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(5E) D&D/Moorcock Multiverse Inspiration PBP [CLOSED] - OOC discussion

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Steve Gorak

I'm waffling between two, with a third possibility inching forward.

The first two are actually my two main characters in IRL games I've played. My first long term character, Ryder, who was a Water Genasi Rogue Thief who eventually made so much money he built a castle and a town grew up around it, called Ryderton. I loved Ryder. He was amazing. But he started at lvl 6, so I have no idea what he was up to before that. The party met him in one of the nine hells, as he had been stranded there by his previous companions. I could make an alternate version of him, here, and explore who he was before. He's Chaotic Neutral/Good, and is very good at talking his way out of danger.

Second character is Josiah Jones, a Fire Genasi Fiend Pact Warlock, who made a pact with the God of Judgment, Infiri, becoming his Gatekeeper, an agent of the God of Judgement in the world, hunting down those who need judgement passed on them. Strictly Lawful Good, with the "Law" he follows being Infiri's law, not necessarily the law of the land. No killing innocents, but leaving no quarter for the guilty, that kind of thing.

Those two are already premade for me. I'd just have to transfer the stats over, though I'd reroll, because if I remember Ryder had godlike stats.

And lastly, I've never actually had the opportunity to play a Hexblade. I've played just about every other kind of Warlock, as they are my favorites, but I haven't had a chance to do a Hexblade right. I'll keep thinking about it.

hey Tglassy,

just a heads up, my character will be multiclassing into hexblade at level 2.



Dang, I take a few days to do finals and everyone pitches classes I'm interested in. 😁

Okay, here are my ideas:

(Bard/Paladin/Cleric) Essentially, the idea would be Ozma of Oz, but a (bard/paladin/cleric.) Someone who was raised human and male in an unassuming village and then found out one day that they had a special destiny all along: they're secretly a nymph princess, hidden away and ensorceled as a baby. Now they need to figure a few things out - how to navigate the intrigues of the court, and how this whole "girl?" thing works.

(Warlock/Sorceress) A woman winds up the subject of a magical experiment that either awakens a latent bloodline or binds her via an ancient pact: now she has budding genie powers. The cost, of course, is that should these powers ever fully mature, she'll wind up bound to servitude forever - so she might not be too thrilled about this "cosmic infusion" business, but she has too good a heart to turn down someone in need.

(Artificer/Wizard) Someone who hails from Eberron, who wound up losing a limb in the war and no longer able to practice the somatic gestures of the limited magecraft they were capable of. A search for the money for a prosthetic arm has led them down a path that winds up healing their soul instead of their arm (but they might get a prosthetic, too.) Essentially, Trans Doctor Strange. (I play trans people a lot.)

(Rogue Investigator) Another Eberron character; a changeling who has found their calling as a private investigator. Might not fit the themes of the setting, but haven't you always wanted to see a parlour room scene except it's a bunch of beings from alternate universes who might have a murderer most foul amongst them?

Let me know what looks good and what fits!


Okie doke. Just going through what I'm seeing here and I like it a lot!

Steve, the character looks cool. It says half-elf because of the story, but you used aasimar stats, right? Love it. I like the fallen paladin concept with the demonic infusion.

Jmucchiello, you're getting the right idea. Cosmic power. Eternal Champions. Law v Chaos.

Still keeping the details up in the air until we see all the characters. I want these specific aspects to be tied to each individual.☝️

Tglassy, I like the idea of both the first two characters. Each of these would have a different angle on most of the stuff going on in this law v chaos story. Sorry if that doesn't help you make a decision! 😬

Imaro, you're welcome to play. Post any questions here and your character sheet in the rogues gallery. Cheers! 😁

Charlotte, digging all these characters! Personally, my favorites are the first and last. I don't know Ozma from the Baum stories really, but with just a quick glance this concept is intriguing!

Also love the investigator angle. Don't know ebberron too well either (very broad strokes), but I'll happily read about anything that pertains to the character. I'm imagining that parlor room scene already! So much potential! 👍😊

Let's close the game for now. We can open it back up later if needed.

