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[Adventure!] Daunton's Dead Past DM: FourMonos. Judge: Peer Committee


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GM: Depends (I think) on if you consider him an enemy? I mean, don't get me wrong, I think that would be funny, but I don't know if Vermitrax would have his conjurations on attack mode for allies as well. What does everyone think?

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OOC: MHO: The rules on ally/enemy designation are vague when it comes to dominated PCs because the definitions are not written anywhere in that context.

In my experience, "enemy" status is usually up to the PC, and "ally" status is usually up to the one being designated as such. This means that if I want to harm someone, I will, but I can't expect someone else to be my friend unless they want to be my friend.

By this rule, the skeleton should have an OA...buuuuuut, the question is how much has the party trusted Raiyek (I imagine that even Vermitrax has placed at least some trust in him) and how much denial would you have to overcome before Raiyek proves himself truly dominated.

Is this Raiyek's first dominated attack? If so, I imagine that this would take the party a little by surprise, even if they knew he was under the beholder's influence.

In the time it takes for the Raiyek to disengage from the skeleton, would Vermitrax have enough time to realize that Raiyek was a threat?

If the answer is in doubt, then a simple wisdom save with an appropriate DC might serve to reflect this. If Vermitrax passes, the skeleton gets an OA. If not, he's too surprised by Raiyek's betrayal to respond in time.

Alternatively, if it's obvioiusly clear that Raiyek is under the control of the beholder prior to Raiyek's movement, then Vermitrax is well within his rights to designate Raiyek as an enemy.

Voda Vosa

First Post
I will roll an arcana check to see if Vermitrax identifies the spell: [roll0]
Skeleton attack just in case: [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Lord Sessadore

[Sblock=OOC]While I would question the purpose behind attacking a dominated ally, I do also realize Vermitrax is evil. From that perspective I have little trouble seeing him attack Raiyek if he perceived Raiyek to be a threat, whether or not it makes sense to do so.

Besides, it is kind of funny.

[EDIT]Doesn't really matter anyway, the skeleton's attack would miss even with CA.[/EDIT]

In any case, IC is down and I haven't set myself up on any other rollers yet. @FourMonos, please roll my save if I don't get a chance before everyone else has acted.[/Sblock]
[sblock=Raiyek stats]Raiyek Meliam - Male Elf Paladin/Holy Conqueror (Palladys) 11
Passive Perception: 26, Passive Insight: 26; Low-light vision
AC:30, Fort:22, Reflex:22, Will:24 -- Speed:6
HP: 98/98, Bloodied:49, Surge Value:25, Surges Left:11/11
Saves: can make save at start of turn vs. daze or stun, even if effect isn't save ends.
Action Points: 0, Second Wind
Holy Strike
Ardent Strike
Divine Challenge

Divine Pursuit
Strength from Valor
Resurgent Smite
Charge of the Conqueror
Smiting Symbol
Valiant Rush
Channel Divinity
Elven Accuracy
Oath of Enmity

Ardent Vow (3/4)
Restore Vitality
Righteous Indignation
Paladin's Judgment
Arc of Vengeance
Victorious Surge

Woundstitch Powder
Ruby Scabbard
Cloak of Resistance
Healer's Shield
Vampiric Bastard Sword
Teleporting Gith Plate

* Group Awareness: All non-elf allies within 5 squares of Raiyek gain a +1 bonus to Perception.
* Allies gain +1 to saving throws when adjacent to Raiyek.
* +2 damage vs. bloodied for all attacks.
* After spending a healing surge, +2 power bonus to first attack before end of next turn.
* When damaged by a creature marked by Raiyek, he gains 4 temp hp.

Character sheet

Effects: Ardent Vow - each time Raiyek attacks the beholder for the rest of the encounter, beholder is subject to divine sanction TENT.
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First Post
Lilli keeps the image of the Beholder in her magical crystal and conjures the Emerald Eye to help seek out vulnerabilities in the Beholder's psyche. Then, she opens an assault on the abomination's senses with an illusion of a flight of pixies jabbing tiny needles into the monster's many eyes.

