• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

(5E) D&D/Moorcock Multiverse Inspiration PBP


"Aloe! Look! They can come but they'll fare just as well as ice cubes on a hot summer day in the fey-wild. I'm pretty sure the storm's gonna destroy everything around here..."

The lady, old or young, looked serious.

She kept muttering to herself, then cried out.

"They can come! Fine! You figure it out!"

The lady sniffed loudly. Almost reverting into sobs.

"Let's ALL go!"

She tried to compose herself. It wasn't easy. She kept fumbling around, fidgeting with anything in sight.

Alan didn't know what to think at all.

* * *

"But if they won't survive, how will I? I mean I'm - "

Alan paused a long moment, working it over in his head. As he thought, all that could be heard were her sobs and the lashing of the rain.

"I'm from the Feywild?"

Alan look out the window, at his neighbors and friends, and frowned. "We can't leave them. If we can take them, then we have to try. I'll - if I - if we can survive here, maybe we can figure out a way to help them survive there. Or if we have enough time, we can try and stop it before it gets out of hand... I heard rumors that time in the Feywild passes differently..."

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Steve Gorak

Selythin rested after his battle.

Fires still burned in the distance. The heavy scent of death hung in the air.

Slowly, images came to the elven prince.

It was, similar to astral-projection, as if Selythin traveled through space and time.

He dreamed of the city. The palace. The throne room. The dungeons. The vaults.

Behind a giant, sturdy door lie the blade. The black sword.

The outcast prince heard a whisper in the dark.

"Go to the river. Not the one below, but above. Your heritage awaits thee."
Selythin pondered on the vision he just had. The river above... Is this a riddle or instructions, or both?
He wondered if he was being called back to the city, or if the request was more subtle.
In any case, he decides to fly upwards, perhaps the river above is in the clouds, or refers to rain. He goes slowly, carefully, with weapon and shield ready, in case he has to face more chaos beasts.

Once up above the clouds, if there is nothing of interest, he will travel towards the directions where the beasts seem to have come from. The river above...Perhaps this is the river of beasts?



Ralph Crenshaw sprinted into the storm toward the old man, yelling as he got nearer.

As soon as Sir Ralph approached the hunchbacked guy stopped, eyes wide, visible even in the dark and rainy haze.

The old man fumbled with his over-large cloak, pulling it aside to draw a longsword.

It was hard to see his expression, but as Ralph squinted, suddenly the blade the old man held aloft started to glow.

It lit up the man's wrinkled features. He was staring intensely at Ralph, muttering something to himself under the whistling wind.

Then the old man spoke louder: "You! It is you! Finally, at long last, I've found you!" He started to move toward Crenshaw at a quicker pace.

Ralph hadn't considered this guy to be a threat at all before, but...maybe...

* * *

The horses grumbled, but they listened to Eovin. "Can't find the damn road little lady!" "How're we supposed get fed if our master is missing!?" They led the cart back toward the way the caravan had come from or so they thought.

Bo kept standing up on the front of the wagon, shouting into the dense woods all around. "Jim! Pop! We can't see you! We can't see the road even!" The young man was panicking.

Eovin couldn't find the path either. The horses were just going in circles.

Just then the whole lot of them heard a tinkling voice, small but clear over the noise of wind and rain. It trilled lightly and said: "This way!"

A ball of light appeared to one side of the wagon.

It hovered in place for a moment then headed slowly into the nearby woods.

* * *

Kaylee, body inhabited by Infiri, sighed and stood up with the knife.

She kept looking Josiah Jones dead in the eye. A long silence.

"This world...cannot be saved...as it IS. It, and many other worlds, will be remade in the fires of this troubling time. As for the innocent..."

Kaylee/Infiri sighed again.

"There is no perfect answer. Many will surely perish...although I've tried to give the good people of this realm every possible chance of survival. My influence on this sphere is waning...hence my need for escape...and your assistance..."

Kaylee stabbed the knife into the wooden table for emphasis. Then she reached over and extinguished the only lamp in the tiny shack.

"Rest, gatekeeper. We still have a long way to go..."

* * *

Alan Oak kept staring at the woman and he was getting good at seeing both versions at once. It was almost like he knew the person underneath the costume really well.

Before he had a chance to speak further the woman blew her nose loudly again.

