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D&D 5E [5e] One shot - Frolic and Fire [IC] [FULL]


A knock on the door brings a young man, maybe 17 yers old, with a patchy brown three o clock shadow, scruffy brown hair, a light gray woolen smock and brown leather apron to the door. "yes?"
tglassy said:
“You there,” Badger says to the door man. “We’re here on business. I think. Can’t quite recall. Something about a caravan. Or monkeys. Not sure which. Either way, is the master of the place home or is there somewhere else we need to go?”
"Caravan? Oh yeah. thats here. come in, I'll tell dad, er, Mr. Corvan you're here."

Walking inside reveals a decent sized office with a wooden table piled with parchment and another door, presumably leading to the warehouse itself. After a minute or so wait, a wiry human male enters through the other door. He is roughly 5'5" with short brown hair. The family resemblance to the young lad is clear. His skin is well tanned and he wears a light blue tunic and leather apron similar to the one the boy wore, although this one is much dirtier, and he has a strong odor of sweat about him. He's clearly been working hard already.
"Ah. you..." he looks at the group "You must be here for the guard job. Good. We're loading the last two wagons today so they should be ready first thing in the morning. Two silvers a day plus meals. Meals provided as you go, silver payable on delivery to Daggerford. Sound good?"

[MENTION=5044]Charwoman Gene[/MENTION]
[MENTION=6855545]Archon Basileus[/MENTION]

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"High Blessing to you Master Corvan," the tall, (specially to someone 5-5) bald goliath says with a half bow. "I am Lu Manno, and your offer is satisfactory to me. Will the goods need guarding this night or do we start on our agreed employment in the morning?"


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Whisper had lost his interest until the young man came to the door, and his eyes light up. The tabaxi slips inside the building right behind the lad, and when Mr Corvan enters the office from the side door, Whisper looks into the other room quickly before the door is shut behind the man.

"What's the cargo?" he asks curiously without taking his eyes off the door.


Esmer/The Ward

Milady followed the others through town. In a small town like this, she got a few looks. Not only was she beautiful, but she was wearing a mask over her eyes, not something usually seen in these parts.

Milady studied the building known as the Ward as they approached, noting the doors and searching out other places of access beyond the conventional, as was her practice. They would make good exits, too, should one be needed in haste.

Thandar went and knocked on the door. It was answered by a young man, and Milady favored him with a smile. She slipped into a well-practiced sultry S-pose, knowing how to get men to do what she wanted, though things seemed well. They entered and met the boy’s father, who gave them the terms of the guard contract.

“Before we agree, what exactly are we transporting?” Milady asked.

The tabaxi seemed to have the same idea.

“And three silver,” Milady added. “We aren’t your normal caravan guards. You are getting quality here.”


[sblock=Milady’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 0
AC: 15
HP: 20/20 HD: 2/2d10+2
Init: +3
PP: 10
PI: 12
Bolts: 38 Used: 0
Action Surge (1/R)
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+2)



Whisper had lost his interest until the young man came to the door, and his eyes light up. The tabaxi slips inside the building right behind the lad, and when Mr Corvan enters the office from the side door, Whisper looks into the other room quickly before the door is shut behind the man.

"What's the cargo?" he asks curiously without taking his eyes off the door.

KahlessNestor said:
“Before we agree, what exactly are we transporting?” Milady asked.

The tabaxi seemed to have the same idea.

“And three silver,” Milady added. “We aren’t your normal caravan guards. You are getting quality here.”

Darvo looks at the Tabaxi and the very good looking human woman. "I... I can only pay two per day for the roughly seven day trip but, since you're here a day early I'll pay for that as well. It's the best I can do.
"As for the cargo, it's lot of things. Salted fish, mostly. But also a good sized load of bogwood, tools, sacks of grain, some other salted meats. The Usual.
"And let me guess, your next question is why it needs guarding, Right? Because it's valuable. And there's thieves and cutthroats and goblins and who know what else between here and there these days and those folks need these goods. If there's no other questions, I need to get back to loading the wagons."


"Come away," Lu Manno says with a gesture to the group. "We will let you to your work, good sir."

OOC: Is it time for the Frolic part of our story?? LOL Or do you wish to just fast forward to the morning and us heading out??


[sblock=serious spoiler alert]
If we did that, you'd miss the fun...

You walk out of the warehouse back into the gray day. The morning mists are beginning to burn off and the clouds are starting to break up a little, making it look like it might actually be a decent day. The people go about their daily routines around you, always noting the Tabaxian and the men being particularly interested in Milady. In fact you notice several apparent wives giving her daggered looks as if it were her fault she looks the way she does.

It is roughly two hours before noon at this point, what would you like to do?
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Upon hearing he will be guarding a load of fish, Whisper involuntarily licks his lips before catching himself. Instead, he nods sagely, pretending to be interested in the rest of the story.

Then when the big guy motions everyone out, the tabaxi follows. Out on the street, there are several people watching him, and he ignores it. Everywhere Whisper goes in these parts, he is treated as an exotic creature; depending on the people, he is a fascinating story or an odd nuisance.

But what the tabaxi also sees, are women who give Milady foul looks. Grinning to himself, the tabaxi moves amongst these ladies and, without looking at their faces, announces, "Whisper knows that men follow their noses more than their eyes. Whisper has exquisite perfumes from the Lands Beyond The Horizon, able to bewitch anyone who smells it."

Then he casually sits down on the floor, crosslegged and his back towards a wall, as if nothing happened.

Voidrunner's Codex

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