Justincase you can join in later.


--DM Jhary

Replace "nymph princess" with "generic fae" and it's basically the same concept. Thus your concept was better. :) My version the parents could not conceive and a "friendly" fae creature grants them a "wish".

Well, there wasn't any actual "wish" granting. The couple wanted a kid and they were given a fae child under some kind of glamour that didn't wear off until "he" was in his teens.

"Why do you cry lady?"

"I cannot bare my husband a child."

"You want a child?"

"Oh very much so."

"I can give you a child. A lovely young...."

"Boy? Gerard so would love a boy."

"Sure, It's a boy child." Drops a sprinkle of faery dust on the infant.

"Oh, what a lovely boy."

"Yes, it is a boy. Good luck."

The glamour worked too well. Instead of an impish child full of pranks, the boy was a serious child wanting to be helpful and knowledgeable. When the glamour wore off, she was appalled to discover she was a fae creature and rejected the urges of tomfoolery and pranking. Probably a warlock with a fae patron "Mom". Or maybe a wild sorcerer where the "magic" is just her fae nature revealing itself.

Now, if you do Ozma, I won't do this because we're all supposed to larger than life according to the backstory. So my character just being a run of the mill fae would be overshadowed by some destined nymph princess. If we weren't going for a bunch of champions, being you unwiling handmaid could be amusing. But I don't want to play a minor character. (Now, if you treated my char as a handmaid and were frustrate she doesn't "play nice" that's a different idea.)


Josiah Jones was a Lawman, a bounty hunter of sorts in the outskirts of civilization, where the law wasn’t enforced as it should be. He became frustrated with the larger cities, as the worst of criminals always seemed to get away with their crimes.

On the border towns, after catching a particularly difficult bounty, Josiah found an ancient structure that wound up being a portal to the Gates of Limbo Infiri.

There, he met Infiri, the God of Judgement and Ruler of the Underworld. Infiri is considered the most powerful, and feared, god in his pantheon. He rules Limbo Infiri, the land of judgement on those stained with evil. He is a fair god. Not evil. But not kind. Those who enter his Gates, be they god or mortal, never leave.

Josiah wanted the power to bring criminals to justice. Infiri granted that power.

Josiah Jones was wreathed in fire, and when his cries of agony faded, he was reborn. His hair and irises glowed softly, like embers in a cooling fire. When cut, his blood seems to be on fire. He stood before his god, an agent of judgement.

Gatekeepers are known in his world, and are well respected. Gatekeepers must follow the Law of Infiri. They do not harm the innocent. They only kill in either self defense, or when they are absolutely certain of their victim’s guilt. Ignorance is no excuse to Infiri. When a Gatekeeper kills, the soul of their victim is sent straight through the Gates of Limbo Infiri, into judgement. To send an innocent soul there is to blaspheme the God of Judgement. The power is not taken away from the Gatekeeper, as their power is granted in their transformation, not channeled from Infiri, but they will be marked. Other Gatekeepers will be sent to find them. Because this is well known, if a Gatekeeper chooses to kill someone, be it beggar or king, almost all law enforcement in every nation looks the other way. Whoever they killed had it coming. The last thing they hear is the words of the Gatekeeper: “Welcome to the Gates of Infiri.”

Josiah Jones was human, but is now a Fire Genasi Fiend Pact Warlock. His Eldritch Blast is in the form of an Infernal Revolver that he can create in his hand. This is just fluff. It’s just an Eldritch Blast, it just looks like a revolver. When he kills, his Dark One’s Own Luck ability grants Temporary Hit Points. When Trmporary Hit Points are damaged, I fluff it to look like he heals that damage immediately. So if he has 5 temp HP, and gets stabbed for 4 damage, then to the onlooker, the stab wound lights on fire and closes up.

All of that backstory was created by my old DM. It was part of his home brew campaign.

He wears a duster and cowboy hat. Cause reasons.

Voidrunner's Codex

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