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[Adventure] Dirty Money: (The Final Encounter; Rohna, Tondrek up)[Judge: THB]

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Upon exiting the tavern, and mounting up if needed the group makes their way through the streets of Sharn. After a brief stop at a Sivis message station for Roswyn, the group heads out again.

[sblock=ryrguy]If you feel like rp out your station stop, go ahead, take the reins.[/sblock]

The Upper Dura district is heavy with traffic. Adventurers for the most part. A half-orc with a large axe on his back muscles through the group. A Talenta halfling, mounted on a clawfoot gives the drow a sneer. A pair of humans, and by the looks of them, twins, gives the group some room.

The light suddenly dims as they walk the streets, the sun has passed over the Skyway, sending shadows through the lower cities. Even so, several of the magical lights that line the streets blink on, giving plenty of illumnation.

The group enters a magical lift that will take them down. "My Pa's shop is in Sharn's Welcome." It's been a pretty long walk so far, but things could be worse. At least all you've got to do is talk to Ronald, Harkin's Pa. Your worst threat would be pickpockets and perhaps stepping in something unsavory. As you approach Cliffside, the lift gradually slows and stops. A pair of goblins and a hobgoblin step on. They cross their arms and stare daggers at the group. Clearly, they see you and know you probably don't belong here.

The group finally reaches Cliffside and exits the lift. It's quite dirty here and the smell of the ocean is strong here, as well as feces, rotting fish, and unwashed bodies. A half crumpled Sharn Inquisitive lies in the gutter. The headline reads "Large Croc seen in Sharn's Welcome by Addict Guard!"

After more walking, the group enters Sharn's Welcome. The white lights of the Upper City is replaced by red lights here. The more offensive smells are very much muted here. They are replaced by the overly sweet smell of incense and cheap perfumes. Member of all races can be seen here, although most are of the lower class. A pair of thin humans females, wearing next to nothing stand on a street corner. Seeing the ragtag group approaching, a pretty tanned elf walks toward the group. "You lookin' for some fun? I can be anybody that you want." With that said, the form of the elf melts away, into a male gnome. "Anything," he says with emphasis.
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
"You lookin' for some fun? I can be anybody that you want." With that said, the form of the elf melts away, into a male gnome. "Anything," he says with emphasis.
Tondrek keeps his head down as they walk through Sharn, playing with some tangled chain in some sort of devious puzzle while the construct by his side guides him out of trouble. He smiles at the glaring gobs, likely mistaking their glares, and hardly notices any unfortunate smell.

When the elf-gnome-person comes up to the party, Tondrek looks up a moment. Ooo! You can be anything?! Like a 'forged? A big 'forged? One of them warmaforged titan I read about? Tried to build one once. Still working on it. Need more power.

OOC: Tondrek


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The gnome walks over to the half-orc. He crosses his arms over his chest. "No, but if that's your wish, I've got some of these..." the gnome pulls out several flowers, "they'll make your dreams come true."

[sblock=Nature or Streetwise 20]You recognize the flowers as Dreamlily, a highly addictive and potentially dangerous drug.[/sblock]


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Tamarand wasn't sure what these flowers were, but he was sure that this creature stood in his way. He looked down at it from atop the lizard, "I'd suggest you move about lest I allow my friend here to find out just which of your forms tastes the best" the drow hisses, patting his mount on the back of the neck. He flips back his cloak to demonstrate the armaments strapped to his waist as further evidence for this creature to get out of his way.

OOC: Tamarand

Intimidate (1d20+13=17) *Grrrr*
Nature; Streetwise (1d20+1=9, 1d20+6=17)


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Rohna is quite the site mounted on her black charger in matching plate armor. She cocks an eyebrow at the creepy little gnome.

OOC - Rohna Nature=17

"I don't know what that is but take it across the street."

Her spirit bear fades into being next to her, standing almost as tall at the shoulder as the armored warhorse, and bares her fangs at the dealer.
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Roswyn's errand at the courier station is very brief. Handed pen and parchment by the station attendant, her hand is a blur as she fills the page in a matter of seconds. "Lady Roswyn d'Sivis, engaged in mediation between shopowner and street gang..." followed by the few details she has learned so far. Next, "Additional parties engaged for assistance and security..." followed by detailed descriptions of the other adventurers who have joined in the mission.

[sblock=Spellbook]Roswyn is choosing Horrid Whispers as her daily power and Daunting Presence as her utility power.[/sblock]
[sblock=Streetwise on Gangs]Does Roswyn know anything about a kobold gang known for wearing black armor, or kobold gangs in Sharn generally?

Passive Streetwise is 21. If you want a check, here it is: Streetwise about kobold gangs (1d20+11=18)[/sblock]


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As they exit the tavern, Roswyn whispers to Rohna, "Lady Rohna, I thought you were accompanying Pok on that mission for the Flame? But I'm glad to have you along with us now instead! We might have need of your strong arm and your fierce bear!"

She introduces herself to the warforged, who had not spoken in the tavern. "Greetings, sir. I am Roswyn d'Sivis. I'm very reassured to be accompanied in these parts by one who bears the Mark of Sentinel!"

During their walk, she hides a smile at Tamarand's enjoyment of the impression he makes. Quite the bad boy, that one...

Finally, having observed Tondrek for some time, she approaches him after his construct steers him around a mud puddle. She gives him a big smile, and speaks slowly and clearly. "Hi. Your friend - " (indicating the construct) "- takes good care of you. What's his name?" (If Tondrek doesn't respond, she repeats herself first in Giant, then in Goblin.)

[sblock=Streetwise/Nature on the flowers]
Streetwise, Nature on the flowers... (1d20+11=21, 1d20+7=24)

So Roswyn knows it's Dreamlily.

I, the player however, am not sure about Dreamlily, can any give me a summary of its effects, and legality?
As the hustler flourishes the Dreamlily, Roswyn takes a quick glance around at her new companions, looking for any signs of hunger or other reactions to the drug. (OOC: I assume there isn't anything to notice, but if someone wants I'll make an Insight roll.)

She gives the hustler a serious look. "Sorry, our business here doesn't involve the things you offer. There's no deal to be made, so let's not waste each other's time. Goodbye."

[sblock=Diplomacy]Diplomacy on changeling hustler (1d20+13=19)
Boooo... :)[/sblock]


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[sblock=Dreamlilly] Ryryguy, I'm not sure about 4e, but in 3.5e, Dreamlilly was a very illegal hallucinogenic drug that would put you in an alternate mind-state, making you think you were living out your fantasies. Very potent (addictive too!), very illegal, and very dangerous to anyone who doesn't want to spend the next few years of their life scrounging for change just to get their next fix of the stuff! It's found commonly in Sharn and can sometimes be found in other large cities. Sorry to barge in, I just happened to know the answer and thought I'd help out :) [/sblock]


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[sblock=Dreamlily]Thanks for the info. I was wondering if it would be useful to get some as a tool to use on our mission... hook the gang leader or something like that. Sounds like it's probably a bit too likely to backfire somehow, though.

It does sound great for "Mission Impossible" style things where you try some elaborate con on somebody, if you could dose the target without his knowledge then somehow "direct" the fantasy...[/sblock]


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[sblock=Dreamlilly] Lol, if you're going to go through all of that trouble, just find a Feylock, Illusionist, or Psion to do that to the target for you, lol. [/sblock]

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