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Warhammer 40K Wrath and Glory (WANG / W&G) - Form Fillable Character Sheets

Warhammer 40K Wrath and Glory (WANG / W&G) - Form Fillable Character Sheets 1

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As the official character sheets contained errors and were not fully form fillable, and especially lacked the ability to add Psychic Powers, I modified the original version heavily to be more useful for character advancement and creation.

The following files are available:
  • W&G_Character_Sheet_Form_Fillable.pdf
    is used for normal characters who have no Psyker abilities
  • W&G_Character_Sheet_Form_Fillable_OnePage_Psyker.pdf
    is used for starting Psykers (list contains 11 Powers)
  • W&G_Character_Sheet_Form_Fillable_TwoPage_Psyker.pdf
    is used for higher tier Psykers (list can contain far more Powers)
  • W&G_Character_Sheet_Psychic_Powers_Only.pdf
    is used for chars which became Psykers later

A full list of changes:
  • p1. Possibility to attach an image
  • p1. Have a character name and the archetype as a form field (it was written there before but you could not type anything there)
  • p2. Added BP as an extra field to keep track
  • p2. Added “Modifier” and “Adjusted” values for Attributes, Traits, Skills. Adjusted or Ratings are automatically calculated from the Base and Modifier
  • p2. Defense, Resilience, Soak, Shock, Wounds, Conviction, Passive Awareness, Resolve and Influence are now automatically calculated. Influence has an extra field for archetype bonuses.
  • p2. Wealth is initially also automatically calculated but you can manually overwrite it
  • p2. It will automatically calculate now if you are not/lightly or heavily wounded and display it
  • p2. It will automatically tell you what your corruption level is (pure, etc.)
  • p2. Weapons – I added the Keyword field there and changed the spacing of the fields
  • p2. I combined all the smaller fields from Species Ability, Archetype and Archetype ability to write in them more easily. There is now a javascript which converts the writing into font size 8 and gives it the correct line spacing.
  • p2. Skills are now automatically calculated, once you give the skill rating and bonuses yourself
  • p3. I moved background to the right side, making the objective field smaller (also moved the “objective achieved” icon next to objectives)
  • p3. Gear became bigger (as when I was putting my characters inside it was too small)
  • p3. All field are now combined within one “headline” (e.g. all former talent fields are now just one field). Javascript again kicks in to organize font size and line spacing. For field where you could not make multiple lines connect to each other (e.g. in Objectives, where they do not have the same size), I have a javascript which automatically jumps into the next line of the new text field once the current one runs out of space (making it easier to write stuff inside on the computer).
  • p4. Added again new text field to write your name, archetype, background story and Allies (nothing was there before).
  • p3/4. I completely created two pages for Psychic Mastery from scratch. Now you have a small summary of Psychic Powers and you can put a list with all the necessary information (Name, Discipline, Keywords,...)
  • A lot of fields have a javascript which converts the written into size 8 and the correct line spacing. While rich formatting is still in place, meaning you can have bold font and underlined font available.
  • I moved a lot of textfields around to have them closer to the underscoring line
  • I changed the spacing of the underscores so that all gaps should be gone now
  • Alignment of fields, text, etc.

I am happy to take any suggestions for other/missing functions or corrections!

All artwork rights belong to Ulisses.
First release
Last update
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  1. Warhammer 40K Wrath and Glory (WANG / W&G) - Form Fillable Character Sheets

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/6367-WrathGlory_Logo_V2_hard-1-1024x442.png As the official...
  2. Warhammer 40K Wrath and Glory (WANG / W&G) - Form Fillable Character Sheets

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/6367-WrathGlory_Logo_V2_hard-1-1024x442.png As the official...
  3. Warhammer 40K Wrath and Glory (WANG / W&G) - Form Fillable Character Sheets

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