• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

(5E) D&D/Moorcock Multiverse Inspiration PBP


(Let's try and get this going again. I know we have Alan and Selythin. Eovin too! 👍 Sorry it died for a month! Casts revivify! 🎱)

(I'm going to control Ralph Crenshaw and have him stay back to protect the various NPCs still with you, but if you wanna come back, Dreaming Knight, we'd love to have you! 🤙⚔️)

(Also, Josiah Jones... Have we seen the last of him and Kaylee Infiri, the lawful god of fire and judgement? If you see this, we'd love to have you back. Otherwise I'm just going to take some liberal actions with these characters and keep the story pumping. 🔫🔥✊)

(Likewise, Sirocco, jump in if/when you can. I'm already rolling dice for the Bariur anyway. I'll play him too unless you'd like to take control again. 🐐)

Initiative Order:

Eovin (flies up out of range and blasts faerie fire successfully, everyone has advantage on attacks now)

Chaos Beasts (come through the broken doorway, one attacks Alan and one attacks Selythin)

Alan Oake (attacks with advantage in fencing style with a rapier found in the rubble from the battle that happened before you all arrived)

Selythin (also attacks with advantage with his family heirloom sword)

Sirocco (headbutts with advantage at the chaos beast attacking Alan)

As the weird, hybrid, chaos beasts started to charge down the hallway the little pixie, Eovin, swooped up into the air and waved her tiny hand. Suddenly, the half cheetah-orangutan, the strange wolf-demon, and the odd flightless bird with muscly arms and teeth lit up a bright, violet hue, making them stand out in the dark corridor.

The beasts were quick, lashing out at Alan and Selythin as they came through the doorway with long, razor-sharp claws, but the young tailor and lost prince were quicker. Their attacks had no effect as Selythin blocked with shield and Alan feinted into a parry.

Alan's attack (giving you bonus for the advantage you had just to move things forward) found purchase in the wolf-demon's sickening flesh, ichor splashing on the dirt floor of the cellar. He hurt it dearly, but didn't finish the vile thing.

Likewise, Selythin plunged his ancestral black blade into the cheetah-ape-demon, steaming black ooze covering the blade, but the creature didn't fall.

Sirocco, the Bariur wanderer, head-butted the chaos creature attacking Alan Oake. He connected, smashing into the thing hard and causing it to hit the floor and dissipate into a thousand disgusting fragments.

"Stay behind me, dudes and pretty faerie lady! These monsters are wicked, bro!" Ralph Crenshaw said as he backed Jim, Bo, Bradrick the burly bully, and fair Page into the far corner of the cellar defensively. He put himself and his glowing sword between the remaining beasts and those under his protection.

"Y-y-you really think I'm pretty?" Page clutched onto Ralph's armored arm as she blurted out the words.

Ralph visibly blushed, but stayed focused.

Cousin Zenythin stood to the side and slightly behind Selythin. He took the opportunity to thrust his own sword at the cheetah beast, but his strike went wide, failing to connect.

The last creature, the muscly ostrich-demon, stayed at the foot of the stairs halfway down the hall, effectively blocking the path forward.

(Happy to be back in it with you guys. Go ahead and give me your next round actions, attacks, etc. 😊 🎲🎲🎲)


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Steve Gorak

OOC: if Alan acts first & kills the demons facing him, Selythin will attack the ostrich demon. Otherwise, he’ll strike at the foe in front of him

Selythin mumbles words from deep within, that resonate though his blade as he strikes, holding his shield protectively.

OOC: move to ostrich demons if applicable
Attack: 22, damage: 7, booming blade damage if applicable 8
note: my interpretation of booming blade is that the thunder noise & damage only happens if the creature moves

William Smith1

"All in a days work Alan! I'm goin after that ostrich thing down there next! Yee Ha!"

OOC: Please roll for me Jhary another Head Butt.
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(I was hoping for an Eovin action, but we'll assume she's on reaction, anticipating the fight. She can jump in whenever.)

The weird ostrich thing held its ground, waiting until the first combatant got within range.

Selythin and Alan were quickly on top of the remaining foe.

The young prince caught a beak in the ribs causing 5 damage just before there was a deafening crack of thunder.

The beast vanished in a black pool of bile, leaving Sirocco, Alan, and Selythin in the dark hallway.

Stairs wound upward to the right. A locked door stood at the end of the corridor.


(Oops, meant to post sooner. She did not have any means of attack that round anyway.)

Eovin stays above the fray. She casts produce flame, creating a ball of flame in her hand. This provide 10 feet of light plus 10 more feet of dim light around the group. "Is anyone injured?"

"Which way? I say the door. Don't want anything sneak up behind us as we ascend the tower."


Cousin Zenythin inched down the hallway as well. He craned his neck to look up the stairs in the new light provided by Eovin. He turned toward the bariur wanderer, glancing at the door. "Not too eager to see what or who's behind there EITHER..." He clutched sword in hand loosely, making sure he maintained a good deal of space between him and the stairs leading upward.

Sir Ralph called down the corridor from the dirt-floored cellar. "Hey! Dudes! Lemme know what's happening...I can't see, brah!"

The other humans, Jim, Bo, and Bradrick paced about nervously in the safety of the basement room.


Steve Gorak

Sir Ralph called down the corridor from the dirt-floored cellar. "Hey! Dudes! Lemme know what's happening...I can't see, brah!"

Selythin was satisfied. The combat went well, and his companions were worthy.

He answered Sir Ralph ”Perhaps it would be preferable for you to protect the fey folk outside, where you can better see.”

Looking at the options he nods. “The door it is”
He goes next to it and tries to open it.


Bradrick, Jim, and Bo looked at each other and at Sir Ralph Crenshaw. Their looks told they agreed with Selythin's concern, even as the Dreaming Knight sighed. "Okay, elf dude. I can't see and neither can these guys...We'll shout real loud if we see any other creepy monasters out there."

The Dreaming Knight paused and looked at Page. "Coming too, pretty lady?" He started his way up the cellar stairs with the others in tow.

Page hesitated. She glanced down the hallway and, even though it were dark, she could see just fine due to her fey ancestry.

She hovered in the doorway (stood contemplating, not actual floating) looking at Zenythin, Selythin, Alan, and the Bariur Sirocco, then called out: "Excuse me, heroes? Do you need me to continue on with you into the castle? I-I-I think I'd like to make sure Sir Ralph and everyone is comfortable outside..."

Zenythin just sneered, staying behind the group and away from the stairs or door, at the end of marching order.

Meanwhile, Selythin, at the other end of the hallway, strode over and opened the door.

(Selythin, make a WISDOM save as you open the door. A bolt of Eldritch energy surges through you. 6 damage or half as much on a successful save.)

* * *

Voidrunner's Codex

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