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Search results

  1. L

    D&D 2E 3.x Spells with 2e sensibilities?

    Ladies, Gentlemen, Children of All Ages (Allowed to Post on ENWorld), I've been looking for a possible source for spells listed by the 2e 'rarity' system for 3.x. Sadly my Googling skills are weak OR no one has ever actually completed one. I'm also looking for any possible conversions of...
  2. L

    Pathfinder 1E Master Components List?

    Dear Gentle ENWorlders, Google has failed me somehow. Our group's spellcaster and I were discussing spell component availability affecting regional casters and came to a sudden realization: There seems to be no master list of spell components in print. I've looked around the Internet for a...
  3. L

    Suave Savagery

    I always see barbarians in pelts, Druids in ragged robes, and shaman in breech clouts... This changes today. What are your tales of 'Savage' classes turned suave, debanoir, and urbane? I began to think of such things after being reminded of my favorite 'Paladin'. Who happened to be a tough...
  4. L

    Apologies and Explanation for Absence

    I really missed writing a blog... And when ENWorld's blog feature disappeared I just lost some of my steam. Not anymore. For the last few months I have been writing posts going more in-depth on some of the topics I cover here over at The Good Gaming Blog. Just wanted to hip those who used to...
  5. L

    The Debt of the Seas

    The Debt of the Seas is a tale that has appeared among men who have braved voyages across the Great Sea. Those sailors who pass certain places while asleep say the story fills their dreams. There are many who claim that the tale is completely incorrect, though men of the Arts have wondered...
  6. L


    Jarlo ran down the winding streets of Elm, seeking any respite. The dawn had brought their notice in writing only he could see, and the debt will be paid. He had been running for hours, seeing their ragged robes, smelling their coppery breath. They descended on him. He could not run. The...
  7. L

    Flesh Price

    The Flesh Price is the Initial Cost any Adventurer has acquired before he begins his Adventure. This rate varies depending on the Adventurer's Class, time/quality of training, Caste, and Advantages/Flaws. The Debt cannot be bypassed by anything short of death, and even then an individual's...
  8. L

    Prataferro: A New Campaign

    So I have officially decided to close the books on Legendfall for at least awhile... But the homebrewing bug has yet to leave the cockles of my heart. Or perhaps the sub-cockles... Somewhere in the general cardiac area. After delving into the Economy of D&D a bit I think I've found my muse in...
  9. L

    Favorite Mundane Characters in High Magic Settings?

    So I was actually thinking today about our cavalcade of posts discussing mages being overpowered and show-stoppers... And then started wondering about mundane characters in high fantasy settings. To be honest I find myself drawn moreso to the Mundane (or Mundane with Magic Item) characters in...
  10. L

    Weather and other Random Generations

    Denizens... So I actually was really intrigued by a recent article on Gnome Stew about generating a Year of Random Weather.. And so I tracked down the Dragon Article (Old Archives CDs ftw!) it is based on (Dragon 137, p. 34-42)... And have come to the realization why AD&D numbers always feel...
  11. L

    Economy and D&D

    So I've been thinking due to a few threads about the actual intrinsic value of life for a humanoid in D&D versus a human being in our current time. From the age of adulthood (15 per 3.x PHB Table 6-4) to the maximum age range (110) a human unskilled laborer who never adventurers and just...
  12. L

    Streamline the Epic Sandbox

    Location/Group Rules: Locations as “Characters”. In a sandbox game it can be difficult to keep track of a truly organic play experience. From discussions with various DMs who have attempted the sandbox in multiple settings showing overall measured signs of ‘change’ can be difficult to quantify...
  13. L

    Sources for Interesting Characters?

    So I ran across something I had completely forgotten about that I used to have a hard copy around for... Professional Criminals of America . This is utterly fantastic... And probably the best source of a rogue's gallery I have seen in, ever. Dozens of sketches exist within the pages detailing...
  14. L

    (Remember When You Were Young . . .) One Shot Advice

    Generating up a one-shot for personal use using the FATE system (a la the Dresden Files RPG)... I've been a bit of a fan of the concepts of the system over its overall application, but I have a few 'roleplaying interested' individuals who want something rules light to dip their feet into...
  15. L

    Sexual Dimorphism in Humanoids?

    First off, just in case there are those who are going to be confused or not aware of what I'm going for in the title... Here is what we'll be discussing. I've noticed that most player race seems to be based on the classic human morphology, with the additional of the occasional fin or feather...
  16. L

    Spirits Their Capture and Binding

    Spirits Their Capture and Binding (ಸ್ಪಿರಿಟ್ಸ್ ಅವರ ಕ್ಯಾಪ್ಚರ್ ಮತ್ತು ಬಂಧಕತೆಯು ರಂದು) is a chapbook of 115 pgs. that contains the musings and practical knowledge of Historian Bern and his understanding of the ways of spirits in the Horn. Bern defines a spirit as "an entity that lies outside of...
  17. L

    Historian Bern

    Jarlson Bern ([born Lir Twilightson]432-517 AV), born in the Temple of Our Lady of Twilight, was the Keeper of Lore for the Church of the Sun Lord (468-513 AV). A Brother-Protectant before this appointment, Bern served as the Protectant of Brother Lars Dawnscryer, Dawnbinder of the Grand...
  18. L

    Weapons of the Hundred Hands

    So I'm running a Campaign via IRC that is a low-magic e6 Pathfinder campaign... And one of the things I've been playing with is the series of weapons related to the Hundred Hands. If you read the GSG thread with some of its history you'll see that the founder of two large Empires came from a...
  19. L


    Tevash (Zaj: Խաղ հիմար, or Ildi Tevash, The Fool's Journey) is a traditional Zajan board and tile game played with specially carved sets of two interlocking tiles. The traditional Zajan Tevash board is a thin trifold board made of Zajan alabaster with a carved field and small ebony boards to...
  20. L

    Legendfall (Campaign)