[sblock=actions]Minor Action: Lilli uses Emerald Eye on the Beholder.

Emerald Eye (Encounter Minor Ranged 10 ✦ Arcane) Wizard Utility 6
Target: One Creature
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +5 power bonus to Insight checks against the target and a +2 power bonus to attack rolls against the target's will.

Standard Action: With the help of Emerald Eye, Lilli uses Illusory Ambush on the Beholder - Total to Hit = 26, Damage = 16.

Illusory Ambush (At Will Standard Ranged 10 ✦ Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic)
Target: One creature
Attack: +14 vs. Will
Hit: 1d6+10 Psychic damage and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

If it hits, then Lilli gains Combat Advantage against the Beholder until the end of her next turn due to the Feat:

FEAT - Phantom Echoes: When you use an arcane illusion power and hit a target, you gain combat advantage against that target until the end of your next turn. If the illusion power has an effect that a save can end, you instead gain combat advantage against the target until it saves against that effect.

Move Action: Lilli starts in I19 and moves to L16.[/sblock]


Female Gnome Wizard, Level 9.
Initiative: +4, Passive Perception: 15, Passive Insight: 20. Senses: Low-light vision.
AC: 23, Fort: 17, Reflex: 22, Will: 22.
HP: 54/54, Bloodied: 27, Surge Value: 13, Surges left: 7/7
Speed: 5 squares. Size: Small. Languages: Eladrin, Allarian, Draconic, Dwarven.
Saving Throw Bonuses: +5 Racial bonus against Illusions.
Action Points: 0
Orb of Deception
Second Wind
Use Vulnerabilty
Illusory Ambush
Nightmare Eruption
Grasping Shadows
Horrid Whispers
Ghost Sound
Mage Hand
Fade Away
Maze of Mirrors
Visions of Avarice - Used [Visions of Avarice Secondary Attack - Used]
Skald's Aura - Active
Emerald Eye - Used on Beholder and active until the end of Lilli's next turn.
Phantom Foes - Used
Symphony of the Dark Court
Orb of Far Seeing - Encounter Power - Used on Beholder
Orb of Far Seeing - Daily Power
Feyleaf Sandals - Daily Power
Amulet of Elegy +2 - Daily Power
Illusionist's Gloves - Daily Power
Harp of Deeper Slumber - Daily Power

Shimmering Cloth Armour - Lilli does not provoke opportunity attacks when she makes ranged or area attacks.

Feyleaf Sandals - If Lilli falls and is about to take a punishing amount of damage, her Feyleaf Sandals will likely save her.

Lilli is likely to use Shield first as an Interrupt versus attacks against AC and Reflex defence before resorting to using Fade Away.

Conditions: None.

[http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/PC:Lilli_(Neil1889) Lilli's full sheet is here.]


First Post
GM: You're a pretty savvy, arcane type. You know what the beholder's attacks are possible of and the Raiyek was not under his own control. That said, you can still have the skeleton smack him :)
[MENTION=57255]Lord Sessadore[/MENTION] The domination is until end of next turn (character's not beholder), so the effect is now completed. [MENTION=79956]dimsdale[/MENTION] However, Lerrick has a save to end the petrify
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Voda Vosa

First Post
OOC: Yeah, Vermitrax will sacrifice anyone to keep out of harm's way. I hoped to have interrupted the paladin's charge with the skeleton attack. Too bad he missed, heh. Hence, Vermitrax will use his amulet of resistance to absorb 10 of that damage, the attack deals 5 damage to him. Since it will be active until the end of Vermitrax's turn, it also absorbs the ongoing damage.

