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Adventure: Echoes of O

Don Incognito

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The eladrin claps his hands and smiles. "Excellent," he intones, "now that the party is decided, let us make haste, I have prepared a place where we can talk that is more...comely."

The eladrin leads the warforged outside, where a small horse-drawn carriage awaits. The warforged takes the driver's seat, and the eladrin clambers inside.

"Come now, let's go!" he shouts from inside the cabin. It seems rather small for the six of you to fit inside.

[sblock=OOC]OMG my first adventure! Players are Vlastos (Vlastos), Les (Dan Raven, Seven Rabbit (JoeNotCharles), Raiyek (Lord Sessadore), and Kruk (dimsdale). Feel free to hop inside the carriage to let me know that you're here and ready to get started! As for combat, I am incredibly lazy, so I'm copying Phoenix800s's format from the Captain's Caper.

Kama'zer Anma'giduu- Female Githyanki Warlord 1
Passive Perception: +9, Passive Insight: +9
AC:17, Fort:15, Reflex:14, Will:13 -- Speed:6
HP:26/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:9/9
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers-Viper's Strike, Wolf Pack Tactics
Warlord's Favor, Inspiring Word, Telekinetic Leap
Lead the Attack

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Seven Rabbit follows the pair out towards the carriage, chattering happily at Vlastos. "Oh, it is good to meet someone who knows the local charts and calendars! As you saw, my calculations were of course crude attempts without such detailed knowledge. I have been hobbled by my difficulty in converting dates and even ages into the systems which I am familiar. With which I am familiar. Oh, we will need to discuss this in more detail when there is time! But right now, our carriage to adventure awaits!" He stops and looks skeptically at the carriage, then hops in and squeezes into a corner.

Dawn Raven

First Post
The plain brown bag with one strap is thrown over Les's shoulder and she heads toward the tavern's exit. The jangle of her weapon inside is barely heard above the tumult caused by Janus's awkward fumbling. She covers her mouth with one hand and tries not to laugh as she walks out. When she sees the carriage outside, her eyebrows rise in appreciation.

Well-dressed and, hopefully, rich too. This should prove a pocket-filling job. The githyanki strides to the carriage and flips her dreads out of her face. Her bemused grin turns to a sour frown as another thought passes through her mind. I'll have to make sure Raiyek is between me and that elf. I don't want to lose the job while trying to avoid his romances...

Lord Sessadore

Raiyek isn't surprised at the carriage. More evidence that he is wealthy. It seems that the warforged is a retainer of some sort - even more convincing. Raiyek is a little surprised at the eladrin's relative ease of speech now. He was so uncomfortable in the tavern, I was wondering if he talked to people much. Perhaps it was just the prospect of speaking to the crowd.

He stands with Les outside the tavern a moment before entering the carriage. "So, what do you think, Les? He still hasn't really given us an idea what this is all about ... but perhaps he's just uncomfortable in the crowd. Certainly doesn't appear to be struggling financially though."
[sblock=OOC]So I was wondering, should the three of us who were on the Hoofchew escapade keep our stats as they were at the end of that, since we technically haven't had an extended rest yet? Or will it matter?

My next question is, what is "O", and why does it echo? Haha :p

Raiyek Meliam - Male Elf Paladin (Palladys) 1
Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 18; Low-light vision
AC:20, Fort:15, Reflex:16, Will:15 -- Speed:5
HP:26/27, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:9/11
Resist 5 poison
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used
Powers-Valiant Strike, Holy Strike, Divine Challenge, Lay on Hands (1/3)
Piercing Smite, Channel Divinity, Elven Accuracy, Hunter's Quarry
Paladin's Judgment
Group Awareness: All non-elf allies within 5 squares of Raiyek gain a +1 bonus to Perception. [/sblock]
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Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]Ooooh ... I remember reading about that now. Hmmm ... that doesn't answer the 2nd part of my question though: why does it echo? :p Just kidding.

Hmm ... this should be interesting! I forsee some desperate hurries to stop the Evil Ritual from being completed. ;) Man, now I'm all excited.[/sblock]


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Kruk stares at the horse-drawn contraption. "Oh boy...this is not going to be an easy ride." (hiccup). Kruk attempts to climb inside but starts to fall backwards. At the last second he desparately grabs hold of 7-Rabbitt and Vlastos's cloaks. With a might heave he throws himself inside, landing at everyones feet. He looks up at Les and Raiyek and says "If you don't mind I like to stay where I'm at and sleep this one off ffffffzzzzzzz zzzzzzz zzzzzz."


First Post
OOC: Lord Sessadore - far rather who was O? But that's a different sort of story and doesn't feature a Paladin...

Kruk, Kruk, Kruk,..., lectures Vlastos over his mighty friend, the fallen dwarf.

Don't worry, sir, he'll be ready when the fighting begins, he explains confidently to the patron and his servant, myriad thin scars revealed crisscrossing his youthful face as he speaks. He then, cramped quarters and all, reaches deep into his coat pocket and retrieves a small, worn, leather pouch from which he removes 3 convex regular polyhedrons: the tetra (brass), dodeca (copper), and icosa (steel). These glow faintly in their individual metallic hues as they rise quickly and with a soft humming above his hand to reach about eye level where they pause to take various positions of alternating arrangements and symmetries.

You practice the exact science, Mr 7 Rabbit, the wizard turns to tell the warlock. I contemplate the congruent spheres, explains the wizard. It's much like the fighter's carbo blasting in its effect on me, he adds with a smile and a swift kick to snoring Kruk, but without the gas.

We're all in, he says returning to the wealthy Eladrin, what's the gig?
And how much does it pay?
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Voidrunner's Codex

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