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D&D 5E 5E A Bard's Tale [Recruiting]


First Post
I would be interesting in playing if you still have room in the group. This sounds like it could be a really interesting campaign.

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I believe we do still have room. I think only three of us had actually signed up, and the original post says 4-6. I, for one, would feel much safer with more people than less. I have a feeling this campaign is going to be a beast.


First Post
OK, here is my character idea:

Jack was born to an Elvish mother and a Human father who was a count. Theirs was an arranged/political marriage between two minor kingdoms. The marriage surprisingly worked out quite well, and they had a truly happy marriage with a deep love for each other and their child. Unfortunately, it was not able to cement the relationship between their two kingdoms and war followed.

Jacks family was targeted in one of the attacks and his father and mother were killed when he was only 6 years old and he was taken captive by an evil Necromancer. Over the years that followed he was abused and neglected until. The Necromancer had gotten tired of him long since and was about to get rid of him when somehow, Jack made the Necromancer do something which he had not done in years, he made the Necromancer laugh.

From that point on, he was trained up to be the Necromancer's personal jester. Jack had by this point gained a particularly morbid sense of humor and specialized in physical comedy. The Necromancer was not much for music, but did like types of rhythmic chanting. To this end Jack learned to play drums, the Tambourine, and his personal favorite, the drum box. A long the way he was also able to steal snip-its of his masters arcane knowledge. He slowly was able to work this knowledge into his playing and performance and turned himself into a self made bard.

Eventually he was able to use his cunning and wit to overcome his master and escape his long time imprisonment. Not having a home or family to return to he has turned to wandering. Though separated from his family at a young age he was still able to cling to the morales which his parents had taught him. As such he has fought against evil in all of its varieties, from petty criminals to warlords, but he has an especial hatred for Necromancers who enslave and destroy.


First Post
I have some ideas for what magical item I would like, but I would like to message them to you, Jack has some secrets in his past he would like to keep hidden.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
I duly apologize folks, but real life has gotten in the way. A situation has occurred with work, and I will be too limited on my time for a bit until the situation can be resolved, which may be as long as a few weeks. I wish you all well. Enjoy this very interesting sounding campaign.


I has a question for Trogdor regarding interpretation of rules. This question assumes our party will survive a good number of levels, which may or may not be realistic, but I can't help it.

For warlocks, some of their invocations have a level requirement. Such as the Master of Myriad Forms. Which gives "Alter Self" at will, without using a spell slot. And it requires level 15.

Now, many other times, when a level is required, its specifies class level, not character level. But, in this case, it doesn't specify. I've seen some DM's rule that this requirement is a character level requirement, and others have ruled that it's the opposite.

So I need to know, if I were to say, take two levels of Warlock at levels 14 and 15, or 15 and 16, would I be able to take that invocation? It's really the only invocation I want, and the only reason I'd want to take Warlock at all.

In the end, it's mainly an RP reason. While Gavin seems to love attention, in reality he doesn't like being treated differently. He's learned to live with it, because what else is he going to do, cut his wings off?

At first, he had Disguise Self, but it was an illusion and he hates illusions. He's just not good at it. Then he became level 10, and started studying magic from other classes, and discovered "Alter Self". I know it's almost a waste of Magical Secrets, but I couldn't help it, because it means he can get rid of his wings every now and then, even if it's only for an hour at a time, and even if it costs a spell slot.

But if an Archfey were to come to him and offer the ability to Alter Self at will, if only he were to grant said Archfey certain favors...it might just be too much of a temptation for him to resist.

But, I wouldn't want to take more than two levels in Warlock. And I'd only do it if it were possible to get that Invocation. Unless there's another way for him to have Alter Self at will...

Voidrunner's Codex

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