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A fairly unique character? Balanced?


If you game with me then back off! This is secret info for the world, me and our regular DM

Okay. In our RttToEE campaign I will either play my negotiator character, or this little fellow. Me and my DM agrees it might work, however we both agree that it's a little unbalanced. That is it's fairly weak even while he's immortal. You will understand why later :)
So, we both agree he needs "something" he is good at. It cannot be combat oriented because THAT would be too powerful as he could fight and fight and never die. In fact, we've ruled he cannot fight at all but to do easly slaps and grapples. The best idea this far is to apply a level 1 commoner class then give him a decent intimidate rank as most people feel rather uncomfortable if they talk to him too much.
At first glance it might seem incredible powerful to play an immortal character. And I agree it would be too powerful if you played an immortal stereotyped hero. However, this guy cannot do anything on his own except to complain and that's his charm.
I've figured out that he might be abused to set off traps, if the other players are smart enough :)
The easiest way to imagine this character is to think about Marvin, from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy books.

Any ideas how to balance this?

And if you are some sort of hardcore forgotten realms guru then take the background with a pinch of salt. It's only one of all views he might think this happened. He might as well be a very tough freak!

Fohre is alive. He has always been. In fact, he has lived so long that he no longer cares about anything. To tell the truth, he wants to die as soon as possible because living makes him insane!
Fohre is the result of something that went incredibly wrong. He is a 'fallen' god because he doesn't want to be a god. He is the first prototype of a god Ao created. The one who was created to be wasted. The test god before anyone else was created. God version 1.0 beta. Ao created Fohre first of all gods then all the others just to forget about them and let them mind their own business. Fohre was a god, no god in particular but a regular god. Ao forgot about Fohre and he didn't give a rat's ass about it, he was fine in his very miserable and really annoying, highly irritating and incredible tiny demiplane where he was for thousands and thousands of years complaining for himself. He couldn't sleep, he couldn't move, he couldn't hurt himself. He coldn't do nothing at all except to complain. And he did. Until Time of Troubles. As all gods he was punished to wander the earth as a regular mortal. However, as he didn't have any particular form or avatar, he entered Earth as nothing special so as a formless being he just floated in into the first being he saw on the earth, a regular depressive human with a dozen exotic mental disorders. Since then, he has been trapped in this particular human. As the other gods had no idea Fohre existed or even had godly powers, they mistaken him for a normal human and let him be while they killed other gods or powerful beings. Later on when the war was over and no one had taken his place as a regular god he regained his godly powers, in his very human form. But why the hell should he care, and what can he do about it? Ever since, he has walked around and in whole, doing nothing for hundreds of years.
Fohre does have godly powers. He is immune to almost exactly everything except for depression and pain. Not physical pain but that very annoying sort of mental pain. This whole immunity thing is something he figured out after hundreds of years and an equal amount of accidents later. He is immortal, and he hates it! He would like to die or at least sleep or pass out but he can't. He has been awake for thousands of years and he hates that! He has tried to kill himself several times but he can't. Sometimes he enters a deep forest or a dungeon just to see if there's a new powerful monster with the right stuff to kill him for good. But there isn't and that is VERY irritating. Those huge teeth are also very irritating. The smell is really irritating. Everything is very irritating.
As for the rest of the godly powers, Fohre doesn't know, nor care if he can cast spells and/or do miracles. Why should he? In fact, Fohre doesn't care about anything at all and he hasn't for several hundreds of years. He used to be a bit interested in most things but that was so long ago he has managed to do everything you can ever do, to his knowledge. For hundreds of years he hasn't done anything important or magnificent at all. And that is really boring and depressive.
To waste time Fohre just walks around. If someone asks him something he usually answers then he complains and complains about everything for hours. If someone tells him to do something he does that and complains during the time. If no one cares or notices him he complains in general for those who listens. Fohre doesn't care about people. If someone asks him to do something then another asks him to do something else he usually does the first thing then the other, or he just sit down and complains. He doesn't own anything except for his clothes because there's no reason too. Fohre doesn't care. There's no reason too.
There are little known facts about why Fohre are so depressive. It might have something to do that he has lived longer than any other god (except for Ao, of course) without knowing about his godly powers, doing nothing for a vast majority of his whole life then do mortal things as an immortal being.


(Phew, that's a long post)

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So you want to play an immortal indesctructible being with no real powers. Added to this you want to be a constant whiner. I can see it as an interesting story but my question to you would be why would the rest of the party put up with it? Just to have someone who could walk through traps unscathed, clearing the way for them?


Wicht said:
So you want to play an immortal indesctructible being with no real powers. Added to this you want to be a constant whiner. I can see it as an interesting story but my question to you would be why would the rest of the party put up with it? Just to have someone who could walk through traps unscathed, clearing the way for them?

Well, that's one way to see it :)

You haven't met my old physics teacher. He is like that and he's a very interesting person. I think I will have to playtest all the small details. There are lots of small detals...


Well, if someone tried to pull that off in one of my games, the answer would be a resounding 'NO', in three different languages.
He sounds a lot like a depressed kender, except for the immortal bit, you know.


I gotta agree with NiTessine.

I wouldn't allow it in any of my games unless it was a one on one game. A PC like this is just asking for trouble - no matter how you run him.


If I were one of the other players, I'd be annoyed. If I was the DM, I'd say no.

Not because what you're proposing is unbalanced, though it could be in a way, it just doesn't seem like fun to me, and is just too off the wall. I'd play the negotiator and perhaps let the DM bring this guy in as an NPC. Maybe after some time with the party as an NPC, you could determine whether making him a PC would be balanced and fun.


I see your points.

But I still thinks it would be a blast to play him!
-"Can you get that book for me?"
-"Sure whatever like if that would change anything as I have to walk and get that book then walk back and give that book to you and it's so annoying and I dont like that at all but whatever someone have to get it as if it would make a difference if i said no I don't want to but what can I do about it you would just ask me again and your voice are very irritating the pain the suffering the voices Here are your book its incredible heavy and annoying stupid book" :)

Man that was fun!

I have always, at least 95% of my character, have been real, true heroes who love to do everything, particularly hard work. This one is different.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
And then there's the simple question - if this guy really doesn't care at all, why is he there? Everything like the teeth and all are irritating. How long will this character actually bother to stay with people...

And, is it really fair to laden the party with someone who cannot die, but also cannot really take full part in something as reportedly dangerous as RtToEE?

med stud

First Post
I, as a DM, could accept this character in my campaign, with a few if:s (låter bättre med "ett par om" iofs :) (Just some national secret club- talk ;) );

IF the other players thought it was alright

IF there were few players in the group

and, most of all

IF you could find a convincing reason that this character would bother with this; after all, the main enemy of this adventure want's to wipe out the entire world if Im right. Isnt it in a way what this character wants? If the world was away, then Ao maybe would give him another role in the new creation, or would just put him to sleep.

But what matters is really you and your group. Ask your DM before you ask the boards, IMO. Only he/she can give you the answer you really want.

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