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[Adventure] Path of Cold (DM: Velmont, Judge: Ozymandias79)


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No one can figure what the cup represent to either the angels or the Goliaths, and even less for yourself.

The battle still rage within the camp. You see a few angels have fallen, but more Goliath body are spread around. At first sight, the Angels have the advantage, but it seems a pretty thin one.

GM: Sorry, two holiday week-end in a row in Quebec... I've been lazy. Yeah, we use bump in French too, but not a proper word.

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[sblock=OOC]Well, that cup in the center of the camp is apparently important. Anyone want to sally forth and try to get it? There's only 14 goliaths and four angels in that area. :p May not be as bad as it sounds if most of the goliaths are minions, and they've hopefully weakened some of the angels a bit.

Secondary plan ... not sure. Maybe just sneak out of the encampment and wait for the dust to settle, though if the angels win it looks like they'll take the cup with them.

Anyone have any other ideas?[/sblock]

"I agree with Dane, picking sides blindly here would be ill-advised. That said, I don't like the idea of trying to ally with either faction - the goliaths saw fit to imprison and torture us without provocation, and we have been told by various sources that the angels are something of a plague in this land and may not be acting sanely as servants of their gods any longer."

Raiyek ponders for the first time the chalice he glimpsed, trying to place why the goliaths and angels would be fighting over such an artifact. "I'm still not sure what the importance of that chalice is that seems to be making it the center of this struggle."

"Ha! It seems we find ourselves here in an epic struggle. I could venture forth although my wounds are great. I will however love to strike down a few of these large men on the way to repay them for their .... generosity" Sigarr states as he straps on his gear.

Sigarr can use the goliath resist damage thing to gain DR 10 for a turn. He could double run, grab the cup and then AP to run back?

Does Hadrak have any healing words?

Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]I don't think we've used any healing resources thus far - Raiyek has a few tricks up his sleeves as well, though I think (without checking) that most of them require an attack to trigger.

That could be worth a shot though - run out and grab the cup and then high-tail it out of the camp. [/sblock]
"Assuredly a brave offer, though if we venture forth to take the chalice I believe we should all do so together, if for no other reason than to provide a distraction. With luck we may be able to seize the chalice and retreat, since the angels and goliaths are keeping each other occupied."


First Post
"Taking the chalice will only piss off both sides. While we are great, a dwarf can only take so much. Let the two sides grind themselves into pebble. After which we can talk with the victors or go about or way. There is a lot of island we need to cover and no way getting off of it."


First Post
OOC: I'll be out of town for the next week and a half. Sadly I don't think it will matter much since this adventure is dying the slow death. Velmont fought the good fight in taking over and continuing this campaign. Posting all around has dragged dramatically here over the past months (battles go at over a round a week). John & Mal have gone AWOL. Ren & Stone are able to post on other adventures, just not here. I would like continue on if we can gain some mometum. If there is some in game reason for such resistance, please come forth and let's see if issues can be mended. If people would rather not carry on, then we may need to break up the band.


First Post
OOC: Well, I did post yesterday, but the forum apparently ate it. regardless, I was trying to play in character as Sigarr is somewhat confused as to what's happening here, he awoke after being beaten by the goliaths and has little understanding of what's going on. Nobody's really brought him up to speed, so trying not to let my reading of old posts affect what the PC is suggesting.

I do agree that for whatever reason, posting has slowed up considerably across the whole board, I can't figure out why.


First Post
GM: I try to not implicate myself in your decision, but at this point, you have mainly three option:

1) Flee this place.
2) Get the cup and flee this place.
3) Try to wipe out this place... and probably get killed.

You can handle a few Goliath now, but if a few angels or some more powerful Goliath get in your way, you might find it pretty hard.

Also, it seems [MENTION=834]Mal Malenkirk[/MENTION] is less and less active.


First Post
"Taking the chalice will only piss off both sides. While we are great, a dwarf can only take so much. Let the two sides grind themselves into pebble. After which we can talk with the victors or go about or way. There is a lot of island we need to cover and no way getting off of it."

"Do we require the chalice ourselves?" the half-giant asks


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Incarnation waves his hand to the unusually silent dwarven cleric. A vision of the Dragon Tamer spoke of it, but I know not its connection to us if any. I may get it away with my magic without getting close, but run we will still need to do.
OOC: The problem I've had is this MacGuffin that only one character (whose player is MIA) has had any inkling towards; hard to progress if we don't know if ignoring it will hose us. I'm fine w/ bailing or Incarnation snatch & grab from 20 squares away and bailing.

Lord Sessadore

OOC: I'd also like to get the momentum going on this adventure again.

Maybe we should just assume Hadrak told us about his vision so we have some reason to go after the cup? It seems to be important. :p I think Incarnation using his bottle is probably our best option.

"I believe Hadrak would not have had a vision of the cup just before we arrive before it if the gods did not intend for us to seek it. I say we attempt to seize it, then make our escape while we still have a distraction. Waiting until the battle is over will just mean having to fight all who remain - the goliaths obviously are not friendly, and I doubt the angels are any better. We have to hope their hatred for each other is too strong for them to join together to fight us."
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