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A Clash of Earth and Sea (El Jefe Judging) [See Part II]

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First Post
Iggy reloads and shouts to the others, "Gather near Zach. I'll haste everyone once we're together. He moves forward towards Zach 20 feet.


The dark-clad warrior recoils a step from the arrows, but resumes attacking the pirates with a growl.

OoC: Shouldn't Zack have gotten an Attack of Opportunity on one of the pirates firing on him? Or did Opale blind the pirates closest to Zack and the three left of the original 8 were the furthest from him?
In the following rounds, Zack will be attacking at full Combat Expertice, bringing his AC to 18.
Bless, CE3 (1d20+5=15, 2d4+4=9)


Dalamar said:
OoC: Shouldn't Zack have gotten an Attack of Opportunity on one of the pirates firing on him? Or did Opale blind the pirates closest to Zack and the three left of the original 8 were the furthest from him?

I had intended to mention 5' steps, but I suppose it's also possible that the three nearby ones weren't adjacent to Zack to begin with.


Round 1 Concludes
Jack shoots a fire arrow onto the nearby pirateship.

Ducane moves 120' toward Zack. He's most of the way there, only 30' to go.

Charlarn runs forward, crossing (??) feet towards the pirates. (Charlarn seems to be wearing a chain shirt, but his character sheet reflects a movement of 20'. Help me out here...)

Round 2 Begins
Zack wounds a pirate for 9 damage.

Opale casts mirror image (number of images?) and moves 30' toward the pirates.

Planus shoots a pirate for 9 damage.

Iggy reloads and moves forward.

LT Crossbows v Ducane (1d20+3=13, 1d8=3, 1d20+3=10, 1d8=6, 1d20+3=21, 1d8=4, 1d20+3=22, 1d8=5, 1d20+3=4, 1d8=3, 1d20+3=17, 1d8=5)

The pirates with crossbows hit Ducane for 14 damage as he runs in.

Scimitars v Zack (1st 2, without flanking) (1d20+4=17, 1d6+2=6, 1d20+4=17, 1d6+2=7)

v Zack, Flanking with Scimitar (1d20+6=25, 1d6+2=7)
crit confirm (1d20+6=21, 1d6+2=8)

Zack's defensive stance saves him from two enemy blows, but the third opponent catches him with his guard down, solidly wacking him for 15 damage.

[Jack is up. Another fire arrow?]


OoC: Zack is now at -1HP. Of course, had I instead Raged and/or used Power Attack instead Combat Expertice he might be still standing thanks to downing one or two pirates. Oh well, them's the breaks and he's been saved once already thanks to retroactive raging, no need to make a habit of it.

IC: "Damn..." the warrior grunts as his knees give up from under him and he falls.

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