• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E 5e Halcyon Academy


"Zivar! We are here." Barked Tyrin, as he brought the wagon to a stop outside the city. The middle aged Dwarf looked back at his Gnome passenger. "This, boy, is where you get off. Your father paid for you to tag along and we like doing business with him but we will be a while checking in. It would be quicker for you to go on without us and our business here is complete. Go make something of yourself, maybe then your father will buy us all a round." He chuckled.

Tyrin was a member of the Stonehands clan and a supplier of precious metal, gold and silver for Zazilvar's father. Transportation the Llast had been arranged when it came up over a few drinks that Tyrin was going to be in a wagon caravan bringing supplies from the Stonehands clan to Llast for some ship builder whose name escapes Zivar at the moment. No matter.

"Thank you and should I do well it will be I that buys you a round!"
Zivar smiles as he climbs down from the wagon and double checks to make sure he has all this things before heading into the city. Business first he reminds himself as he inquires directions to two places in town to a guard on his way in. The Tower, and the tavern. He feels foolish as the guard simply grunts and points when asked about the tower, "Not off to a good start now are you Zivar" he thinks to himself as he looks at the tower looming over everything. His nerves need calming, his stomach needs food, and a chance to look around at the find bobbles the city folk are wearing might help him with his sketches, since he has been suffering from a bit of a creative block since finding out his father wanted him to go to the Academy.

A few minutes later he finds himself looking up in the air at a sign hanging from a post. The Little Spitter.

Zivar heads in, finds an open seat, preferably one at an empty table, and waits to see if someone is going to come and take an order.

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Llast/The Little Spitter
Late Fall/Morning

Asherah looked over at the human as he settled onto the seat next to her and introduced himself. She gave him a big smile. “Hello, Korlin,” she said. “I am Asherah. I am going to be attending the Academy.” She held out her hand to him in the way humans greeted each other. Her tail curled around behind her and her ears flicked a bit, calico fur ruffling. “This is very good. Ale, right?” She took another sip and licked the foam off her lips.


Mim settles down in a nice cramped ally with some large empty kegs in, Mim pulls of the lid of one such keg and climbs in side. Setting down the rat the Kenku inclined his head and made a short squeak of apology. Before offering up the nugget of cheese. Barnabus happily devours the cheese as Mim waits his stomach begins to grumble.


Jordy is in the open, on the main street leading from the mountain, down to the cove, going right by the Tower. It is an open street, with many shops and stalls set up, and a number of people walking back and forth. There is ample opportunity to escape down alleys, or simply getting lost in a crowd.

"Who I am depends on you," the woman said with a smile. "Friend? Foe? Teacher? Lover? Murderer? All these options are technically possible, though some harder than others. Right now, I am simply offering you a proposition. How you decide once you hear it is up to you, though I think you'll be intriued.[/sblock]

[sblock=The Little Spitter Tavern]
Zivar find a booth quickly, the last empty booth in the tavern. It is fairly crowded, with many people standing at the bar. There is a group of Genasi at one table, one earth, one water and one air, playing cards and laughing loudly. A Tabaxi and a human are at the bar, chatting amiably. In another booth, a half elf is strumming lightly on a lute, a calming tune that fills the tavern with soft music, giving it an upbeat atmosphere. A number of female humans are sitting at the booth with him, listening and sipping their drinks.

The bartender, a Dwarf, sees you sit and sends one of his waiters to your table, a tall Dragonborn, looking very out of place with the waiters apron he is wearing. He must be both waiter and bouncer.

"What will you have?" he asks amiable enough.

At the bar, Korlin grins as he takes Asherah's hand, squeezing gently as he shakes it, "The best dwarven Ale this side of the Silverback Mountains, eh Dergon?" He turns to the dwarf, lifting his mug.

"Bah, it's ogre spittle," the dwarf says as he cleans a mug. "But it be good enough for ye."

