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(5E) D&D/Moorcock Multiverse Inspiration PBP [CLOSED] - OOC discussion

Steve Gorak

Doing a point buy based on someone else's rolled stats isn't fair. Even using someone else's rolled stats isn't fair. The point of rolling for stats is that there's a bit of randomness to it. I was once forced to play with a roll where nothing was higher than a 13, and that was after racial stat bonuses, because I chose to roll rather than use the Standard Array (I typically do). Point Buy is for a decent set of stats that you control, but are no greater than the Standard Array, and 3 points for anything above a 15 is a house rule, not a rule in game.

If you want to take the chance to get better stats than the point buy offers, then you should roll your stats.

I hear you, but the discrepancy with the rest of the party is huge. At least if we were all allowed to use those rolled stats it’d be more fair.
I’ve played many games where the DM allowed players to use the stats of the highest rolling player, makes things more heroic, and no one feels left behind.
My 2 cents!


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I have a different definition of "fair". Fair is rolling for yourself, or using the standard array. The Standard Array is fairly potent, you can have at least one stat at 16, possibly two, and no stats under 8. Rolling gives a chance for greater, but also a chance for lower. It's a gamble. If everyone just took the highest rolled stats, why don't we just set everyone's stats at 18 and be done with it?

I do not, and never will, define "Fair" as everyone having the exact same of everything. Fair is having the same opportunity, not the same outcome. The character I made where no stat was over a 13, after racial bonuses, I had to think about how to use someone efficiently on lower stats, and he made a great character. There are plenty of abilities that don't require stats, and I wound up getting him proficiency in over half the skills, so my proficiency bonus made up for his lower stats.

But that's just me. Ultimately, its up to the DM.

Steve Gorak

I hear your point, but my argument is that big differences in the baseline stats create big inequalities, and largely skew outcomes.

To me, starting with a similar baseline is fair. What you do with it, now that’s a whole different topic!

As you said, it’s up to the DM.



Okay! Been thinking about some things.

Near-er to the beginning of this I tried to say let's all stick to the "core" rules. (And yes, maybe I never made it clear enough what that was! 😬)

The intent was...this game is gonna be far-out already so why not...keep it simple, stupid.. 🤗

And then! I revised that...because I wanted everybody to be able to play unique characters and stretch the limits of this multiverse.

The reasoning holds both ways... ➡️⬅️

But we might be going a little overboard here. I'm not going to make everybody go back to "core" (whatever that is 😜)...

There are some issues we need to address.

I want to reiterate this is a game where we're making a story. This is a collective creative endeavour.

So! I don't wanna clip anybody's creativity. I love that everyone is super excited. We just need to all get back on a similar page to start.

Mark! I see you're over there! Your character is elegantly simple so we haven't had to muck with the rules much. Glad to have you here! 😁

Jmucchiello, I've been thinking about the home brew pixie we're gonna use...

I think it's mostly okay, but let's make that invisibility power only work once a day (and that's still at level 3).

Also, and I actually want to hear everyone's opinion on this, is it fair to ask for some sort of penalty on hit points or something else (?) to reflect her extremely small and fragile stature. Maybe I just don't have a good grip on all the adjoining rules to being "tiny" size.

Steve and Tglassy (and everybody! 😉), let's keep it to "point buy" or "roll four drop the lowest." I agree that's the risk you get.

Along the same vein, if you're a genasi or tiefling or assimar or anything, please use the stats as presented. The whole "half-elf" or "half-something" thing is built into those races. Let's not cherry pick racial abilities or skills either.

The skills available to your character are also part of that "class selection" decision. So, if you're not getting access to skills you want, maybe change class?

Everyone who changed their magic stat, that's still fine.

"Re-flavoring" or "re-skinning" and "keeping it simple" are the names of the game here.

Anyone should be able to make a badass character without resorting to completely changing a bunch of aspects of creation.

I don't mind if you roll to see if you get better than point buy, and then if it's not better, just use the method that will be better. 🎲

All my DM calls are subject to change depending on new information or re-thinking. I'm not gonna keep changing shite though unless I really need to. 👍

I'm trusting you all to help me manage the craziness. 😝

Y'all rock! 🎸

Keep the discussion flowing! We're almost there! Party!


--DM Jhary

Jmucchiello, I've been thinking about the home brew pixie we're gonna use...

I think it's mostly okay, but let's make that invisibility power only work once a day (and that's still at level 3).
Can it go up at higher levels? Or perhaps it adds invisibility to my class spell list and I can choose it whenever I want to expend a normal spell slot.

Also, and I actually want to hear everyone's opinion on this, is it fair to ask for some sort of penalty on hit points or something else (?) to reflect her extremely small and fragile stature. Maybe I just don't have a good grip on all the adjoining rules to being "tiny" size.

You realize I've given up being able to turn into a Tiger or a Giant Eagle or a Bear so I can spend 10 minutes as a human. I don't think being tiny needs to be nerfed. My character can fly and can cast some attack cantrips. That's about it.

I suppose this is a bad time to bring up my homebrew Druid Circle that I finally found on the web: Druid Circle: Circle of the Song



Or perhaps it adds invisibility to my class spell list and I can choose it whenever I want to expend a normal spell slot.

That's perfectly fine!

You realize I've given up being able to turn into a Tiger or a Giant Eagle or a Bear so I can spend 10 minutes as a human.

Fair enough! That's why I asked. Fair point to me. Your "human shape" could last a bit longer than that.

Also! I'll take a look at that circle of song and get back to you.



I don’t think the Pixie needs to be nerfed at all. HP is more about narrative than a health meter. If anything, her fragile nature will be offset by her ability to be harder to hit. And the restrictions on weight and armor and the like will likely be a nerf on its own.

Steve Gorak

Hey, I like the way you think JharyOComnah, it’s all good and fair. I’ll post my rolls when I’m on my computer (pretty happy with them). FYI, I’m fine with everything You said.

Also, and I actually want to hear everyone's opinion on this, is it fair to ask for some sort of penalty on hit points or something else (?) to reflect her extremely small and fragile stature. Maybe I just don't have a good grip on all the adjoining rules to being "tiny" size.

Slapping a penalty to strength (very appropriate) or constitution (if you want something with a bit of bite to offset the benefits) makes sense, but it’s a bit futile since the character is a Druid with flight (shapechanger & magic user & will never be in the front lines).

as for tweaking shape change, I’d say humans are mammals, so if circle of the moon, it can be done at level 2 under normal rules. If another Druid type, perhaps a special feat to add that specific “animal”, plus maybe a small rider to make the feat worth while (learn invisibility (can add to to known spells) plus can cast it 1 per day? Level 4 is not too far away anyways.



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