As the dominated paladin turns to charge the necromancer, the skeleton tries to chop him down, missing. Vermitrax curses, raising his amulet just in time to erect a barrier that absorbs most of Raiyek's blow. The sword however, cuts through, and slices the mage's arm.
"You almost cleave me in halves paladin! Keep your mind in the game!" Vermitrax scowls. "The enemy is there." Vermitrax points at the creature, and a burst of raw arcane energy erupts from his hand, impacting violently on the beholder.

Using magic missile, deals 8
Save vs ongoing. [roll0]
Hand sustain damage: [roll]1d8+7 [/roll]
Sword attack: [roll1]
Sword damage [roll]1d10+6 [/roll]
Sword banishes at the end of Vermitrax's turn


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: @FourMonos, Illarion also used Seed of chaos and Flame spiral, both encounter spells.

Also, this slew of low rolls nicely balances last round :)

Moving his head from one side to the other, seemingly lost in all the running, crumbling and shouting, Illarion tentatively steps from the group and quickly refocuses on the beholder.

His aim is wildly off, however, and his faintly screaming bolt slams into the house behind the beholder.

Move: G13

Standard: Chaos bolt vs Beholders Will (1d20+13=17); Psychic damage (1d10+15=16); Assassin shrouds damage (2d6=3)


[sblock=Illarion Meriele]
SPECIAL: resist 8 psychic;

if 1st attack in the round is even gain +1 AC; odd - make a saving throw
+1 to all defenses vs traps

On nat 20: slide the target 1 square and knock it prone
On nat 1 MUST push all within 5 squares 1 square

AC: 18 Fort: 16 Reflex: 20 Will: 24
HP: 59/59 Surges: 7/7 Surge Value: 14

MBA Dagger +2: +9 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
RBA Dagger +2: +13 vs AC, 1d4+6 damage


Chaos Bolt
Blazing Starfall
Assassin's Shroud
Changeling Disguise

Changeling Trick
Mists of Disarray
Flame Spiral
Swift Escape
Seed of Chaos
Spark Form

Grounding Rebuke
Good Timing
Thunder Leap

Amulet of life encounter free action: spend additional surge
Rain of Hammers Ki Focus - whenever Illarion kills an enemy, one enemy adjacent to him takes 3 damage
Tooth of chaos dagger daily: whenever Illarion hits an enemy he can choose to treat the roll as even or odd until the end of the encounter.
Bracers of escape daily interrupt: when hit with melee attack Illarion can teleport 2 squares


Drew flies toward the beholder the moment last gargoyle crumbles. Literally. Young monk crouches and spring up in the air, spreading his arms as if they are wings.
"The dragon soars over the mountain"

Coming on the beholder from above, the monk flips in the air and smashes both legs into the body of the beholder forcing it down onto the cobblestones landing lightly next to it and already starting to spin, not even waiting to see if the thing is still alive, for devastating round kick when the thing starts to get up.

Move: Swift flight - fly max 9 squares to M26
Standard: Mountain fall stomp - beholder is prone and provokes OA from Drew when it gets up
1d20+13 = 30 STOMP HITS, gain +1 to AC (shielding ki focus)
2d6+8 = 15 - 15 + Flurry of blows 7 = 23 damage, no slide
1d20+16 = 36 - OA CRITS
1d8+8 = 14 (dmg = 16 + 8)
OA Crit extra damage (2d6=8)

Passive Insight 17 Passive Perception 24; Senses Normal

HP 59/59
Surge Value 14; Surges Per-Day 8/8

AC 26+1 Fortitude 20 Reflex 24 Will 23

MBA: +16 vs AC, Unarmed Strike, 1d8+8 damage


First Post
Lerrick's smile disappears as another of the giant orb's eyes locks onto her. Foul magic engulfs the cleric causing her body to become rigid. She then witnesses in horror the paladin attack the necromancer. Oh my...glad it wasn't me.

She takes a deep breath, then closes her eyes to focus on breaking free.

save vs petrification: 1d20: (waiting for IC to come back :( )
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Voidrunner's Codex

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