"Fine! Bring them all! But-but we...you... gotta get outta here! That's what I'm trying to say! And-and you didn't even recognize me or ask my name-name. Oh-golly-deary-no-no."

She looked sad but all the tears had dried.

In fact, both her and Alan were fairly toasty after their conversation near the fire.

Just then, they both heard a loud crashing sound outside and some people screaming above the whipping wind.

Through the window the pair could easily see.

The damn had broken.

* * *

Prince Selythin tried to puzzle out his vision while taking to the sky. He operated on pure instinct. No inspiration beyond "look up there" was needed however because as the demon-tainted elf drifted upwards he spied exactly what he was looking for.

There above. Was it a river of flying beasts? The ripples were chaotic, but not living. This was just a violently babbling brook running briskly along an unseen landscape.

As the elf climbed higher, what was up became gradually down. Down seemed to drift higher, until Selythin's bearings were all topsy-turvy.

He tried to focus on the running river. For all its chaos it was the steadiest landmark within eyesight.

Far ahead, an extreme squinting was necessary, Prince Selythin spotted something in the churning water.

Was it a creature?

A boat?

The prince dared not fly lower/higher in fear of losing sight of the thing in the distance.

* * *

Steve Gorak

Prince Selythin tried to puzzle out his vision while taking to the sky. He operated on pure instinct. No inspiration beyond "look up there" was needed however because as the demon-tainted elf drifted upwards he spied exactly what he was looking for.

There above. Was it a river of flying beasts? The ripples were chaotic, but not living. This was just a violently babbling brook running briskly along an unseen landscape.

As the elf climbed higher, what was up became gradually down. Down seemed to drift higher, until Selythin's bearings were all topsy-turvy.

He tried to focus on the running river. For all its chaos it was the steadiest landmark within eyesight.

Far ahead, an extreme squinting was necessary, Prince Selythin spotted something in the churning water.

Was it a creature?

A boat?

The prince dared not fly lower/higher in fear of losing sight of the thing in the distance.

What is this madness? Selythin thought to himself as he saw the river and the flipping of the sky and ground.

Undeterred, he flew closer to the boat. He sheathed his sword, as a show of good faith but kept his shield.
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"That's usually something you don't want to do," Eowin says. "Following a light of unknown origin. But at this point, I doubt going that way is any better or worse than wandering around in circles. Follow the light, faithful horses."

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Then the old man spoke louder: "You! It is you! Finally, at long last, I've found you!" He started to move toward Crenshaw at a quicker pace.

Ralph hadn't considered this guy to be a threat at all before, but...maybe...

Ralph tensed, his hand moving toward his hip. The lack of contact prompted the thought, Left my sword in the barn. Ralph clenched his fist, twisted his body just slightly. As the old man grew close to enough to see, Ralph realized he'd seen him before.

Well, drawn him before, to be precise, and not while in this world. The old man's face had taken form during lunch a few days ago, sketched out in light pencil before being inked with a Sharpie.

"Salve!" Ralph said as he gestured toward the barn. "Let's get out of this storm!"


Alan Oake kept staring at the woman and he was getting good at seeing both versions at once. It was almost like he knew the person underneath the costume really well.

Before he had a chance to speak further the woman blew her nose loudly again.

"Fine! Bring them all! But-but we...you... gotta get outta here! That's what I'm trying to say! And-and you didn't even recognize me or ask my name-name. Oh-golly-deary-no-no."

She looked sad but all the tears had dried.

In fact, both her and Alan were fairly toasty after their conversation near the fire.

Just then, they both heard a loud crashing sound outside and some people screaming above the whipping wind.

Through the window the pair could easily see.

The dam had broken.

"Oh no..."

Alan was out the door like a shot, and ran towards the others, shouting. "Listen! She says she can get us out of here! It - it might not be what you're used to but it's got to be better than here! Ma'am, whatever I can - "

He paused, and looked downcast. "I'm sorry. I should have asked your name. What's your name?"


Josiah had one thing he had always been good at. Sleeping. He could sleep anywhere, at any time. Sitting up, laying down, on a horse, it didn’t matter. He could just tell himself “it’s time to sleep”, and he’d fall asleep. Thankfully, he woke just as easily, but he’d never had trouble sleeping.

