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Open Quest

Open Quest 1

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A complete and easy to play Fantasy Roleplaying game, with monsters, magic and exotic locales. OpenQuest uses the classic D100 rules mechanic, which uses percentages to express the chance of success or failure. Open Quest is based on the Mongoose RuneQuest SRD (MRQ SRD), with ideas from previous editions of Chaosium’s RuneQuest and Stormbringer 5th, mixed in with some common sense house rulings from the author’s twenty years of experience with the D100 system. OpenQuest is OPEN! Everything in the core OpenQuest rule book, except the illustrations by Simon Bray, is open gaming content under the Open Gaming Licence. This means that you can use all or part of the book to produce your own games, rules, adventures even for commercial release as long as you include the Open Gaming Licence included in the back of the book. Permission is granted to distribute this PDF for free.

What’s this Fantasy Roleplaying game about? OpenQuest is a game of fantasy adventure. It takes place in the imagination of its players, in worlds where dragons live and magic exists and works! The players can take on the roles of brave warriors, crafty thieves, mysterious sorcerers and any other type of fantasy character that they can think of. It uses the Mongoose Publishing RuneQuest System Resource Document. Maximum thanks to Mongoose Publishing for making this document available. It also incorperates ideas from previous editions of RuneQuest & Stormbringer released by Chaosium Inc. -D101 Games
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