init: +4 Speed: 5 Perception:13 Insight: 13
AC: 19 NAD: F: 20 R:19 W:16
HP: 61/61 Surges: 11/11 Surge Value: 15

AP: 1
Languages: Dwarven
Str:10 Dex:13 Wis:10 Con:20 Int:16 Cha:10
MBA: +13 vs. AC, 1d10+11

Eyes of the Vestige
Eldritch Strike
Warlock's Curse
Clarion Call
Fortune Binding
Acrid Decay
Dwarven Resilience
Use Vulnerability
Warp in the Weave
Vestige of Thaxter
Vestige of Xandor
Charm of Hearts
Leather Armor of Dark Magesty

Benefits: +2 defenses against cursed enemies.

+1 F/R/W after using Warlock's curse TENT.

"I can vouch for his interest for it mirrors mine."


Initiative +4; Senses Passive Insight 22, Passive Perception 15
HP 64/64 Bloodied 32, Surge Value 16+2, Surges 10/10
AC 22; Fortitude 21, Reflex 17, Will 21
1 AP
Speed 6 (5)

Word of Binding
Word of Dimishment

Stone's Endurance
Rune of Mending
Rune of Mending
Divine Rune of Thunder
Symbol of the Wrath Reversed
Giantkind gauntlets damage
Word of Beffudlement

Rune of Endless Fire
Endure Pain
Cage of Light
Shield of Sacrifice

Vengeful Maul encounter
Amulet of Life
Eyes of Charming daily
Bracers of Escape daily

Immediate Interrupts:
Endure Pain - on crit by boss (elite/ solo), if attack would drop Orsik or he plans on taking damage in current round (will be noted)
Bracers of Escape - same as above, will be noted
Suppression Crystal - if activated it triggers automatically


First Post
"So Zirial, what's the scoop? Say, this is a pretty fancy room. Are you paying for this? I might need to go get a barstool. These chairs look pretty comfy, but they're pretty short. Are we leaving Sharn? Or do we have to go buy one of those feather fall thingies? What's that big bird by the Eladrin? It's kinda dumb looking. Say, can you really reach the ceiling in here? I can't. Hey, you're both dwarves, aren't you? Tryn's prattling never seems to end.

Um, Yes I am, yes you are, no you don't, well I'll let the eladrin tell you, probably if I jumped....and no I'm not" she states

It is an owlbear bound to my service. Mythra snaps at Tryn. If you have studied as much as you talk, you would have known that.

Now why have you gathered us here? Mythra says to the half-elf. Surely it is to tell us something and not to hear this halfling prattle insistently.

"Now, now, no need to get so heated, save your energy my good sir, you will need it." she replies.

Braddock strides confidently into the room and drops his craghammer on the table. He seems to have sobered up at the idea of adventure.

"Thank ye, Zuriel. The title stems from my interest in antiquities. My old mates coined it, and it stuck."

He looks around the room, winks unabashedly at Ghoura, and has a seat.

"Yes, well, then perhaps we can find some interesting antiquated item for you as a bonus if you complete the task well." Zirial says to Braddock, then after the individuals finish coming in turns to take you all in.

"So, I guess that some of you at least have seen my dragonmark, and perhaps figured out who I represent.

One of our airships has gone down on its way from Sharn to Trolenport with a shipment of regular trade goods, but also some rather sensitive documents. The goods are not too important, they can be easily replaced. What is important is both the security of our airship and protecting the integrity of those documents. We're not sure who brought the ship down, but it crashed in the King's Forest, not far from Zilspar.

The situation is one of critical timing, that's why we're forced to use outside help as our closest airship would be too long to arrive. So, your mission (if you choose to accept it), is to get to the site, secure the vessel, and await for retrieval, which hopefully won't be more than half a day after you arrive."
Zirial states.

Voidrunner's Codex

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