Blissfully, tonight was the same. Despite knowing the world was ending, the understanding that there was nothing he could currently do, and that his master, who saw more than he did, had told him the best thing to do was rest, gave himself permission to...just...



Selythin flew toward the river in the sky.

The water got closer and the mountain that had been below receded into the clouds.

It was a boat.

Selythin felt as if he were descending toward the small craft even as he tried to maintain his altitude.

He sniffed. The air here smelled of smoke.

He could see a lone figure lying down flat inside the little rowboat. A black sword was also lying there, next to the person.

It looked like the figure was waving and Prince Selythin could hear laughter wafting through the smokey air.

* * *

Jim nodded and shrugged at Eovin as she commanded the horses to follow the ball of light into the woods.

The younger son of the caravan leader kept shouting periodically. "Pop! Bo! Where are you?"

(Minor confusion. It really doesn't change anything...but! We switched which brother was with you accidently. It says the incorrect name in my posts too. Oops! 😬 Just to be clear. Laynard was on your cart first, but was dragged away by two monsters after he fell. Eovin and the horses rescued Jim by killing the third chaos creature. You never saw Bo or his cart after the wagons were separated. Whew. 🤓)

After a minute of repeated yelling from Jim, the ball of light stopped abruptly. It bounced gently in place.

Eovin swore she heard someone, over the rain and storm, shush them.


Jim instinctively clasped his hands over his mouth.

Then the ball of light flew off quickly, curving through the trees in a semi-circular direction.

(Go ahead and give me another Perception check along with your actions.)

* * *

"Brutta nottata..."

The old man muttered as he followed Ralph into the barn, still holding the glowing blade aloft. He immediately went to a stack of wet haystacks and almost collapsed.

Ralph could see a trail of blood leading from the door in a line to the fella clutching at his side underneath his large cloak.

He groaned then said: "Found you just in the nick of time."

He gritted his teeth and pulled the cloak aside. The wound looked bad.

"Maybe not... Damnit. I'm getting too vecchio for this merda. We've gotta do this quick. They could be right behind me..."

He tried to stand up, but he was too weak.

* * *

The lady who was somehow old and young at the same time ran after Alan Oake, out into the storm. She was still huffing and puffing into her make-shift hanky.

(Confusion #2. This doesn't change anything either, but I forgot the lady already said her name was Page. Oops! 😬)

"M-my-my name's P-p-page...but that's not important! I'm sorry princess Aloe! I shouldn't have gotten upset about that... Oh no! The poor little humans! I-I-I don't know what I can do, but maybe lead you all away from here b-back home..."

Water was rushing through the streets. Panicked people were screaming and running from their homes. Many buildings down main street were already collapsing from the crushing waves of water. Large chunks of debris floated by.

Men and women were carrying children to higher ground. It seemed most of the town was heading for the cemetery, which stood on a large hill overlooking town.

Just then they heard a cry. "Help!" Some burbling. "Heeellp!"

It was the burly bully from before. He was clinging to the lip of the well. Alan could only see his hands clinging to the stone.

Water was rushing so intensely over him he was about to be lost inside.

* * *

Josiah Jones woke in the early morning. It was still dark outside, rain rattling against the tin roof of the small shack.

Kaylee was nowhere to be seen. But, before Jones could even worry, he heard hooves clacking along the gravel path outside.

The door swung open slowly and there was Kaylee holding the reins of two horses.

"Good. You're awake. Come, we have a long, wet ride ahead of us..."

She looked around warily.

"If you're wondering. I procured these mounts from the men we murdered." She said it very matter-o-factly. "We are JUST in our actions, gatekeeper, but Bartleby Pile's 'friends' might not agree. Best to make haste."

* * *

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
He groaned then said: "Found you just in the nick of time."

He gritted his teeth and pulled the cloak aside. The wound looked bad.

"Maybe not... Damnit. I'm getting too vecchio for this merda. We've gotta do this quick. They could be right behind me..."

He tried to stand up, but he was too weak.

"Relax," Ralph said. "You're hurt. Orland, get back to your family. Bar the doors."

The farmer hesitated until he saw the look of steel in Ralph's eyes, and then he bowed and rushed out of the barn. Ralph grabbed his armor and started putting the pieces into place, making sure his sword was in arm's reach.

"Who could be right behind you?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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