Korlin laughs as he takes another swig. "He's joking," Korlin says to Asherah. Then stops and looks thoughtful. "I think. At any rate, the Academy, huh? I'm headed there myself. Came all the way from Atemial, up north if you don't know where that is. Have you made it to the Tower yet? Do you have your coin?"

*Atemial is one of the largest human kingdoms to the north. The kingdom holds great influence, as the steel made there is second only to the dwarven made steel of the Silverback Mountains. It is a land of great wealth, though the King tends to rule with a hard, if not fair, fist. That's all most people know about it unless they've been there. [/sblock]


While the rat eats his cheese, Mim hears some gruff voices coming down the alley.

"If we don't smuggle these on to the ship by nightfall, Korlin will have our heads," one of the voices says. "Use the empty keg. We don't want anyone cracking it open and finding them."

Before Mim can do anything, a bag appears above him, and drops down on the Kenku, with the tale tell clink of metal on metal, and the jingling of coins. He can also smell food. The owners of the voices don't seem to notice him.

"Get the lid on, and put it with the other kegs. There's a ferry to the ship in half an hour. Make sure it gets on."

Mim can either try to get out, or stay in the keg, but in about twenty seconds, he has a strong feeling the lid to the keg will be nailed back on. [/sblock]


Stunned by the sudden appearance of a bag Mim doesn't quite know what to and finds himself trapped in the crate. Making the best of a bad situation Mim roots around inside his prize seeing what he can find.


Inside the bag, Mim finds a virtual treasure trove. A dagger, made of strong Atemial Steel, a cloth pouch filled with gold pieces (50 in total), a signet ring that glows slightly, and a modified hand crossbow with a pearl handle. The modification allows the bow portion of the crossbow to fold inward to better conceal the crossbow, and will snap back in to place upon flipping a switch on the side. Along with the hand crossbow is a small quiver of twenty bolts made of the same Atemial Steel as the dagger.

Each item is branded with a stylized R, obviously an identifier of some kind. They would be easily recognized by their original owner, whoever that may be. They would be very...put off at loosing this cache. You do, however, also realize that almost all these items are forbidden from being taken to the academy. Whoever they belong to is trying to smuggle them in.

However, since you chose to look through the bag instead of trying to get out, you do not have much time to consider this, as the lid to the keg closes over it, and you hear the sound of a hammer nailing the lid shut. You then feel the keg lifted in the air, being taken to who knows where. [/sblock]

Jordy is in the open, on the main street leading from the mountain, down to the cove, going right by the Tower. It is an open street, with many shops and stalls set up, and a number of people walking back and forth. There is ample opportunity to escape down alleys, or simply getting lost in a crowd.

"Who I am depends on you," the woman said with a smile. "Friend? Foe? Teacher? Lover? Murderer? All these options are technically possible, though some harder than others. Right now, I am simply offering you a proposition. How you decide once you hear it is up to you, though I think you'll be intriued.

At the word "Murderer," Jordy shivers, and the smell of smoke wafts about him. "Wh-what do you want?"


"I wish only that you succeed," she said with a smile. She stepped closer to him. "Not all who make the long trip to the Academy make it past the entrance exams. You must pass at least one to stay. I can guarantee your entrance into at least one school."

She stepped past him. "If you are interested, meet me at the tavern tonight, after you have checked in at the Tower. Ask for Melinda. If you are not interested, don't. It is that simple. Perhaps you can pass the entrance exams on your own. Perhaps you don't need help. I'll leave that up to you."

She walked away, disappearing into the crowd. [/sblock]

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Charwoman Gene

Mountains Above Llast: Midday.

Dariana Stoneleaf

A young wood elf has found a quiet spot to rest along the trail. She sits in reverie with nature and her thoughts flow. Nature holds sway here. I know where I am and where I fit. That... city is full of people and I don't fit. Theriss thought I could find a path here. I wonder if this is right for me.

The elf gets up, gathering her meagre possessions and approaches Llast.

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