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[Adventure] Lost Love (DM: Velmont - Judge: Renau1g)


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The druid make a small wave at Susan and nods. "You are fine." Without another word, he moves to Jarren and do the same. He simply nods. "You too." He then moves to Ryda.

"You" he tells, talking to Rydion, "you'll have to explain your behavior today."

Rydion nods. The druid then turn toward Ryda and start to cast again his spell again.

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As the druid casts his spell, Ryda glides away, hopefully out of the spells range. What part of no casting spells on me didn’t you understand? I’m fine, I didn’t touch anything I didn’t carry down there, and if they are fine, motioning to Jarren and Unit 16, then so am I. She then folds her hands under her breasts in a very matter-of-fact manner that Rydion recognizes to be her “I’m not budging and will be as stubborn as a mule” expression.


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Hearing the angst in Ryda's voice, Talkrai stands up slowly. Her eyes are still fixed on the strangers. Her sword is pointed toward the ground, but her grip on the hilt is white-knuckled.

[sblock=ooc]In case white-knuckled doesn't translate well, or isn't a term Vel is familiar with, that means she's gripping the sword-hilt unusually tightly.[/sblock]


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"If you refuse to submit to a simple detection spell, I can only assume the Daelkyr have influenced you, which mean I will either have to keep you captive and do a ritual to purify you, and that is invasive casting, or I kill you before you kill someone else. Anyway, all information gather have told us that people under that Daelkyr influence finish by killing themselves. You like it or not, I will not let a Khyberist go out of this clearing, and it's not the word of a commoner that will convince me to let go your group free blindly."


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Fine then, I guess you’ll just have to murder me and prove to the world you’re no better than the Khyber scum you claim to be pursuing. For all I know you just corrupted Susan and Jarren with a soul devouring plague. Anger seeps into her voice as she continues, I know I’m clean, I know they’re clean. We tried to be reasonable, we lowered our weapons, and I didn’t turn you into a pincushion, but I am NOT allowing ANYONE I don’t trust to cast ANYTHING on me. Calming slightly, she straightens her grey tunic. I am leaving now, good day, and looking at her brother, and good bye.

[sblock=Read at own risk]Well, since it seems every choice lately is do what the NPC says or die, I’m not needed here. Kill Ryda, NPC her, at this point I don’t care. Sorry to do this guys, but I’m done with a game that refuses to allow the PC’s to have any influence on their own actions.[/sblock]


[sblock=ooc]I'm going to assume that Unit 16's actions happened as stated, so he is now down the stairs and missing all of this. Just let me know when an appropriate amount of time has passed and he'll pop back up.

re: twils' XP comment - seconded![/sblock]


[sblock=ack!]Overposted Mez's post: hey guys, let's meet back over in the discussion thread because this is going downhill quickly. No sense in everyone being frustrated here - I mean we all just want to have fun. Let's see if we can chat this out.[/sblock]


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It has been four days after the Druid had given the order to capture the group. The group had given a good fight but they had been overwhelm by the number. They had awaken the next day, bounded. They remain for questioning for three days, but in the morning of their fourth day, they had been release and escorted to the manor. As they arrived, they were invited by the staff to take a meal before leaving for Wroat. When they entered the dining room, they were welcome by Jasper himself.

"Sit down please. Things have turned an... unexpected way. But I wanted to thanks you. I have been informed of the event. Barry and your brother from what I understood" he tells to Ryda "explain to me the exact detail of the event, things that fit my blurry memory. Today, things are have turned for the best, at least for me. I'm here eating a good meal, I understood a few things of live, and the Daelkyr have been taken care by competent hand.

Things with house Tharashk have been a bit complicated, but I have traded a parcel of my land for your freedom. But as those lands are a prison for a Daelkyr, I think I just get rid of a problem. But I think I wouldn't have been able to negotiate with that Druid without your brother."

Jasper takes a moment. "For you, maybe things have not be so well, but you have tried to save my life, which I am grateful, even if you were not successful. Luckily, my family is rich, so they paid for my resurrection, and personally, I have a few things I want to make before I leave for good this world."

Jasper make a sign. Some servants get into the room with four items and a chest. They are put in the center of the table. "These are some items I had been collecting for the sack of having a few of them. I think today it would be a waste that they gather the dust, so take it, you've earned it. Also, in the chest, you'll find 500 gp, for your group. For your last member, I'm giving him something more useful than an item. You might find him recovering at House Jorasco in Wroat. I have paid for a resurection process. But it is not unheard that a soul decide to stay in the next world, so I can't swear the ritual will work, but he will have the choice to continue to live in this world or not."

Jasper stands up. "I'm sorry if I'm not staying with you to eat. Dying cut your appetite and make you feel sleepy for some time, so I'm going to my bedroom. You are welcome to finish to eat. You'll find some horses waiting outside once you are ready to leave. May the Host look over you all." on that Jasper leave the room.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Reward coming very soon.[/SBLOCK]


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[SBLOCK=Treasure] In itilized are the reward given by Jasper. I include in this post all that have been rewarded up to now.

300 gp at the start of the adventure, already spent on Rituals
500 gp given by Jasper

Awakening Hide Armor +2

Lucky Charm +1, looted on the cultists
Resurrection (value 500 gp)

Sandals of Precise Stepping

A diamond (not magical, but worth 840 gp)

Unit 16
Iron Armbands of Power (Heroic)


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[SBLOCK=XP Award]Priam will receive no XP, as he never really taken part of this adventure. He

Time: From June 28th to September 23rd, that's make 3 Month. Everyone gain 3 RP

Door of Sun: 100 XP
Room of Earth: 250 XP
Room of Air 1000 XP
Room of Water: 200 XP
Cultist Followers: 1050 XP + 200 GP for the River
Cultist Leader and Goon: 600 XP
Roleplay: 1000 XP

Double every XP awards above

Total: 8800 XP
Total per player: 1760 XP[/SBLOCK]

Voidrunner's Codex

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