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(Adventure) Feral Smackdown Battle Royale


Sparky said:
Howdy all, been enjoying everyone's antic-- er, heroics and am glad to see everyone. If it wouldn't cramp the party's style to have a 1st level tag-a-long, I'd be interested in filling out the ranks if there seems to be a gap.

Uriel, I have a few ideas for characters that could tidily slipstream in, if you're game. If you are game, or even not, please PM me.

I've enjoyed it folks. Congrats and see you around LEW.
Oh, that's just cruel. :)

You're offering to join up, but we don't get Rainca of the Barav Kree? Tease us, why don't you. :)

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Kahuna Burger

First Post
dpdx said:
Okay, I've been trying to live and let live ever since my contribution to Kahuna Burger's unhappiness, for which I've apologized, but I've had enough.

Try this on: Could it possibly be that Kirin's lectures, bitching, attempts to anoint herself leader, attempts to lecture and bully the other characters, and overall 'if I don't get my way, I'm taking my healing potions and going home' second-grade attitude of victimhood, actually LED to the 'general disrespect for everything [she] did'?

that would be a big giant "whateverthecensored".

I don't really care who started the attitude, I was simply pointing out that for kirin to take prisoners, she would have to ether be able to engage in useful subdual battle on her own or someone get the group to follow her direction, neither of which was plausible. You wanna throw around insults for fun and profit, I can't say I care. This was an interesting experiment in a lot of ways, and I have to say its been very informative. One of the things it has informed me on would be the value of playing with you personally, but I have to say the concluding evidence on that is only just in.

I really hope you weren't hoping to help me mend my terrible roleplaying ways with that little tantrum, though. It works so much better as a bad tempered rant...

kahuna Burger


Living EN World Judge
GnomeWorks said:
So... um, can we assume the week passes without incident, and that those of us heading back to the Red Dragon are back there?

Yes, sorry.
Nobody murders the PCs in the week.
Back to the Inn for those wishing to go there.


Sorry for not posting I had to be away from my computer for a couple of days, will catch up as soon as possible however Felix is very interested in tracking down the druid. I wanted to talk to Thurgan (Still!) and possibly Delmon and Rinaldo too about setting up a magical trading base but I don't know if they're interested.

Guilt Puppy

First Post

I was originally going to try to stay out of this, but I feel like I'm implicated in (and to some degree, share responsibility for) the whole situation. I'm not sure how much you blame me for Kirin's inability to non-violently resolve the situation, but let me at least share my point of view on the subject, where I agree, disagree, sympathize, et cetera...

First: I never take anything said or done in-character personally. Never, ever. If I really feel it's intended personally, I ask to make sure before I actually treat it as such. My characters, on the other hand, do take it personally, and I play it like that.

With that in mind, please understand that any hostility expressed by my character towards yours does not reflect any hostility from me toward you. I tend to assume that this is always assumed; and for the most part it is, but I think in this case it didn't come across so well. I apologize if you felt I had singled you out as a player.

Slaughterfest it was destined to be, slaughterfest it was... She made comments to the effect that she would like to expirement with redeeming the turned and I did try to find wounded afterwards

Likewise, I believe I made a few OOC comments to the effect that while Sturm was going to vocalize discontent at anything but battle (and maybe heavy drinking), he would still go along with the party's wishes -- as a player, I do look for more to a game than a "slaughterfest", even when I play a character who doesn't.

If you look strictly at the events, the game was a slaughterfest... Still, I don't recall spending most of the time in combat. What you should give Uriel credit for is creating a situation which didn't have a clear and singular resolution, and required some difficult choices to be made. For me, reading and participating in all of the in-character arguments was one of the most satisfying parts of this game...

Of course, some people identify with their characters in different ways than others, so I can understand how you took a lot of the frustration your character went through personally. I think, though, that if you just stepped back a little and considered the game from another angle, you might understand a little better what Uriel was going for, and while it still won't have been your kind of game, your opinion of the way it was played and run might be a little more sympathetic.


Living EN World Judge
Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
So who all is wanting to go after the Druid? *curious*

Telerin's definatly in...but he also wants to find out what the scimitar does...

Folks will need a plan on finding him, as mentioned before.

A simple trip to 'The City will net you an answer on the Scimitar (and the 100GP for Identify[/].


Registered User
The saviors of the monastery take their gold and leave the monks to wander their blood-soaked sacred halls in shock. Among them remains a young woman, not of the Order. She moves through the monastery quietly, eyes shining with unshed tears. For their part, the monks seem cheered or at least distracted from their grief when she is around. She slips gracefully through the cold passages where the monks labor to return their home and holt to something resembling decency. She utters a kind word here, offers a sympathetic touch there.

She forbids the monks from entering the most heinously desecrated places. In these places she mops the floor by hand with water carried painstakingly down the reeking passages and rags torn from the vestments of the dead. She grits her teeth as she works thinking of the shattered bodies of the gentle monks, her caretakers for so many months. Her back aching, knees and hands raw from days spent hunched over on the bloodied, stinking floor - she decides...

No one will get away with this. She packs up her gear and bids a sad farewell to the remaining monks. She hugs a few who, while somewhat affronted, embrace her in return patting her hair like a small child. She makes her way from the monastery, looking back over her shoulder as it disappear from sight. She turns her eyes to the road ahead and smiles for the first time in weeks.

"Sanctuary be damned," she grits. Vengeance must be served and there are things more precious to worry about than my sorry hide. Though my sorry hide could use a nice, hot soak. Where was it those adventurers were headed...? The Red Dragon Inn...?

Voidrunner's Codex

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