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Search results

  1. industrygothica

    I need some ideas for a quick 5e one-shot

    We're playing 5th edition d&d, and I have a one-shot scheduled for this Sunday. The idea is this: Some previous adventurers were deep in the woods on an unrelated adventure. While they were there they ran across an old, dilapidated crossing a shallow stream. There were no other structures...
  2. industrygothica

    D&D 5E LIFE DRAIN (Specter, Wraith, Wight, et al)

    Maybe this is answered somewhere else, but I'll be damned if I can find it. Life Drain Melee Spell Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal...
  3. industrygothica

    D&D 5E Curse of Strahd - Death House

    CanadienneBacon “Looky there!” the thug whispered to his partner. Trolling the foggy alleyways of Waterdeep was finally about to pay off. The woman was staggering drunk; they could smell the ale on her before they even reached her. “Easy lass,” the second thug said. “Here, let us help you.”...
  4. industrygothica

    D&D 5E [RAVENLOFT] [5e] Death House OOC

    Image by alexandre-deschaumes The woods are quiet this night, and the air grows chill. Your fire sputters as a low mist gathers around the edges of your camp, growing closer as the night wears on. By morning, the fog hangs thick in the air, turning the trees around you into gray ghosts. Then...
  5. industrygothica

    D&D 5E IG's "It's a Brand New World" [IC]

    This will not only be a (hopefully) great game, but also an exercise in world-building. For those who happen to be following along, but are not currently playing, feel free to chime in in the OOC thread. We'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas. I have a little black journal that I'm keeping...
  6. industrygothica

    D&D 5E IG's "It's a Brand New World" [Rogue's Gallery]

    For archival purposes, please post your characters in an SBLOCK with your character's name, class, and level. Example: You can break down your character however you want inside this block, including even more blocks by class, race, and background if that makes it easier for you. Just make sure...
  7. industrygothica

    D&D 5E [D&D 5e] It's a Brand New World [FULL]

    (Please forgive the huge images in this post. I'm sure there is a way to make them smaller, but I've yet to figure it out) Rogue's Gallery Kiraya_TiDrekan, Shayuri, this is for you guys. This is my fledgling world, as yet unnamed. The basic concepts are generic fantasy and...
  8. industrygothica

    Help with a custom magic item/artifact

    Note: Players of my TLB game should NOT read this thread. I could use some help with the following magic item: Necromancer's Staff, Level 4+ Implement (Staff) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 necrotic damage per plus Power (Daily): Free action. Use this power when...
  9. industrygothica

    World of Darkness/V:tR (NOT a recruitment thread)

    So I managed to get hold of some WoD/VtR books and it all seems pretty interesting. I've played VtR once here a few years ago and liked it quite a bit but, sadly, the game fizzled after a short amount of time. I don't think I've seen any other VtR games recruiting since then, honestly. So, I...
  10. industrygothica

    [D&D 4e] IG's "Those Left Behind, Chapter 4(e)"

    Welcome, players and lurkers. Nearing its 4th year at EN World, and in its 4th chapter, Those Left Behind has finally made the transition to 4th edition. Players: jkason as Shaimon Hu'u, a human ranger/druid (with Dyspeer, his loyal [and effective] wolf companion) Shayuri as Talashia...
  11. industrygothica

    IG is out of town for a bit

    As fate would have it, a family emergency has come up and I'll be leaving town for a bit. I should have internet access, but I don't know how often I'll be able to post, if at all. I do apologize for the continued interruptions of all of my games, both as DM and a player... it seems I just...
  12. industrygothica

    IG's Internet Outage *update*

    FYI: My internet connection is currently giving me fits, and it might be until next week before I can get it fixed. Until then, I may or may not have internet access. If I am a player in your game, please NPC my character if I'm holding things up--or just remove me from the group for excessive...
  13. industrygothica

    [D&D 4e] IG's "Those Left Behind, Chapter 4" [OOC]

    Chapter 4 should be starting very soon, assuming we can pull off a satisfactory conclusion to chapter 3. I've got a plan, but we all know how plans go around here... Character Records
  14. industrygothica

    D&D 4E [D&D 4e] IG's "Those Left Behind, Chapter 4" Character Records

    Attach character records here, please. A PDF from the Character Builder would be great, otherwise just post a legible statblock. It is imperative that you include your character background along with your sheet. Please, do not post anything other than your character sheet in this thread...
  15. industrygothica

    IG Invades the Big Easy

    Looks like I'll be tagging along with the Mrs. and the mini-me's for another fun-filled adventure in New Orleans. We're leaving on Friday, and we'll be gone for about 10 days. Last time I was there I had complete internet access, and so posting was not an issue. As things are apt to change...
  16. industrygothica

    IG's "The Witchlight Strand" [Character Records]

    Attach a current PDF or an approved statblock, please. Or both... -IG
  17. industrygothica

    [D&D 4e] IG's "The Witchlight Strand"

    Luther Dien and the barbarian Kail make their way through the celebrating crowd at the Wyvern's Nest in upper Port Magalie. Kail has left the small group still remaining at the table--Druthruss, Pier, and the rugged Vatan--a token--a cold arrow--to take back to the barbarian tribes of...
  18. industrygothica

    IG's "Those Left Behind" [OOC-2]

    I've been threatening a new OOC thread for a while, so here it is... minus the 1300+ posts in the last one. And I have a question... and a simple one, at that. Do you guys prefer maps to go along with battles and combat posts, or do you just prefer I narrate it and leave it at that? Maps...
  19. industrygothica

    [4e] IG's The Witchlight Strand [OOC]

    The mysterious Witchlights hang in the horizon as a blazing cargo ship crashes into the docks of Port Magalie. A lone barbarian stands tall on the crumbling vessel, pushing back a horde of goblins fighting to get off the ship. A haphazard team of adventurers, previously unknown to each other...
  20. industrygothica

    IG's "Those Left Behind" Chapter 3

    Cast: Scotley as Rogash Ungart, dwarven fighter/rogue jkason as Shaimon Hu'u, human barbarian/druid Shayuri as Talashia Thingol, human sorcerer Leif as Uulark Simental, human cleric Scott DeWar as Caerwyn Thingol, human barbarian/paladin of freedom Friadoc as Buurt Wolfhart, half-orc scout...