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Adventure: Brotherhood Returned? (DM: Tenchuu, Judge: H.M.Gimlord)

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Just a note, Kane is now level 10. I held off on using the DM credit to put him at 11th. It's way too big a power jump at that level (like 25 hp more, my AC would be 2 higher than Kruk's, etc, etc.) so anywho that should make things more balanced and more important fun (I hope)for all of us :). Updated mini-stats are below [/sblock]

[sblock=ministats]Kane Male Bugbear Barbarian/Dreadnought 10
Initiative: +13, Passive Perception: 14, Passive Insight: 14, Senses: Low-light
AC:27, Fort:26, Reflex:24, Will:19
HP:88/88, Bloodied:44, Surge Value:22, Surges left:11/11
Action Points: 1
Howling Strike
Whirling Rend

Furious Assault
Cyclone Warrior (1/encounter free action, +1 bonus damage rolls on melee/close damage rolls TENT)
Whirling Lunge
Whirling Frenzy
Whirling Step
Curtain of Steel
Reactive Surge
Shrug it Off
Run Rampant
Screaming Hide Encounter Power

Swift Panther Rage
Rage of the Crimson Hurricane
Stoneroot Rage
Berserker's Weapon
Vagabond's Die
Boots of the Mighty Charge
Raven Cloak +2

Important Stuff:
Cool stuff happens when he bloodies or kills a bad guy
+2 on saving throws
Crits with Jagged axe on 19-20


Full sheet: PC:Kane - L4W Wiki [/sblock]


This does not sound very perilous, milord. But I take you at your word. How should we reach you after spreading word amongst the nobles of Daunton? and sotto voce to Kane Not Everyone.

OOC: Holy crap, Kane at 11th level was scary. I was on vacatino then sick, but in contact now. Wil is not approved at level 10 yet, which is good since I want to swap some powers after reading more descriptions of them.


First Post
"There is a boat in the Harbor which leaves tonight, to return to Daunton. I believe you know the ship, The Wind’s Will. Once the Gray Lady finishes with the Boons, you can be on your way."

"I shall send your reward as soon as the support from Daunton arrives, so it is imperative that you communicate the urgency and the severity. You five have witnessed first had what may yet come; you are the best to express that."

The Gray lady applied the magic tattoo's to the adventurers, binding them together in the fight against the brotherhood. It was not pleasant, but not painful, and took an hour to complete.

* * *

[sblock=Wind's Will]
The ship is loosely based on this design:
HMS Lady Nelson (1798) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dusk loomed as the adventurers made their way to the docks. It was indeed the same ship as before, with gruff Porse still on the deck looking at them with disgust.

"Hurry up already," Porse snarled, "The better part of the day is lost, and I don't want to navigate the narrows in the dark any more than I want to spend another night here waiting in dock. Below deck with you--All of you!"

He barked commands at the sailors, and they were pushing off the dock just as the last adventurer stepped off the gangway.

The ship was the same, but different. It seemed to be the same crew, and yet there was a different tone. The sailors were less friendly. The differences became a bit more clear as the cook called the men in for supper. Some of the crew from before was missing; most notably Captain Levenbrech and his second mate, Trig. First mate Porse sat at the head of the table.

"So tell me, what brave feats have you done this time?" He asked, in a mocking tone. "I couldn't help but notice the holds are empty. Twas supposed to be full of silver for the return trip. But the Count says there wasn't to be any Silver. That wouldn't be your doing, now would it?"

He seemed annoyed with them, but he seemed just as annoyed last time.

[sblock=Encounter #1]
Skill Challenge
Setup: The crew is up to no good, or are they?
Complexity: 2 (requires 6 successes before 3 failures)
DC: 26

- Each character gets 1 roll per turn
- Each character can only use a single skill once. For example: If
Hergunna uses Nature this round, she cannot use nature again. But everyone else could still use Nature.

If the rolls are on your side, you can knock this one out in one go-round. Good Luck.
I've not assigned primary/secondary for this one. use your best judgement, and work your skill check into your post.


Wil seems blithely ignorant of the demeanor of the crew, smiling constantly. However he replies as if hurt to the accusation at dinner. How can you say that?! We are on the same team. Lord Byron will get what is his, and we will all be heroes

OOC: use word of friendship with diplomacy


OOC: Just letting you know I'm still on the hook for judge. I'm going to be submitting a second addy to the rest of the judges, so between that, Land Ho, and three other characters in play, I'm going to be pretty ADD. I'll read along when I can, but please PM or Mention me concerning disputes and/or rewards. :)


First Post
"Why, you underestimate my modest new companions," Khemnos tells Porse. "The truth is, they did recover all the silver some time ago, well before you returned to port. Instead, it was decided to send the silver along early on another ship."

Bluff (1d20+22=42)

CRIT! Bluff 42! Nice way to start a new character. :)

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
-''I'm not sure why a demon invasion is such a big deal, honestly. Half of my neighbours were demons, back home. Some are even quite cuddly, like my pet Beezer that my mom bought me for my twenthieth birthday. He was sooo cute!

Okay, sure, many demons love to eat people alive, but I gotta tell you, I don't see how it's any different than the regular fauna we have around Daunton...''

Catching the queer looks from her companions, Charina clears her throat and change the subject.

-''But hey, those sailors seems up to even more nefarious deeds than a drow matriarch. It's time for me to do what I do best.'' she says, backing down into the shadows and disappearing from sight.

Stealth (1d20+22=29)

-''Now the trick is to remember I am not supposed to pull the trigger and take their heads off...'' she whispers.
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First Post
Kruk spots a crew member he befriended during the last voyage. Hey remember me? I'm the puker (referring to his terrible bout of seasickness on the last trip). See that guy (pointing to Kane)? He calls me stinkbeard now. I think that name will stick with me the rest of my life. ha ha...Anyway, you crew is miss'n some. What happen to them?

Kruk waits for the crew member's response, focussing on tone of voice and body language.

insight roll: 19

Voidrunner's Codex

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