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(Adventure) Immortality Awakens (Knight Otu Judging)

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I aim to misbehave
Thurgan - Init: +2; AC: 19; HP: 28/36; Atk: W-axe +8 (1d10+4), X-bow +5 (1d8+1)

Tandi said:
Tandi nods, smiling inside when she hears Laynie is safe and sound. "I'm glad to know the little one is safe as well. Thank you for your report Thurgan. I suppose I shall introduce myself as well. My name is Tandi. Tandi d'Lune. A pleasure to meet you both." She then makes a humble and respectful bow.
"Tandi, is it?" Thurgan inquired, wondering what it was she did . . . at least from her appearance. He was about to ask when . . . .

Scun said:
Scun's smile disappears. "You're looking for us? Why?"
Thurgan didn't reply immediately. He took a look around at the people around him first, then anwered the half-orc. "I wus ask'd ta . . . someone needed savin', Scun. Got me a 'Letter of Introduction' an' ever'thin'," Thurgan replied with a grin on his beard when he enunciated a few of the words.

Thurgan still held the paper in his left hand, not offering to anyone at the moment. His right rested casually on his belt, next to the catch holding his war axe.

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I aim to misbehave
Thurgan Hammer, Dwarven Crafter

Anton said:
"May I to see the letter, please?" Anton motions to take to paper.
"A'course ya can, jus' keep it private," Thurgan replied. He handed the letter over to Anton, keeping the notes for himself.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Anton:[SBLOCK]*It seems to be a letter of introduction from Zarindas, stating that Thurgan and whomever he brought with him were coming to help replace the loss of Daggumit.*[/SBLOCK]


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
"So you have been sent by our primary employer to help us? What a situation."

He looks at Scun, Tandi, and Cade, then back at Krug and Thurgan. "Well, I welcome the help. I assume, then, you know our primary mission." He holds the paper out so that the others can look at it, if they so wish.


I aim to misbehave
Thurgan - Init: +2; AC: 19; HP: 28/36; Atk: W-axe +8 (1d10+4), X-bow +5 (1d8+1)

Anton said:
He looks at Scun, Tandi, and Cade, then back at Krug and Thurgan. "Well, I welcome the help. I assume, then, you know our primary mission."
Thurgan moved to take the paper back before Anton gave it to anyone else. "Jus' need dat fer safe keepin'," Thurgan muttered as he reached for the letter.

"A'course, least what I was told, an' the issues involved," Thurgan said.


First Post
Tandi was curious as to why this man needed back the letter so quickly, even though it was supposed to be from the same man that hired them. A fake perhaps? Her inner Russna chided her. You should have grabbed it when you had the chance. Simply smiling, she nodded agreement with Anton's statement. "We would definately appreciate the help. Especially where we are headed." Don't trust them. Shut up.


I aim to misbehave
Thurgan - Init: +2; AC: 19; HP: 28/36; Atk: W-axe +8 (1d10+5), X-bow +5 (1d8+1)

Tandi said:
"We would definately appreciate the help. Especially where we are headed."
"It's what'm here fer," Thurgan replied. He folded the letter separately from the notes he was given and tucked both back into his pocket. 'Still don't know if everyone knows what is going on here, especially the mayor's assistant,' Thurgan thought.

"We s'posed ta see the may'r er somethin' ove'r these orcs 'n stuff?" Thurgan asked.

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