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A Sojourn in Sairundan [Judge: Manzanita]


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Cludge Slatefist, Fighter 3 (HP:34 AC:15)

Rae ArdGaoth said:
OOC: Hmm... very interesting. I understand what Cludge is trying to do, but unfortunately for "Kitty" it's a lose-lose-lose scenario for him. As Cludge's "best friend", it seems unlikely to me that the dwarf would want to push the lamia down to the ground or force it to provoke AoO from all the people around it. I'll allow it, since Cludge is mighty confused, but I don't think he should continue this behavior next round.

OOC: Fair enough and I expected Cludge would be the one going prone. He wasn't trying to tackle the Lamia per se, rather to shield it from blows and I couldn't think of another way to do that other than entering its space. He's now tried everything his limited Wis and Int can come up with. Didn't expect the charm would be broken either.

Cludge reaches for Kitty and falls *plonk* on his face at the creature's feet. Spitting sand and spluttering, he rolls away from the lamia (Crawl 5' back to his starting space) and stands up (move action, provokes AoO).

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Kurgahz- M Half-Orc Cleric 2 (AC: 15, HP: 18/18)

The gigantic Kurgahz steps back five feet while yelling at Cludge, "Dammit Cludge! If ya ain't gonna help us kill this critter that's obviously messed with 'yer head, then get the heck away before I pound you into the sand myself!" Making a few threatening gestures and speaking a gutteral word of magic, Kurgahz casts Cause Fear at Cludge hoping to frighten him into getting out of everyone's way.

OOC: Cludge needs to make a Will save DC 14 or be frightened and flee in fear for 1d4 rounds. If he makes it, he is shaken for 1 round instead.


First Post
Cludge Slatefist, Fighter 3 (HP:34 AC:15)

OOC: Good move. But, alas, of all the saves I would have liked to have seen him fail, this ain't one of them. But now that he's shaken his Will save drops to -3, so now's the time to hit him with those types of spells.

Cludge gazes at Kurghaz in astonishment and a brief flicker of terror passes over his face, quickly turning to rage (Will save 14)
I'd like ta see ya try it, ya big green galoot! he yells. Why don't ya stop beatin' on defenceless desert creachures and come knock on some one yer own size!
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Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Lasair could have Suggestioned Cludge at any time, but she doesn't want to waste her round like Kurghaz did, so another Ego Whip!

Oh, and I just realised that Cludge actually made his Will Save against Charm Monster all that time ago due to his Dwarven +2 bonus against magic still failed by 1 because Rae remembered that bonus, darn. You should still really put that on your sheet in parentheses; it's easy to forget)
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Rae ArdGaoth

OOC: Not sure, but I think there's some rule about intentionally failing any roll. Can somebody confirm that? (It wouldn't apply in this case, because while AGFlynn might want Cludge to flee in fear, Cludge certainly doesn't.)

Rae ArdGaoth

Round 9: 11:45:48 AM

Cludge rolls over and groggily stands up.

Shadya slashes, coming so close to the creature, but it weaves and dodges even as it cries.

Kurgahz tries to scare Cludge away, but fails.

Conuld swings his staff around, the creature ignores his attempts at distraction.

The creature continues to stand, trapped by indecision.

Lasair hits it again with her ego whip. One final time, the creature's brow wrinkles in frustration as it is reminded of its weakest moments. Suddenly, it yelps! With a gasp, it falls to the ground, spasms for a moment, and then lays still. (failed save, 4 Cha damage)

End of Combat

Cludge (1 WIS damage, 4 nonlethal damage)
Kurgahz (enlarged at 11:45:06)
Conuld (Cat's Grace at 11:45:18)
Creature (37 damage, 13 CHA damage)
Lasair (11/35pp)

OOC: A natural 2. Not much better than a 1.

Rystil Arden

First Post
"It is done, just as with the ogre," Lasair says simply, "You can either restrain it or coup de grace it at your leisure. Cludge's altered state should last for a number of hours, but without the creature to make sinister suggestions, it should not be as much of a hindrance."


"Kitty is sleeping now, Cludge. Let us tiptoe away and not wake her," says Conuld, shaking his head. "Sleep long, Kitty," he says, giving Kurgahz a meaningful glance.

Voidrunner's Codex

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